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@SargeBorsch Maybe you will be interested in this...
Q: Are there only male candidates for the moderator election?

thebjornFrom what I can see there are only male candidates for the moderator election.. Is that a concern? (should it be?) I know I found it odd when reading through the list.

I can get a screenshot of the other but probably not with all of the comments. Not in one shot anyway
Are these legitimate questions, or people trying to draw attention to themselves?
Sometimes it's hard to say
This last one I would say was a spin off of the other
That's how I feel.
I've noticed that no penguins have volunteered themselves as a moderator, is anyone at all concerned by the lack of species diversity on this site? — Dave S 26 secs ago
Question to all my XKCD app users. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=terranovaproductions.newcomicreader). If you could have one of the following features most which would you prefer?

-Comic in widget
-Chromecast support
-Something else?
Lol @DaveS
Got started setting up a continuous integration server at work.
woo Raghav represent!
looks like my plan to keep cM down is working too
I expected Martijn Pieters to be a strong favorite.
Your mom is a strong favorite
Yeah, she is one of my favorites.
yeah I bet she'd be a reasonable and fair moderator based on the great job she did raising you.
@DaveS Your mom's plan to keep me "down" worked too. Must run in the family
Speaking of which, tell your sister to stop calling me
Damn, cM just making his rounds at your house, Dave.
pffft...I make them come here
Was that a double entendre?
cM's just jelly cause at this point I have a better chance of becoming a mod than he does
Lol...that's about right!
my alter ego is a 15 year old dog
Undo, Northwest USA
11.4k 11 40 70
Is there a way to change the background color of an android menu icon? It seems like they're sort of transparent, so if I use a colored action bar they look a little funky. Basically I want this to be a pure white add icon, so it matches the text mostly.
Anyway, time to drink beer. I'll be gone Thursday-Monday so make sure to post rebecca black for me on Friday. Try not to kill each other when I'm not here to be a hate lightning rod
Haha, I don't hate you, Dave.
internet hate is not real hate
I know you all love me or you'd just ignore me
but mom jokes are a sign of love
I didn't really expect to win after seeing that there were only 3 spots and some of the candidates but 139 down? WTF...haters gonna hate
Dave, tomorrow is only Tuesday but thanks for the warning
Two weeks from tomorrow and I'm done with this semester.
I am going to give my upvotes and downvotes to everyone else.
and then I have four classes left in the fall, home stretch.
Happy b'day @RaghavSood!
Boooooooooooooooooogie dance
@JMRboosties Answered for you ;)
^What a nice guy.
I am the monet of the android Canvas
Well, I will remember that if I ever need it.
2 hours later…
Yo People
@codeMagic yeah, kinda funny
@codeMagic yeah, kinda funny
lol Dave
I've noticed that no penguins have volunteered themselves as a moderator, is anyone at all concerned by the lack of species diversity on this site? — Dave S 5 hours ago
Good Afternoon Guys.. :)
in Java and Android era , 11 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
This is weird, total number of users for Android is greater than any other language on SO, and No android candidate gets 2k+ votes :(
Probably because most users are vampires
Wait until nightfall
Unforgivable! No help vampire will get help if any android candidate won't qualify for mod.
hello people
I've managed to catch cold in April. "Happy" holidays :)
I always get a cold during summer
We, programmers, should eat more vitamins and go in for sports. The immunity suffers.
I go to the gym, so that's enough for me :P
And I sometimes get pimples, they are annoying
and girls don't like me when I have them
Go to a dermatologist if it's an issue.
There's also over the counter treatments, like AHAs and BHAs.
I'm already using one thing. Looks like it helps, but the battle isn't won yet.
Not very big issue, if ignoring the fact about girls
and maybe it's not because of pimples…
Stop worrying about it and you'll be more successful
yeah, that's what I do
@Glitch But... it's not my birthday :/
"This is my third consecutive year standing for moderator. I've learnt a lot more things and come a long way in that time. In fact, I turn 18 a day before the voting starts"
Such lies!
I guess you meant the final final final voting
In lieu of this error, you will have to provide a gift to myself instead
I gift you eternal happiness in Australia :D
do I get change from my ~100 year lifespan?
No, your ghost will forever be tied down to Australia, and you'll be unable to stop laughing
Err... thanks for the gift... places it to the side
thinking of buying parallels
2 hours later…
GTA V is a 60GB download D:
<badjoke>no, isn't wow, it's gta! </badjoke>
The downloading will take forever here, that's why I quit at first place. :D
just imagine, that you'll need separate hard disk for one game :)
I won't as I got 1TB space ;)
1TB game :)
Wow who made that? @TheLittleNaruto
@VeaceslavGaidarji Fuck! Seriously?!
