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you can set apache to use one or a few process temporarily to make it a bit quicker ...
@PeeHaa hmm?
I would do that, and break on your startup function and check what is really going on ...
@bwoebi Do you or @DaveRandom need to look into it when @Jeeves dies?
@JoeWatkins it's just if (sapi_module.name && strcmp(sapi_module.name, "cli") == 0 && enable_cli == 0) in RINIT
@PeeHaa what made him die?
Dunno. Don't dare to touch it :P
cc @DaveRandom
@PeeHaa I was wondering whether journal was telling…
If you know what you are suppose to look at feel free to check it out
Does the new artax exception also get logged?
@JoeWatkins the check works when I am using fpm. not sure why it wouldnt work on mod_php. i can only imagine the apache forks cli processes to handle the requests
hi have any one worked on laravel framework?
no it doesn't
it's totally separate
@WaseemAkram we dont do laravel in here
hmmm ok i wana little help in setting up realtime notifications via socket.io
@WaseemAkram we dont do javascript in here either
@PeeHaa New Artax exception?
@kelunik The poor fellow sometimes gets stuck somehow github.com/Room-11/artax/commit/…
@JoeWatkins ah. braintfart. figured it out. thanks! I forgot to restart the apache
@SagorAhmed php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.asxml.php you're returning asXML() without an argument, which will return a string. Take a look here 3v4l.org/Dr6Q5
@PeeHaa Do we have reconnect logic if SO or something in between breaks the connection?
Not sure about the current state of that, but what I originally did was: connection break resulted in complete shutdown and I relied on systemd to restart the service
posted on October 26, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

\o Morning 11
I mean, uh, brainnnns.
@Ekin Hope it goes alright today! Safe travels
I conclude: Error: Class 'Amp\Socket\ConnectException' not found in /srv/www/Jeeves/vendor/amphp/socket/lib/functions.php:107 makes Jeeves halt
man IOS 10 is an utter ball bag
@bwoebi That's the second time I have seen that thing
Not sure if we can restart before @DaveRandom looked into it
i think you might like this one :P
that is awesome
Nice @Wes
@Wes hahahaha
lol, teresko put his on! :D
mornin' \o
@PeeHaa i think it was daniel craig
@PeeHaa feel free to start Jeeves… the process is actually dead.
@bwoebi Could you do it for me please? <3
@PeeHaa not sure how
@PeeHaa I have added a var_dump() before socket/lib/functions.php:107…
@bwoebi this is really weird
@bwoebi Isn't that fixed by the libuv update?
@kelunik hmm?
I assume it's some opcache weirdness or something, because the autoloader definitely loads that class
@bwoebi sudo systemctl jeeves restart ty
@kelunik no that was a different issue that came up while debugging class not found issue
@bwoebi kk cc @DaveRandom
anyone know what killed it (i.e. when it died)?
@bwoebi had a looksy
13 mins ago, by bwoebi
I conclude: Error: Class 'Amp\Socket\ConnectException' not found in /srv/www/Jeeves/vendor/amphp/socket/lib/functions.php:107 makes Jeeves halt
[bwoebi@149-210-224-55 Jeeves]$ sudo systemctl jeeves restart
Unknown operation 'jeeves'.
^ @PeeHaa
not systemctl, service
better ^^
@bwoebi when, though?
Sorry I always mix service name and operation for systemctl @bwoebi
@DaveRandom I do not see it running though?
@DaveRandom Oct 25 23:20:35
(journalctl -u jeeves -b --since "2016-10-26 01:20:00" --utc)
duh. I can't sleep at all.. literally reassembled the pc.
@Ekin :P
thanks @JayIsTooCommon
Oct 26 08:32:30 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: jeeves.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Oct 26 08:32:30 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: Started Jeeves as a service (JAAS).
Oct 26 08:32:30 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: Starting Jeeves as a service (JAAS)...
Oct 26 08:32:30 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: jeeves.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Oct 26 08:32:30 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: Unit jeeves.service entered failed state.
@PeeHaa ^^
vim :q
the reason it's not starting is because you wrote a parse error into functions.php @bwoebi
fixing now
heheheh nice one bob :P
The kid writes addition of two binary numbers with PCRE regex, but fails writing a simple var_dump :D
@Jeeves <3 welcome back
@JayIsTooCommon I love you too :-)
@DaveRandom fuu
why does it not show parser errors though? @DaveRandom
Probably because my line is still in it?
Oct 22 at 15:34, by DaveRandom
also error_reporting=0??
Maybe somebody should fix that already :P
@bwoebi Hey hold on a second now
Oct 22 at 15:35, by bwoebi
@DaveRandom error messages just clutter the logs
It's all coming out now..
