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Except when it is?
accidents do happen
Idk, I work around people who create useful stuff. Typically there is a significant financial investment. For example, the cost of developing medical instruments can easily exceed 100s of millions. The real difference is that there ain't nobody stopping you from making a React Native app, but typically you can't get 1xx million by asking nicely.
Sometimes we know they don't work but still prescribe them anyways (like several categorizes of anti-depressants).
if you have a flu, doctor will ask you to rest and let your body heal itself
That isn't strictly true, if you have a serious case of flue modern medicine can save your life...
generally if you live in a hygienic condition, never have to worry about nutritious food & warm clothes, you tend to live longer than those who don't, yes
@Mikhail by fighting the flu virus?
does the medicine kill the virus or your body's immune system?
Antiviral drugs (most popular if you have HIV) prevent the virus from replicating
last time I checked AIDs & cancer are still listed as incurable diseases
But, yes typical treatment works by helping the body not die when it fights the disease. For example if your kidneys fail, a machine can take care of that.
You can stop the HIV virus, but yes, you can't cure it for many, many reasons.
Also many of the gay people I know are on anti-virals despite not engaging in sex with HIV+ partners.
So anyways, your claim about medicine not doing shit isn't true.
I didn't say medicine don't do anything at all, otherwise the whole medical industry becomes a hoax
Okay but now you know that there are anti-viral drugs can target viruses.
I am just saying that trillion after trillion have been pumped into medical research decades after decades, incurable diseases are incurable, and we are not even able to find out how exactly most medicine works and most of the times you are just helping the body heal itself, medical research might not be as productive as you would like to lead me to believe.
But hey, health medicine/daily supplements producers are making a fortune because all those gullible chinese are buying them. Chinese are so dumb at times ...
The problem is slightly different, there is systemic fraud in the development of new drugs and markers, so at the end of the day you're not sure what is actually happening. We try to understand whats actually going on but for "political" reasons this is rarely done, and indeed when we learn that the drug doesn't have the desired outcome nobody gives a fuck and keeps shoving down patients throats (famous case with a category of anti-depressant).
And outside observer would read fraud as incompetence.
@Telkitty Sounds like utter nonsense. While there are certainly cases of cancer that are incurable, you'd have to have been living under a rock for decades to remain ignorant of the fact that curing some forms of cancer is now quite routine.
no life threatening ones especially
mmmm, thats why they aren't called life threatening...
cut that benign tumour
Chemo therapy?
@Telkitty Quite a few that used to be essentially an automatic death sentence are now usually curable.
not cured, just prolonged life
yes, people are living longer, but I have already admitted that
No, typically they are cancer free
it reads 5 years survival rate
That is how its measured, its hard to live with some of these cancers.
cancer is somewhat genetic, you remove the cancer cells before it can spread
that's removing the symptom not cause
The cause is sun tanning salons
I wonder ... do black long fur cats get less skin cancer than white short fur cats?
I saw a little black cat the size of a rat, it could be a kitten
@Telkitty Cancer itself is not genetic. Only a proclivity for it is.
@JerryCoffin No, in almost all cases its due to mutation that prevents the cell from killing itself.
@Mikhail I probably should have said "hereditary" rather than "genetic" (but just misused "genetic" in the way way Telkitty seemed to).
@JerryCoffin Hey fuck you, Its more a software recommendation question.
@Mikhail Preemptive action to avoid Puppy binning it.
only heard dogs taking garbage out, not putting it in the bin ...
Looks like both std::vector<int> and boost::small_vector<int> occupy 24 bytes of overhead. Hmm, I think I can make it smaller if I can the pointer type to int32, or maybe an unsigned char?
It feels wrong that a boost::small_vector<int> uses 64 bit offset types. I should write a ::smaller_vector
You should use std::multimap.
Help, why am I still awake
it's 2am
what is sleep
@Mysticial A more astute observer would have told me to rebuild with -m32 or use Java, where I assume pointers are still 32bit.
@Xeo tell me about it, i havent had proper sleep in forever :(
@Borgleader Sleep is a disease caused by caffeine deficiency.
If everything goes well, I'm one adb install away from going to bed
with a huge fucking grin on my face
prolly won't go well tho
so I'll go to sleep with a sad face instead
also adb install takes fucking ages for a 400MB apk
prolly doesn't help that I'm doing it over wifi
> 842 KB/s (439588266 bytes in 509.743s)
welp, and it crashed. oh well
@Xeo Sometimes I think Brooks was wrong: well over 90% of our time is wasted on "accidental" complexity, not "essential" complexity.
