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My JavaScript?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yep. Your version of it. The original works just fine, your version is broken due to unicode sillyness
Damn, waking up at 22:00 has the problem that foodstuff providers are closed.
@RMartinhoFernandes There's a lock on the fridge?
It's (mostly) empty.
@RMartinhoFernandes The question is, how long will you survive on fungus :)
There's a McDonalds nearby, but at this hour it would mean using the drive-in, and I'm not yet hungry enough to want to drive.
@RMartinhoFernandes mmm. I'd go with the fungi, really
interesting. Just found blindsearch.fejus.com. So for 3/3 I've picked bing's results.
@MooingDuck Meh. It seems rigged:
That was my first ever search. It just won't show any results other than the middle column (guess what SE that is)
True, the Yahoo frequently has no results, and the google is buggy
The guy that made it was a Microsoft employee, got his API right :D
Also, too easy to just do an intersection of Bings/Google results and give the intersection priority. That way, Bing will rank higher statistically
I say, blindsearch is too broken for any serious conclusions: second query:
I refreshed it about 7 times, no luck (just swapping the columns around but no better results). The first query gave more results after a refresh, and I blindly voted the Google one.
oh heh: from his comment page: "update #1: The poll has been compromised. Probably equally due to my lack of leet skills and to the malicious person gaming it.
I’ve removed the ability to see the results until I sort this out. Meanwhile you can still have fun playing with blind search. Feel free to blame the douche for ruining it for everybody. Meanwhile, I wouldn’t take this a scientific whats-e-ma-jing, it’s just a bit of observational fun."
Ah, finally, the second attempt gave two resultsets. Again, Google won my vote (listing stackoverflow higher..
@MooingDuck ok. Refreshing a browser page is a lot of fun :) Really, the idea is fun. The execution sucks just a little bit too much for me
@sehe I can't argue with that
@MooingDuck Did you just post an animated gif? --> newbiehints :)
@sehe hmm, I can't delete it
GF is back!
kk, I'll log out and get back in? 5 minutes?
@MooingDuck what's GF?
@sehe Also: sorry about the GIF. :( I forgot the "hint"
@sehe Back in the late 80's we used Gifs to look at nakwd ladies over 2400 baud modems
@sehe Girlfriend is back from shopping so I afk'd a moment
@CaptainGiraffe GIF vs GF very different
A GIF is not a GF
@MooingDuck not at all =)
@MooingDuck what? Both can be naked, if I remember correctly
I can't delete the GIF, can someone bin that?
@MooingDuck deadmg must be dead, or it would have been done :)
anyways, nearly scrolled off the screen now
:( I got 199 rep yesterday
that's harsh. we don't want to get Mooing banned :)
marked as invalid :)
@SethCarnegie happened to me twice
I'm scrolling up way too much just to see the gif =)
it's sad that I spend so much time here and forget the rules all the time :(
@sehe I didn't see what happened, did someone flag that? :P
does anyone know the parameter to mplayer to play/decode a movie into ascii? preferrably on a terminal
@CaptainGiraffe Click it, get an open tab. Profit (for more glory, rightclick, 'Set as Desktop Wallpaper')
@sehe I tried -vo aa
@CaptainGiraffe -ovc libcaca or something, lmgtfy
@CaptainGiraffe seems -vo caca should do it
-vo caca did not do it over ssh
@CaptainGiraffe does it work locally?
@sehe Have not tested
@sehe I need to change source for my TV for that and ssh is so much easier
you know what's sad? I can't find a single video to play. find -iname '*.mkv', .flv, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv all come up empty
@sehe Also locally I prefer HD =)
@CaptainGiraffe I use DVBlink on my MC, so I can haz HD all around the house :)
@sehe it's because I downvoted this question
@SethCarnegie you mean, answer :) When I missed the rep cap by -1 last time, it was because I downvoted three answers (to the same question, IIRC)
@SethCarnegie You should have removed the downvote and come back after the day ended to downvote.