Chat does not forget
@PeeHaa You … know what sarcasm is?
There was no opening sarcasm tag
shut up
why am i still laughing at this twitter.com/lewisheywood/status/788450030462103553
@bwoebi what's super weird is that if I just throw new ConnectException; at the top of the script it finds it and it works
And I tested that last time we saw this
@DaveRandom that's why I added this lsof call
Which is what made me wonder if it was an opcache problem
@DaveRandom I'd have to inspect class_table then … but Jeeves was actually dead, thus no gdb for me this time round ;-)
Also I have verified that the last time Jeeves actually tried to post something it worked, i.e. every Action executor loop start has a corresponding loop end
Can I/we add something to make it easier to debug this stuff? I.e. add even more logging?
To pinpoint the exact location it breaks
Well I'm just changing to error_reporting=-1
@PeeHaa it breaks exactly at the point where it fails to autoload ConnectException
that might shed some light on it
@bwoebi Oh wait. Errr sorry wasn't awake yet. Failed to see it actually failed to load the class again
That's like super odd
In that case I also blame opcache :P
we'll see when it crashes next time
Jeeves is now running on error_reporting=-1
@PeeHaa did you clear opcache after updating to 7.0.12?
Not like that should really be necessary but opcache as a whole seems to require a lot of things that don't seem like they should be necessary
@DaveRandom I didn't reset it manually no
Well let's leave it for now and see if we can repro
If we can and it is an opcache problem, maybe we can find that bug
And by we I mean @bwoebi
I am agree
btw @JoeWatkins that PR lets you build ui in a way that you can have it outside the php-src tree (i.e. you don't have to clone it into ext/ui), I managed to get libui and the ext to build on my machine last night, I'm currently scripting it so I can do nightlies etc and put them on the web
Nice guy @DaveRandom
I am then going to attempt to build php-uv for windows
So that's my day gone
/me disappears
Oh I got my PHP build env working, tnx though
nice. doing it with visual studio? or command line?
Scripting VS builds is (predictably) almost impossible though
@Wes Command line
mistakenly posted that to C# room... LOL
in C#, 25 secs ago, by DaveRandom
@iroegbu can you open an issue?
> April 30, 2017.
We can safely ignore it for half a year and totally forget about it until it's too late
Yeh I'll do that at 11:59 on April 30th
not working ... please help
laravel Session
Q: Laravel Session forget not working

Mukesh Kumarlarval Session forget flush not working $request->session()->forget('key'); Session::forget('key');

That's not a problem description
Nor a question
Also it shows lack of effort if you even spell the name of the thing you use wrong
@PeeHaa should have used code ignitor anyway
!!reminder examples
• !!reminder foo at 18:00
• With timezone: (ie. UTC-3) !!reminder foo at 18:00-3:00
• !!reminder bar in 2 hours
• !!reminder unset 32901146
• !!reminder list
• !!in 2 days 42 hours 42 minutes 42 seconds 42!
• !!at 22:00 Grab a beer!
!!reminder @DaveRandom chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 at 11:59 on April 30th, 2017
You would need to use 128d for now I guess :P
@Jeeves Also that didn't ping me
Reminder set.
@DaveRandom It doesn't do that yet
@DaveRandom yes, because you insert invisible blank spaces
it will ping me though and then I will know to ping you
> Microsoft Translator will be available on Azure on October 26. We will provide you with steps to sign up for Microsoft Translator on Azure as soon we have them ready.

In the meantime, you can get ready for the migration by signing up for a Microsoft Azure account at http://azure.com.
!!reminder list
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Seconds left: 15992955
why did it save it for apr, 29th?
And two minutes later :P
out of curiosity: does it ping in the list?
Any and all messages are filtered by default
y ? :(
@Jeeves I guess someone will kill it with !!nuke by accident.
Yeah ^ :P
@Archer Make an educated guess
I should've finished that before today
@PeeHaa annoyance? tho I wished I could annoy some people....
@Ekin Meh. No stress :)
if I get the chance I might do it on flight
:( I sold my guitar just now
u liked playing the guitar ?
yeah, that one was such a beauty. I had it for the last 4-5 yrs I think
why did you sell it then ?
I can't carry it without allocating even moar money on this travel
I have already enough excess & cabin baggage
I'll buy another one when I get settled, maybe a different kind
lol tereško's avatar looks really nice :D
TIL how css arrows actually work cc @Wes css-tricks.com/snippets/css/css-triangle
@Ekin what guitar?
@PeeHaa hax
@JayIsTooCommon Did you see the codepen? It's like super simple
mind blown
@Gordon this / actually that one is 720, mine was 730 (but same thing I guess) (sry for multiping)
@Danack discussion about RFC on internals isn't so productive, as I thought, but there is no as much complaining I was thinking so my question is when would be best time to summarize and set up some voting date ?