@JerryCoffin how much did he say it was?
90% on essential?
@Mikhail I thought a small vector was one with small size optimisation
So I'd expect that to actually be larger
But I'm wrong
I think they should give it a better name :P
@jaggedSpire sup
@Borgleader I don't think he gave a precise number for what it was. "How much of what software engineers now do is still devoted to the accidental, as opposed to the essential? Unless it is more than 9/10 of all effort, shrinking all the accidental activities to zero time will not give an order of magnitude improvement."
Sep 15 '16 at 0:40, by Mysticial
Oh. So not only did @Xeo not feed his kids, but be also stayed up to 2:30 am on a weekday. Guys, don't do Java. It ain't worth it.
@JerryCoffin I see
Thats from The Mythical Man Month right?
@Mysticial Still not doing Java
@Borgleader Yes and no. It's from "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accident in Software Engineering" which was written separately from TMMM, but a copy of it (and a retrospective piece about it) is included in the 20th anniversary edition of TMMM.
Xeo's in denial.
@JerryCoffin Oh I have the 20th or 25th anniversary edition
Okay, the crash may actually not be my fault...
But I'd need to update my repository to find out, ugh
@Borgleader Makes sense. As I recall, it came out around the mid 1990s, so there are probably only a few of us here who were programming long enough ago to have copies of the original edition.
@Borgleader suuup
@Mysticial how does your unclicked rep look in the new layout?
Not sure if I should try debug this further, or update my repo
@jaggedSpire It's borked.
And it's right next to the review button.
So it's totally a conspiracy against me.
I don't have any evidence to back that up, but it's true because I said so and I have alternative facts to back it up.
you should make a bug post on meta
I need terminology to distinguish concept concepts between these that forward and those that don’t, example (nevermind the forwarding of args...)
"my fuck-tons of unclicked rep are hindering me from clicking the review button, please fix."
it’s roughly similar to Rust which has e.g. FnOnce, Fn and so on
@jaggedSpire They overlap the other direction. So I can still click the review button, but it's fucking right next to the unclicked rep.
ooooh right
So I now I prefer to go directly to review via bookmark or URL.
"the review button is now dangerously close to my fuck-tons of unclicked rep. Please fix."
@LucDanton Fn and FnMulti to confuse everyone.
Not only that, but it sticks when I scroll. I usually scroll down a bit to hide the bar so I don't accidentally click it with a wild mouse movement. Now I need to flip to another tab.
so much effort, lol
just get a custom css to hide it or sth
friggin 300k for nothing...
@Xeo lol
@Mysticial you can disable stickiness meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/343483/…
@milleniumbug oooh
@Mysticial yes, needs a meta post
@milleniumbug YAY arigatou!!!
I’ll go with the Once terminology even though it’s forwarding and not moving
@Mysticial have to reset that thing, it covers up the other ones ;)
@LucDanton It'll still only be invoked once, so yeah
(it will, right?)
that’s the idea yeah
@Borgleader I care more about the notifications. Since I know to check my mailbox when it increments. Now I can't anymore because the rep covers the last digit.
definitely post a bug report on meta
Like I said. It's rigged. Millions and millions of illegals conspired to make this new layout. I have alternative facts to prove it.
@Xeo which begs the question why it’s not a move then doesn’t it?
@Mysticial Exactly, reset the rep :P
@LucDanton ... shitty functors that do operator()() &?
When it's finally surpassed half his total rep?
@Xeo huh, that’s a weird argument :Þ
I was just trying to find some reason
well, you are onto something. the idea of optimising functor calls in generic code (or rather being precise with moving/forwarding) is kinda weird when you consider that e.g. lambda exprs can’t have ref-qualifiers, isn’t it?
> error: 'Storable' was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternative: 'double'
yeah sure
both have ble, close enoughable
Okay, I think this particular startup crash was my fault
let's see what happens with the next deploy
huh, I haven’t had a Storable in a while so why did that break only now
include shuffling?
yeah that was my initial suspicion, but where would it come from?
possibly I didn’t run the tests after some refactoring :(
tsk tsk tsk
I should sleep
but I feel like I'm super close to getting this to work
my day's fucked anyways
Also, my FF is pocketing 8gig of ram for whatever reason
@Ell It has a few elements pre-allocated on the stack, so under ideal run-time conditions growing or shrinking avoids new. My issue was about the size of the actual overhead structure, I think it can be smaller if they don't use a size_t internally for the vector size, for example.
I only forgot to copy one folder, shit works now, whooo
should I sleep yes/no
I have ~3h
sleep when you are dead
yes, sleep coz I go into people's sleep stealing their good dreams and swap those with nightmares
lemme wishing you a sweat dream while you are still here
@Borgleader Nothing like some entitlement at the end of a long day:
Q: Header is too tall

