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It's like me phoning @PeeHaa to ask him what the time is instead of just looking at clock on the phone I'm using to call him
I mean I do actually do that occasionally, but that's only really to annoy him, not to find out the time
I would rather have you call me once in a while instead of neglecting me tbh
I'm not asking you to find the solution for me all I need is to know whether I can find it whether I'm going the right way or I'm doing something wrong
all I need is an advice nothing more
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa can't tell the time yet
@PeeHaa: The parameters senta re as below
<params PartnerCD="9999" OrderID="9999999" Timestamp="2012-09-03 22:55:15.350"
StatusCD="6" StatusName="Approved - PCB" ChannelCD="2" ChannelName="WEB"
OfficeCD="0" OfficeName="All Offices" UserNumber="0" UserName="john.smith"
PmtDeviceType="Visa" PmtDeviceLast4="1234" FirstName="Bill" LastName="Johnson"
Address1="14373 Main St" Address2="" City="Anytown" Region="MI"
PostalCode="12345" CountryCode="US" PhoneNumber="555-555-1234"
EmailAddress="[email protected]" DateOfBirth="" PmtNotes="" OrderTypeCD="1"
and using $xml=simplexml_load_string($myXMLData) to fetch the data
but cant view the xml content in the page
lionize: to treat (a person) as a celebrity.
Any one familiar with point and pay system
Sorry. I don't do stupidxml
@SSJGSS that's what I do in foreign countries
@SSJGSS You haven't given near enough information for someone to help you. Gist your code, tell us what behaviour you expected + what behaviour you are currently getting. Also Google.
Do we have an actual function for print or echo somewhere?
@tereško oh boy that actually made me spray my beer for some reason :P
@LeviMorrison no.
But you aren't permitted to define one, correct?
@LeviMorrison right.
So we could probably do some internals work to allow using it as a callback, right?
So stuff like this is doable: collect($data)->each('print')
And similarly for "variable functions"; $f = 'print'; $f('hello');
@tereško That Means?
@JayIsTooCommon : We have a php site which is integrated into point and pay payment system. We sent the required parameters expected to them and it works. But the problem is when the payment is success, we dont get the response content which is supposed to be an XML.
If the page is successful, it should redirect to success page, where we need to fetch the transaction information and others, but there is no response
@SSJGSS You don't get a response from the payment system, that's the problem - right?
Have you contacted the payment system providers?
Yes. They are saying that the parameters are passed correctly.
@SSJGSS You never tried to order something in a foreign country using hands and feet?
@SSJGSS ok, that's good. And did they have any explanation as to why you weren't getting a response from them?
THey are nt sure about that
@SSJGSS i assume that it's a payment gateway/system like Paypal in a way, where after the payment is successful (or whatever other state) it will poke a page that you have specified in your profile?...

What is this payment system, is there an API Document we can look at out of interest?
We have for paypal
but point and pay is bit tricky
have uploaded
@bwoebi If I remember correctly someone proposed having echo and print to have functions didn't they?
lol ^^^
@LeviMorrison no idea
@SSJGSS Well if your payment system providers have no idea, I doubt we will with the limited information you have given us
hv uploaded the document
If you think it is an issue with your code rather than the system itself, paste your code into a gist
@SSJGSS are you passing your URLSuccess and URLFailures in your request as per the documents?
that is done by them and is correct
i m redirecting to success.php for success
Have you checked your Apache logs to see if your success or failure URL's are being hit?
or ngix, or whatever else.
no idea on them
it is getting redirected to the success page
but fails to display the results
And you have Method set to POST or?

$accno = $_REQUEST['AccountNo'];
$partnercd =$_REQUEST['PartnerCD'];
$orderid =$_REQUEST['OrderID'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['Amount'];
$productid= $_REQUEST['ProductIDt'];
tried this
and also this
$amountpost =$_POST["Amount"];
$useridpost =$_POST["UserID"];
echo $amountpost;
echo $useridpost;
Can you try:
echo ( "<pre>" );
echo ( "</pre>" );
shove that at the very top of your file
it will output all POST data that the server got from the other side.
lol. editing a post: when writing "error" in the tag box, the first auto complete suggestion is: no less than php :D
@SSJGSS anything?
We are not getting any result
it is empty
Then it must be their end bud
If you were even getting a tiny bit of post data back, it would display.
Honestly it's quite hard to assist any further from our end on a system which looks like the documentation is private (aka, to subscribers only), and to where we are unable to test the code ourselves.
I'm off, cya.
/me leaves for the flight in 10 minutes
aren't you on a plane or something?