@PeeHaa Yeah seen it before, mental chicken oriental
@Ekin nice. I have this one. in addition to the three les pauls. and ukulele.
@PeeHaa We should probably nuke !!nuke.
@kelunik Can't we disable / enable it for specific rooms? @Ekin @all
@Gordon ooh that's a cool looking one!
damn you, I'm jealous @Gordon, I love les pauls
@Ekin it looks cooler than it sounds though. or I am just incompetent. probably a bit both. But I find it very hard to play.
@PeeHaa sure, I added that to nuke older tests I was doing. I'm okay with any decision you guys may take on that :-) besides we already have unset
@Gordon I feel like a total noob with certain guitars though. Having an electro-acoustic kinda enabled me to get used to other two kinds, I feel. But it surely takes time to get used to it.
Oh, that's some nice auth code we use.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tp}user WHERE email=? AND password=md5(concat(hashsalt, ?)) LIMIT 1";
gods below
@Ekin the les pauls are this one (though 2014 model), this one and this one in cherry sunburst
I think it's time to update. :)
@Sean omg
@Gordon damn... such a good collection you have there :-) great you have one with tremolo
@Ekin not that I'd know what to do with it
I lack practice. A lot :)
@Gordon You have to pass the ALLOW_PINGS flag for it to ping
@Gordon Are there more pauls, too?
Or only les?
@tereško Have you been reading The Iron Druid Chronicles by any chance?
@Gordon can't find a better example but, this guy shows a few things that sound nice with it :-)
@MadaraUchiha I have read the first 3 books
@tereško And stopped?
@Sean at the very least it has a salt ^^
@bwoebi Ooh you changed your avatar! :D And aye
@bwoebi Which is actually a fixed string abc123 :P
the 4th hadn't come out, when I was done with the third book
@PeeHaa lol
@tereško Well, there are 8 now :D
@MadaraUchiha yes, it's the more les paul paradox, because you can never have enough les pauls
and when few years ago I picked the 4th on up, it was really slow to start
@Gordon Eh, more or less.
that's the paradox
then again, I still havent picked up Dresden Files books up again either
@Ekin nice. thanks
you could say I am currently (or maybe - were) focused more on reading sci-fi
@DaveRandom ahahahahah
@DaveRandom Alt Gr + . is faster than three times .
@kelunik I love my alt-gr+.
hi guys I'm using cal_days_in_month function to calculate all the days in a given month but for the given month I can't find the name of the days
!!docs cal_days_in_month
[ cal_days_in_month() ] Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar
@Riccardo How does that function relate to the name of the days?
@PeeHaa may I pastebin a sample code?
I use strlen function to calculate the number of bytes in a string, but I can't find the number of occurneces of the a character :P
@Riccardo Yes you may :-)
it's a quite stupid sample code
@Riccardo That's the target audience too
I hope I've explained myself correctly
I would totally drop that and use DateTime
and how?
1 sec
Well done hhvm
hhvm has been broken for a while now @sjon
Not complaining btw just letting you know :)
@PeeHaa thank you
Even though you probably don't get pings
@Riccardo np
!!> echo 'Gotta get down on ' . (new DateTime('2016-03-04'))->format('l \t\h\e jS \o\f F Y');
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.27, 7.0.0 - 7.1.0RC4 ] Gotta get down on Friday the 4th of March 2016
4 messages moved to bin
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa Was thinking of giving !!undo a go tonight, any issues / objections?
@PeeHaa the first day of October is Saturday
Of course not. Let me @DaveRandom know if you have questions
@JayIsTooCommon That needs a shitload of work
It needs some pretty low-level re-engineering
Fuck sake, why is everything so much simpler in my mind.
The problem is in knowing which plugin posted a message
Why? Get last posted message from Jeeves, remove or move to bin?
@Riccardo Sorry. The DateTime::add() needs to go after the dump 3v4l.org/YAHkk
we're talking about undoing the actual action
@JayIsTooCommon That part is pretty simple, yes
The issue is with e.g. !!tweet you would expect it to delete the tweet as well
and that means you need to tell the twitter plugin about it
@JayIsTooCommon however we don't currently have a "move message" implementation, and a separate !!bin <message ID> command would also useful
And that's much more isolated
So if you want to do that, that would be worthwhile and it would be re-usable when we come to !!undo
@JayIsTooCommon So I do have a plan for this and I have no problem if you want to try and make some of it happen
If you are going to !!bin please also make it so I can have a !!gifbin :)
Basically we just need to inject a separate ChatClient instance for each plugin
And somehow associate instances with plugins
Which is mostly just some auryn abuse magic
I have to get used to all the new avatars...