Din't you check fb profile pic yet ?
Ah nvm :P
@TheLittleNaruto not yet
@TheLittleNaruto jyoon-sama nice
Go and check and you can comment as well. :D
berserk, I mean future GTA versions will take 1TB space :)
Morning o/
@VeaceslavGaidarji Gotcha :D
I thought you said GTA V
Ohayou \0
no, just random roman number
@VeaceslavGaidarji So, they will launch hard drives of GTA instead of DVDs :P
I forgot already roman numbers, and when I checked XVX in google - found totally NSFW stuff :)
Have you tried? :)
@Glitch which platform?
Hey @nana
Hey Tristan, you'Re here early.
Good Morning Sensei
Good morning TLN
morning o/
It's 8:13 here, I usually sign on when I get to school :)
Sensei, Did you vote already ? #VoteForAllAndroidCandidates
I narrow it down by only voting for people in this chat, then by how well they are qualified.
I did
I have voted for all android candidates.
It looks like none of our people is getting in..
what happens when we down vote someone?
Sad panda :(
who cares about pandas?
@Guilherme total_number_of_upvotes_count --;
how do you know that up and down votes (or their balance) are stored in the same var?
Ohh that was just a guess, Gui-Gui :)
@netpork PC
I have a 116Mbps connection, but Rockstars servers are slow
what do you do with a 116 Mbps connection?
I recently switched from 30 to 60, and stupid youtube videos still take a while to buffer...
watch pr0n
why else he should want such connection xD
if you can afford 116 Mbps internet I suppose you can also afford something more realistic that internet pr0n
haha, it's his money he can spend it as he wants
what if he got it for free?
he didn't
interesting question.. probably he didn't
fair enough
if he has it for free... probably is using someone else connection :P
@Iosif you don't quite meet the criteria for this room yet
Good morning
@Guilherme At home I had 100/100, then downgraded to 10/10; after a while came to a conclusion 5/5 would work for me as well. No problems with youtube. Really large things I download at work. Just do not want to pay for something I need rarely. :)
hi rob
hi bor
hey tristan
How's it going?
It's not yet. Staring at this code blankly while I sip coffee and try to wake up
Ah sounds like fun:)
fish 'n' chips
wow... 5 Mbps is not enough for me
at least 20 to watch netflix decently
I think the that time of month came.
@Guilherme popcorntime works flawlessly with 5mbps and 720p :)
I live in 2Mbps.
What is life?
Damn it, Google, I have too much work to do! I don't need you sabotaging me with Pony Express!
Not Again
Let's remind the unlucky ones how much more lucky we are.
@nana prodigal son has returned
BTW it looks like SpeedTest doesn'T want to host the images anymore.
anyone here is using chromium?
I'm using it
well, on xubuntu, it always wrecks after my machine wakes up from suspend
Usually i don't suspend/hibernate, so i don't know about that
720p sucks
@nana Sensei, Does it ?
Hmm, interesting the link to image wasn't active in my case, I wonder why.
Even it's not for me as well.
What I did is, copied the image path from embed link ;)
@RobinRoyal denied for low A:Q ratio
what if we make a room 15 chess tournament? (for example on en.lichess.org)
I'd lose
I'd lose more
I dunno
i can be pretty bad at chess
can it be battle chess? with the cool animations?
at least then I don't mind watching myself lose, cause its cool seeing the pawns get slaughtered
@netpork Another great choice. One of my only original CDs.
I fail at chess, but I know how the horse moves.
^ my biggest chess achievment
I once read a book about 1001 chess pitfalls and traps. I then proceeded to lose to everyone I knew repeatedly by ending up a victim of the things I just read about
^ My Biggest chess achievement
Let's play a game then
I'd be like "Oh man! There's that famous Gurtleblogger's Masked Bishop of Crinklesauce!"
And they'd all be like "what the f are you talking about?" And then i'd lose..
Be quick
i am actually at work
lol ok
one more C&H
I guess currently C&H avatars > nana circles
i ghit a button apparently
grr, someone is already playing
i can't move lol
i hit a button and got kicked from the game =)
it's a chance to kick my butt for everything
I was winning so much
we'll call it a tie =)
or i guess
technically i forfeited
since i left the game
It's a tie
so you win Nana!
I am the current Room 15 champion!
I have the most wins, the most games played.