@sehe I haz only on1 720p screen in da house.
@CaptainGiraffe poor you. Need a bigger house?
@sehe probably=) my screen size is 3280x1600
@SethCarnegie I had to downvote the top answer.
Undefined behaviour is undefined.
@RMartinhoFernandes I cant agree more if ( UDB === UDB == UDB == UDB == UDB asfdoiybwqenpoö8btuqqqq
@sehe yes, answer
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't know I was going to be so close
@RMartinhoFernandes and yeah, I downvoted for the same reason
> @Jonathon: -1. Undefined behaviour is undefined. You can't possibly rely on anything, by definition. See this question stackoverflow.com/questions/7682477/… for an example of "usually X happens, but sometimes everything gets frakked up beyond all repair". – R. Martinho Fernandes just now
3-4 weeks ago I asked my students for hash functions. The UB was staggering.
@CaptainGiraffe and today some of them showed unrefined behaviour :)
I saw one hash flipping << 400 bits at a time =)
@CaptainGiraffe lol
@sehe completely unexpected
@CaptainGiraffe Well, it does depend on the native word size and the compiler used :). I take it -Wall is in lesson 1?
@SethCarnegie Aww... I was the one that gave you two upvotes at the last min. Didn't you had a hidden downvote...
@sehe Yes that one was not so much Undefined as poorly implemented
@Mysticial I don't know if it's hidden
thanks for the upvotes though :)
I'm like 7 days of 200 rep away from getting the 50days/200rep badge
@sehe otoh I'd love to see a char size of 400 =)
@CaptainGiraffe scores on 'deterministic'. A little less on the 'collision probability', I wager
@sehe could be. could be.
@CaptainGiraffe Really? I'd love that on a Quantum computer, where cache lines are about a GB. Till then, count me out :)
Other's can't see what you have downvoted. So I saw 180... 5min. left in the day... hmm...
wait till 5:58... nope...
+1, +1
@Mysticial lol, had to downvote the UB answer :(
you can remove your upvotes if you want
I think you upvoted me after I downvoted though, I usually notice when my rep changes
nah... it'll look weird once the new rep system rolls onto the main sites.
I keep going to hug my girlfriend and she keeps sending me back over here because she's busy cooking :(
@Mysticial New rep system?
@MooingDuck Aww
btw, it's not uncommon that I randomly upvote people for 200 or a badge.
@MooingDuck Stop harassing her!
@Mysticial ?!
@RMartinhoFernandes The one they're testing on meta. All votes including revoked ones will be shown on the rep tab.
@MooingDuck Thats the new title!
This room needs a tagline change.
@Mysticial downvotes?
@R, please =)
@SethCarnegie Not downvotes that you cast, but yes on downvotes that you receive.
Q: Merge together all actions of a single user on a question

amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM AUpdate: Feature request: Please merge all the update of one user to one line. Look at this user: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/132601/wfaulk?tab=reputation He had one post today which I up and down downvoted (i did it multiple times to be sure): Why do we need to show all of that? ...

@CaptainGiraffe @R doesn't plink, IYAM
@Mysticial That system actually sounds nice
No more wondering where my rep went
down the drain, silly :)
@sehe I'm qutie sure Martinho finds out about "I keep going to hug my girlfriend and she keeps sending me back over here because she's busy cooking :(" anyways
we'll see
We have done sexist stuff before haven't we?
@Xeo Yeah, I recently lost 40 according to my audit page. Dunno where it's from.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: I keep going to hug my girlfriend and she keeps sending me back over here because she's busy cooking :( [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@CaptainGiraffe What's sexist?
@CaptainGiraffe yes, @sehe is right, @R doesn't plink. Plinking requires three letters.
