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if an operation changes an instance of an aggregate it's a method in the aggregate
@PaulCrovella a better question is I wonder how many dic picks we can get sent to @PeeHaa before he has to close his PMs
if an operation changes multiple aggregates, then it's a service method
our friend @PeeHaa is doing research for an app and requires as many dick pics as possible, please DM them to him
our friend @PHPeeHaa is doing research for an app and requires as many dick pics as possible, please DM them to him
That made me realize it's Friday already
however there are several schools of thought about this @Allenph for instance you could go full immutable and have only service methods
@WesStark On the aggregate?
subject, you are missing the subject in your question, and the object :B
That's a new term.
@WesStark I don't get what I'm missing.
On the aggregate? what on the aggregate?
@WesStark Only service methods on the aggregate.
Seems like you would end up looping.
no, ignore that
ignore that
if an operation changes an object that is in the an aggregate it's a method in the aggregate
if an operation changes multiple aggregates, then it's a service method
follow this
Domain objects which are not aggregates should then NOT have services classes. This should be covered in the aggregate's service methods.
(Derivation of your previous statement.)
@PaulCrovella that gif got banned in 9gag... i cri everytime
@JoeWatkins you know what would've made this more effective? "... DM them to her"
Wow does Jeeves find the user tagged and replace it with their twitter profile when tweeting?
yes, it checks their SO profile for a twitter handle
getcwd() does not raise error when it fails – #75000
That's cool
I want to contribute to Jeeves but I can't think of any contributions :|
@PaulCrovella hahaha, that could be true ...
@Alesana come up with something useless but mildly amusing and make a plugin
> ♏ Scorpio | Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Losing weight will improve your performance in all areas of life, but bolting on new shock absorbers is painful and counterproductive.
@PaulCrovella I have been thinking these past days to come up with something like that :3
a plugin where we get random dick pics?
@Alesana take a look at the issues, there's loads to be done
Jeeves: We have DMed a dickpick to PHPeeHaa
@JayIsTooCommon I didn't realize! I will take a look
\o fapor
yo fab
@tereško Just the one, but there's only two shops :P that being the better one
@Fabor I am currently looking at this one as an alternative: youtube.com/watch?v=NZXDgjVY_EI
(that one is availalble)
google.it 1
www.google.it 1
http:\\www.google.it 1
someone tried to open google by searching the url in my search form
@tereško Don't work too hard on this, well, unless you enjoy it. :) I appreciate your help.
sudo http:\\www.google.it 1
@Fabor watch the video (so that you understand the shortcomings) , tell me what you think
I like Bitfenix
google.it could have been used for much more sinister purposes.
@WesStark Was that assertion I made earlier correct?
kk watching
instead it's just google
@Allenph domain objects, value objects ARE part of the aggregate
Anyone got a good starting point for creating an installation system for installing php websites
the entry point for the aggregate is a domain object and it's called aggregate root
Well to start no optical drive needed
i know
@WesStark I understand that. But...that is correct, yes?
Let me clarify.
I didn't even bother to ask about that
it doesn't make sense to say "x has service methods"
Domain objects (including the aggregate root) should have only service methods following your paradigm...
as a service method can potentially span the whole application
They should not have an external class...since the aggregate should have service methods which encompass the scope of the internal domain objects.
Every time I think I understand something.
like Shop::declareBankrupt() // deletes everything from all repos and makes all pages echo "FUCK YOU I'M OUTTA HERE"
Or a better question is how does the wordpress install script work or how could I replicate something similar?
you know it's friday right ?
@tereško Will I have to remove one of the docks for the gfx cards? Also they talk about the PSU not being able to be long. As long as it fits I guess. What is it you like about the case?
Seems like a lot of space comprimising
@WesStark Head Explodes
you didn't say that you needed more than 3 SSD places and 2 HDD spots
Shouldn't tbf.
@Allenph define "have"
service methods are not members of the domain objects
service methods are members of the service classes
I could have posted a very offensive Budd Dwyer GIF instead of "head explodes". Probably good I didn't.
@tereško Seems fine with me, in black :P. Consider it a default, if you find nothing better then it'll do.
@WesStark You said specifically aggregates can have methods on them if they pertain to an instance of that aggregate.
And that service methods spanning multiple aggregates should be in their own class.
yes but they aren't service methods, they are just methods in the aggregate
@Fabor I was trying to find CM Elite 130, but that also is not available
service methods use those methods to change the domain objects / the aggregate
And neither is anything decent from Lian Li
@lix if you need to ask, you're not ready to build it :) start with something smaller
Okay. I got confused on lingo.
@WesStark Services should also be instantiated?
function playerSubscribesContractWithTeam($playerID, $teamID){ <- service method

