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@AndyProwl dem mature comments. It's like cockwork
@ScottW I shall refrain from details in a public chat
@sehe yay
@TonyTheLion Yeah, best left for Mumble.
ohhhhhhhhhh mumble
@TonyTheLion come on Tony post all the details so we can flag them for moderator attention
@ElimGarak records sneakily
@AndyProwl not falling in that trap again
Q: QT-C++ vs Generic C++ and STL

VectorBeen brushing up on my C++ lately, on Ubuntu QQ. I love the Qt framework for everything, especially building GUI's. I became quite familiar with it when using PyQt over the last few years. When using PyQt, I had some issues that are now more pronounced when using C++ with Qt: Qt has many extens...

"Can I get a C++ job without knowing C++?"
Very likely. Yes.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I didn't know Qt has garbage collection. (It has garbage collections, obviously)
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ definitely
In fact, the more you know, the less chance you have of getting a job. Especially when you start bitching about how MSVC is broken and doesn't support C++47 during the interview.
It kind of does
@TonyTheLion Yeah, my brain does that too T_T
@ScottW and me. In 1998
I didn't really know C++ when I got my C++ job
> Ubuntu QQ
what the hell is ubuntu qq
I only got to learn C++ when I was sick and could not work
Ubuntu QQ is the delicious tears version.
Well not totally. But today me would totally scold past me for being pretentious
otherwise I'd probably have the exact same knowledge today
today me would never hire past me
Then how would the past you learn?
Ubuntu q_q
@ElimGarak by being kicked in the butt for not knowing things
@ElimGarak Somewhere else!
also I hope tomorrow me would never hire today me
But what if past Andy is really stubborn and ends up on red light district being picked up by rightfold in the middle of the night?
at least I'd learn some compiler stuff
@AndyProwl touché
@ScottW You are a beautiful dog and the best programmer on four legs.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
@ScottW the "look that guy over there is worse off" never worked on me
don't know why
^ "+1" :(
"Stuff could be a lot worse..."
"Stuff could be a lot better, too."
Laziness is like Siren's song
@AndyProwl because "the guy whose worse off" is always you? ;)
@Borgleader lol
could be
ITT Andy lives under a bridge and uses a stolen laptop.
See. It could be worse
you guys should see the chap living under the next bridge
fucking loser
no seriously many people say it's better to be the biggest fish among the small ones but I always end up being the smallest fish among the big ones
(proof: Lounge)
I just realized I have Thor's hammer power for too.
I have been so monomanic about boost for so long...
@AndyProwl (perception: neutralizes "proof")
@sehe all the cool languages just copy C# now
we so hipstir
@ScottW I look at how humble you are, and feel a little envious instead.
Oh I love C#. I just can't bring myself to filter through more SO drivel
(oops. a little jarring immediately following jerry's message. oh well)
I'm just a Lion
Scott is my favorite Lounger. He's just a sweetie. Tony, too. sehe... Ah, bah. I like y'all.
@TonyTheLion you're a lying lion
@ElimGarak :)
Is it just me or is Telkitty gone?
I think I've seen her here today
I hope she's gone
Ah, man.
@TonyTheLion inb4 flag
> Best way to read/write a file from a url using C std libs
@JerryCoffin I am really bad at choice. :(
@ElimGarak woof?
Puppy wants cookie too
@sehe FILE * f = fopen("http://i.imgur.com/IXO2EhL.jpg", "rb+");
@Puppy You too, puppy. Who's a good dog?
inb4 your mom
all I'm saying is, I thought we had something here.
but then your favourite is Scott?
I think I'm going to start seeing someone else now
@набиячлевэлиь I ope you're kidding me
> Use auto.
^ Resharper for C++
> FILE *restrict *restrict streamptr
Puppy be like
@AndyProwl auto is a storage duration specifier, so the type would be auto int
@AndyProwl that's... pretty bad
@набиячлевэлиь ah, was that C?
> using C std libs
@AndyProwl Is it worth something in the big picture?
attention dropped
@Morwenn much better than the alternatives IMO
still not quite there though
semi-automated refactorings aren't very reliable
Proper use of auto in C:
A: Where is the C auto keyword used?

Jerry CoffinIf you'd read the IAQ (Infrequently Asked Questions) list, you'd know that auto is useful primarily to define or declare a vehicle: auto my_car; A vehicle that's consistently parked outdoors: extern auto my_car; For those who lack any sense of humor and want "just the facts Ma'am": the shor...