@RMartinhoFernandes Mooings comment is a cute variation of sudo make me a sammich
Sexism, also known as gender discrimination or sex discrimination, is defined as prejudice or discrimination based on sex; or behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex. Sexism is a form of discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex, with such attitudes being based on beliefs in traditional stereotypes of gender roles. Sexism is not just a matter of individual attitudes; it is built into the institutions of society. The term sexism is most often used in relation to discrimination against women, in the context of patriarchy. Sexism ...
What? Women cooking is sexist?
@RMartinhoFernandes I wonder how that works out for users with two letters. Or did SO have a 3 character minimum?
@Xeo I believe there was no such restriction originally, but now there is.
I just noticed that all comments on the book question are nuked and only sbi's tinyurl comment is there
@Xeo They live quiet, happy lives
@Xeo what else is new. The whole question nearly got deleted today (see starboard)
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:
    Display Name must be at least three characters
@Xeo Luckily I think nothing of importance was lost.
I suppose the dots are just a workaround.
@sehe That question has so many upvotes, I think you need something like 200 delete votes to get it nuked
@Xeo i didn't know that made a difference. However, a pending delete vote seems to attract more delete votes, so best to keep it at 0
Why the dumb tagline?
I find it eerie the similarity to the static R. class / in android.
@SethCarnegie The previous one was dumber.
This was the most interesting thing I found in the recent transcript.
How about this:
We know everything and more.
@SethCarnegie That will only attact the php/java crowd. Let's not.
@sehe don't hide the truth because of java programmers
@SethCarnegie They don't have the fortune of RAII.
First class value types is one of the reasons I love C++
@SethCarnegie I can tell you many more reasons =)
@CaptainGiraffe I don't need you to :)
Also would someone downvote this answer (once, it has 0 downvotes now) so it's not my top answer on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/8550302/…
@SethCarnegie I don't have to =)
@SethCarnegie What?
@RMartinhoFernandes ?
Why would I downvote a correct answer?
Wouldn't it be better to upvote your second best answer?
@RMartinhoFernandes that's begging for upvotes though
@SethCarnegie oh my. that's twisted
Begging for downvotes seems fine though
@SethCarnegie totally. nothing strange in that
I'm still laughing out loud.
@SethCarnegie Sry +1 from me
It's 1:00 and my roommates are trying to sleep.
@CaptainGiraffe ..................
Wow you guys suck
I might have known.
@SethCarnegie If I hadn't upvoted you already, I would've upvoted you just to troll you.
@SethCarnegie sry Its the best I could do.
Ooops, it backfired terribly.
You all can compensate by upvoting stackoverflow.com/questions/9152798/… 5 times
I don't care if I'm begging for upvotes now, you all deserve it
lol I already voted for that at Feb 5
@SethCarnegie waiting...
"Press any key to wait"
I'm not saying anything...
> I'm having a hard time putting this all into words; if I'm not making sense, please say so. -- Seth C.
@sehe yeeeessss?
Can anyone tell me if 28 kB of Assembly code is considered a lot, normal, or small?
@PaulManta compiled?
@PaulManta depends on who wrote it
@SethCarnegie Yeah
@PaulManta assembled*
@sehe Argh, multidimensional arrays! My eyes.
@PaulManta good enough for a moon lander
@PaulManta yeah that seems like a lot
@PaulManta I'm assuming uncompiled, seems like a lot
> @SethCarnegie Yeah
@PaulManta however, on that volume I wouldn't be surprised if there where extensive text segments (containing stuff like images and other resources)
Hehe a new metric assembly where LDA OX1001000, DX is a 97 byte instruction.
@SethCarnegie In that case, it could even be 'bloat' due to padding and static data segments. Do you have access to the source? Try IdaPro/OllyDbg or similar on it to see what is actual code?
@sehe It's Paul Manta's code, not mine
No wonder pipelining is successful
@sehe I was quoting Paul Manta replying to me
@sehe There's not much raw data. It's from a custom RTTI system I wrote that keeps track of a type's name and its parents.
@SethCarnegie Ow. Yeah. Obvious. Now
@CaptainGiraffe pipelining is an electronic form of success
I guess I'll post a question, I'm really curious why the Assembly it generates is so big.
