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Good stuff
XKCD was the only comic I could get permission for.
I published a small utility app for devs with an obscure name
and it's in the 100-500 downloads category
Wut, mines at 10... I have 30 downloads
one of my friends works there
ordered Avid BB7 disk brake for my bike. Gonna be awesome B-)
o/ SuperThomas
When do apps change from "10" downloads to higher on the play Store
Nevermind found it :P
I need 20 more downloads
Bluestacks go :)
@trevor-e which util?
If I set a custom typeface for a textview how can I reset it back to default?
cough anyone who LOVES xkcd. Updated constantly with new features. play.google.com/store/apps/…
might update it since some people use it
What are you gonna update
@SuperThomasLab Me?
make it more customizable
Trevor, does that work on 5.0?
don't think so
It works on 5.0.2 just tested
@trevor-e put it on my tablet, thanks!
cool, hope it's helpful
yes, but sometimes when i start other activity it doesnt update...
yea I think that's what they deprecated
no, doesn't work
only for your own Activity and launcher as far as I can tell
no more polling the activity stack in lollipop :/
yeah, unfortunately
Who is developing an awesome android app at this moment
@SuperThomasLab define awesome?
posted on April 14, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Eunice Kim, Product Manager, Google Play There are thousands of Android developers creating experiences for families and children — apps and games that broaden the mind and inspire creativity. These developers, like PBS Kids, Tynker and Crayola, carefully tailor their apps to provide high quality, age appropriate content; from optimizing user interface design for children to buildin

@Pyrodante just a simple app
... I think I just had my app dissed... not sure though.
defends @Pyrodante
My app is pretty awesome tbh :)
What are you making. Im busy developing a gps speed app
That's just a simple app :P
I linked you to my company page that has my app on it.
i know i am just a beginner
My app is GPS focused
I was kidding, I was mocking you... I'm funny see?
Mine's an XKCD reader, parsing JSON and stuff ;)
I have made a lot of apps in my days :P
I'm always developing awesome android apps
I'm awesome, therefore anything I touch is awesome.
That's awesome
currently I'm diving into game dev with libgdx
still a long way to go, though
Ah, I'm planning on starting learning libgdx soon.
Or some other library, probably libgdx tho
@SuperThomasLab were you looking for anything specific?
@Pyrodante what do you mean?
Well you were asking for people who make awesome android apps, you said you are making a GPS app... I have done a lot of work with location services.
Also I have a subreddit of the week: UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG

"Upvoted not because girl, but because it is very cool. However, I do concede that I initially clicked because girl"
I am just making a gps speed app, it displays your current speed on the screen
i've got the location services already working, just fixing a few bug
That sounds like you need the Accelerometer not the GPS
I was thinking, if I make a chat app. If I just used a webview would I be able to check to see if there was a mention? Any way?
create an additional API check to see if there has been a mention since last time, and then poke it frequently :P
Like say you mention me, would I be able to know and send a notification?
There's no chat api :(
@TristanWiley will google cloud messaging help you appsrox.com/android/tutorials/instachat
I don't really think so, since I'd have to get messages from this chat somehow.
Well given that the webview doesn't actually know what a mention is, I would expect some parallel functionality would have to be built.
Right, I knew that but I'm not sure how. Some people have created APIs etc but they haven't updated it in years and no longer works.
@TristanWiley Maybe you can get the messages from the html code of the site.
Hmm I'll see...
It takes some bottle
Who let Thomas in?
I did...
<100 points
well that changed... hmmm
I think it's unfair to all the other people that were not let in for that reason
What do?
Please let me in this group
@SuperThomasLab you should go answer some questions :)
@nana ok :-)
to his credit he has 3x more answers then questions, so I made a call.
Be quick, before magic or carl find you here.
Yeah, I don't think you should kick him just yet. Let him prove himself.
I just went through some of his answers and he seems to be nice to people.
Did you just upvote him? :)
Yeah... I read through his stuff which is why I made the decision.
I did indeed. Because his answers were correct, and he worked with them in the comments to solve the problem
It was worth an upvote, so I did
@Pyrodante thanks
Alright. The 100 point minimum is new-ish.
All is well, order has been restored.
Welcome SuperThomasLab :)
lol thats confusing
drawtext actually draws above the given Y not below
like everything else in the world does
Oh, no! Guys, I can't be involved in a scandal during election time!
did you get your jimmy licked by the intern
Never mind, I'm still 22nd. Carry on...
tsk tsk
Not this time.
the drawText bounds is a little complicated
Talking about what nana, pyro, and thomas have going on
btw thanks @eski that answer worked
sure thing :D
It's all resolved, Thomas has 100 points now ;)
wait code
you're in the election?
i didn't even see you =(
totes would have voted for you
Downvote time hehe
I voted for you cM
nah cM is a g
OG i might even say
Thanks, nana. Nate, maybe someone else will let you back in after I remove your access
i just wish there was a non-hacky way to get the text height
@codeMagic scandal?
i have no other friends... we're friends... right guys? guys?
It's the top message on the awesome board!
I was making a joke about the whole thomas thing. Apparently, it was only funny to me
daaamn bro, you just got upvoted
brb going to go vote
this has a lot of info about the text bounds JMR: stackoverflow.com/questions/7549182/…
Before you do, I want you to know that I think your newest app is awesome
too late already voted before I read that
but thanks!
we need more diamonds in this bitch :P
it's going to give you different results with different text though
For sure
I am happy I made that app. Makes me feel a bit warm and fuzzy
yea, right now i use a capital T for the measurement
I hope it helps someone.
to represent like the largest character height wise
Pyro, I think it will. It's a good idea. I'd have my girlfriend download it if she hadn't went to the dark side bought an iCrap
you're earning those votes code
Thanks, but I'm a little farther down than I expected to be
I need to finish my questionnaire and see if that changes anything
I respect your not giving up cM.
Would you say that Android programming is single threaded programming (as in you just thread off of a thread if that makes sense)? Or is it common to create its own process for the apps in which you multi-thread?
Sorry, I'm still RTFM, and the manual I've been told to read feels a bit.. Lacking :/
Unless it is a strange situation where you spawned multiple processes for some ungodly reason, you can think of your application as a single linux process
but that all gets handled at a lower level than you will typically be working at
Will it be in the same process as everything else?
each app gets their own process
So Each App runs in its own processes
Great :)
that is a fundamental element of the android security model
and also of the underlying system/app/etc... model
you can generate new processes, but in practice the call for this is extremely limited
Because the source I read made it seem like all apps on the phone ran on the same process
I'll point you at the same doc again
By default, all components of the same application run in the same process and most applications should not change this.
Now it makes sense to me. Thanks guys and gals
It's so annoying when you don't know what manual to read
Not that it really matters for what I'm making...
for high level stuff like this
if you need docs on specific code
Yaay, brain candy!
Each app has his own process but... in some cases you can run more than one app under the same process
They need to have the same userId and sign
Hmm, I haven't gotten to that yet
its pretty rare
But I'll remember it for when I do 8D
yup, its rare
mostly because it's not necessary the vast majority of the time
probably you don't need that if youre releaseing something on the playstore
yea, the only times i've seen it are in custom applications where we've replaced the entire os with a custom one and create new comm layers etc...
in that case you end up playing with processes a lot
I'm only learning a brief introduction to android, so I'm pretty sure I won't encounter it. My app for this course is just a distance calculator for car stuff Z_Z
yeah, that kind of my case hehe
It's not using the GPS
But if I have time I was thinking of it getting the weather through the GPS
So that the app can warn you about the dangers 8D
But I doubt I have the time >_<
so you use invalidate to call onDraw() again right
yeah invalidate will force another draw
ok, now i need to figure out how to like
animate the touch state of this button
basically im taking my cloud and drawing it on a single canvas
instead of as a viewgroup
to improve performance
sweet thats easy
hey @eski would changing the color of a paint object in onDraw() be a bad idea? i have a sliding scale of colors these items can be based on a score
so itd be nice to be able to just plug each node's score into a formula and set that to the paint color right in onDraw rather than building a paint for each score case
0-100, there are thresholds but itd be like at least 10
Changing the color of the paint is fine in onDraw
now im distinguishing between motionevents, specifically a click vs a scroll
the problem is when you scroll it registers a click on one of the items
very briefly
Well, if you don't make a onclick listener it shouldn't do anything if you only use the scroll?
nah like
the custom view has a bunch of items in it
o/ hi all
like a flowlayout basically
so i want it to both be scrollable and the children to be clickable
im drawing it on a canvas directly though, which is causing the issue
because in onTouch ACTION_MOVE is always preceded by ACTION_DOWN
so the items will briefly go into their clicked state (color wise) when the user is just flinging through
it just looks bad
well you should store the down event position and check that
im not sure how that would help me
basically what i need is a beat between the initial ACTION_DOWN motion event
and the next motion event
that too
so like if ACTION_MOVE is fired immediately after ACTION_DOWN, treat it as a scroll and dont invalidate the canvas
the issue is there isnt a surefire call back immediately after ACTION_DOWN if they are in fact not scrolling
what i need is like "action down, wait for it... yep its just a click"
you need to check vs the slop
check how the aosp code works
ive been trying to look for a scrollable view which implements onTouch
scrollview isnt a good example because it doesnt have children, just one scrollable child
it should still work
it works by intercepting the touch events
just so we're clear this is what im trying to solve
so in ScrollView it's done by returning true (mIsBeingDragged)
so for you, if that would be true you don't invalidate
the logic is the same though
im looking at that source code now
but its the same issue, if i were to click on a bubble
ACTION_DOWN goes off
what youre saying is check to see if its being dragged
and dont invalidate
if it is
what im saying is you dont know if its being dragged or not until after ACTION_DOWN
that's true
action_down is like the entry way to action_move
its in the action_down case where i need to say "ok do i need to tell the canvas to draw this bubble as selected" or not
you can wait a blip
scrollview must have some kind of way it does this
it wont pass the event on to its children if its scrolling
@MuhammadNaeemShahzad Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
I think the waiting happens further down the chain
i could set up a handler which fires off like
1 frame later
have a member var boolean isScrolling or something
and in the handler's runnable if isScrolling is true bail out
idk if thats smart or hacky though
it sounds reasonable to me
since you don't know the next time onTouchEvent will get called, using a handler seems appropriate
yea, thats the issue
Hi Guyz, I am having a strange issue. I am trying to remove year from DatePickerDialog. I have removed successfully and tested on Nexus 5.0 with android 5.1 and its working fine when deploy it with eclipse sample project. But when I moved the code into Android Studio into my projects its constantly giving me NullPointerException
Any Help would be appreciated
yeah I think that pressed state change is delayed by in the View class
here is my line of code
((ViewGroup) dlg.getDatePicker()).findViewById(Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("year", "id", "android")).setVisibility(
please read the room rules Muhammad
im goin with 10ms, idk if thats sufficient but whatever
eski sorry i could not find room rules...sorry first time in such room
nope, too fast

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