michael.hor257kSomething has happened just now: the header has grown too tall and it blocks the top part of the content: This happens in Firefox and in Safari, logged in or out. Added: The issue is solved now.

It also happens in Visual Studio's built-in browser.
Firefox 16?
@Paweł Not a good answer. I don't expect support - I do expect backwards compatibility. — michael.hor257k 2 days ago
and SO expects its users to use browser technology less than five years out of date
seeing as they're developers
Does anyone know if there’s a canonical duplicate for all those sorts of “explain the result of a++ + ++a + b[a++]” questions?
Q: Undefined behavior and sequence points

Prasoon SauravWhat are "sequence points"? What is the relation between undefined behaviour and sequence points? I often use funny and convoluted expressions like a[++i] = i;, to make myself feel better. Why should I stop using them? If you've read this, be sure to visit the follow-up question Undefined beha...

used to be that one right?
There's a reloaded edition that should be linked in the sidebar
Q: Undefined behavior and sequence points reloaded

NawazConsider this topic a sequel of the following topic: Previous installment Undefined behavior and sequence points Let's revisit this funny and convoluted expression (the italicized phrases are taken from the above topic *smile* ): i += ++i; We say this invokes undefined-behavior. I pre...

Thanks, lounge people!
> Invalid definition: "decltype(.)" in trailing_type_spec not implemented [error at 70]
it was decltype(auto), too not anything clever cc @Rapptz Sphinx stuffs
2 hours later…
@Telkitty "A sweat dream" - is that like a sweatshop?
@LucDanton Why decltype(auto) in trailing return type? Or is that just a confusing error?
@Xeo What activity could possibly make people sweat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Xeo likely a result from the internals
@AldwinCheung anet bravely asks players' opinion on pvp [long and boring]
I guess since they plugged the s5 match manipulation holes they gotta invent new ones for s6
@LucDanton I know about that one :)
@LucDanton I first read that red text as [News] -- Developer nonsense
if you're so frustrated about gw2, why even play it?
1 hour later…
Hahaha. Guess what I got on Valentine's day:
> hello!
i have been searching out to find the best instructor of C-C++ and with the help of my friends here i have found you to be very good in it. I have some problems while doing programming in C-C++. As i am not grasping the how to implement threadslike concept in c++. Please elaborate it in your stream. and let me know when you will stream. i will be very thankful of you.
@Puppy Coliru makes heavy use of flexbox.
The little bit of UI requires quite a few boxes.
Flexbox master race
Apparently Monads in C++ is a thing and much less interesting than expected.
@sehe IIRC amongst the descriptions, there are even errors, like examples showing what the proposals doesn't do while claiming it does x)
Oh. I'd have to read that carefully /and/ know what it's about. Tough
@LucDanton Turns out it can be (much) worse:
Well "love you too, @Livecodingtv". I guess you broke up with me on Valentine's day🤷‍♂️ https://t.co/BO86VPw9MA
That was my attempt at a shrug emoji. I suck at emoji (not being able to discern them properly might have to do with things)
Nowadays I am getting occasional spams from a few 'startup CEOs'
once a couple of months, never too annoying
I never respond, maybe I should. But I don't know what to say ...
Too late for Valentine's day anyways. So, fuck him, right! twitter.com/sksk7_/status/832177774194331652
Maybe I should respond with 'I admire your persistency in the spamming, I feel like that I am hooked because of stockholm syndrome, all the best to you and your spamming champion!'
@Xeo ever dreamed about running away from apex predator much, if you have, you would know what I meant
I myself have not
huh the first invocation is actually a call, oops
@sehe lol
> Can I never receive a message from u again