@PaulManta its the quantum brother of true
@CaptainGiraffe I don't know what that is.
@PaulManta I apologize for our unhelpfulness, but if you are coding assembly you should be aware of the fact that the instructions are opcodes.
@CaptainGiraffe I'm not coding assembly
@CaptainGiraffe I was just looking at the assembly code generated from a C++ source
@PaulManta That was precisely what I meant with 'depends on who wrote it'
So you are asking if the output from your compiler is reasonable=
@sehe I see. So if it's generated from C++ code, how much is 28 kB?
A lot of it is to start the process for your os.
@PaulManta The problem domain, by definition, is mostly dealing with metadata. I'd be willing to bet that there is 'hidden' metadata there. Let me guess, you used template specializations for everything?
@CaptainGiraffe You don't know which part he was looking at?
@sehe No not at all, huge guessing going on here.
@sehe I only used specializations for 'iterating' over the types in a tuple (the types are the class' parents). But there's a few other templates besides the one I specialized.
@CaptainGiraffe I mean test.cpp: int foo() { return 42; }, gcc -c -S test.cpp -o test.S results in 21 lines of assembly
@PaulManta The point being, that there is implicit metadata in the fact that the types get 'duplicated' for each instance. You could have a look to see whether the compiled form compresses well :)
@sehe the opcode should be becomingly small
@sehe Or strip it.
@RMartinhoFernandes are we talking executables here?
@RMartinhoFernandes That won't do much for many template instantiations? I don't suppose gcc will share code for different instantiations? like
code for templates? are you mad?
I always thought compilers did some form of code folding. It is true that I have no idea how far they go.
But iterating over the types in a tuple sounds like a zero code thing.
And while I'm at it, how does this syntax for defining events look?
class InputEvent : public DefineEvent<InputEvent>
EVENT_REGISTER_CLASS(InputEvent, "InputEvent")
sry, are you instantiating your templates ?
@CaptainGiraffe Me?
@PaulManta Well anyone could be mad so why not you? with your opcodes for templates.
@PaulManta why do you care about the code size? Does it not fit on a DvD?
Again with the DVDs?
@RMartinhoFernandes Just tried:
template <typename> int foo() { return 42; }

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int (*f)() = &foo<int>;
    int (*g)() = &foo<unsigned>;
    return (f != g)? 1 : 0;
@MooingDuck I just found the size of the Assembly code to be quite large and I was curious why that might be.
I can get a floppy over the network in the same time a terminal starts.
Returns 1 for vanilla compilation. Let me check with -O3 -flto --> same result
@sehe Ah, but that's required. However, nothing prevents GCC from just making thunks that jump to the actual shared implementation.
@sehe Not a bad example
what do I name a star?
Mercury is popular =)
@MooingDuck The IAU has rules for that.
@RMartinhoFernandes my GF bought me a star and I have to name it and she's upset at me for not coming up with a name
Wait, what?
What is a "star"?
A giant ball of compounds undergoing nuclear fusion?
@RMartinhoFernandes in space. You can buy the right to name a star, it's like $100 or so
@RMartinhoFernandes yes
@MooingDuck You are upsetting us all with all your GF talk. Best of luck though.
@RMartinhoFernandes apparently doesnt: ideone.com/fVmh4
@sehe Oh, like I said, I have no idea how far it goes to optimize that. It's just that it is something optimizable.
@MooingDuck Erm. Call it Moon Duck??
I could eat a car right now.
I'm hungry
@sehe silly name for a star. :( Silly name for me, but sehe insisted
@sehe That is the astronomically correct term.
Maybe movl 42, $eax; ret isn't big enough to warrant optimization.
@RMartinhoFernandes I realize that. I just wanted to say that it is not unlikely that there will be copies of the instantiations, where the identity of the copy (the address) is implicit metadata; Relevant since @PaulManta is implementing a type info system with hierarchy info
@MooingDuck Why don't you just name it after her?
