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@ScottW In Linus voice: "Talk is cheap. Show me the code!"
@sehe The selling points seem to be: 1) single codec that's good at both voice and music, 2) very low latency. Fidelity per bitrate seems to be competitive, but not a big advantage.
@JerryCoffin 3) open, royalty-free
@sehe That's clearly good, but not necessarily an advantage over (say) Vorbis.
I like AAC. Pity it's not free from licensing.
@JerryCoffin We know that
I do like flac
These days storage less of an issue so flac is viable.
My phone has 64GB. I'm only using half of it.
But it doesn't play flac :(
I use lossless AAC instead.
I also invented an lossless code. I call it "Zipped WAV".
I've always been confused by WAV/PCM being classified as lossless.
the ones we use at work sure have lost a lot
@StackedCrooked 1080p FLAC BD rips are still mindboggingly big :/
I changed my Terminal configuration so that any unknown command redirects to sl.
what's sl? :)
@StackedCrooked wrong phone :) My phone does flac. Though I use mp3 320kpbs (on the phone)
And I'm getting hooked on Spotify
@MooingDuck The encoding doesn't lose anything from the original samples. The samples may lose an arbitrary amount
@MooingDuck Sorry i went away but it was urgent
@JerryCoffin ah, samples aren't part of the encoding? k
@Xeo steam locomotive
It's is command line application that animates a steam locomotive passing over the screen. It can not be interrupted with Ctrl-C. It's very likely to happen if you often use the ls command.
@MooingDuck I saw what you wrote in the chat, There is part that doesnt make sense, or in other words its a big contradiction
Wait, it has a handler for the interrupt signal? How mean
@StackedCrooked which is ... strange. I use ls -lt | head quite often, especially in watch 'ls -lt | head' but that's about it
@Xeo It supposed to be educational
@sehe What is strange?
@MooingDuck "so int i default initializes i which means no initialization is performed. So is it initialized or not?"


"The lifetime of an object of type T begins when:
— storage with the proper alignment and size for type T is obtained, and
— if the object has non-trivial initialization, its initialization is complete.""
@MohamedAhmedNabil yeah, I didn't really know about that contradiction until I read the official spec. The later quote clarifies though
@Xeo Only the handlers for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be changed.
@StackedCrooked Using ls very often
@MohamedAhmedNabil int has a trivial initialization
@MooingDuck meaning?
@sehe If you know your filesystem inside out, but that's not the case for my debian box atm :P
@sehe I'm not sure if there are any statistics out there, but I think it's pretty high on the most frequently used list of unix commands.
@MohamedAhmedNabil int has a trivial initialization because nobody coded a coded a constructor for it.
@MohamedAhmedNabil being initialized != being completely initialized.
@Xeo Huh. ls is hardly what I use when I'm looking for stuff. It certainly doesn't scale. find .... | grep ... FTW. mlocate -i ... | less etc. etc.
@StackedCrooked Followed by pointless uses of cat?
@MohamedAhmedNabil and since it has a trivial initializer, it's lifetime begins when space is allocated for it.
I probably use find most.
@MooingDuck but it isnt intialized completly?
@StackedCrooked Yeah, because people use it to gain experience by looking at what is there. But once you get past the stage where you are awed by the existence of files...
Ugh, calculus.
@MohamedAhmedNabil and another part of the spec implies that initialized objects are "objects whose lifetime (3.8) has begun"
Meh, not that I'm using my debian box that often anyways
@MohamedAhmedNabil That is not necessary.
@MohamedAhmedNabil therefore, it is initialized at that point, despite the fact it's initialization was no initialization.
@StackedCrooked Me too. That, and tricks like vim **/*.csproj
I'd like to have a Linux only PC, but I can't abandon all the visual novels and games and stuff, and I don't want to set up a vbox for that
@MooingDuck when people say that this i=0 is the intialization, Do they have a wrong idea or is it just common to say that?
You can think of the initialization of trivial types as the zero of initialization.
@Xeo visual novels? we have comic book readers. Games, yeah touchy topic.
@MohamedAhmedNabil if that is int i=0; then they are 100% correct. If the int i is on a different line, then it's just a common saying and they have the wrong idea
@sehe Don't know that trick. I suppose it recursively opens all .csproj files below the current directory?
@Xeo can't say I'm a game adept:
Jun 28 at 21:56, by sehe
@Cicada Not hardcore? I just recently bought the Indie bundle 5, but if I got more than 3 hours of gameplay out of the total, it will be a generous estimate
^ I haven't revisited a single game ever since that moment
@sehe "Visual novels" are often packaged as .exes or weird formats that run on a Windows-only program.
@StackedCrooked Precisely. It's called globstar (a.k.a. extended file globs) and vim has it by default.
@MooingDuck sometimes when talking to people i have to work around the fact they have the wrong idea and alot of people do
@MohamedAhmedNabil yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. Screw those
@sehe Those are the ones he likes.
Are the newer VNs also packaged like that? These days it ought to be all about HTML5. Probably not profitable though :D
@MooingDuck at school we learn visual basic, so just checking, is it the same in visual basic?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I suppose. That's ok. Wine might do for that, obviously
@StackedCrooked To call from the shell, you need shopt -s globstar in bash
?! W.
@Xeo simple solution: Mine craft.
@sehe Whats wrong?
@Drise That's not a visual novel.
@MohamedAhmedNabil They teach Visual Basic? <gasp/>
@MohamedAhmedNabil VB has different syntax. Dim i as Int or something like that.
correct stacked
And yes they are always initialized to default values (being 0 or Nothing IIRC)
God, I hate lounge mobile
Correct? Wow, it's been 10 years ago I last used the language. And that would have been my exam "GUI programming".
@sehe If it's like C#, local variables are not. I wouldn't be surprised if VB didn't do that, though.
@Drise You have a lounge mobile? Sounds chill
Locals are not default init
@sehe i hate that language too. thats why i learn C++ in the summer
@R.MartinhoFernandes But that's not the case. AFAIK
Does anyone take Visual Basic as a good language?
I love Vb
I once had to output some XML at work, and I liked its XML literals. That's it.
@MohamedAhmedNabil VB.Net? It's passable
I think Konrad once said he liked VB because it uses words instead of ascii art.
Maybe it was somebody else though.
My biggest gripe with it, despite verboseness which is a bit subjective, is lack of yield.
vb.net is good, vb6 isnt
@R.MartinhoFernandes WHAT. Is that missing?! Craziness
@sehe Might be in in the latest one, but I know for sure it wasn't on 2010.
@Ell vb6 is to VB.Net as COM is to CLR
Makes LINQ kinda sad.
@sehe It would be better off teaching Java at school as apposed to VB, Dont you think?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, you'd be limited to predefined/existing enumerators and query syntax. I hate the latter
Fuck java
@MohamedAhmedNabil Sure. VB.Net might just be ok, maybe
@MohamedAhmedNabil no, the details I've been giving you the last four days are specifically about C++
Java can die.
fuck java
It's not bad
A: Should I learn VB.NET or C#?

