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I bet learning to speak English as a native Spanish speaker is like trying to learn Entish
"Why are we talking so slowly"
Though I will never understand the way other languages structure their sentences
They say the same about English
like, I don't know what they are really asking me until the last word
Romantic languages are almost entirely logical
English is retarded
Cyrillic languages are bloated but work
Sippy how long do bans last?
Anyone has Bulletproof Web Design By Dan Cederholm
or any other good web design book
!!learn mexicanwave <>http://i.imgur.com/zIScfI9.gif
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Command mexicanwave learned
ahahahah i remember that
wicked spambots
@Matthcw If you meant to ping me, ping me
It depends how many times you get banned, it increments.
Best advice is don't get banned.
did someone else kick him again?
why are we kicking him?
not me :)
@cimmanon no clue
not even sure he was kicked
why did he get kicked before?
For being abrasive.
Q: Call URL in Background (Hidden) C# MVC

WesI have an anonymous php emailer (confirmed working) that accepts query strings, and I would like to call it in an MVC C# web application with something like: http://www.example.com/mailGateway.php?password=myPassword&[email protected]&[email protected]&subject=asdf&message=hi,%20how%20a...

@Sippy I'll give him an abrasion
@StephanMuller osnap
nah just kidding
I want to be part of his community
hope I'm smart enough though
Doesn't seem to matter
He won't know if you are or not anyway
whats this thing he wants to build?
just came to drop this off
user image
@CarrieKendall lol, that looks like my husband before he cut all of his hair off. who is that anyway?
no clue, random imgur share in a hangout
@cimmanon your husband from a few years back
they are moving us to a new hall on campus... named
"Cyber Hall"
Oh dear.
Now you'll hear people saying "Hey, wanna go Cyber?"
That's what the higher ups think a good name is for a tech department..
Fucking casuals.
can't type, day is now over.
@rlemon actually, he cut off his hair in the spring, but it used to look just like that. the envy of every girl :p
@CarrieKendall do you get there via the Information Super Highway?
@StephanMuller LOL we have to take the e-train
@cimmanon were you sad?
@rlemon eh, not really. i would rather have my hair than his
you didn't find his hair sexy?
meh. didnt matter much to me
though he throws a fit if i cut my hair too short.
i went to one place that didnt get inches. i asked for ~12" to be removed, they cut off 18"
@Neil oh so it doesn't happen only to me
i think it's a conspiracy, honestly
@cimmanon I think that's all hair stylists that do women's hair, based on literally every woman I know whose shared a hair story
I should ask them if the stylist ever actually measures their hair
what is that thing even
@StephanMuller it's an ice machine
like ice cubes?
on the front of a refrigerator
I've never seen that in my life
is it common?
they are commonplace in America
they suck
take up half your freezer
yeah they are kind of space-wasting
most kinds don't actually replace the actual ice maker in your freezer, they just automate the collecting and have a huge scoop so the ice goes where it's supposed to
but it is pretty damn convenient not having to open the door to get some ice
I guess we don't have them because of the climate
there's maybe 2-3 weeks in the year that I'd even consider having ice cubes in my freezer
what's an ice maker?? I just put my liquor bottles in the freezer and Im done.
in reality I haven't had ice cubes in my freezer at all for at least the past 10 years. not worth it
@StephanMuller really? You don't like ice in your drinks?
I rarely drink soda at all, and I don't bother putting ice in my water
What's up @Darth?
@ZachSaucier sup zach hows your week?
going well thus far. Nothing too much on my plate so knocking out some personal studies and working on a project I started last week
Writing a blog post currently
nice, school start backup soon?
about two weeks from now. I'm going back late next week I think
let me know when that happens
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Betting on the right horse
the amusement parks will be less packed
come after labor day to be safe
@rlemon Are you coming down south?
why would I do that?
I don't know
               .    .
                )  (   COME INSIDE!
  _ _ _ _ _ _ _(.--.)
{{ { { { { { { ( '_')  AND HAVE A NICE
 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>`--'>  CUP OF TEA!
k the starred version is really odd.
Why is this CSS of my Nav bar when I select parent it highlights Sub-Nav? .menuwrap a:hover, .menuwrap li.current-menu-item a {
color: #00bacf !important;
border-top: 3.5px solid #00bacf;
opacity: 0.9 !important;
-webkit-transition: .6s ease-out;
-moz-transition: .6s ease-out;
-o-transition: .6s ease-out;
-ms-transition: .6s ease-out;
transition: .6s ease-out;

@Tarson it's unclear what you're asking
@mikedidthis o/
(I get excited when you join the room)
@PeeHaa I can try, wanna stick details on a gist?
@rlemon \o
@mikedidthis You want an actual github gist or just "the gist"? :)
Got it
So how's everyones day going?
I thought I had found a question to ask on SciFi.SE but I just found it was asked last year
Q: How long can a person be kept in a Carbonite so that they can be successfully revitalized? Do people age within it?

