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@tereško got my first apartment this week, I'm actually thinking about getting a projector instead.
Does anyone have a projector in their house they use instead of a TV? any effects?
Needs appropriate wall and low-light
so i got the upload working fine, but now i'm trying to display a message without a redirect, as the form action is in a different file, i put a header location, which works but no success or error message is displayed. any suggestions?
Does anyone here actually watch TV? Without wanting to seem too harsh, the people I've found who watch TV on a regular basis aren't very successful in any areas of their life - I'd like to see if there's actually any correlation here, I think the results would be eye-opening
TV as in actual broadcast tv?
i watch documentaries :B
@Jimbo It's like everything, depends what you do with it.
Everyone I know from family to relatives own a tv.
@Jimbo I don't have a TV
@PeeHaa Maybe reality tv
It's like a cultural thing
in mysql how can I give access to specific user access to specif database only.. I mean he will be able to see only respective databse when he logged in using given mysql credentials using SQlYog
@Jimbo lol
Is the news reality tv? :P
@Jimbo I don't watch live TV. Just stuff from my NAS or Netflix from my Xbox.
@DaveRandom ohai
moin \o
@DaveRandom o/
It's actually trendy in here to buy one of those 50+ inch TVs here. It's disgusting
Why is that disgusting?
@samayo here i a better investment: buy a 3440x1440 monitor
any idea
I didn't watched tv from 3 years
@PeeHaa It's too big to fit in a studio or small apartments. I don't know, it's ugly to me. It takes so much space
So because you are living in a box it's disgusting that people buy a tv?
does anybody prefer projectors over tvs? i thought tv was always better
@Jimbo I hardly ever watch new TV, I re-watch Star Trek a lot... mostly on one of my monitors while doing something else on the other two. There are a few shows I follow via torrents, but I very rarely actually turn on the actual TV
and people used projector just because they had to
And you were asking about a projector?
@PeeHaa Nah, I said gigantic tvs are disgusting, unless you own a mansion.
Also 50inch is hardly gigantic
Ask @Jimbo's mom
@PeeHaa LOL you beat me to it xD
Bastards, it's only just gone 10am
@Jimbo I regularly watch TV
Yeh but you do all sorts of weird shit. Like Javascript.
@PeeHaa A projector does not take space, while still giving you a cinematic experience.
@samayo probably true but that does not make TV's 'disgusting' :p
@JayIsTooCommon I never said anything bad on owning TV's. Just those wallpaper-sized TVs are disgusting.
A TV should fit the room. Size is about space.
@FlorianMargaine Live TV?
I watch a lot of shows but not live.
I'm still pretty happy with my rpi as streaming box
@VamsiKrishnaB fmod() works... thanks... :D
@PeeHaa streaming box?
morgen people!
!!google streaming box
Morgen pine
!!? streaming box
Search for "streaming box" (https://www.google.com/search?q=streaming+box&lr=lang_en)
• The best TV streaming boxes and sticks - reviewed… - From Apple TV to Amazon's streaming efforts, we pick the best boxes and sticks for streaming. (http://www.stuff.tv/features/best-tv-streaming-boxes-and-sticks-reviewed)
• Which is the best movie streaming box for under £… - Video streaming has been one of the fastest growing areas of entertainment technology over the las… (http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/127636-which-is-the-best-movie-streaming-box-for-under-100-apple-tv-vs-fire-tv-vs-chromecast-2-an
@Jimbo yes
meh, just use bittorrent like a normal nerd
^ dat
@FlorianMargaine Then you are the first person I have met like that :)
@DaveRandom It supports bittorrent ;)
bittorrent streaming cause fuck the other bittorrent people and just download the first pieces first
@PeeHaa what? Don't tell me you can watch movies directory of tpb (without downloading)
Yeh but complicated application-specific platform is complicated. I'd rather just shove a cheapo Windoze machine on the TV.
@samayo It uses a plugin system
hmpf, how do I configure php without phpdbg? --without-phpdbg didnt work
@Gordon don't mention it at all?
ah nvm
--disable-all then --with-*
it worked for me
@DaveRandom I like that is has a somewhat uniform interface for everything
@DaveRandom no,I have --disable-all but it still installed it
Even both my brother as well as my mother understand it \o/ No more having to come over because they screwed something up
@Gordon oh right, yeh I know that the build system's definition of "all" is not the same as mine
@DaveRandom very much not mine either :)
@PeeHaa Yeh I'm fine with that sort of thing for non-tech people, but I live in a house without any of those so...