Embrace it!
one at a time is hard enough
2 days ago, by PeeHaa
It's only for a week. So the moment you finally get used to it it will be back to normal :D
I just have to not come here for a week then
see you next week!
@DaveRandom Okie doke, sounds above my head so will start with bin. ooi is the idea for !!undo to have undo() methods in plugins (if detecting the plugin is even possible)?
Even I think "what the fuck is that" when alt tabbing to chat and seeing my avatar in the bottom left corner
very stupid question here
@JayIsTooCommon I would see something like that yeah
i have a plain php website, and i have put service-name.php inside a services folder
@FlorianMargaine My avatar is still the same so you can talk to me... I'm a cool guy, honest.
would see? that's not english fo realz
so using mamp , i go to localhost/services/service-name.php
@JayIsTooCommon Yes. Or something. It will all become apparent after we start writing it. As I say, I'd like to decouple the chat consumer stuff into a lib first, really. I started doing it but it turned out to be harder than I initially thought so I shelved it for a week or two while I'm pulling my hair out over this talk.
this gives me - The localhost page isn’t working

localhost is currently unable to handle this request.
@PeeHaa i lik ur engrish.
@DaveRandom Oh that's right :P When is it?
@JayIsTooCommon I lik you too
Next Tues
@DaveRandom understandable :P
@DaveRandom :D
What's the target length?
Also @JayIsTooCommon there is possibly an argument for implementing github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/issues/102 first as well, because that will totally change the way that plugins interface with the bot anyway
@PeeHaa 40min + 20min for Q&A :-S
ugh that's a full length talk :P
I got about 30 mins atm, going to try and nail it tonight
Life has made it... challenging
@DaveRandom Screw life
@BadroNiaimi That's strange php syntax
@PeeHaa it css
Well stop cross room spamming offtopic stuff
there is no room for flex
2 messages moved to bin
@JoeWatkins I hope next PHP 7.1 will be 7.1.0 (unless there's major fixes)
doing another RC doesn't seem justified
@BadroNiaimi Your point?
I went only to related rooms
web development ..Etc
Yes and I told you to not cross room spam
@BadroNiaimi There is nothing web development in our description
good luck with you stuffs
Same to you
@bwoebi this one was barely justified
I don't think we understood what rc means :D
@JoeWatkins exactly…
It means pushing all gigantic last minute RFCs into the thing right?
@FlorianMargaine you wish this or, if that's too scary this. sorry :P
lol @ the second one
@Wes dayum
@PeeHaa nods ... _R_FC _C_ram
JayIsTooCommon kelunik ... who is missing?
yes, i'll do myself too :B
linus, leigh, levi
@Wes Just made my own for now.
@brzuchal It's going better than I expected...only the single obvious naysayer, and one other person who made a crap argument. I wouldn't bother summarizing the discussion, just wait the required two weeks from when the RFC was announced, and then announce that the voting is open, without any commentary.
If you have copious spare amounts of time, it would be interesting to research how many projects use the class name 'object' in the global namespace.
@Danack s/global/any/
oops, ok.
you know, we are too quick to dismiss what stas has to say
@kelunik you actually did kinda what i had in mind so far for you
@Wes It's just a quick and dirty version.
@JoeWatkins not in this case......sometimes he makes good points, but a lot of the time he literally says "I don't need this, so I don't understand why anyone needs this".
@brzuchal There is some value in discussing whether it would be right for 7.2 or 8 then...
the reasons he is against everything is painfully clear to me now ...
@DaveRandom Yeah that makes sense, saves refactoring twice
ok, I'll try to do some research in this week
I don't see him saying that
maybe read what he said again, without the assumption that he is going to refuse the feature for no good reason ... it's a bad assumption, one I've made, many times ... it's wrong ...
@Wes Not sure if you're qualified enough to work with such beauty.
@JayIsTooCommon kelunik is a good looking chap indeed
Does anyone have a stub implementation for PSR7 ? one that can be used to run apps that are expecting a PSR7 request object to be available to be run from the CLI
@Danack PSR 7 …………………
meh - it's good enough....so long as you use it carefully....
And it avoids having yet another argument at work about re-inventing everything.
@Danack mhmhh… why not just Aerys then? :-P
Don't want my cow-orker's heads to explode....
@Danack at least they won't be able to complain anymore with an exploded head.
@bwoebi they will find ways. gestures, farting, splattering complaints with blood spilling from their arteries…
on a side note: i just went to BK to try their halloween burgers (black and red buns) and they were entirely underwhelming… ok, I knew that before… but I am disappointed that I was right.

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