^^ nearly there
how exciting!
urgh...yyeah, I'm pretty nervous
better get going though...
how's your dog?
ace... was it?
@Ekin yup! see you on the other side!
Ace is sleeping right next to my chair :(
see y'all later!
safe travels ekin
@Wes maybe we can be friends again? so after a few months of intensive frontend and backend javascript... I can say it. I... miss.... PHP!
i love frontend :(
me too. well actually I love react
@bwoebi I know, just pushed what I had and left.
well..., if anyone wants to do some co-op frontend project, pls ping me |o
@bwoebi $mode = \UV::S_IRWXU | \UV::S_IRUSR; just sanity checking... that S_IRUSR is redundant, right?
S_IRWXU is already S_IRUSR
@Archer you mean you have one, or search one?
@DaveRandom it should
OK cool
Just trying to decipher what the sane thing to do here is on windows
@FélixGagnon-Grenier if anyone is doing something... I mean...
@Archer I get you. I think ;)
that's a relief :P
@Archer frontend? doing who?
anybody else, other than me...
Windows basically has _S_IWRITE and _S_IREAD because ntfs permissions don't work like *nix @bwoebi. So I'm thinking we can just define UV::S_IW* as _S_IWRITE, UV::S_IR* as _S_IREAD, UV::S_IX* as 0 and the RWX constants as _S_IWRITE | _S_IREAD @bwoebi
Basically we could do with having all of the *nix S_* constants defined on windows so that code is portable
I will just implement it and show what I mean after, it'll be easier probably
@DaveRandom I … uh … what does actually happen on Windows when you do chmod(0700) or such?
I mean… that code will do something on Win…
@DaveRandom ah … Actually, windows defines it as 4 and 2 too… and just leaves 1 out
(thus chmod(0700) on windows is same as 0600)
Basically what I just said there is the closest you can come to *nix behaviour while still defining all teh constants
Jeeves runs with that patch ^
god damn travis
oh wait those are not my fault \o/
they aren't.
@DaveRandom lol
@bwoebi also you can bin this logic now and just call uv_poll_init() directly
Btw @bwoebi are there any benchmarks between drivers for amp?
It may be at some point in the future that there will be some need for uv_poll_init_socket() but if there is then I can't see what it would be
@PeeHaa none I would have saved… maybe in this chats backlog… but otherwise, no.
Also @bwoebi how would you feel about creating a release?
Only because it would provide a sane way to distribute windows binaries via github
As I said, someone do the PECL work for me, then there will be a release quickly.
@bwoebi no I mean just create a tag and put a release on github
yea just need to look into these tests once again
I've got multiple different applications which integrate with each other, mainly using events. Each application has an event stream accessible over a REST API. In order for them to integrate they must poll the other applications REST API for the event streams. With PHP do you think it's better to do this using a cronjob or have a PHP script that runs all the time which does the polling?
The reason I went with the REST API integration was because there were complications using RabbitMQ for messaging when the PHP script ran for a few days.
@Wes can't remember whereabouts you are in Italy.. you cool?
@DaveRandom <3
Pie tar, have you started watching WestWorld yet?
@JayIsTooCommon Noooooooo. Not enough episodes
I will like it and than I have to wait for new episodes
Bitches don't like waitign
its the first series I haven't binged and it's actually a bit more enjoyable, but then again I'm not a bitch :0
@DaveRandom Also use @Jeeves :)
@JayIsTooCommon I cannot just watch one episode
@PeeHaa Evidently you have forgotten that you are currently signed into Twitter as Jeeves...
I am?
There we go
Twitter is annoying like that
I can only do api calls using 1 account
The Client asked me to do a load test to see if autoscaling works fine, so used AB from few servers and start hitting it with requests. eventually, the whole thing scaled up to 10 t2.micrs and was serving 63k requests per min. When i proudly told him about the results he told me that tests with AB is shit. I need to simulate real users. Now i have no idea how to simulate real users to that many requests. Any suggestions?
@DaveRandom It's mandatory to connect mobile phone nrs now. Which is connected to jeeves. If I need to use another account @Jeeves cannot do api calls anymore cc @JayIsTooCommon
It's super retarded that it only allows phonenr:account 1:1
That is super retarded, but why would you be doing API calls with your account?
tweetdeck or sth?
Testing non jeeves related twitter api stuff
@DaveRandom Errrr btw not my main account. I have a dev account
@PeeHaa how weird, I assume they must make exceptions for larger third parties as that's pretty unusable
I kinda doubt that. Twitter hates external developers
I haven't had much experience
@PeeHaa If you want I can transfer Jeeves on to my number, since I don't do any twitter stuff and never plan to
That would actually be nice yeah
k well if you ping me the un/pw and some vague instructions I will do it
vague instructions coming right up!
