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^Drove pretty high up into the Smoky Mountains today.
Google I/O needs to upload presentations to youtube sooner. I mean, Google owns Youtube, and they've got the bandwidth..
I just want to see what my brother's presentation was about ಠ_ಠ
Is Allo available?
The messaging app looks cool
@nil your brother did a presentation?
With two cospeakers, yes
Nice! What does he do at Google?
Engineer on the VR team.
That's awesome, the VR this year is amazing.
I wanted to go so fricking bad.
Couldn't he get you a free ticket? :P
Doubt it, don't want to go anyway
I'm planning on trying to go to the Android Developer Summit this fall.
I might go to Gophercon. That's about it.
Oh, that sounds like fun.
I just found an old book I had that has a bunch of invention ideas from Kindergarten.
And my passwords
Free Realms, Runescape, Toon Town, "Amizon", AIM, Last.FM. OMG.
Logging into my AIM right now
Hm, password doesn't work. But I got my username
God my handwriting sucked
Submitted already
Time to play more Doom.
Yo o/
2 hours later…
\o Everyone~~
\o all
hackaton idea : facebook messenger CLI
and slack CLI :I
@TristanWiley "Nacho"
@TristanWiley Nutella!
I went for NUtella as well
na it's copyrighted brand name
so was kitkat
it's free publicity for the sweets company
@CptEric 1:0
it's important to say that they don't sell android - so there is no problem with a name.
this is crazy & awesome: speedtest.net
i found a new, nicer, map tracking and pathfinding SDK
so it's official, NavCar is back on production @McAdam331
@CptEric sauce?
here is/was a nice company
@CptEric nope
why? :/
SKmaps sdk and api were crappily designed so i stopped working on my app :(
did you try OSM ?
What are the advantages? I mean gps is provided via android sdk, too
Open street map (muscle arm like in whatsapp)
osm is nice for maps, but doesn't provide a "car navigation step by step" sdk i can implement
which is what i needed
if static method can not return no static variables, why can it return a new object?
it can return non static variables.
public static int potato(){
int i = 0;
return i;
what you can't do is reference non static things from a static context ( 'global' objects that are not static)
@CptEric My plan is to recieve gps data ever 5 seconds (or less) and add them to a database... To gain something like live position
@CptEric public static void method() is what I meant
tell us what you want to achieve and we might help
Using static because I don't want to create the object
but anything you create inside a static method can be returned
because it's in it's context
I just want to call the method and get system time everytime I want to log something
so, you want a static method that saves the time to an object, OR that prints it on the logcat?
I don't understand why do I have to create an object when I just want to output the timestamp in a log file (not logcat)
because if I do, I need to consider the scope of it
what do you do with that time ? save it to a string, want to write it directly to the file inside the "void" method ?
do you need the timestamp or a human readable string?
I am writing it into a string
using void just as an example
make that string static so it's in the same context, and if you want it to not be public to any class, make it private.
or return it on the method
i don't really see the issue there...
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
yeah that's it.
put that on that static method.
@Telkitty mate, your website is broken
is there any good book for android development - java
Please do not create dateFormat over and over again!
I had that in my logger and it was SLOW AS FUCK
make it a static member of your logger class or something else but make sure it is created once, and once only
@Maurice it's not ... & android is android, java is java, don't confuse the two
well that too. but it's a start XD
i use jodaTime now
smooth as baby nose.
and fast as hell
Language level: Android and Java are the same. Implementation wise: They differ
I just asked if there is a book about java in relation with android -.-
Honestly, I find it funny that someone who does not understand "static" (and says something like: "if static method can not return no static variables, why can it return a new object?") needs to show off by stating "android is android and java is java, don't confuse the two"
"Error inserting Longitude=2.15194 Latitude=41.38887 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: table Donations has no column named Longitude (code 1)" forgot to migrate. damn.
I would shut my mouth when I fail at basic language knowledge
Q: Why can static methods only use static data?

JAVAI don't understand why a static method can't use non-static data. Can anybody explain what the problems are and why we can't do it?

