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Guys I just found old videos I made with my friend. We made a short movie, shitty 2006 camera quality. We faked bloopers.

Then I found a video from 2007 and 2010 when I took vacations to NC and I started crying...
why'd you cry because of that? did something happen to that friend?
It wasn't full on crying. It was like a tear. Just not expecting to see this and fun memories. No longer in contact with that friend :(
damn :/
Yeah. It was funny seeing me fall and pretend for a blooper.
I actually remember that vaguely.
I can cry on cue. It's not useful.
From what I can tell, my brother's Google I/O talk is not being uploaded.
This is a bummer.
Android 2.2 is lit
All talks will be uploaded in the ended.
Yo o/
I think I figured it out where I got it wrong - typo ...
@WarrenFaith @CptEric @Blackbelt
Remember this? I think I put in SimpleDateFormat.format instead of dateFormat.format in my code ~_~
1 hour later…
good morning
\o Everyone~~
It looks like Android N will not use OpenJDK after all
sup all
the troll really made a mass ping....
the invitation to the bin never came
and even more astonishing that he, the superior coder, made a typo
my actionbar now shows dark after porting this old AF app to AppCompat activities. it worked with Theme.Material. why??? ;_;
must have been a devolved keyboard or a devolved clipboard
1337 troll is a superior coder not a god, as a coder, one makes mistakes
#fixed #likeAboss
@Ahmad, @McAdam331, @codeMagic, @RaghavSood I just checked and see that we have, beside Ahmad, no owner outside the american timezones. Even Ahmad with his internship in NY is in US timezone for at least 3 month. We should make sure that european/asia timezone is covered somehow, right?
I'm in Singapore till the 28th, but I agree
Me moving seems to have messed us up a met
How dare you to go to college! :D
so apparently somebody not me decided it was funny to mess with my styles file. -___-
git blame is your best friend :D
basically, i watched the "version log" , and maybe automatically ( it's a google drive folder) somebody or some machine overwrite some of the xml's.
so i just "revert to 17min ago". and done
@room nominations for room owners in preferably Asia timezones. Reply as a ping directly to this post
you "version" your code with google drive, Eric?
@raghav I'd say we put up a google form instead. With a few questions like why would you want to be a room owner etc.
Hmm. Probably a better idea, yeah
but the old , unmantained until notice projects are kept there
as a backup
most of them are projects where the client buys the code to mantain it himself
so we just keep a backup "In case of brutal mess up®"
you don't just backup your repos?
yes. but , the client doesn't.
ah ok, I guess I understand
so sometimes we get a wetransfer with an eclipse project and we have 1 week to port to AS and make it work on android L (for a generous cost, ofc). it's not like we're gonna need it later, and it's not gonna be updated by the client(the repo), so it's easyer to just put it in the app cemetery folder.
yes we have apps that have always been full private , not even released to the app store, just a QR link on the intranet of the client's servers for the employees ;_;
when we finish the "job" we do brute force push to the repo (with a prior cleanup) to know , in a month, year, or two, what's the last thing we fixed and worked 100% :p
Room Owner self-nominations All nominations are welcome
Can I ? ^^
so now that i'm retaking my navigation app, here's "Da Beta".
needs a better logo.
for now just the "find route" works, so... enjoy.. ehm... finding routes.
it'll have spotify and shit in the end.
btw, @Graeme , is there a way to have your navigation bar... on the side? like a top-to-down sidebar?
would be pretty neat.
i could probably force portrait , hide actionbar, and show everything (icons included) 90º rotated, but that's too hacky even for me.
We should unpin/unstar the other nomination message
github is down
I thought it was my connection
thanks for sharing
subdomains are working though
and our blog works too
"We're investigating some issues with our databases".
is up and running for me
works 4 me too
Yes Unfortunately
seems my account was not among them
My password still works
moving day, entire place is a tip
i'm contemplating stealing some mugs because I have no life
that is the spirit!
go for it
get a pair of mugs
I got a mug from my wife. Everybody knows that it is my mug. They fear me for it! :D
my boss & me keep using uni / city parties hard plastic cups.
desperate times require desperate... things... to drink from
if they have been able to hold intense quantities of cheap liquor and the heat of concert lights, they can hold a mere nespresso.
asked IT to give me 8 GB more RAM. They delivered 2x 8GB, so now I have 24gb... nice :D
thats neat
laptop or desktop?
3 displays, 24gb RAM... finally something close to be worth calling "working station"
it's more than mine! XD i'm outraged
I have 16GB at home... it only took 5 years to get more at work than I have at home... wow
I hate support project.
got 16 both on laptop and on desktop at home
16gb should be default nowadays
problem : laptop SD HDD died the other day
it's now in the IT store
[[Objective-C]][isSuper pretty;]][#Sarcarsm][#hah]
so vysor starts making subscriptions...
"git push porkrigin master" -"failed to find porkrigin branch". wtf was i thinking when i wrote it?
I really don't want to know :D
maybe i am hungry or something. but i wasn't really aware i was typing pork XD
so they (sp gov) banned our flag on the final of the national cup because it can "cause friction with the villagers of madrid and their ideals" but they'll allow a nazi demonstration the same day. #Spain
do you have it saved already or something?
nah... this one is easy to find xD
does anyone know how to change your country in google play?
i hate that apps are region locked
uhmm... gprs location?
i've got a genymotion for that.
to change gplay country , Rooted device is needed.
damn it
i have an account with a US card as well, some people on SO were saying that's all you need
lunch time~~ x3
have fun
I had to log in on a device in USA from scratch to get it to change over properly
so we'll give it a go to dbflow
on monday.
make sure that you start with the 3.0.0 beta as the last one is already about to be closed, so the stable release should be released in the near future
good morning
dbflwo nice, let us know how it goes
i'm having some issues with Realm. the whole only allowed on one process thing
but otherwise it's smooth
new office is bloody boiling
so a judge just forced the spanish gov. to allow catalan flags on the football final arguing that it's not a violent , racial or hate symbol , so it's freedom of speech to wear and bring them.
hasn't the football final already happened?
end of la liga
it's the national cuo
the barcelona vs the seville
spanish GOV banned catalan flags on the field yesterday , a group of jurists and advocates called "people's rights" asked the national audience of trials ( supreme court of usa) to lift the ban arguing that it has no legal base, and the judges did so right now,.
argh, why autocompleter does not work in AS when you are writing a xml selector
it does in my AS
try this one, on ctrl+space if I try to change the solid color I get No suggestions
not at work
no AS here
you should check if this xml file is really in a res/src folder
otherwise code completion does not work
tomorrow <3
@WarrenFaith it is in res/color folder
okay, I moved the file to drawable and it works :D
posted on May 20, 2016 by Reto Meier