@PeeHaa How many free tv channels do you get with that streaming box? aside from the ones you get via torrents
I hate dicking around. I'm just too old for that shit
@samayo It's plugin based, so pretty much unlimited. There are a lot of plugins
@PeeHaa I hate dicking around, except when it's in your mom
Nice come back :P
@PeeHaa I know, you're too busy retrieving antiquities from archaeological digs from under the noses of incompetent Nazis, I get it
IndianHaa Pee
Guys, I'm looking for a freelance iOS and Android developer.
Sorry enough on my plate already as it is
Also I hate mobile
AKA Java
@Fabor iOS ain't java
As much as I hate java the actual android platform is terrible to develop for
The latter more so
Swift & Java then
objc is weird, but still > android development
I prefer Java to obj-c, but not in the context of android
Same here
Is Guzzle purely for handling outgoing requests / responses, or does it have a class which manages the current page request?
@Sean former
@FlorianMargaine Fab, cheers!
guzzle is vulnerable to httpoxy, btw
@FlorianMargaine Guzzle 4+, yes.
No need to thank me, I did nothing.
@Oldskool which came out 2 years ago
@Fabor you're welcome
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but some people are just necrophpiliacs, I still encounter mysql_ related questions on a daily basis.
And that's been deprecated for over 4 years...
@Sean Y U NO ARTAX?!?!?!?
@DaveRandom I haven't used Artax in years, remind me why I should again? The API changed and I didn't like it
ahem, I mean, you really should look at Artax, it is great and does All The Things
@DaveRandom Never heard of it, please don't kill me
!!package amphp/artax
[ amphp/artax ] Asynchronous parallel HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework
Ah, well I did say fab, but I was after the latter, not the former ^^;
@Jimbo well it does depend on what you are doing I suppose, but I like that it's trivial to use the same thing for both sync and async code with very little work
Still, I am getting to grips with some of the amphp packages at home, fiddling with creating a websocket app.
btw does anyone want to build a web front-end for @Jeeves? I really hate front-end work but I can make a JSON API that will expose all data/actions in <1day
@DaveRandom What would be the purpose?
I really suck at UI design in general
Bootstrap all the things then
Yeh but I still have to write the HTML
And figure out a layout
@Sean visual live status/status, configuration, possibly administration like restarting
Mainly configuration, I hate that it currently requires you to spam chat with a largely undocumented command-line interface
@Jimbo @rdlowrey wanted to rewrite it, but he never seems to get time…
@Jimbo wrap a facade around it to make it to your liking
@DaveRandom I may do it if you find a suitable template :P
@Gordon A Laravel facade?
@Jimbo no. a proper facade. as in the design pattern
I know :D
I know how it is pronounced but I don't think I will ever stop reading it as "Face Aid"
@Fabor That's probably because you look at them and can see aids on their face
Laravel has Face Aids
megillah: a lengthy and tediously complicated situation or matter.
Mega Godzilla
Can you use PHP to check if the value of an input field has been selected from datalist? stackoverflow.com/questions/38487297/make-datalist-required
@TheCodesee You can't prevent submission with PHP, you need Javascript for that. You can prevent parsing an invalid submission, obviously.
sorry i don't mean preventing the form submission, I'll edit that
I mean I want the error to be echoed if they haven't selected something from the datalist
Hi, I'm having an issue with Laravel Caffeinated Module routes, would anyone be able to help please?
I have a question I asked yesterday - stackoverflow.com/questions/38483360/…
Check the request variables after submission, if it isn't in there then you'll likely need some sneaky JS to achieve it. Not really ideal though.
@TheCodesee Yes, but that was already said: stackoverflow.com/a/38487493/214577
@Styphon There aren't many Laravel users in here. But there's a big community probably at laravel.io/chat
@TheCodesee You haven't given the <input> a name attribute, but it's just something like if (!in_array($_POST['input_name'], $listOfValidValues)) { /* submitted value is invalid */ }
@Fabor thanks, I'll check it out
where do i define $listofvalidvalues?