DelltarThere is evidence of several creatures being frozen in carbonite and later "woken up" without any permanent consequences (as far as I know). Is it safe to assume that carbonite-freezing is form of cryo-stasis? Is there any limit to how long can person be frozen in carbonite and still be defroste...

@rlemon Decent
Other than that, my back kind of hurts
@TylerH I have other questions you can ask
but otherwise it's just a typical weekday I suppose
> If I eat myself would I become twice as big, or disappear completely ?
@rlemon wow that is deep
> According to Math Central it would take 31,709.79 years to count to 1 Trillion. But the world is only 2015 years old so how do we know a trillion even exists?
@rlemon That belongs on shit.SE Puzzles.SE
@TylerH 20,000 years would be a massive culture shock
> My girlfriend says she needs time and distance. Is she calculating velocity?
Well, it's not frontpage on Codepen, but hey, I'm happy! :D
@ZachSaucier I bet
> If electricity always follows the path of least resistance, why doesn't lightning only strike in France?
@peehaa GitHub gist ;)
@Rvervuurt cool
@mikedidthis On it :)
Though there wasn't that much of a change in the SW universe from the early days of the jedi order to the beginning of the clone wars
@rlemon What is this, an infographic for ants?
> How many calories does jumping to conclusions burn?
@rlemon why the fuck does @rlemon share something unreadable like that
@rlemon Based on the average weight of feminists: not a lot
> If 1 in 5 kids faces hunger, why don't we just turn every fifth kid around?
@rlemon I'm gonna have to use that one
> If the camera adds 10 pounds, could the NSA's surveillance camera system be the cause of American obesity?
@rlemon Thanks reddit
hell yea
do you think I'm original or something?
lemme guess: shitty ask science?
IMO you are the 236th rlemon
@ZachSaucier yup
> If light travels faster than sound, then why can I hear my girlfriend bitching at me before I see what I've done wrong
> Help. I just dropped my rice in a puddle. How long should I leave it in a bag of phones before I can use it again?
@rlemon I just tried to square 2 in my head and wrinkled my brain
such boost to performance
272 questions by that guy....
@TylerH Aaaaand self mutilated
rolled back
then deleted
"adknhhasda';12zk;'12k;3adknhhasda'" is that indicative of a qwerty keyboard? or a different layout?
dvorak maybe?
Most all of his questions are bad...
no he wanted to hide his original shity question
@rlemon yes I know why I was just curious
since many but not all of those keys are on the homerow for qwerty
Does anyone know anyone who uses mootools?
Why does this get mentioned on the fp of Codepen... codepen.io/dandenney/pen/JdYbjq
yes, it's pretty useful, but other than that it's just basic stuff
it's better than a lot of crap on the fp
@Rvervuurt Because everybody who helps somebody with HTML mail deserves a freaking medal
Don't know if serious, but HTML mail is CRAP! The amount of shit Outlook pulls of...
but why FP worthy?
New blog post on personal studies
Shipping Address: < textarea >
Billing Address: < textarea >
[] same as shipping
checkbox before or after the label?
You let someone fill in the complete address in one textarea?
"normal" forms use a line per info, if you get what I mean?
I think it is because some people don't understand that labels are actually clickable in which case you want to have the checkbox in an easy to reach place
Yeah and what @Rvervuurt said. I'm also not too keen on those things being a textarea. You will never be able to get the separate data ever again
@Rvervuurt those are flawed
territory? state? province?
postal code? zip code? w/e
it is easier to just let them input it
Fair, but what about database sorting?
you assume I need sorting :P
Will queries on databases, especially huge ones, not take longer?
@Rvervuurt Not noticeably. It's not that much data
Unless you are also storing the invoices as blob in the same table
True, but if it takes (I probably blow it up) .1s longer per cell, and you have thousands of cells, it'll take quite a bit longer
* and you are using mysql stupidsql
note that I know jack shit about databases :P Just had some classes a few years back
Updated my codepen with some of my doodles. codepen.io/rvervuurt
@mikedidthis gist.github.com/PeeHaa/129ee4eb16ee4b0bbf80 Also sorry that I suck this much at explaining stuff. Just let me know if you have any questions.
@Rvervuurt gave you some <3
@Rvervuurt I like that exploding cube pen a lot
@PeeHaa yeah that one is quite skillful
@PeeHaa wish I had thought of the design myself.
Awesome nonetheless
But thanks :) It's not the prettiest code, can probably be done a lot nicer and compact :)
Question incoming
@PeeHaa hot damn! if that ever works works I'll totes use that for personal git repos
readies !!google command
I need somethnig to do with my rpis
got a question on the integration of mysql database
with rails
wrong room
this is frontend - you may have more luck in some other room
but you can post it - maybe someone knows anyway
@SharathZotis dont use mysql. or rails. :p
Wow. WTF @cimmanon!?!?!
We finally agree on something
@PeeHaa Gitilicious
i get that rails might be a necessary evil, but mysql should never be used for anything >.>
@rlemon Yeah I have got a couple more people who were already throwing money at the screen
> my repos bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like, that needs a star.
!!urban gib
@Rvervuurt [gib](http://gib.urbanup.com/853100) 1(n) of 3D computer games, a fragment esp. a gobbet of flesh resulting from total obliteration of a target usually by means of an explosion; giblet.
2(v trans.) to cause massive damage to a target, to the point of obliteration.