@CptEric what do you mean?
@WarrenFaith It's not in the production code, just something to solve some occasional screen freeze issue
still make it a static variable in your logger class. No need to make it bad by design
static is a box. in this box, things can be accessed out of the class instance, because that's what static means. static can't access things from the instance, because it's ouside of it. [class [static box][instance box]] though the instance can communicate through method arguments.
if you want to measure stuff like execution time of methods, use Hugo
private void nonStatic(){
private static int potato(int whiskas){
return whiskas + 1;
excuse my (lack of) indentation :/
@CptEric I understand this. I asked why a static method can return something that is created by new. Since new implies a instance of a class.
because it's made inside the static context. if it's inside the box, it's in the context.
but when the method returns, the new object will be garbage collected at some point?
only if you don't assign the return value to a variable
or the device runs out of Ram , you never know :P.
Object returnedValue = getFromStaticMethod(); <- will not be GCed because it is referenced by returnedValue
I understand this too ... because smart pointer ...
reference, there are no c-like pointers in java
if you understand that as well, why do you ask the question?!
back to the question:
 public static string getCurrentTime()
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
c# style... it should be "String" not "string"
you are telling me, that I can create new object in a static method and return it
YES, the third time
so what do I need to do to make that function work??
it ALREADY works
this already works.
Log.e(TAG, "Give me the fucking time! " + YourClass.getCurrentTime());
sorry, but you have serious issues with your java understanding
I learned that 3 weeks into programming
Telkitty, why don't you invest some time in reading Thinking in Java vol 1. ?
maybe I need to upgrade eclipse
coz I am getting compilation error
Eclipse is not supported anymore for Android developing
don't forget: it is String with a capital letter! (maybe you have still "string"?)
I know that, I have multiple android apps that I had written years ago
quite a bit downloads too ...
That might sound harsh, but based on your understanding of static I have some doubts....
or at least I doubt the code quality...
My code was of superior quality ... then java evolved (or devolved according to some)
Ok, I am out. I don't feed trolls
No fucking clue about how static works but tells us his code was of superior quality while he still stick to Eclipse... kind of made my day
you are wrong somewhere in that sentence & I am not telling you what
Like I give a damn about what you troll would say beyond this point
BTW thanks! :-)
I found a nice book.
anyone here used the google maps utils library?
which one ?
i need help clustering
Don't feed!
sorry :(
He is of superior quality! He already knows that!
I have not touched java for a few years though
@CptEric I did
years ago
no thanks. i mean the new, v3 one.
but I can safely assume things have changed like my compilation error
there are always ways to get around those compilation errors, doh ...
would be nice to know since which version Java has changed the scoping of static method
they haven't touched the scoping since ages, you just fail to use your own code you pasted here
but that is my own inferior opinion
but keep blaming others, keep blaming the "devolvement" of the language
damn... I should restrain myself... still feeding the troll
can someone clean up the room please?
days like this I regret that I am not an owner anymore...
Don't Bother Feeling Regret, It Will Only Make You Miserable
we should include a room bot like caprica from room 17... :)
she would clean up the mess.
I am afk in a meeting, cya later
see you later, aviator
what did people think of I/O
you should ask people
the instant run thing is dope
no idea how that should work though
other than that, anything interesting?
warren requested a chat cleanup
Yeah I feel the same
I will look into it
i also made a super nice feature that got ditched away :(
learned something new today. In javascript a boolean can have value 5.
got an architecture introduction in one of our features.... spiderman is all I could think of
? XD
i reckon the new constraint layout will be pretty good
a beefed up relativelayout
destroyallsoftware, That's a fitting name.
i hope they don't fuck the new layout designer and make it like IOS
you the gui one? I hope it's better now, it's been terrible for ages
always terrible.
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.ArrayList.size()' on a null object reference
on this line
return chList.size();
Tech question about the incoming Android N... It is now pretty much official that it will use OpenJDK, but which parts of it? As of yet it is still unclear to me
Will it, for instance, use the compiler and therefore generate Java bytecode? Use the OpenJDK JVM?
For J&J, which comes with N, read here for an introduction
omg i have to redesign my first app.
two years already
@WarrenFaith uhm, it doesn't sound like a full Java stack at all then; not all the API seems to be supported
I'd have thought they would go the full way
haven't invested much time doing the research for the topic, can't provide more information :/
No problem, you have provided me with information I didn't have, so thank you for that :)
But it'd be reaaally nice if there were full support
Lunch time~~ x3
I just found a but that would cause images to not be cached by the browser. This should save my company some bandwidth :)
that didnt work
back from lunch
1 hour later…
> Google Update: We'll soon be launching a new feature, Family Library, that will enable up to six family members to share purchased apps on Google Play. All paid apps purchased after July 2, 2016 (when the Developer Distribution Agreement update takes effect) will be eligible for Family Library.
"Family members"
Yeah, it's like Google Play Music. I'm in a group with a bunch of hackathon friends who pay me monthly. Including @McAdam
ok realm not working across multiple threads is actually a major pain in the arse
I want to have a group of friends who pay me monthly
how's it going trevor
one of the guys giving the themes and styles Google IO talk right now interviewed me
the Alan guy
pretty good! about to ship a new release
he was intense
day 996. i still don't get independent movies / short movies.
kinda glad I didn't go now
yea looks way worse than last year
it's nice being able to rewind the videos :)
anybody here at IO?
anybody listen to the chris banes talk?
such basic shit
I'm watching it now
another problem with having so many people there is that talks can't be really advanced and focused
they are rather beginner friendly and very broad
I agree
I'm in the tools talk in the amphitheatre
3rd row center
how do you like it so far?
and how is the talk?
Hasn't started yet
Most of the stuff is pretty light and sort of beginnery
Might knock out some code labs later
"Run Android apps without downloading them" Did Google just announce the World Wide Web? #io16
well that's the plan
world wide web with performance
btw, what's the deal with the messaging app
and the video app
duo and allo
they already have hangouts?...
hangouts also does video
i am not even 5% into what's going on in I/O
I don't see why they couldn't have just improved hangouts
what's dio and allo?
messaging and video app
the messaging up is weird
unless it's going to be in stock android
like, hangouts?
but "fun" with bots and stuff
so more like telegram
is google trying to emluate IOS? because that'd suck.
well an imessage competitor would be cool but this is not it
there are going to be like 4 messaging apps on android
and the video, kidna skype?
the video app could have just been built into the messaging one
I'm already using way too many messengers
fb messenger, whatsapp, hangouts and telegram
Does anyone know if i reset master password in android studio, it will clear passwords for keys that have already generated? because it says if i reset master password all the stored passwords will be cleared
No idea, just try not to delete any important files or passwords...
as the warning at the right side column, i think it clear all the passwords stored in password database
however fortunately i got my password :)
posted on May 19, 2016 by Reto Meier