Sent from my iPad
@wilx Btw, check bottom of page 37: unicode.org/L2/L2016/16381-n4778r-pdam1-2-charts.pdf (or search for A7AF in the document)
Q is coming.
about yesterday's discussion about RAII wrapped C structs, I believe that one thing that is missing from C++ is a way to (easily) set a function as a template param without having to create a type with operator() that forwards.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Interesting.
@ratchetfreak That's in c++17 I think (constructor hints or so)
Q: What are template deduction guides in C++17?

Tristan BrindleVarious items on C++17 mention "template deduction guides". I gather they're something to do with the new template deduction for constructors introduced in C++17, but I haven't yet seen a simple, FAQ-style explanation of what they are and what they're for. What are template deduction guides in ...

then you can do typedef std::unique_resource<mpf_t, functor<mpf_clear>> mfp_resource; and just use mfp_resource without having to restate the destruction function
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also, what? :)
@wilx Someone sent it to one of the mailing lists I'm subscribed to.
Can a command-line argument contain a NUL?
yeah, no.
i sit corrected
-x to the rescue!
sub redis_get {
  my $key = shift;
  open3(my $redis_in, my $redis_out, undef, 'redis-cli', '-x', 'GET');
  print $redis_in $key;
  close $redis_in;
  chomp(my $value = <$redis_out>);
@rightfold As in '\0' or what?
That's a NUL.
Then a no.
@rightfold Well, NUL is also the /dev/null device on DOS/Windows. :)
Indeed, as mentioned above.
@littlepootis How?
@littlepootis Ah
Ugh, "NUL"
Caps to save yourself one L? Disgusting.
Hello readers of fake news
Writing tests in Perl is fun.
@rightfold Is Perl code as unreadable as they say?
you can write unreadable code in any language, some just make it easier than others. (part of that also depends on the culture around the language)
@ratchetfreak I think PHP earns the gold medal here (yes, even uglier than brainfuck)
@StackedCrooked It is not. It is what you make it.
@Mysticial wowwwwwwwwwwww this guy
Expecting anyone to develop something that doesn't keep up to date with the latest advances in that field is just baffling, either way I've voted to close this as it doesn't appare to seek input or discussion and honestly appears more like a troll. — Sayse 23 hours ago
This is a ridiculous attitude, though.
Fuck the latest "advances" in the field.
IYAM following "move fast and break things" makes you an idiot.
(But really, try to keep your browsers up-to-date, for your own sake; and get off of the browser)
newbies always think it's best to embrace the latest technology
because they never came across a gigantic legacy system
I must be old and jaded, I like the idea of build one, work 100 years
s/gigantic legacy/stable and working/
TFW your documentation contains "Software Requirements: ???"
1 hour later…
Also – hi.
@Ven lol I like the setup instructions
@StackedCrooked Perl is buttiful.
@BartekBanachewicz I read a bit about Monads in C++ and couldn't tell if it the information is garbage or not.
(inb4 of course it is garbage, it has C++ in the title)
@nwp The optional example is BS in the sense that it has nothing to do with monads.
TLDR the author just doesn't understand what monads are.
That is disappointing, I basically understood the text.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "NUL" is the name a zero-byte is given in the ASCII standard (for reasons I can't begin to guess, they apparently considered it necessary to give all the unprintable characters 3-letter abbreviations).
@nwp When you realize you don't understand monads
@nwp Well that itself is not bad. It's just not enough.
On the flipside, monads are actually much simpler than most people think; the problem is they kinda require a lot of prior baseline knowledge. If you get what he's saying there, you're some way there already.
yeah I had a discussion with tech support about them throttling my connection
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I think you have even less of an understanding of monads than me.