Above it
Somewhere before that line. How are you generating the list in HTML? Is it just a hard-coded static list?
:31827027 Right, so get that same data, turn it into an array of names, job done
`echo'<datalist id="limiteds" required>';
`foreach($data as $key) {
echo '<option value="'.$key->Name.'">';
so something like this?
`$names = array();
$names[] = $key->Name;`
yeh, in a loop
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 59 secs ago, by kayess
Docu beta is live! http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2016/07/introducing-stack-overflow-documentation-b‌​eta/
It's not generally a great idea to read a JSON file every request, it's better to keep stuff like that in a database, mostly for performance reasons
The JSON file which I get from an external site changes though
@Oldskool horrible, isnt it?
@Gordon Not really, I like the idea.
@Oldskool the idea, yeah… but look at the execution
> I'm pleased to announce developers from x will be participating in Documentation right alongside the community.
\o/ That can only work out great!
from x?
x = list of partner logos
uh… meh!?
\o/ Finally moved that domain name that I never use. Sweet.
companies contributing to SE always turns out a turd
@PeeHaa wait? what? they built the dev.beta because of many products lacking good documentations. now they get in the vendors to do what they didnt do in the first place? mmmkay
"we cannot be bothered to write good docs. oh, you built a docs site. we'll totally contribute to that"
@Gordon it's much easier to contribute examples there and there than to provide a full-fledged doc
@FlorianMargaine no, its much harder. have you tried it yet?
I'm still a tad confused in regards of how "deep" they want these docs, I mean, would it make sense to make a examples of how to loop through arrays?
@Gordon why would I? I'm a help vampire
@Epodax yes. basically API docs plus simple examples. reiterate the PHP manual
I am much aware that not all docs are as good as the php manual, so it might make sense in other languages. but for php, its pointless
also, regarding examples it is quite difficult to draw a line between what we have on the main site already.
I should properly be quick and then grab some easy topics before they're all taken :P
@Fabor that one just mirrors offical docs afaik
People should improve their official docs
Saw "PubNub" and instinctively thought it was something else
Et moi
I wanted to start a DOM topic, but it's very hard to do. The major benefit of the main site is that it asking for specific tasks. IMO, docs should be general and just document the API. They shouldnt be tutorials or contain content from the main site.
@Oldskool Are you participating in the Documentation?
I need some topic
all is taken it seems
@samayo you can request topics
@Gordon I think I just did, for PDO
I can't see where the request went, or who validates it though
^ yeah read that.
Many more will come up though
this is good for pirating
@samayo it shows in the requests tab
well, if knew someone who uses torrents, he or she would use kickass only for tv series and movies
so true
@Gordon found it.

PDO (topic request)

The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. Each database driver that implements the PDO interface can expose database-specific features as regular extension functions.
requested by samayo 5.2k
@tereško I'm told that there are many better sites anyway. That's what I hear. Of course I couldn't possibly comment.
upvote anyone interested.
I'll be interested to see the MVC topic
@samayo Why can't you just create a topic?
@Fabor @AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 already requested one. I think it is not a good fit for the documentation
@PeeHaa don't think I have the privileges
oh. it's SO rep bound?
@Gordon I would agree. Still interested to see what is mentioned though.
@PeeHaa Ah, nope. I thought but it seems I can create a topic. Not sure why it asked me to request in the first place.
Gordon I already removed mvc topic request
@PeeHaa Why in God's name would you do that?
Do what? What god?
Anyone want an @room11.org email address (forwarder)?
ja \o/
Can you forward to room11@mydomain plox
I'll send you the FW address for mine on gTalk (Hangouts)
Email the target addresses to <my screen name>@room11.org please everyone
[email protected] for @PeeHaa please.

PDO (topic draft)

edited on jul 21 '16 at 10:48 by Vamsi Krishna B 5.6k
added 1 examples
@Fabor hehehehe
@VamsiKrishnaB That's hardly a decent example
Hell even our canon is better
!!canon sqli
@DaveRandom aye
Q: How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted without modification into an SQL query, then the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` (`column`) VALUES ('$unsafe_variable')"); That's because the us...