Posted by Dylan Reid and Elijah Taylor, Software Engineers, Chrome OS Users love Chromebooks for their speed, security and simplicity. According to IDC1, in Q1 of this year Chromebook shipments overtook Macs in the U.S. That means, thanks to your support, in the U.S. Chrome OS is now the second most popular PC operating system.  As we continue to increase our focus on mobility, we

Time to go home~~ x3
bye Womp Womp
Hey Carl, how's it going?
@user4913383 you need a rep of at least 100 to enter this room
it's going. Still fighting to get all our dependencies updated to work with Marshmallow's permission model changes.
what the hell is this new ConstraintLayout
@CarlAnderson I just finished that
was a pain to get the UX right -_-
constraint layouts look pretty awesome
im guessing it's similar to the iOS interface builder that uses constraints.
looks to be
Yes it is same as iOS
anyone here also do iOS dev? wondering which you enjoy more
my boss is asking if I want to possibly switch
I started once...and do sometimes
Want to do a quality work then iOS is better, that what i noticed
i enjoy iOS dev i think, although im an android fan and i only have android devices.
swift looks really nice to use
yea...same as PHP
no datatype restriction
no semicolon
run as you want :P
if you have a mac you should try it out.
Swift is static typed I thought, and PHP is dynamic
1 hour later…
So in my Lego Robotics class I taught today people made two robots, a structure, and I taught a kid to make a desktop type cursor mouse thing with the Lego Mindstorm :). And he might ask me to tutor him and teach him to code.
@Copernic access request denied. Your Q:A ratio is far too high to get access here.
you can now turn on private contributions for the activity graph on github
posted on May 19, 2016 by Reto Meier

By Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android This week at Google I/O 2016 we launched Android Studio 2.2 Preview. This release is a large update that builds upon our focus to create a fast and productive integrated development environment (IDE) for Android. Developed in sync with the Android platform, Android Studio allows you to develop with the latest Android APIs and features. Since laun

@carl did you use github at trover?
cause that's what your activity graph looks like right now lol
yeah, that's why I was excited to hear about the change and made it immediately
yeah my contributions jumped from 200 to 700
afk meeting
would have been more but they kicked me out of the github organisation
wait, does that mean you're still in the trover github?
yo look at that reputation
I have a contact me form on my profile now
I used to have an alias to my outlook on there
something crypto like [email protected]
literally something from a random generator
> * I’m not a real programmer. I throw together things until it works then I move on. The real programmers will say “Yeah it works but you’re leaking memory everywhere. Perhaps we should fix that.” I’ll just restart Apache every 10 requests.
- Creator of PHP
> * There are people who actually like programming. I don’t understand why they like programming.
also from the creator of PHP
yea. no wonder.
I'm going to name my kids just to confuse voice-activated services. My first kid will be named "Siri", my second kid "Ok Google".

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