    $player = $this->repositories->player->fetchByID($playerID, Repo::LOCK_FOR_WRITE);
    $team = $this->repositories->team->fetchByID($teamID, Repo::LOCK_FOR_WRITE);

    $team->getPlayers()->add($playerID); <- add() method on a domain object
    $player->setTeam($teamID); <- setTeam() method on a domain object

@tereško It would be my first smaller case. Almost always had towers :)
@Allenph everything. forget static
there is nothing to put in that tower
Oh I know. Just a cool first.
@WesStark So...I would instantiate a service in every single controller action in which one of its methods are used?
@JayIsTooCommon I'm currently reading through the wordpress files, hopefully I uncover something. Like I have a broad Idea of what would be required though there are a couple of bits I can't find the info to, such as how you would install a mailing system for things such as password reset if not specified by a developer
hell, your board is mITX (because those are the most affordable)
@Allenph whatever works for you. these are details
I will take another look at the bling-bling cases .. maybe there are some, that actually have an airflow
@WesStark Also, your code insinuates that getPlayers() should return a domain object with its own methods which contains an array of players.
@WesStark class Attic { static public $channel = 'z'; }
@tereško Yeah, normally the budget would be 50% more back in UK but meh.
then budget is not an issue
the available gear is
I'm presuming wordpress has a mailing client that uses a different smtp server to send initial account verification, though in my case I need correspondence to be derived from the domain account. I'm not sure if you can even atuomate this kind of procedure from within a genericly created account on x-random linux servers we don't have access to
Problem with ordering from abroad is you pay import tax too.
@Allenph starting to wrap your head around it? :D
anyway, @Fabor, the rest of the parts I have gone through an updated
Ick. This driver Ubuntu uses for my touchpad has seizures when I connect the laptop to the charger.
Maybe a sign of deeper problems with the PWM PSU filter...
@WesStark A little.
A lot more.
@tereško Awesome thanks.
How can I take primary key (column1,column2) in where condition?
- Repos interface with data mappers. Their purpose is to act as a cache between persistence and memory.
- Data mappers share a common interface which forces them into compliance with the repo. Data mappers are abstraction of persistence.
- Aggregates are a collection of domain objects with bounded context. They have their own methods. These methods pragmatically largely rely on methods belonging to the domain objects contained by the aggregate.
- Services perform actions spanning multiple domain objects or aggregates. An aggregate may call a service to perform a unit of work on domain objec
@WesStark Anything wrong there? Missing anything we covered? Missing ANYTHING outside of what we covered?
Also, I feel I owe you a coffee or lunch or something @WesStark.
> Services perform actions spanning multiple <del>domain objects or</del> aggregates.
or, Services perform actions spanning domain objects that are in different aggregates.
@Allenph An aggregate may call a service -> an aggregate only knows about the objects within the aggregate itself. services are an external entity
it's the services that use the aggregates, change them, save them
hey who done that to mailing list ?
... loooks like another of those DDD clusterfucks
(and with entity i don't mean a DDD entity)
maybe an interpretive dance would help

So, to confirm services are used in the following scenarios...