Konrad RudolphI’m an all-out VB enthusiast. So perhaps my answer might carry a little weight, because I actually advise against starting with it. The optimal solution, as someone has already suggested, would be to learn both languages. This is because both languages have shaped the architecture of the .NET fr...

@sehe VB query syntax is even worse. It tries to be smart and... well, fucks up with you. Gimme a moment and I'll show it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Worse than C#? How is that even.
Q: Why can't I project ToString() in VB?

R. Martinho FernandesIf you try to compile the query below in Visual Basic .NET, it fails. From x In {1, 2} Select x.ToString() The error given by the compiler is: Range variable name cannot match the name of a member of the 'Object' class. There is nothing wrong with the equivalent C# query, though: from x...

Somehow, I think I have offended @Xeo by saying I haven't used my Indie bundle, like, at all
C# and VB are practically translations. Speak Spanish or Portuguese.
There are a bunch of quirks. And no yield.
Also, Spanish and Portuguese are not as similar as you think. (Which Spanish?)
Spain spanish
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nice. VB has it's own most vexing parse!
@Drise Right, which one? There are at least four spoken in Spain.
@sehe its middle school, It makes people feel they are doing something rather than just working on a console windows
Mexico Taco Taco
Galaecian is quite similar, but it's sometimes referred to as a variant of Portuguese (or vice-versa).
I'm going to play I'm the merkin and I don't know better card
@MooingDuck Its strange that professors in "STANFORD" have it wrong about the initializing thing ??!!!
@MohamedAhmedNabil I don't get the logic at all. You do everything else in console windows? Why? Get an IDE. Do GUI programming. No need for VB
@sehe GUI is harder in C++ than drawing on button is VB
@MohamedAhmedNabil Well. I'd be shocked if programmers didn't know. Professors... they're supposed to teach you programming in the abstract, not a particular language (or even language implementation) IYAM
@MohamedAhmedNabil Who said C++?
@MohamedAhmedNabil not really. Everyone thinks about "the object being set to a defined value", and nobody really cares about actual initialization.
VB has the advantage of respectable execution time coupled with easy and fast deployment of the application. C++ simply can't compete in that respect.
Be way to create GUI is using a markup language like XUL in my opinion.
@Drise CLR has that advantage. Not VB
Still, c++ can't compete
@StackedCrooked @Nils would probably blurt:
15 hours ago, by Nils
Apparently some people haven't heard of Qt: http://benzilla.galbraiths.org/2012/08/27/pixate/
@StackedCrooked I don't know XUL, but I totally agree with the idea.
@Drise Nor does it have to
Qt comes close.
Qt just may very well bridge the VB/C# and C++ gap
I've been using Qt lately. API goes against much of modern C++. But, it performs well.
@Drise Other than that it makes deployment worse :) And there is notable means for interop.
@MooingDuck I was listening to a CS lecture and the woman said "The problem here is that the variable sum isnt intialized" altough this int sum was written
How is Qt gonna bridge VB/C# and C++?
The features of C# I like the most are: yield, expression trees, reasonably decent generics, and async/await. C++ can only compete with the generics.
It brings .net to c++ and makes it cross platform
@MohamedAhmedNabil local variable? True story. Also, why do you get hung up on minor mistakes? Is the course that boring? Is human fallibility an unsurmountable problem?
@Drise Erm, .NET is not WinForms.
@sehe Professors????? That godam dude cant even teach VB, He failed at showing the difference between constants and variables, I correct him all the time
No, fuck win forms.
@MohamedAhmedNabil That seems like a lovely habit
Well, .NET is not a GUI framework.
@MohamedAhmedNabil You need to distinguish the language of programming in general from the language of the C++ Standard in particular.
@sehe Its not minor mistakes i get hyped about, The teacher cant tell the difference between a variable and a constant
@sehe And with the minor mistake, the one i saw in the Stanford lecture, I was just checking to know was it a mistake or not
