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but there is loads more columns being selected and a table join on the id
@Jay Yeah, you should use GROUP BY table.vrm instead.
@Oldskool yo
@Jay start with SELECT table.vrm, table.id, table.status FROM table GROUP BY table.vrm and go from there
Sorry hit enter too fast :)
o ok
thanks alot guys
much love <3
You're welcome.
<- credit thief
Fabor third funniest men in room
So... Pokemon Go anyone?
No, my battery life isn't great as it is.
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 you have a list? let us know who are the other 2
i know a place where you can find the best legendary pokemon
This is Yugochu
@samayo yeah i have list ;)
@ChadidiAbdellah Inside @Jimbo's mom?
@PeeHaa notice the Sljivovica
@DejanMarjanovic lol!
so where are you from people
@bwoebi @Trowski ReactPHP is getting a new website: reactphp.github.io
@Machavity That would skyrocket banana sales and empty tortoise shelters for sure!
@kelunik Hopefully they'll embrace the standard loop with their next version.
@Machavity where that pic taken
@Sarah No clue
so amazing lol
@Machavity seems all of drivers are man
can anybody help me with question
Q: get none invalidate Json while convert array to json using json_encode

SarahI'm going to convert an array that it's data populated from the server. the array schema is like below: $info=array( 'user'=>array(), 'allProduct'=>array(array()), 'AllOrder'=>array(array()) ); my php code: <?php include("PDOConnection.php"); function selectAllUser($cnn) { ...

I am building an extension in two docker containers. It works fine in container 1 but not in container 2. I understand the error message, but not why I am getting it, nor do I know how to fix it:

/opt/ext/src/my-ext.c:22: error: redefinition of typedef ‘php_timeout_ull’
/opt/ext/src/thing/thing.h:21: error: previous declaration of ‘php_timeout_ull’ was here
208k!! how did u get it @Gordon
@Sarah he has relations.
@Sarah He bought it on Ebay
@Sarah I slept with moderators
no i think he is smart
hahahaha, you're the only one
burst out laughing
the thing I am not getting is why it works in container 1 but not in 2. makes me wonder if it has to do with the php versions I am building this against. could this be?
Unclear Get 2-2 record from collection - ravi.ideal - 2016-07-21 14:08:48Z
@Gordon where the .c decl is the function definition, and the .h is just a symbol decl?
@DejanMarjanovic Did you get any luck with the job search in EU?
oh it's a typedef
why do you have a typedef for the same symbol in two different places?
but... it's mendatory for php developing!
@tereško why are you linking to already-dismissed topics?
@samayo because they are not dismissed when I link them
@Sjon hhvm fucked up
@samayo crazy right? :p
ps. thx for cleaning the crap btw @tereško
Plagiarism everywhere
plz review: stackoverflow.com/documentation/php/drafts/7516 (my first docs) (suggestions are warmely welcomed)
@Gon just add another example to it
So... um... should I copy over my examples to this one
@Sjon editor is broken for me… trying to insert a "(*" in this code, and goes weird…
@bwoebi like uneditable?
18 hours ago, by bwoebi
@kelunik Atomic groups or possessive quantifiers do it in O(n^2) (n = sizeof string); the naïve version in O(n^3) and with (*SKIP) in O(n)
My first one, suggestions are greatly welcomed
@bwoebi Need more input, works for me etc... ;)
@Sjon and chrome 51
@bwoebi nice find, thx
@bwoebi I've testing in Chromium so far; will have a look at Chrome instead. Any messages in console?
@Sjon wtf… now it does work
well, fine by me.. Saves me the debugging ;)
@Sjon Perhaps it's related to the abusive script warning… that's the only difference…
@bwoebi Possibly. But there's no warning on 3v4l.org/SPEXB
@Sjon there was one before
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:amp bob$ time ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php -r 'preg_replace("~(?>[\\pZ\\pC])+$~u", "", str_repeat("\u{2029}", 20000) .  "x");'

real	0m0.109s
user	0m0.011s
sys	0m0.016s
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:amp bob$ time ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php -r 'preg_replace("~(?>[\\pZ\\pC]+)$~u", "", str_repeat("\u{2029}", 20000) .  "x");'