- An aggregate needs to manipulate more than one of the domain objects it contains.
- A domain object needs to manipulate more than one of the other domain objects in contains.
- "Something" (a controller action for instance) needs to manipulate multiple aggregates.
- An aggregate, domain object or "something" needs to interact with domain objects which are not within the same aggregate.
@tereško I can ask Wes to chat with me in private if you're having a problem. I'm not going to apologize for taking the path of least resistance in learning how to develop more cleanly.
that describes how but not what @Allenph, the single service method represents a transaction (smallest meaningful, atomic). pick the objects, either from persistence or create them new. make the changes, save back to database
I would think as an avid complainer in the context of code, you would like to see me learn to produce less of the code you complain about.
@WesStark Will there ever be a case where I want to perform a unit of work without persisting, or is that what you mean by "smallest meaningful atomic"?
@Allenph and now I have no idea what you are bitching about at me
@Allenph you can access aggregates (and their DOs, VOs) only within the services. the controller should call service methods but never deal itself with the aggregate
@tereško @tereško
@Linus thanks
In PHP how can I get next float element e.g. 1.1 -> 1.2 , 1.10 -> 1.11 ?
sorry for monopolizing the chat guys. it was empty when we started this
yer fine
and no it's not a DDD clusterfuck, just a wes clusterfuck
@WesStark I should apologize. I'm the antagonist.
@WesStark I see. That solves the problem I asked about earlier. (The one where I talked about instantiating manually repos, and other misc. "stuff"). All that stuff is abstracted by the service method.
What is a VO?
value object
guys please look into my query
the services are what the name implies, they are the only way to access the whole "model" part, like... the reception in a shop
@Exception that's not how floats work. don't use floats for that, you don't have floats. you have two individual whole numbers separated by a period
@WesStark The only part I think I'm still fuzzy on is the CREATION of domain objects.
You explained that factories should not be static methods on the domain objects themselves.
They should instead be classes which have methods. Those methods being specific constructors for that domain object?
@PaulCrovella so you mean to say we need to divide these 2 digits by period and then perform operation
domain objects are created in the service methods when like you are creating a new entity. or they are created within the data mapper when the data is picked from the database (with or without using a factory)
but ignore the factories for now, just do the basic wiring
Right. Both read and write should both be producing domain objects from a factory...
@WesStark I'm pretty sure I could make a rough draft of a DDD application at this point...I think the main part I'm missing is factories.
Was my description accurate?
'g moring
@Exception yes. in normal numbery math (and floats) 1.1 === 1.10. you're talking about something like a version string, which is something else entirely - it is a set of numbers separated by periods
factories are easy. just ignore them for now
@WesStark I'm thinking of having a go at it now.
gl :P
@WesStark Thanks for you help.
I'm going to hit the sack. Seriously. Thanks, @WesStark
yw. i actually do enjoy talking about this as i'm not practicing it a lot lately. i do have a lot of things i want to experiment, like event sourcing, but i'm not getting the chance to do them. i should probably redo some old crappy project i maintain...
@WesStark last time I tried to practice it (about a week ago), the result was bid ball of mud :(
had to delete the entire branch
@PaulCrovella basically my idea was just take last digit from float number and then increase it by 1
event sourcing? everything i know about programming must be changed for that :B but the idea itself completely makes sense
@Exception if you're using floats it's already too late. i don't know how else to explain it to you.
every software should work like that
@WesStark no, the basic ddd part
I have no problem with event sourcing
i don't think you are far off from doing ddd already. as many pointed out already, ddd is just "good oop"
@PaulCrovella what do you mean by late?
in unrelated news, McCain HERO
@WesStark maybe my main issue is that all the DDD books that I read contain terrible OOP in the examples
@Exception you've already lost information you need. if you try to make the float 1.10 what you get is 1.1, because that's how numbers work. you no longer have the digit you're after.
i hope he'll get better
you mean the senator?
yep, he voted against revoking obamacare
that's a quite limited view
since he has been supporting the repeal for a long time ... it's just that he hates Trump more
but that aside, I would see his stance on Net Neutrality as a more of an issue
as for ACA ... well ... it probably will implode on it's own next year
when I put <?php ?> in a page, the whole page disappear, what could be the reason?
@Telkitty adding <?php in a page makes it less secure - it probably gets hacked
@tereško that's why I always use <? to hide from hackers
Oo syntax error
I like to ask questions on stackoverflow chats, then answer them myself
check error log, there will be a fatal error in there ...
you're a fatal error.
Can anyone tell me what can i use to store data of hundred fields temporarily before storing in database after payment, Session or Cache or cookie or anything else
ballon: the lightness and grace of movement that make a dancer appear buoyant.
@AnilKumar sounds like an xy problem
why do you want to temp store 'hundred fields' of data before storing it?
I do not want to store it in database if user does not make final payment
@AnilKumar why 'hundred fields' though?