And no don't copy that
I hate it when canons are spread out and getting out of datew
@VamsiKrishnaB How is a draft like yours integrated in the doc? Does it require higher privileges? Because, I can't see any approval btn
Anyone who wants an @room11.org email address forwarder, email your username and the target address to <my screen name>@room11.org :-)
@DaveRandom what is your screen name?
@DaveRandom Including brackets?
I hate you.
@PeeHaa agree, but its a draft. for some reason I am feeling its redundant effort . may be I lack the context
/me needs to go move my car, will sort out when I get back
/me writes an email to [email protected]
@VamsiKrishnaB I have to agree with @PeeHaa that is an award wining code-sample you got there.
All for the wrong reasons of couse
Hi, any one knows how to generate access token from refresh token?
I have refresh token,which stored in db?
when i am trying to regenerate token, at that time i faced with an error.
@DaveRandom did you really buy that domain?
no probs in sharing the award
@harishmahajan Assuming the API is/works like OAuth2, it should have an access token generation endpoint (URL) - you send the refresh token here to get a new access token. It may help if you tell us / link us to the documentation for the API you're working with and/or post the code that's not currently working and any output it's currently giving you (error messages, etc).
Good news everyone. I made a thing that I don't hate. \o/
And by the time I do I will be in another country. \o/
@Gordon You work with docker no? Do you scale with it.
@AllenJB i see the following error in my console.
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'Google_Auth_Exception' with message 'Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: '{
&quot;error&quot; : &quot;invalid_request&quot;,
&quot;error_description&quot; : &quot;Could not determine client ID from request.&quot;
}'' in /var/www/myinvitebig.com/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php:364
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/myinvitebig.com/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php(279): Google_Auth_OAuth2-&gt;refreshTokenRequest(Array)
Yeah @Gordo do you even scale bro
How much you scale bru?
Actually, does anyone work with auto-scaling shtuff?
$foo = new StdClass();
echo $foo->bar;
Is there any trivial way to make that error?
here is code
    $sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM list where userid = ".$_SESSION['userid'];
    $resultSelect = $conn->query($sqlSelect);
      if ($resultSelect->num_rows > 0) {
          while($row = $resultSelect->fetch_assoc()) {
            $rToken = $row['refresh_token'];
    $refreshToken = $client->getAccessToken();
    echo  $refreshToken
@harishmahajan CTRL+K to format code, but pastebin is preferable.
@Danack Holy shit. WHAT DID YOU DO?????
That is one beautiful dp
Thanks @Fabor
You look like my neural style output
I now self-identify as a fire elemental.
/or zeus
I bet zeus gets more ladies
you can say Jesus to me.
@hakre Jesus.
If zues got the Hans-solo treatment.
or.. hey Zeus
@Leigh You find a place yet?
@Fabor the things I do with docker dont need to scale, but yes we are running docker a lot and to scale.
@Fabor I did
Sensitive passwords inside these containers @Gordon?
@Leigh Nice. Seem okay or a do for now kind of place?
at the moment trying to tone down an email to Della, who has asked me to email the outsourced accounting company to get the details on my P45 fixed...
like, how tf is it my job
@Trowski the most important part about amphp/socket are the functions. For the classes I'm all open for rewrites if they're better; for functions I'd like to know the improvement suggestions on a case-by-case basis
Emergency tax for you.
@Fabor Room isn't much to speak of, but the people I'm sharing with seem nice enough
That's good. Like-minded? Or good looking?
@harishmahajan Have you configured the client object using setAuthConfig (as per the 'Authentication with OAuth' example in the readme: github.com/google/google-api-php-client )?
And actually works out cheaper than where I am, bills included - even if it is less space (which I don't need)
Hm, one is a front-end dev, but I'm sure I can fix him
Nice find then.
Yeah fix him.
@Trowski feel free to work on amphp/socket; I'll update amp/dns sometime today…
@Fabor what exactly do you want to know?
@Gordon Basically how to handle passwords in something that scales.
DB connection passwords and such.