time to change face
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix no reason, my monads were clogging up the intertubes too
@nwp A monad is a triple of a data structure and two functions. The article seems to ignore the functions (i.e. it's not about monads, it's about some particular data structures).
precisely ^
Then the tech support trying to explain that they "can't do that!" Well that is kind of strange when you can download things and all downloads have a fixed speed
Well, I ended up writing a script that download a file using ssh by splitting it as much as I can... now I downloaded a file in 5min instead of 2hours
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix ouch
how is downloading a large file so much slower than downloading the same amount of data in chunks?
@ratchetfreak I think he meant simultaneous connections
@ratchetfreak rate limiting
@ratchetfreak each ssh connection is limited to 50kbps
so I open like 34 ssh connection
Not sure if I can do that with git... that would be nice
because damn it's slow to fetch repositories
submit a patch to git so it can try multiple connection downloads?
at 50 damn kylobytes per sec
I think git is fundamentally broken about "downloads"
The White House is running like a fine-tuned machine https://t.co/9qgHM1MHEn
Dat burn in the replies
@ratchetfreak if git could "resume" failed git clone I'd have a bit of hope
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix What makes you think so. Perhaps you're running an under dimensioned server (it tries to do awesome b/w reduction by compression/dedup, but if the box is cramped...)
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix git bundle create, send, done
@sehe how can I download "parts" of the bundle?
Like any file. Duh. You had that, already
5 mins ago, by Loïc Faure-Lacroix
Well, I ended up writing a script that download a file using ssh by splitting it as much as I can... now I downloaded a file in 5min instead of 2hours
I download part of the file using ssh: head|tail. But I don't have ssh access to github/gitlab
If you select the proper revision-range you will even get the band-width reduction algos applied
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Oh. That. Sucks. I thought you might have had access to the server.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Still a very very very weird assesment to make this about Git. Literally ANY application will be crippled if you cripple it.
In the case of github/gitlab no. The script is made for server I have access to
@sehe lol
Well it's just git can't even resume a download... it's ridiculous I guess
30gb clone and connection failure at 29gb and yeah... start from scratch
as if it wasn't able to download packs as "simple files"
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Do a shallow clone. (--depth or so)
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Indeed, it doesn't do that. Maybe with the http(s) protocol, not sure though. Http used to be the "dumb" protocol until... v1.7 or so
http protocol could work thought
A: How to complete a git clone for a big project on an unstable connection?

Jakub NarębskiTwo solutions (or rather workarounds) that come to mind are: Use shallow clone i.e. git clone --depth=1, then deepen this clone using git fetch --depth=N, with increasing N. You can use git fetch --unshallow (since to download all remaining revisions. Ask somebody to bundle up to some ...

Do you have a coworker that already has a clone
Do you have a manager that can fire talk to the network admin
Yeah, coworkers are on the other side of the planet
or sparse checkouts that you make less and less sparse as they complete
A: How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?

ChronialWhat you are trying to do is called a sparse checkout, and that feature was added in git 1.7.0 (Feb. 2012). The steps to do a sparse clone are as follows: mkdir <repo> cd <repo> git init git remote add -f origin <url> This creates an empty repository with your remote, and fetches all objects b...