All hail the great Chess Champion nana!
Holder of all the records
most moves made!
The least moves to win,...
Yeah, most moves too.
someone did quit the game without making a move
nice move
Ugh school
Sarge has you tied now Nana
for most games won
and he won with 0 moves required to win
Well he's Russian, they are good at chess.
where's code? Surely his assBourbon gives him some sort of advantage in these things
Maybe he's actually working today.
AssBourbon Sarge = new AssBourbon;
you forgot braces
And naming scheme! Vars start with lowercase!
all ass bourbon are belong to us
AssBourbon *** = codeMagic.askForAssBourbon();
Ass<?> bourbon = new Butt<T>();
private final AssBourbon mAssBourbon = (AssBourbonProvider codeMagic).provide(Assbourbon.class);
I can never remember generics syntax
in Java it's sort of weird
but in Scala it's better, because no static methods
(and no static anything)
ah nice
yea statics man
the guys who wrote our code base were very fond of statics
\o guys
Why do you hate static?
I don't hate static
when there are first-class singletons, there's no more need for statics
its just soo easy to over use
we have a state machine
a lot of it is stored in statics
global state — sounds suspicious
it makes resasoning about state much more complicated
i've been slowly pulling it apart but...
be it done with statics, or in some another way
static itself is not the guilty
thats why i said I don't hate static in itself
its just a very easy crutch to fall back on which can create new problems
Now we just need it to compile to Dalvik bytecode
looks like a cobol dialect
not sure though
i never want to write loops like this IM IN YR LOOP UPPIN YR VAR TIL BOTH SAEM VAR AN 10
i dunno i kinda love that syntax
that speak about "myClassField (or mClassField) VS classField" - naming class fields with an 'm' (or I prefer 'my' better) prefix
do we do that for views that are declared in activity/fragment? Because this looks weird: myPostOrderButton - it's not mine, wtf!
while for me it seems ok to name myDatabaseProvider
or anything like that
you can't afford a button?
the rich programmer?
I do view with v prefix or view
no, I feel strange naming View descendants with 'my' prefix
yeah… it is
is it a custom impl?
or is it just a Button object?
i just say what they are normally
i don't use the m-prefix though
the mPrefix has never struck me as particularly enlightening
my button names are all horribly long though...
well, I recently started naming class's fields with 'my'. Feels right. The only place where I don't do that is POJO-models
and also a ViewHolder's fields
and I just use this… when it feels necessary
Uhm given that I'm not sure why you wouldn't apply it to views?
its still a class field even if its a UI element
no reason - it's only feels stupidly strange
maybe I'm some weirdo
I guess I would reply that m'ing things feels a little bit weird to me all the time
but most important: be consistent
that would be my suggestion, if you're going to do it then embrace it and document why/why not
that's what it is about - consistency.
- UI objects are still objects. Go name them with 'm'!
- But myExitButton looks stupid!
For controls, I add first letters of each word of the control as a prefix, like for EditText , I would write as etEmail
Never use m-prefix.
well, I would advocate against that
;) I'm bowing out of the variable naming debate
i feel like we have these every week lol
I thought Picasso was supposed to be memory efficient
we have so many OOM crashes logged in crashlytics from it
Volley's ImageLoader is better.
ok, to sum up - I'm thinking to start naming View-descendants objects with just another prefix - 'v', i think
Nice! @Pyrodante sounds cool
uhhhh...this is awkward but imma have to ask you to remove the fire icon per my copyright
I hate you so much
btw I figured out what was wrong
and... I am an idiot
says it's not compatible. Needs root?
total... idiot
See that image with the fake contact with the lovely picture of a tree?
I'll test it when I get home
The original image:
aw not supported in Canada D:
I can open it up to Canada. I only opened it to America to... control rollout :P
Simply speaking I have no idea what happens internationally with this app :P
Welcome @SuperThomasLab
Also, holy crap I did something to justify my italics.
How does Google rank apps? Popularity? Relevance to the search?
I have found it is downloads and ratings mostly
@Pyrodante lol
Ahh alright. I get offended when someone uninstalls my XKCD Reader. Like, I cry myself to sleep :'(
I am just happy my app has like 30% retention after 5 years
30 downloads xD
Tristan, did you ask for permissions from the xkcd author?
I thought XKCD had a public API to access the content....
oh, ok
didn't know that
I could be totally wrong
They did, and a creative commons license which allows it.
Well it is licensed under creative commons
oh there you go :P
I guess "public API" in this case is just an RSS feed

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