real	0m1.001s
user	0m0.977s
sys	0m0.009s
^ fyi @Sjon
(look at the position of the +)
@Gon You can only reject / approve - you can't suggest edits? Is that right?
@Sjon Note that I don't understand why… really use the SKIP…^^
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 that is just bad stackoverflow.com/documentation/php/779/dependency-injection
well ... it's also really really wrong
> A dependency is an object that can be used (a service).
how can i improve it and what's wrong with it?
@JayIsTooCommon dunno tbh
Don't know if I can even be bothered contributing to that lol
I really dislike it tbh..
Not enough regulation
@tereško it's wikipedia statement
@Gon No, not yours. I mean the whole SO docs idea
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 and what with the fucking pokemon? Are you aware that in 2 weeks it will just look retarded?
:( ok i will change that
I see...
public function getCoordinatesOfPokemon($add) {
    return $this->PokemonGoService->getCoordinatesFromGPS($add->getAddress());
@Gon Yours looked good minus a few grammar issues :P
this violates LoD
it's first time don't get angry on that ^^ i can improve it
also, the "Dependency Injection can be replacement to" section is terrible
FYI, you can make "headings" like this:
you probably should re-read martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html and try again
ok i need to change all the things?
@Jimbo did you removed your draft?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 I accidentally did, tried to un-do it :S
Should be easy to copy/paste from history though
DI isn't really PHP specific, why would it go in our Docs?
@samayo Some, but not quite, hardly got any response :-)
@Fabor Because we got there first in the docs? :P
@DejanMarjanovic I have a room that needs to be done. You and your people all do that right? :P
- add headings to separate sections
- clean up examples
- talk about benefits and not replacements
- explain what tight coupling is
- there is more than just constructor injection
Umzug | Räumung | Reinigung -- whatever :D @PeeHaa
yeah setter injection..
ok i am on it
@DejanMarjanovic It's german, but lol nonetheless :D
Whatever, y'all belong to the same tribe...
@Gordon as Dave said - why is the typedef in the C file when it's also in the header file? I suspect it might only be working in one container due to co-incidence, rather than being correct code. e.g. different CFLAGS disabling that error on one box.
Could have been if hitler didn't chicken :P
@tereško remove example or replace that pokemon thing?
@DejanMarjanovic Webfarto is alive!
alive parole :D
@DejanMarjanovic You went inside? Were you touching PeeHaa again?
Topic selection brought to you by: phptherightway.com
touch.peehaatherightway.com @Jimbo
@Jimbo Bestiality isn't forbidden over there
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 you need examples.
@tereško When is PHP MVC going to be started by you?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 and there are 3 ways to cause tight coupling (that I can think up on the spot): using inheritance, when it is not needed; using static classes; using new inside a class
@tereško i am asking to remove that example completely or that pokemon thing is problem and looks dump
you current examples are confusing .. and the pokemon thing just induces cringing
@Fabor how would it be related to php language?
Like many things that will appear.
Demand > Sensibility
ok will remove it to
@Fabor we probably can remove any shit-topic that appears there
@NikiC (Is that English transcription for "muuuuh"?)
@bwoebi yes
I really can't fathom the idea of even comprehending the math that must be behind opencv.
.. or put it out of its misery
@Machavity you probably will want to add some mentions of second order injections too: haiderm.com/second-order-sql-injection-explained-example
lazy statements wat?
@PeeHaa some laravel shithead doesnt know programming works
@Gon we can't. It's pure plagiarism.
it's against the site's rules
@tereško no SQLi there, but yeah
it has emulated prepares
> plagiarism
I have not copied it from anywhere tbh...
@kelunik should i add it to my example or you will be adding another example
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 You're talking about stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/15972? /cc @Jimbo
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 Add what?
setter injection example
> Instead of creating the dependency in the constructor ...
I mistakenly added another example, how do I cancel it?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 it should be something like this instead:
oh, got it
> Instead of creating these dependencies within the class (usually its constructor) ...
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 I think setter injection can be another example.
because, when using constructor injection, you are "creating" (as in "defining") the dependencies
But I have an issue with SO Docs. There should be something above that gives an initial topic overview and explanation.
I strongly suspect that they will restructure the entire thing, when they start seeing how people try to use it
will it be okay to remove draft tereško you can add yours
Q: Documentation should have an initial section

kelunikThe new documentation feature should have an initial area to explain the topic. Take Dependency Injection as an example. There's Constructor Injection, Setter Injection, Injection Containers, but where should dependency injection itself be explained? I'm really missing an initial section above th...

i think i am not capable to do it.
@Fabor you heard from Joe lately?