@Mohamed you do get quite caught up in the minute details.
I'm sure he can.
In C++ variables can be constant :v
@MohamedAhmedNabil You mentioned at least three other things that incited your anger. I'm just observing a pattern. You might want to focus on your own education instead of that of your professors.
@Drise I just wanna make sure im not missing anything.
Unless, of course, you see an opportunity to get your college tuition back
@sehe You are right ;/
Fill your head with useful furniture, not random garbage of miniscule details. Life is too short, and you can only recall so much.
Most silly thing about Qt is that you need that moc tool if you want to do event handling.
@Drise That's a bit hypocrite for you to say :) (inside information)
stacked, so? It comes with the IDE by default.
@sehe Its just there are some thing that can make me twitch, The fact that at the end of the year the entire class will take an exam in something that he failed to inform the students about, and he wont be the one correcting the exam
@Drise /the IDE/ <--- face palm
SDK, you know what I mean.
I don't like coupling my code tightly with the IDE. I am using QtCreator though, but in legacy Makefile modus and it runs scripts that call CMake and Make.
ew cmake
@MohamedAhmedNabil Life is like that. It isn't fair. Consider yourself lucky: at least you will know, by teaching yourself, that you actually understand. You'll not just have been spoonfed.
I know, I'm exaggerating... but still. Look at the positive side. Or change the perspective (switch schools)
I'd rather have CMake than an IDE as a dependency.
@StackedCrooked +1
@sehe Alright :)
QMake, not the side.
cmake isn't so bad
Its not the IDE, it's QMAKE. A lot nicer format than cmake
QMake isn't required, in essence all you need is moc and gcc.
And the headers and binaries to link with of course.
Qmake Makes it pretty and simple.
FUCK autocorrect.
@Drise "Qmake makes it" - well, have you ever :)
Thank you sehe
hey! That's my word!
Duck autocorrect!
What I do like about QtCreator is that if you use a Qmake file it doesn't need a project file. It generates the project view from the information extraced from the Qmake file.
That's neat.
What if we were in a "Matrix"?
has anyone ever really thought about that?
@Ell Ford Prefect!
@sehe Mord Fustang
@Drise Yes. Lots of people.
Alrighty got 1817 users for my silly Wikipedia-anime enhancer app. Userbase has been growing slowly over a period of a nearly a year now. Nice to see that some people are actually finding it useful :P
@Drise Can't Hitchhike in that very often. Vogon ships take the biscuit
@Drise there's no real interesting conclusions to come to though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ha robot, did you see that! Someone got flustered by my external reference for a change /cc @Drise
God, my cal class is a giant sausage fest
That makes sense
@Drise You gigantic piece of uncultured phlegm.
@MohamedAhmedNabil she just spoke imprecisely. It's common.
You guys completely lost me
@sehe Hehe.
Ford Prefect (also called Ix) is a fictional character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by the British author Douglas Adams. He is the only character other than the protagonist, Arthur Dent, to appear throughout the entire Hitchhiker's saga. Name Although Ford had taken great care to blend into Earth society, he had "skimped a bit on his preparatory research," and thought that the name "Ford Prefect" would be "nicely inconspicuous." Adams later clarified in an interview that Ford "had simply mistaken the dominant life form." The Ford Prefect was, in fact, a British car manufacture...
cal class? What is cal?
Math that should never be discussed.
Damn. Spotify beats the crap out of browsing in my physical CDs. And it doesn't require my fileserver/NAS thingie to be running.
And it has choice: only 50 different recordings of the full Carmina Burana (by Orff).
Now which one is the two-piano version that I'll be playing next month?
I like the iTunes match service.
What's that?
Another price of software Apple can tote around to make them look useful.
price is an apt typo for Apple
@sehe You upload your music library to their cloud service. You can then sync it to your other devices.
I found it to be quite fitting myself, almost didn't correct it.
Google has 25k songs free

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