just put it in the database, and have a field in the database for "complete" or whatever ...clean out the database regularly for stale transactions, possibly emailing the user for a "last chance" ... but don't use temporary storage to store the whole transaction, only enough to identify it ...
yeah, and hundreds is wrong ... there is no reasonable justification for that ...
morninis o/
last day @ work before ~1 month away :D
There is a membership form and user required to fill up a huge information about him/her which require 80 fields so
there aren't 80 things about me
Hmm I Understand But in my case there is need to fill up the family details as well,
I received a settings.jar for phpstorm buuut wondering whether this can be imported only for selected projects and not as the default one
none of this has anything whatever to do with a transaction ...
@AnilKumar this is actually a case where you might want to be using an object store rather than a database. And possibly not using plain PHP....
ok, Can you please elaborate a little bit more @Danack
What business field are you in?
I'm a developer
haha Student
what's the code for ?
I'm working on a website for a Politicial party
My improvement points at work for the next 6 months: less taking the piss and more serious. I'm fucked!
@AnilKumar that would kill of 99%+ of visitors
@Danack Do you mean Serialization
I would have begun by talking to the client about ways to make the registration process less painful
@pmmaga nice, where are you off to?
> and here is my resignation
@tereško Yeah I Understand but You know the clients kinda people
Can you suggest me anything about it
@AnilKumar I meant what industry is your application meant to be solving a problem for. Aerospace, health, insurance?
Its a community of people, a sort of NGO where the members will help their community members in their personal issues, and there will also be Matrimonial panel Business Listing and Jobs portal for registered members.
How many person years of time do you think it's going to take to do that project?
@JayIsTooCommon I'm moving back to Portugal! :) I'll continue working for them them but now remotely.
@pmmaga ah yes, I remember you saying. Awesome! congrats dude
@AnilKumar trying to make a bespoke application for this type thing sounds like it would take an experienced programmer multiple years of effort to achieve. I'd strongly recommend using something like forum software to achieve all of those aims in a few days, rather than trying to program all of that functionality individually.
Jobs portal - one forum for posting jobs, one forum for people posting they are looking for work.
I'm working in an office where I need to do this within a month, And no of persons are "Me" only
what a crappy evening, server hardware just crapped out
@Danack It most certainly wouldn't take multiple years for an experienced developer
A jobs portal and job board is about a week in vanilla php and about 2 days in JS
2 days in JS if you can use 3rd party services to speed up parts of the process such as auth0 for user integration
Maybe pusher so you could do a bunch of realtime features
@lix If you're making a shit one, yeah.
Where do you learn to make ice cream? Sunday school
Absolutely no chance a non-shit one can be done in 2 days, regardless of language
@JayIsTooCommon I'd agree with vanilla php it wouldn't be great, but multiple years is a over exaggeration
Also, regardless of team size I'd add
Well your entire user system wouldn't take long with 3rd party tools and you could create a good api with feathersJS quickly load that onto a cloud server and your api will grow fast, vue frontend scaffolded using standard webpack then it's a case of making... yeah I'd say a realistic estimate for one person would be about a month
Plus it wouldn't be perfect, but I don't think these applications would take 2 years to get a decent product
I just really hate the way most of the php problems these days result in either use wordpress or use forum software to try and solve everything
If you want to do it properly (adhering to best practices so you have a future maintainable and flexible codebase, not being a cowboy and doing rapid application development to get money and then escape like a contractor does), and you also adhere to the well known 80:20 rule which is 80% thinking and 20% coding (i.e. not being a cowboy, again), and it would take you 1 month of flat out development effort, then consider that dev effort actually only being 20% of the full time required.
That theory would apply if you were already being paid to create this product
From my experience having a product to show leads to actually being paid to make that product ready for market
@lix you have no beard; your opinion is invalid.
80:20 / best practices are not just theoretical... they're industry standards...
Then go do some rapid application development then
But in particular:
47 mins ago, by Anil Kumar
There is a membership form and user required to fill up a huge information about him/her which require 80 fields so
j7mbo.com @Jimbo your site's cert is borked
@Kaori There's nothing on there anyway but, you know, letsencrypt and certbot-auto are a real pain in the balls
you missed where apparently he has very complicated requirments, and instead just assumed that the simplest possible concept of a jobs board is what they want.
@Jimbo +11
@WesStark Where's my amp stickers?
You really should send me some, I can share them about the company
@Trowski ^
@Danack All right fair, I'll apologize. My bad chaps.
@lix No apology needed, all just a discussion... :)
Though I thought the 80:20 rule was that 20% of user features will be eventually used?
Or is this 80:20 applied to all PM stuff?
god the time that i waste naming stuff..
@PeeHaa opcachegui.pieterhordijk.com the site is borked... :(
no, it's "80% of the users use only 20% of the features and the rest 80% of features are only being used by the rest 20% of users"
I got a security/XSS related question: we did a security scan for a website we build. the security scanner told us that the following url shows a XSS problem:


