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@BenjaminGruenbaum And yet, it doesn't mean you should just kill the rest.
The army is not too interesting in the amount of open source code it produces, don't forget PHP for example has a lot of roots in Israel. That said I dislike PHP as a language (* begin hate *).
We use C# at work and asp.net. We use it because we got it for free from Microsoft as well as hosting and all their kick ass tools, would we have used them if they weren't free? Maybe, not really sure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know many developers, me included, who dislike programming in close source languges (read: Microsoft languages).
And it's a shame
Because the army needs programmers like air
It has next to none, and we're falling behind on this one
Israel has some very very potent developers, not just web, but in general. And yet, the army fails miserably at spotting those.
@MadaraUchiha Ah, if only I could respond to that in this forum, but sadly I can't :)
@MadaraUchiha how long have you still got?
@BenjaminGruenbaum כשהציעו לי קצונה, ביקשתי ללכת ליחידה של תכנות, הדרישות היו או תואר ראשון, או קורס צבאי מקדים, שכמובן לא היה לי
I'm in keva :)
Well, I have to go now.
Good night, catch up later.
Keva sucks :P
It was a pleasure talking to you, hope to see you tomorrow :)
See you, and if you need a job, let me know ;)
No reason to stay in Keva
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM main WHERE id = ?");
In the above script,
if I do now know how many rows table main has
Is there anyway, to prevent undefined offset from occuring?
foreach($stmt as $row){
   $row // will only return array.
I could say $row[0] or $row[1] and so on, but what If I do not know, how many rows there are inside the table??
check if ( isset ( $row['offset'] ) )
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Huh? All rows in the recordset contain the same amount of columns
@PeeHaa埽 Yes. But, sometimes I would like to use the script for different site/records. So, I need to make this dynamic. instead of configuring it, for each purpose
@joschua011 that is the point. I could break of a loop, if offset occurs. but, how do you check for an offset?
empty() and if(!) apparently do not work
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Sounds like a bad thing to make generic / bad design to me.
u should not be too concerned about design issues if someones name is @phpNoOBఠ_ఠ ^^
no offense, just let him learn the basics before talking about that
@PeeHaa埽 I hoped not. Because, I am writing a dashboard-like script. Where Installed and after with few configurations, it gives CRUD access to a main site. sadly, many sites have different tabular structure.
@joschua011 I am not THAT Noob !!
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Do you know about database normalization?
@PeeHaa埽 Not quite. Although, what I had in mind was somewhat like that.
The concept at-least.
That should shade a light about my latest crazy idea
I am pretty much jack of all trades. I start things, but never finish them. But in this case, I am very commited for his one. Because, I do not have any self-made control panel for all my sites.
I have to manually access phpMyadmin to even correct spelling mistakes lol
foreach($stmt as $row){
That did the favor, for now
@DemCodeLines why so sad?
Depressed because school ended so I am going to miss it, one of my very good friends is moving away and I don't have a ton of friends. Not feeling very good :(
@MadaraUchiha It only waits 2 secs for a response from php.net, if it's going slow or the site is down it won't work. It does cache stuff in local storage but I guess that wasn;t in yours
Evening @all
Evening @DaveRandom, how goes it?
@hakre We've got enough years for that not to be a problem :)
literally every Stack Overflow thread ever: http://i.imgur.com/dOLkgVR.png
hi guys sorry i have a question because i didnt understand what it mean ,
please what it mean this :
Make sure the value of $_POST['p'] is already hashed from javascript, if you are not using this method because you want to validate the password server side then make sure you hash it.
---- >is already hashed from javascript AND make sure you hash it
@igorw pretty awesome
@echo_Samir do you know what a hash is?
Q: Fundamental difference between Hashing and Encryption algorithms

Kenny CasonI see a lot of confusion between hashes and encryption algorithms and I would like to hear some more expert advice about: When to use hashes vs encryptions What makes a hash or encryption algorithm different (from a theoretical/mathematical level) i.e. what makes hashes irreversible (without ai...

@BenjaminGruenbaum i got it from here wikihow.com/… in registration page but i didnt understand how to do it ,
@Ocramius heya, welcome back ;-)

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