Really tempted to get the new Google phone after updating to IOS 10 on this shit
Wow twitter is so fucking retarded...
22 hours ago, by DaveRandom
22 hours ago, by DaveRandom
> Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted JPEG file may lead to arbitrary code execution
22 hours ago, by DaveRandom
> Impact: Parsing a maliciously crafted font may disclose sensitive user information
22 hours ago, by DaveRandom
> Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution
22 hours ago, by DaveRandom
Shit's on fire, yo
That first one is my favourite
/me finds a country select box -> click the thing -> me types un to see if uk is in the list -> twitter open new tweet popup because I typed an n and twitter hijacks normal browser behavior...
cc @Wes ^
/me out for a bit
@DaveRandom joy
@PeeHaa has Jeeves got a method for every action possible in the API or does shit still need to be added?
SE API support is very limited
anyone here able to explain to me what this is doing? $data = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!e', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $data);
i need to implement the same logic in js and i'm having a hard time understanding what exactly is happening here
@Joe That looks like somebody tries to mimic serialize()?
so here's the issue lol...
there are api logs that have been written to with php's serialize function and i need to be able to parse them into json in js
and using that preg_replace in php, i am able to json_encode and everything is good
1) punch the person who stores it like that 2) use a sane format instead
done and done
however, i need to get the existing data out in js
Yes but not in that format
How is JS accessing the data?
it is literally going to be pasted in
@Joe ugh
i know...
No idea about the quality. I just google it
i'll give it a shot and check back
@PeeHaa Maybe wrong terminology. Do we have a method for every RO action?
-.- Mobile chat..
@JayIsTooCommon Is it technically possible to do anything that a RO can do
Did I translate that right?
@PeeHaa no good...giving me Uncaught SyntaxError: Unknown / Unhandled data type(s): ; which is what i was getting in the php-unserialize npm module
no, sorry it's me
@Joe Could you share an example string?
Have we made a method to do everything as an RO. So is there a remove() method for example, or does stuff like that still need adding? Sorry for being lazy, GitHub mobile is also shit :p
@JayIsTooCommon Oh no. Not by far. We have only added stuff when there was a need for it
@PeeHaa have to run for a bit but i'll see if i can get an example string for you
ty again
@PeeHaa ok cool :) spanks
@JayIsTooCommon anytime
wazzup paul
wuzz hattin'
yer picture is all fucked up.. wait, a bunch of people's pictures are all fucked up
It's halloweenish
@PaulCrovella did it work? Were you frightened?
terrified, petrified, mortified
@JayIsTooCommon yes, i'm ok
2016 sucked
@Wes Sucked? There's still more than two months left!
It can still suck so much more!
@Wes :(
I still have this godawful election to deal with :(
@NikiC In the USA at least we still have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The best of the year is yet to come!
I want to move to Denmark :/
Or Canada..
installing apache on a Windows server, is there a specific version I should be using? the server will be internal only
Or Netherlands..
I feel like a bot has intentionally found a bug in the site, and is constantly fucking with the bug, so that I receive a million error reports. I have no idea what the bug is because the error report cuts off half way -_-
@LeviMorrison And the election… which may overshadow anything good.
So… at least we have Halloween to look forward too!
Eh, I'm at peace with the election.
I know how I will vote, I understand the likely impact (or lack thereof), and accept it.
Same. I'll be glad when it's over.
I'll be really excited if someone other than Trump or Clinton gets electoral college votes, though.
dude in utah has a real chance at that
Evan McMullin, yeah.
It's the state I live in.
That would be interesting. Has that ever happened before?
It has happened, but it's pretty rare.
@JayIsTooCommon screenshotted
fivethirtyeight.com still predicts Utah for Trump pretty overwhelmingly.
Most "prediction" places don't even factor in independents, so naturally they don't predict Trump to lose Utah.
"it's written on the internet" :p
I do not know if fivethirtyeight does or not.
pfff, @Levi and these intelligent reasonning
@LeviMorrison They do, but this election is so different their models may be dramatically overestimating Trump's support.
im going to build a ajax form with captcha i find this captcha.php. now i need to refersh captcha when each time that form submit to server to a button which can referesh captch. the captcha.php file return a picture. how can i refersh it
Most of my personal acquaintances here will be voting for Evan McMullin, a few for Clinton as well. I do not personally know any fellow Utahns who like Trump.
I had to block my dad from communication until after the election because he wouldn't shut up about it.