Jane Doe's Star. Like Barnard's Star.
That would be romantic.
@sehe Like Carl von Linne and Maidens Hair =)
@RMartinhoFernandes Maybe, it can't optimize because the address is taken (it would normally be inlined at -O3)
@CaptainGiraffe You completely lost me there
@MooingDuck What, on earth, is a meaningful name for a star? (Big One? Giant Balls Of Steel? Kepler Protégé?)
Updated C++ standard draft up dl.dropbox.com/u/13779444/c%2B%2B-std.pdf.
Death Star is probably taken already.
@RMartinhoFernandes Do you have instructions on how to build? Like, an apt-get line with the prerequisites? I've got the repo cloned but never could build it. I might make you guys a version that allows easier copy/paste :)
Ducking Moo :_)
@sehe I tend to do that sometimes.
@sehe I think the only prerequisites are a LaTeX installation and graphviz. The instructions are on the repo page.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh silly me. I think I haven't checked there
@sehe What would you do to ease copy/paste?
There's also a Makefile in the source folder (that's what I use with make -B full).
@sehe Upon closer inspection, it's not that bad. The first class I define (that is custom-RTTI enabled) adds 10 kB of Assembly code, the second 28 kB, the third 8 kB and the fourth 5 kB.
@sehe we eventually went with her name.
I win!
So, where is Jane Doe's Star in the night sky? Is it visible in the Northern hemisphere?
@RMartinhoFernandes I Have absolutely no idea
@RMartinhoFernandes Ha. I just ran time (pdflatex std; pdflatex std; pdflatex std; makeindex libraryindex; makeindex grammarindex; makeindex impldefindex; pdflatex std; pdflatex std), taking about 105 seconds and resulting in a fully built N3337 document. Nice
@RMartinhoFernandes Don't know yet. Have never used latex. But I know I'm annoyed with the way the PDF handles. So I'll try my luck
@MooingDuck How romantic
The annoyances I have are mostly related to linebreaks.
@ScottW as ever
@MooingDuck Perhaps we should star the lounge, and name a star Lounge<C++>
It's ~2:30 here, I guess 3:30 in the Netherlands.
@ScottW Oh you're right. 3:30. I should be going. Night everyone
@sehe crossed my mind, but didn't think she would like that
@MooingDuck Not her star, silly. We should just add one to the board on the right :)
@sehe Well, do let me know if you manage to get anything.
@sehe oh
@RMartinhoFernandes ok, ack
I have "make something to get proper Markdown out of the standard sources" in my TODO list, but I have yet to think how I will tackle that.
How not to handle a siege: pull the wrong lever and flood your flood supply.
2 hours later…
HELLO... Hello... hello...
Dammit, why aren't all the GN slides in PDF?
Dont know
@TaylorBioniks Hey there
have you worked with the heap?
no I have not
the heap is memory right
:( hai. arigatou gozaimasu
Hi. I was wondering, suppose I do the following - recreate objects inside a loop with the same name. e.g.
for(i=0; i<...; i++) {... someobj foo();...}
Careful! That's a function declaration.
what happens to the memory allocated to these different objects? is it freed?
Yes. But the constructor/destructors are called a bunch of times.
Automatic storage object are destroyed when their scope ends.
Usually does not matter though.
I get "out of range memory..."
@RMartinhoFernandes : And if this is all taking place within one loop, then what is the scope?
@FaheemMitha It's the loop body.
@チョコレート人 Out of range, or out of memory?
"Out of range memory ..." probably means your are dealing with memory that is not yours. Double delete, using null pointers, not newing, etc.
All the joys of the heap.
@RMartinhoFernandes : So, if I redefine foo 100 times (say the loop is 100 counts), the memory of foo *100 will stick around till the loop ends?
i.e. for(i=0; i<100; i++) {... someobj foo();...}
@RMartinhoFernandes "Unhandled exception at 0x75a1b727 in MyProg.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::out_of_range at memory location 0x0046c1d8..