Multi Threading (topic draft)

edited on jul 21 '16 at 16:45 by Gon 808
added 1 examples
> I'd rather put bamboo shoots under my fingernails than use the CLI.
What …
Maybe they really like bamboo shoots under their fingernails
@DaveRandom Must be that way.
didnt really understand where the plagiarism lies: stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/14046
give me one day i will improve it
care to explain?
Dunno, I don't see obvious plagiarism either… only @tereško can tell…
should I create this topic: HTTP Servers?
Only if it's all full of promotional content for Aerys… (hehehehe)
would surely mention it :P
2 days ago, by Gon
<3 Aerys
Please can we settle for curating doc content instead of generating it? I feel like all these topics have enough docs, if you want to write PHP docs, write them in the PHP docs...
What is the difference between DEFAULT NULL and the CHECKBOX NULL in phpMyAdmin?
The checkbox determines whether the column allows NULL values in it at all, the default defines that the default value will be NULL.
and what will change if the default value is null or not?
@JohnyNassar if you specify a default value for the column, you can omit a value completely for that column when you do an insert. If you don't have a default value, you have to specify it explicitly
if I set a null default value to a column, I don't have to specify that column in an insert statement?
This is what you mean?
@JohnyNassar if you set any default value. The default doesn't have to be null, but if the column is nullable (the checkbox is ticked) then the default value can be null.
@Jimbo It does the usual thing of REST === JSON data format, which I don't like (don't like as a rule to apply, don't mind it in general where JSON makes sense). But it seems to be a standard set out for use by MS internally, which they have made public so... whatever, they can do what they like. I will do what I like.
I understood the checkbox one but I didn't get the default dropdown list
plz can you repeat what you have said about it
NULL value of the default dropdown list
hello guys
i need to get an image url from a page
@Jimbo Prolly better than none :P
any idea ?
$url = 'http://www.test.com/Etc/57/';
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$first_step = explode( '<img[id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgIcn]>' , $content );
I mean what's the function of this null value : imgur.com/6gRoZu1
Does anyone have a recommendation for the following: using Symfony 3.1, should I use Assetic, or Asset Component? I'm kinda confused by the two. Asset Component has near no documentation (I just learnt you can configure it in config.yml, but it isn't documented). And I am having a hard time getting Assetic to work cross domain, with a CDN type static webserver.
@gtzinos $url = 'http://www.test.com/Etc/57/'; $id = 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgIcn'; $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->loadHTML($url); $img = $doc->getElementById($id); var_dump($img->getAttribute('src'));
!!docs DOM
[ Document Object Model ] Document Object Model book
i love you guys
I want columns to take null value if the user doesn't want to fill the field, this is my question. In this case I have to check the NULL checkbox ONLY, RIGHT??
and the default dropdown list
@gtzinos if you need more complex rules for finding the target <img> tag, look at the DOMXPath class
I keep it without change
@DaveRandom Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on null in
@gtzinos what's the actual URL of the HTML you are trying to process?
@JohnyNassar Maybe. However, chances are you're code will actually end up inserting the empty string rather than null in that case, unless your code specifically generates a query with NULL
@JohnyNassar you're right, setting the dropdown to NULL will create a new record with NULL as it's intial value, you do not have to specify this in your INSERT statement. The checkbox will ALLOW a NULL value to be used. If you don't use the checkbox, the insert statement will fail with 'NULL' not allowed.
@gtzinos my browser does not like that website
why ?
<img id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgIcn" src="/Images/icons/etc_adena_i00.png" style="border-width:0px;">
this is the element
dunno but I'm guessing the source HTML is huge
@BradGoss But for what reason the default NULL will be used
I didn't get it
why creating a column if the default value is NULL
@tereško I think it's a fucking mess tbh
And evemong o/
@JohnyNassar i might be missing something in your question... But the checkbox does not set the default value to NULL, it only tells the database to allow a null value to be used. So you could use a INSERT into user (address) VALUES (NULL).... If the checkbox is off, than that statement will fail.
guys help
$url = "http://www.l2portal.com/Etc/57/";
$id = "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgIcn";

$doc = new DOMDocument;

$img = $doc->getElementsByTagName($id);
any idea what going wrong there ?

HTTP Servers (topic draft)

edited on jul 21 '16 at 17:38 by Gon 808
added 1 examples, added remarks section
And the award of most vague "question" of the day goes to.... drumroll
guis halp is not a problem description anybody can do anything with @gtzinos
@Gon why should this be in the PHP docs?
like, creating http servers in php?
I think high-rep awards is the main problem with this new docs system
Er.. did someone say hi rep awards?
@Jimbo well, the rep cap is broken atm and you that the simplest of things get the most votes
@gtzinos ok so that sita has actually crashed my computer, I'm writing this from my phone :-/
@Jimbo how much have you had xD?
$url = "http://www.l2portal.com/Etc/57/";
$id = "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgIcn";

$doc = new DOMDocument;

$img = $doc->getElementById($id);
guys please help
jo wes

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