abbreviation from giblet.
isn't it also used as "give"?
@rlemon Wait wat? Did you actually find a name that isn't taken yet by some other project!?!?!
@Rvervuurt "Turn 500 zeds into giblets" - Killing Floor achievement
but isn't "gib" used as "give" sometimes, in the same fucked up language that uses "nab" as "noob"?
never heard as gib
At some point I was even translating random words into latin to find something :P
there was instagib mode in quake :D
but that just exploded you in 1 gauntlet hit
UT2k4 instagib. Best thing I have ever played
that also
i used to play instagib + grapling hook mode in quake3 arena
my vote is for CodeChode
that was fun
easy to replicate, completely crazy
@rlemon I had to look that one up. I was not disappointed
@rlemon Awesome!
> PeeHaa's Amazing Gitbox Supreme!
needs a SE at the end
once SE comes out
redesigning part of my database to be more storage efficient. totally did not expect my queries to be faster this way ><
mpq=> refresh materialized view roster_test.character_build_count ; --new
Time: 111.487 ms
mpq=> refresh materialized view public.character_build_count ; --old
Time: 395.309 ms
@easwee you forgot ®™
I loved that kind of software names
Gonna go to bed soon
au revoir
!!afk zzzzzzz
@Rvervuurt later
draw triangle on canvas
user image
@ZachSaucier your speech video? is it online now? :D
still haven't seen it yet... I'll look again but I doubt it
and suddenly a very professional Zach Saucier appeared on my twitter
they only posted some of the talks, not all yet
it looks like they're doing 1 a day
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I would hire :P
10/10 would hire again
today i started a total of [new personal record] 3 projects which were later abandoned already. god it feels like it was a year ago, but was today
You guys might like this guy's talk on CSS in email from the conference
you got 3 projects today and lost them today?
personal projects. already ditched
or well.. paused
Ah "on hold"
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson ah get it
i wish
nah just some random php stuff
BTW the world is still waiting on the flexboxtoolkit ™ IPO
yeah - last day at work I wished for it
a coworker was doing some backend admin stuff and that would have fit perfectly
hi to all
could you plz anyone help me
throws garlic
I had one issue in IE11 dropdown issue
@easwee lol instatar
while selecting option in dropdown its populating out and hiding the drop down in IE11

easwee the vampire slayer

2 mins ago, 44 seconds total – 3 messages, 2 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked just now by PeeHaa

that is like mastercard-can't-buy it gold
I was just going through those :P

King of PHP

Oct 29 '14 at 0:35, 2 minutes total – 2 messages, 2 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Oct 29 '14 at 7:46 by easwee

@ZachSaucier 117 radio buttons wicked :D
works again now
@easwee bahahaha
so much pain
I like his chill talking style :D
He's a cool guy, my favorite of the guys I met there to hang with
not one that thinks he's the shiz (unlike Gregor Adams and some others there)
he's like if curt cobain went css
the guy in the video zach linked before
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson sketchtoy.com/56725027
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson sketchtoy.com/57000359
also amaze skills
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson sketchtoy.com/59942045

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