Posted by Purnima Kochikar, Director, Apps and Games Business Development, Google Play During a special ceremony tonight at Google I/O, we honored ten apps and games for their outstanding achievements as part of the inaugural Google Play Awards. As we shared onstage, when you look at how Google Play has evolved over the years, it’s pretty amazing. We’re now reaching over 1 billion users ev

I am so amazed that I never heard of any of those apps...
same here
my daughter is playing ThinkRolls
so, heading home. Enjoy the weekend! And thanks for not sharing Friday until I have left! :D
cya warren
SO down ?
what am I gonna do, everyone at work will know that I know nothing !!! :o
c'mon ! I need to know things !
time for books
turn to page 178
Ocus, it is up again
Things like: how do you get location updates with FusedLocationApi when the location mode is DeviceOnly and priority is PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY...?
^ that's the reason I wanted a US google play account, to check out the google play award winners
some of them are US only
Hi mods, can we update feeds to use https? blogger supports https now
so, who broke stackoverflow this morning?
Dave's China team, of course.
are there any terrorist groups taking credit for it? quora? expertsexchange?
expert sex change lol
(I know it's experts, but damn, bad name for a domain)
or a good name
o/ from turkey
@JohnBoker What do Expert Sexchangers do?
@TristanWiley ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So I was up until 1:30 - 2:00am modding and themeing and setting up a desktop computer in my room.

I partitioned the 1TB drive so I have a bit over 200GB of space, it doesn't run too shabby, couple monitors, Linux Mint.
What's everyone's Linux distro of choice?
I use ubuntu a lot.
Pausing coding to comment everything
expert sexchangers are people who answer questions on SO.
just spent an hour on a problem with my android app that was caused by the emulator not having the most recent code
you found the issue, that's what counts
No, Dracula, Dooku, they count.
didnt want to spend all day on it
yeah, but I'd be glad to have it sorted out :D
like that time when I had a race condition between two instances of an app of mine changing the volume
rsub for ST3 is the best thing that's ever happened to me
nice post cygery
it's really hard to work right now, just no motivation.
Has anyone used Hadoop?
i am wondering how hard it is to run a script on multiple computers (since the data input is huge)
@McAdam you would enjoy this my Marvel friend <3
Google is trying to develop human flypaper for the hoods of cars in case no one heard
@CptEric Your football field is missing some lines. And goal posts. Thought you should know
As strange as the Google thing sounds, it really seems like possibly a smart idea
It's so when people get hit, they are "glued" to the hood instead of flying off. Lol
God I love Vsauce, I've been neglecting Vsauce3 lately
cM, yeah, I read about it
would be interesting to see it in action (with some dummy)
We could use Adam, he's a big dummy
considering the forces involved I'm a bit sceptical
otoh, it sounds reasonable that heavy/fatal injuries could be reduced
> When you wake up in the morning how do you know you're the same person as when you went to sleep. How do I know that when I close my eyes it's the same Jake opening them. Maybe every time we open our eyes we're being created again from the idea of who we are, from our sense of identity.
Paradoxes are mind blowing to me, I fucking love them.
i need more ram.
awesome, just downloaded 32GB more ram
You're very welcome
let's say i have a webapp that im developing that sends emails on certain actions. What should the email sender address be?
seems like it's up to you
but then i read stuff like postmarkapp.com/blog/no-no-reply
maybe it should be a real address, like [email protected]
that makes sense
What's up Maukattack?
not my mood
Wanna call?
vsauce roxx
Hell yes it does.

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