the parameter(s) mentioned is/are escaped via htmlspecialchars() on the server side before reflected in the view (as an url). isnt this enough to prevent from XSS or do we need to urlencode() the parameter instead ?
I wonder how many will click the link...
@staabm what do you mean by 'escaped server side, before reflected in the view' ?
@DaveRandom Know where I can buy cheap windows 10 key? OEM warehouse was your old recommendation.
@staabm htmlspecialchars isn't enough for URLs. There are things like javascript:alert(1) that work in href="...".
@staabm possibly look at using github.com/zendframework/zend-escaper and using the context specific escaping. My understanding is that the library should be able to know about things like that js:alert()..
@staabm In that specific case: Yes, you should rawurlencode the query parameters
@kelunik when do I need rawurlencode() vs. urlencode()?
@JayIsTooCommon the user input runs thru htmlspecialchars() before getting rendered in the html
:38367431 atm we use

* Escapes a url within html-context.
* The caller is responsible for escaping urls parts properly.
* @param string $url
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
function escape_url($url){
// when the url contains a scheme, it has to be one of the whitelisted ones to protect against scripting protocols, e.g. javascript:
$scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if ($scheme && !in_array($scheme, array('http', 'https'))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('"'. $scheme .'" is not a whitelisted scheme!');
Wrong reflection on mb_eregi_replace – #75001
@staabm oic :)
A: urlencode vs rawurlencode?

Jonathan FinglandIt will depend on your purpose. If interoperability with other systems is important then it seems rawurlencode is the way to go. The one exception is legacy systems which expect the query string to follow form-encoding style of spaces encoded as + instead of %20 (in which case you need urlencode)...

Wait is windows 10 pro activation really only about £10?
Am I missing something?
you're missing about £150
if the "activation" is a service in a shop, then they are actually setting up a pirated version - either bypassing the activation software or setting up corporate version
@Jimbo push harder: crap's gotta come out!
@tereško even here
@Fabor It was if you have Windows 8 or 7 I think, but I think they changed it.
looks shady as fuck
Well Amazon has a Prime win 10 on USB for £75 so not as expensive at least.
@kelunik it was free, and you can still get it if you check a box saying you use assistive tech on your comp
hahaha It's 0.05p more expensive to download windows rather than receive a pen drive :P
@PaulCrovella But wasn't there something for 10$, too?
@kelunik I never saw anything for $10, just a straight free upgrade
Dunno, haven't used Windows in years locally, except for my VM, which is based on a free Windows 10 Education.
@JayIsTooCommon it's called "opinions" :-)
@Ocramius Were you targeting all vets? Or just referring to 'auto-heroing'?
@Fabor you have a windows 7 or 8.1 license?
or is it for a new machine?
Hello people, I need a quck hint: I'm trying to return {} instead of "{}" within json response, but I'm unable. It's only possible to return [] or "{}". Do you have some advise?
new machine. I had a new 7 CD but I left it in England -_-
@mpet There's a JSON_FORCE_OBJECT flag.
@tereško You thinking stock cooler then?
@JayIsTooCommon the entire fanaticism around it. It's a job like any other.
@Fabor no
There were some closed loops on that site. None decent?
@mpet Please show some small example code.
@Ocramius Well I think it's disrespectful to refer to a WW2 vet, who lets say helped end Hitlers regime, a deprecated paid legalised killer who we should "fucking stop treating as 'admirable'". But that's just my opinion.
I need to pick a case, so that I know, how much is left over
@tereško You have some budget leeway if needed
I have nothing about workers themselves: we all should have something equivalent to guilds/syndicates. Signing up for a job and then, you know, being 'affected' by what is written on the employment contract is not a reason to brag about it later.
@JayIsTooCommon those were from the past - there's maybe a few hundred still alive. Let's not be anachronistic.
And I still would only value those that did it spontaneously, not the "employees".
@kelunik thx
I honestly don't have the words. Let's leave it there.
Fine by me
@JayIsTooCommon … I somewhat have to agree with Marco.
:38368256 not talking about concrete cases of heroism, but rather about the unnecessity of the wars themselves.
So a vet who lost his limbs in Afghan, lets say while trying to protect children. We should refer to him/her as a deprecated paid legalised killer who we should "fucking stop treating as 'admirable'"?
Fairly sure that they'd rather focus on getting rid of the mines
I sponsor Doctor Without Borders, not killing machines

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