And where I live I pass several Trump signs on my way to work every day.
He keeps sending me Trump speech videos that I have zero interest in watching and repeatedly asks me if I watched them.
@Tiffany I'm curious; why won't you watch them? I don't mean all of them.
Trump would be a great president. i promise
@LeviMorrison I thought about it, but my dad's fucking insistence on watching it has just led me to spite him.
@Tiffany Sad :'(
(I don't get along with him very well)
If I want incoherent rambling there's a homeless dude up the road who's way more interesting than trump.
I actually think Trump winning Utah would be the worst possible outcome for this state.
I asked my dad how he could defend Trump's remarks about grabbing women by the pussy. "That was taken out of context and locker room talk."
@FélixGagnon-Grenier :p
what's amazing is trump's remarks always get worse with context
It's so difficult to support Hillary though, but lesser of the two evils. It's a shame it's come to that
Please do not think like that.
There are more options than Clinton and Trump.
@LeviMorrison like what?
Oh, that I didn't know.. I'm UK, not sure how it works there :P
Problem is, the 12th amendment
to the best of my knowledge, if one of the candidates from the two parties do not get voted, then the house of representatives pick
the other options are terrible though, john oliver is a good quick rundown on them youtube.com/watch?v=k3O01EfM5fU
And why is that a problem? The house of representatives is filled with reps from each state, isn't it?
the house is gerrymandered like crazy, and even if it wasn't people only like their own reps and hate the rest of them
republican majority, they'll probably pick Trump
@Tiffany You really think they would? Many of them hate Trump.
a plurality would pick trump, which would get the rest to go along with it
the thing that irks me is the other republican candidates weren't very good either. the top 4 are terrible. but I'm very social liberal.
there's nobody else for them to really rally around
@PaulCrovella I haven't watched it; does he cover McMullin?
civil rights are one of my more important issues.
Do you think an expectation of privacy should be a civil right?
Gary Johnson actually fits all of my requirements for civil rights, but I don't like his ideas for changing the tax, and eliminating medicare, medicaid and social security.
@LeviMorrison Your friends are usually those who also turn out to have similar general political tendencies… People who vote Clinton will say "most of those I know vote her"… and likewise for Trump "most of those I know vote Trump" …
@Levi friends are a nice echo chamber, often enough.
@LeviMorrison no, mainly just the other two
linking this article, because it's truer even now. The Other Side is Not Dumb
also goes into what you're talking about, @bwoebi
@bwoebi I didn't say "friends" there specifically, because I'm talking about a much larger group of people. People I've taken classes with, met at videogame parties, etc.
@LeviMorrison And that's still your echo chamber. What about lower-class workers? Stay-at-home moms? I.e. at universities Trump in general is more hated. That's one single big echo chamber
@bwoebi My family is lower-class workers and my wife has been a stay-at-home mom for years.
I understand what you are saying though.
@bwoebi I think you're misusing "echo chamber" .. biased sample sure, but that's not all an echo chamber is
@PaulCrovella I'm a bit hyperbolic, yes
The amusing thing about the election is that you only hear what dems and reps do wrong, but you hear barely anything, neither positive nor negative about any others.
You basically only hear their goals and policies if you search for these
Nobody knows whether they've once talked dirty a ten years ago.
because the reality is they're irrelevant
Whereas about Clinton you loudly hear corruption and similar scandals and about Trump a few old things, an alleged rape scandal (wtf?) and dirty talking about minorities [Clinton does too though] and woman
dismissing what he said as "dirty talk" is disingenuous.. the problem isn't that he said the word "pussy", it's that he bragged about committing sexual assault. It's a real issue.
"you loudly hear corruption" - Do you actually hear corruption, or do you hear people just making shit up?
@Danack Dunno… wikileaks + reportedly manipulated voter machines doesn't sound like made up shit
@bwoebi You can point to something that's actually in the wikileaks that's actually corruption? Or any serious site that reported that there was manipulation of voting machines? Rather than just crazy conspiracy sites.
Republicans and fox news just keep repeating lies, that they know are lies, because most people think that stuff they hear frequently enough 'must' be true to some extent.
even fox news is shying away from most of it
@Danack The question is whether they sprout out lies or whether the other media is shutting up about it…
It's hard to distinguish there.
Apparently Hillary Clinton has 20 pages of stuff on snopes - snopes.com/search/?q=hillary+clinton
@Danack I don't know ultimately. Something like Project Veritas sounds somewhat serious TBH.
@Danack That applies to both parties
It's not always trivial to distinguish the actual truth and the asserted truth…
@bwoebi The guy behind that has been caught editing the videos to make it appear people were saying stuff they weren't.