Seems that JetBrains are able to produce pretty decent stuff.
but I'm convinced it will get better
they're using Clang internally so there is some potential
@Morwenn Not really.
@JerryCoffin what would the type of auto my_car; be?
I'm using Resharper for C# and it's fucking slow as shit.
I used PyCharm and found it pretty good.
@Puppy Oh god. You're in one of those moods?
Android Studio on the other hand...
@AndyProwl int.
@AndyProwl A Prius.
@JerryCoffin interesting
@sehe If by that you mean "I literally spent all day today fighting with Resharper" then yes.
@ElimGarak return type of the std::toiota() function
Baffled. Just disable it
@AndyProwl Ha!
certainly considering it
@AndyProwl ...but only in C though. In C++ (of course) it's simply not allowed without an initializer.
that hardly qualifies as "pretty decent stuff" though
@JerryCoffin yeah
@Puppy Welll... I used it in my project and it worked decently. Albeit slow. Much less intrusive than native intellishame
And much smarter
C++20 should just spawn a car outside your house for every auto var without an initializer. And then Andy could buy an apartment.
I still won't use it. Because I can use vim
the VS2015 intellisense is quite competitive with resharper I find
they just need a few more usability upgrades like alt+enter is way better than having to click on the lightbulb
does autocompletion work inside macros
@Puppy Last time I tried it, I found it noticeable inferior to VA-X (but that could just mean I've used VA-X for umpteen years now).
and if you have a bigger project, Resharper becomes tremendously slow.
Anyone know of a way to build a library based on the installed source of an External Project in CMake? Because every time I try to CMake just complains about the files not being there, because they havn't been downloaded yet...
@ScottW With Jerry's rep, downvotes are like quantum fluctuations.
I like Jerry's sense of humor.
I like Jerry.
Even if he doesn't make penis jokes all the time.
that doesn't really make sense since the lounge is a virtual construct that does not have a physical size.
Jerry is now in the gentleman phase of his life. Once he's really old and stops giving a shit, we'll get an influx of cocks here.
If SO doesn't shut us down before that. Because we're not exactly the friendliest bunch.
@ScottW oh
@JerryCoffin that's... an interesting way to rick-roll?! o.O
Nobody is going to shut us down
Stop terrorising innocent people
Did we have a Lounger die in these 5 years?
Well, we have a scapegoat now. "We didn't star the penis jokes, the flaggers did!"
I'm a bit concerned about Martin
@AndyProwl He has kind of disappeared huh
@ScottW wut
Eh, the Lounge<rightfold's vagina> incident wasn't enough to close the room. I think the place is safe for a while.
@ScottW is it a wild guess or you know stuff?
Seriously? Wat
@ScottW wait are you trolling me or is it for real
We're talking for real here. :D
I'm like the most trollable user ever
it would
You are starting to sound like John Oliver.
20 hours ago, by ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ
Yeah. About that, @TonyTheLion what happened after I left. Anything changed?
It looks like one of our flag trolls took it to chat.SE. And got himself banned instantly.
I believed it because there have been quite a lot of lounge meetups lately
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ it died, nothing much else was said
well not meetups, more like lounge people meeting lounge people
@AndyProwl Did you know that "gullible" isn't really a word, and isn't in the dictionary?
@Mysticial good
@JerryCoffin checks the dictionary
@ElimGarak they didn't live to tell
> In human brain, there is gullibility. How gullible are you? Is your gullibility located in some "gullibility center" in your brain? Could a neurosurgeon reach in and perform some delicate operation to lower your gullibility, otherwise leaving you alone? If you believe this, you are pretty gullible, and should perhaps consider such an operation.
@AndyProwl Stylistic!
@AndyProwl Theoretically, one could modify a human's brain state to have trust issues.
Nature did it for me. Others will have to try ebay.
@sehe it's from last week's chapter of GEB
I would never have placed that quote :S
Also, bought a laptop replacement keyboard today. $40 for a little piece of shit.
coincidence that I read it last week
@ElimGarak Nah, I don't trust ebay... wait
@AndyProwl There you go!
Also, I bought it under the impression that I was paying in EUR and not GBP. I need to have my eyes examined.
And the laptop in question has a fantastic design. It has two direct holes below the keyboard plate that literally direct liquid into the ventilation system and the harddrive.
@ElimGarak happened to me a few times buying books
it was not a happy revelation when it eventually occurred to me
Lol, now I can cast the same function object to several kinds of function pointers. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
Time to go to sleep, see you another day.
@Morwenn nn
Thanks :)
Yeah, that sucks. Also, why the fuck do digital versions cost more than the hardcover?
@Morwenn night
@AndyProwl Thanks starfish ^_^
So, how bad is it if I rent a book for half the price and accidentally trip and modify a .dll to override the print limitation and enable the pdf target? Am I a bad person?
@Morwenn idk I was just reminded of the movie charlies angels, and Chad
a horrible one
unless you then pass me the book
in that case you're fine
@AndyProwl wow that took me a while
Well, I am thinking about buying GPU Pro 6, so I might share it with you guys if y'all are interested. I just don't feel like paying full price for one article of interest.
@milleniumbug I dont get it :(
@ElimGarak You can safely drop all those constraining clauses
yay I joined the i3 club
thanks @Lalaland
How are things in the i3 club?
the 5-minute introduction video told everything I needed to know
all the other stuff I figured out by reading the guide
what I haven't got told, is to install dmenu and i3status
that helps very much in running programs and making the "Command failed with return code 127" disappear
> semi-rugged
That sounds so much like "we half-assed it" or "You may think it looks rugged, but really it's fragile as shit"
@JerryCoffin Seems military grade almost.
@sehe this.
Is it bad that I want it, tho?
@sehe It actually means something like: "not really intended for true gun battles, but pretty much immune to normal drops, spills, etc."
@milleniumbug Isn't that a processor?
@Mysticial He isn't talking about the i3 line?
@milleniumbug Explain yourself, young man.
@Mysticial it's also a tiling window manager
@JerryCoffin I think I understood it. It's usually like this when you enter specialized jargon. Like Implementation Defined vs. Unspecied vs. Undefined Behaviour.
@sehe It does, however, remind me of a story that happened shortly after Denver's "new" airport opened (~20 years ago now). The owner of a company in Boulder that makes computers that really are intended to be air-dropped into a battle from anything up to 3000 feet, and really are intended specifically for use in a battle zone was shipping a sample back to the office. Despite its being truly rugged, the Denver automated baggage mangler manager actually managed to destroy it.
> Real-world rugged: Get protection from drops, spills, dust and related workplace hazards with the E6420 XFR laptop’s BallisticArmor™ protection and testing to high defense-grade standards.
good job airport at Denver
@JerryCoffin wtf; that's an accomplishment
$4000 for a truly rugged laptop from Dell. Specs are a bit shabby, but you can use it underwater if you feel so inclined, apparently.
these things are not designed to play vidya games
Dammit, sehe, I need at least an i7 if I am going to take on ISIS!

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