@FaheemMitha No. The end of the loop body is reached once per iteration.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, Ok. That seems reasonable. Thanks.
@チョコレート人 You're accessing an element at an index that doesn't exist.
@FaheemMitha No, only the memory for one foo will be in use at a time, but there will be 100 foos allocated(on stack) and 100 foos deallocated.
Assuming no optimizations.
As long as you don't use new (or the low-level C memory allocation functions), memory won't leak.
@EthanSteinberg : What are the pros/cons of doing this vs an assignment? Either way I'm creating a new object every time.
i.e. for(i=0; i<100; i++) {... someobj foo = someobj();...}
:2785931 Exactly.
@RMartinhoFernandes I see what you are saying.
IIRC the compiler will optimize that for you in 99 percent of all cases.
@EthanSteinberg So it comes to the same thing?
Ok, good to know.
Pretty much.
Theoretically someobj foo without the = is faster.
@EthanSteinberg Creation vs assignment is faster? Yes, that is the way I'd figure it would go, if anything.
The fact that a loop body is local scope. Is that new? I seem to remember such things didn't work once.
I know for sure the language JavaScript does not do local scopes, objects are only function scope.
E.g. one can now do for(int i=0; i<100; i++) but before the int i didn't work.
@EthanSteinberg No, I mean in C++.
Oh, that is relatively new. I am thinking C99.
RMartin probably knows better.
@EthanSteinberg Was it in the 98 standard?
@チョコレー so the heap is the memory right
@EthanSteinberg I was born in 1987!
@FaheemMitha That didn't work in C89. But it always worked in C++, and has worked in C since C99.
@RMartinhoFernandes : Ok. I thought I remembered it not working in C++.
With gcc.
say who wrote the description for this room?
The heap is a term referring to memory allocated with new/malloc.
I don't think the machine cares whether the memory is used for the heap or stack though.
It really doesn't.
Also isn't that rvalue ref question silly.
@FaheemMitha C++ support in compilers has been sketchy for years, so it's possible that it didn't work for some time in some compiler.
@RMartinhoFernandes Relatively new as compared to the core language of C. Still old by my personal life.
@RMartinhoFernandes : Ok.
I think support is much better now, though.
General strategy question. I've got some code which is grabbing lots of memory, which it shouldn't. This seems likely to be a memory leak. Is checking with valgrind a good way to go? If so, can I limit the leak when valgrind runs? It might bring down my OS.
@CatPlusPlus It's that Clinton guy.
Alternatively, I could try to debug by inspection. :-)
@LucDanton Oh, you know him? Should I blacklist him?
I don't think so. But don't spend too much time answering his questions.
@RMartinhoFernandes What does blacklist mean? Put on some ignore list?
That's what I mean by blacklisting: don't bother trying to help.
@FaheemMitha If you always acquire memory in a controlled way using resource handling classes, and not directly with new, it will be easier to prevent leaks.
Ah well that's your call. My point of view is that SO is not a helpdesk and I participate to the QA in the sense that it's supposed to help anybody that has the same problems. So some time it's worth answering or commenting and then move on when the OP moves the goalposts or something.
It may still be worth my while for someone else.
@RMartinhoFernandes I never use new.
I always use RAII. Try to, at least.
Though I can't necessarily speak for library code I may be calling.
Ah, there may be a GCC 4.7 RC this week.
Oh, if the library leaks, without giving you a chance to plug it, you're doomed.
@RMartinhoFernandes : I don't know if it is a library. That's pure speculation.
Valgrind might tell me what is going on. But is there any strategy to prevent the program from taking down my system while it does so?
Also, the program doesn't exit when it should, so I'd say it is probably caught in an infinite loop.
Oh hey, happy February 29th everyone.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hah, remember how I have apply(f, tuple) and apply(f, variant)? Guess what I added yesterday.

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