@sehe thought don't worry I managed that already
I keep a cache of my repositories so I don't have to clone them twice
I use git clone --reference and keep them updated from time to time
it's just a pain to download new stuff
but my script kind of solves most of my remaining problems now
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix I thought --reference was basically implied for local clones
@Mysticial 200 now
it is
I have a local git cache
My biggest problem is that the "buildbot" script we use at work does the clone by itself without --depth and some of the project we fetch are pretty big... So I had to make a local cache that cache new git project so if I deploy a project for a new client, I kind of fetch pretty much everything from the cache without having to fetch anything from github
the project in the cache can be kept up to date at night with a cronjob for example
So for me, a clone is nothing more than "cp" from one directory to an other (with --reference)
Still suck to have to make these workaround because your ISP isn't fair
That said, the dumb http protocole could be done with multiple http queries. If the git server actually expose the size of the object, we might also be able to split the objects is smaller chunks
But I'd be worried that github would react by kickbanning the IP for making too many requests
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Wait. You PAY money for crippled connections?!
yeah, and I'm on the maximum plan
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Yeah, best to just approach Github support with the question about cloning over flakey connections
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix How on earth
no idea... I'm now considering a new provider honestly thought How do I know if the new provider will be any better
What's weird is that the crippled connection only appears on encrypted connection
to the exception of may be https
but even github with https is slow as hell
But it wasn't always like that. I'd say it changed a few months ago...
@LucDanton Most chess games are draws.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ??! was a joke.
the ?? means it's a very bad move
@R.MartinhoFernandes the title text
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Sounds like DRM protection shit (prevention of "illegal" activity like P2P downloading, Tor routing etc)
@sehe yeah it's something like that thought it's not illegal and I argued with tech support that I'm not doing p2p or anything so it shouldn't apply
@LucDanton †
The first tech support person tried to convince me they don't have the technology to throttle internet connections...
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix It shouldn't apply. Enlist help of your local Bits-Of-Freedom like org
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix lolwut. In that case, make them come and fix your line.
I'm on a wireless 4g modem
Because then it's obviously failing service delivery, and you shouldn't be required to pay
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Oh. Well. Still failing service delivery. Unless you're actually outside the coverage areas
But I could try that
then they'll say that linux is "supported" :(
Well I can boot on osx
So, you switch to windows and observe how much more slower things even get
but right now, my workaround is my only friend
you know what's funny... I just stopped the rsync download that I started 2 hours ago
Your ISP is throttling encrypted traffic?
maybe only encrypted traffic that's not to server port 443 (the default https port)
or just any traffic over an odd port
no idea, github over https is also slow so I believe it's almost any encrypted traffic but github could be targetted too (Russia blocked github last year so it wouldn't surprise me... some people don't see much difference between github and p2p and anything else)
@R.MartinhoFernandes My guess is that it's impossible to always know if encrypted traffic is p2p or something else so it falls on the "bad things"... That said, almost every website are moving to https so there's more to it
@sehe It's too true, sadly. Consider that Trump was upset post hoc by how much power he gave to Steve Bannon because he didn't know that's what the XO he signed entailed.
Working with geographic stuff, I sometimes wish the projection of whatever I'm using was encoded into the type system.
I think my poll has been rigged by the clean coal industry wanting their share of the $5 billion in taxpayer green… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/832357378704093184
This is hilarious
@набиячлэвэли why is it in russian
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know, maybe because it's from a Russian news station about The Russian Federation's Foreign Affairs minister's meeting?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Clean coal is really clean, ya know.
You could wash yourself with it.
"clean coal industry", lol
so guys, text inputs, they can't be that complicated, right?
it's text input, of course it can
@Puppy that is not as ridiculous as it sounds
As long as it successfully passes the big list of naughty strings...
@nwp You're right- it's more ridiculous
my parents work in that industry and complain that they could be building modern CO2-neutral coal powerplants with filtering and whatnot but are not allowed to do so because politics, but the old terribly inefficient power plants that produce huge amounts of CO2 and dust have to be kept on
In the US, you also have the Solyndra scandal, which could be called "dirty" solar...
@nwp Filtering can't make coal plants neutral, it just makes them less crap.
point being that they are artificially forced to be crappy and I understand people who want to stop that
it's dumb, but I can't imagine it's more dumb than not getting something like solar/wind
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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