@Fabor just like you would in a monolith, too
if you do provisioning with ansible, you can put them in ansible vault and then pass them the dockerfile as env vars
@bwoebi yes, wanted something for @Jeeves, couldn't find anything both good and cheap so just bought that instead and can use jeeves.room11.org instead, plus we can have emails and other subdomains etc
/me is trying out that SO documentation thing
@Fabor about 6 months ago I drew (literally on paper) some nice diagrams of how to set up a certificate authority using CFSSL, and how to automatically issue client certificates for different classes of server that need access to different things.
@Leigh I mean for removing the DB connections shtuff from the repos -_-
@tereško please improve the Inheritance topic. its horrific
you'll want to pass the connection details to the containers as environment variables tbh
That's what I am reading about atm.
you're on the right track then :)
Furry cheers.
Thanks too @Gordon
yes,the entire thing is crap
room topic changed to PHP: Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask. Chat Guidelines : guide.room11.org [php]
No. wait i am doing it.
Thanks @DaveRandom.
@DaveRandom Wait, there's a room11.org? :O
Now i write below code if my file.
$client = new Google_Client();
$refreshToken = $client->getAccessToken();
There is as of about an hour ago
Nice :)
now i got this error.
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'Google_Exception' with message 'Invalid client secret JSON file.' in /var/www/myinvitebig.com/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Client.php:171
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/myinvitebig.com/calsync.php(55): Google_Client-&gt;setAuthConfig('cs.json')
#1 {main}
thrown in <b>/var/www/myinvitebig.com/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Client.php</b> on line <b>171</b><br />
@harishmahajan And what do you think that means?
It's pretty self-explanatory.
\o/ I haz room11 mail
i know that. but my cs.json file is correct. I download it two times.
Apparently, Google begs to differ that.
And if it's called Client.json, that's your problem. Your code is looking for a cs.json
@Oldskool yes, its cs.json. not Client.json
@Danack Custom error handler?
here is my code
$refreshToken = $client->getAccessToken();
Q: google-api-php-client: Invalid client secret JSON file

EverettSeems that the latest version of the google-api-php-client for PHP doesn't line up with the docs @ https://developers.google.com/drive/web/examples/php Looking at the src code I'm seeing that it's looking for keys in the downloaded JSON that the setAuthConfigFile() method can't find: client_secr...

Stack Overflow Documentation is the new W3Schools.
@Gordon Only if the community allows it to be.
So please make it stop! Contribute something useful :)
Or edit something that's crap :)
@Gordon not quite… w3schools can't by changed by us… SO docs can.
@harishmahajan It looks like you're using an old version of the library (v1 while current is v2) - I would recommend upgrading. Either that or you'll need to find documentation on the same thing for the old version of the library.
@Oldskool no. I won't. I have contributed more than 2500 questions over 5 years. I did my fair share and probably a dozen other people's share, too. I cannot be bothered to clean up the crap of other people just because SO felt it would be cool to put SO into SO. Just look at the topics and their content. Do you really expect me to rewrite all of that?
@bwoebi docs only being changeable by a selected few is a good thing.
But do you know, i have refresh token already, i just want to new access token.?
each solution that i found is not working at my side.
@Gordon SO docs need to be reviewed though… thus should be fine
@bwoebi that depends on the reviewers
@Gordon sure it does.
just look at the existing content. it's only been open for a few minutes and it's already overflowing with craptacular crap
@Gordon I'm not saying you have to. I'm just saying that if you feel something is very wrong there is something you could do about it. That makes it different from W3Schools, where even tons of critique doesn't get anything done. You could even do as little as comment on a doc saying "this needs improvement" or just "this is wrong" and let others do the actual editing.
@Gordon uhm… the existing content was created during private beta?
@Oldskool I did that. they edited more crap as a result
@Gordon It has been in closed beta for like 2-3 months.
@bwoebi some of it. yes. but new content is pouring in as we speak
@Oldskool yes, I know. I have been part of it. PHP had very little participation
@DaveRandom Got it \o/
btw @Gordon I actually don't have a mail from you yet
@JayIsTooCommon cool
"If Q&A is chocolate, Documentation is peanut butter." (source) Is documentation on SO going to be crunchy or smooth?
absolutely have no idea how to loop though this kind of array in php
column row not working
I do wish they'd fix the gist-onebox-walloftext thing
@DaveRandom I didnt write one. I take gooh@ please.
k, need target addr though

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