> James O'Keefe, the right-wing activist famous for his undercover and ethically questionable sting operations on prominent liberal organizations, has settled a lawsuit filed against him for $100,000 from a former ACORN employee. O'Keefe's misleading ACORN videos led to the collapse of the organization, which was hugely successful in registering minority and low income voters. Less well known is how the American Legislative Exchange Council helped in the larger campaign to take down ACORN.
Yeah, see, we're going in circles
We can always find something on both sides
@bwoebi fuck off, no we're not. On one side we have people who have been found guilty of lying in a court of law.
@Danack … like Clinton?
@bwoebi she keeps getting accused of stuff, and then when she's investigated people find that the accusations were baseless, and were only done to make her look bad.
That is not the same as something like project veritas which deliberately goes out to edit video to deceive people.
So no, both sides aren't bad. One side is making up shit constantly, the other side isn't.
@Danack The accusations about her email server were not baseless.
@Danack And then you hear reports that e.g. the FBI director is corrupted and takes the ultimate say to not investigate further even though many (allegedly) told him otherwise in sight of clear evidence?
@LeviMorrison fair point. And I look forward to congress investigating and prosecuting the Bush whitehouse for deleting several million emails that covered his presidency, with the same urgency that they investigated her emails.
@bwoebi "you hear". As in people are making stuff up again?
@Danack Fair point, but I hope you can see the difference in investigating a past president and one who is a current presidential nominee.
(And why one was conducted so urgently)
@LeviMorrison I can see the difference, but at the same time, there is a difference the other way as well. Clinton just isn't that good with computers ("The youtube") so it's not that unreasonable for her to fuck up her data retention. On the other side, the Bush Administration using a private server and then having the disks be destroyed completely appears to be a deliberate conspiracy to break the law.
if you could bottle Clinton, you could paint cars with it: no dirt would ever stick to it again
... maybe you don't understand Clinton's scenario. She deliberately broke the law as well. I'm not sure if anyone truly knows the true scale of either situation, but to say Hilary just screwed up data retention is really naive.
Your comparison is fairly apt in my opinion; they are quite similar in principle (although perhaps not in scale).
@Danack you seem to like snopes, then snopes.com/comey-clinton-foundation … Just saying… there's nothing proven for sure… [because how do you ever want to prove that without being yourself in that position or having some verified leaks?]
20 mins ago, by Danack
Republicans and fox news just keep repeating lies, that they know are lies, because most people think that stuff they hear frequently enough 'must' be true to some extent.
@Danack you haven't read the link? :-D
It says pretty much that there is no proof.
@bwoebi why would he need to. It is just filled with lies from Fox News ... that's what every other cable news channel told him :)
also, looking at leaks is illegal .. or so I heard
@tereško CNN, yes :-D
I am just saying that this whole bullshit thing is totally intransparent
You have no idea who's right and who's wrong.
in 100 years, people will read about this and say: this was the year when 4th estate destroyed itself in USA
4th estate?
The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press". Thomas Carlyle attributed the origin of the term to Edmund Burke, who used it in a parliamentary debate in 1787 on the opening up of press reporting of the House of Commons of Great Britain. Earlier writers have applied the term to lawyers, to the British queens consort (acting as a free agent, independent of the king), and to the proletariat. The term...
@LeviMorrison just for the record, in my opinion both Clinton and Obama could/should be investigated for war crimes for the drone strikes program, which appear to be contrary to both US law and the international agreements like the geneva convention.....it doesn't seem something that Congress seems to want to investigate though.
there must be some "public-trust to votes" exchange service running ..
@Danack Sadly I think there are far too many things that need investigations :'(
gn folks \o
Noight o/
Noite all o/
that maddening feel when PR does something completely reasonable, and it breaks a website because the codebase is shit
does this type of pagination makes sense ?
« [1] 2 3 … 9  »
« 1 [2] 3 4 … 9 »
« 1 2 [3] 4 5 … 9 »
« 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 … 9 »
« 1 … 3 4 [5] 6 7 … 9 »
« 1 … 4 5 [6] 7 8 9  »
« 1 … 5 6 [7] 8 9 »
« 1 … 6 7 [8] 9 »
« 1 … 7 8 [9] »
the element in [x] is the "current"
Does it make sense to who? To me (and probably a lot of us here) sure. Will it make sense to the average user? No idea :)
Doesn't Google use something similar?
Hm nope, they just show the middle. I do like first/last buttons personally
Especially on forums
the sticky points to me are when 4 and 6 are active
@tereško that's actually my preferred pagination style…

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