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6:00 PM
same for any religion actually
then we could spawn more and more religions until all days are off
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I only saw the question because I'm subscribed to . And it clearly looks like it got lounged.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit one of the ten...
@Mysticial Oh I didn't even see your link sorry
@Mgetz Er, there are 613, and "thou shalt not kill" isn't any of them.
Yeah so people are suppost to learn from this site - right? So how are the whole reputation points affect the whole process? Does it help get a job? Does it help get bragging rights to your girlfriends or wives? Like seriously - I think this site's a joke because a lot of people down vote for the incorrect terminology or whatever. So - yeah that's my soap box. — SICGames2013 7 mins ago
so it's not "in contradiction" with anything
6:04 PM
> To know that [God] exists
But how can you know?!
by knowing
I'm sorry I annoyed you by telling you your solution has undefined behaviour and doesn't work like you claim it does O_o
The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the sabbath; as well as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, dishonesty, and adultery. Different groups follow slightly different traditions for interpreting and numbering them. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. According to the story in Exodus, God inscribed them on two stone tablets,...
Instead of blaming the system or the site or other people, why not listen to the experts informing you that your code is dangerous and wrong, and humbly learn from your mistake? — Lightness Races in Orbit 8 secs ago
@Mgetz Simply incorrect
6:06 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit que?
I don't know how to make this any simpler for you
So I shan't
how do you get a girl to live with you? are there any tools for that?
I'm willing to not ask for rent money and tax money as long as the house is kept in a fine condition
is that sexist
6:14 PM
I hope not, I see it as a great trade, considering how expensive rent is
I just don't have time to clean things up
and when I see that no matter how hard I try I just can't do it fast enough I end up sitting in a corner and giving up
I'm not holding Microsoft as a holy grail however though, I would like to at least create anew ways of doing things instead of standard. I get it because it can cause an ultimate exception what's more dangerous that I had to find out the hard way is that when I create a class constructor not to initialize the class pointer itself and in the deconstructor to delete the class pointer that I initialized. Now that hung up my application doing that. — SICGames2013 37 secs ago
what in the hell does that mean
the reason I don't want to get a guy here is because chances are he'll make more of a mess
and also stink
and use my hardware
and I usually start conflicts with most of the guys I meet
@Mgetz I am unable to decipher it.
there's this colleague who always seemed to like me, maybe I'll ask her out or something
Why does this guy want SIMD in his Minecraft CPU.
6:19 PM
It has 32B of memory.
@rightfold pray tell?
Really you're going to be that linear Chris? I don't use printf so I don't know the the arguments passed to that function. People here are so case-sensitive! I swear! Lighten up a bit takes some chill pills! Y isn't going to be 1 - y is copied from x therefore being 50. — SICGames2013 3 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've read the q as a g.
> People here are so case-sensitive!
> People here are so case-sensitive!
@Jefffrey ok
6:29 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sigh I wish I could ban someone from C and C++, to the point where the compiler just goes... NOOOPE
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I know you laughed. You are welcome.
6:39 PM
@milleniumbug I never knew about this. Maybe if they'd actually ping me
> ultimate exception
@EtiennedeMartel sounds like what happens if you manage to get one of the things they used to say about undefined behavior... like demons through the nose.
What even does it mean to be case-sensitive as a person?
If it's actually a thing, I've never heard of it.
You're very sensitive to briefcases, attache cases, phone cases, pretty much any kind of case.
If anyone see's that cunt lightnessracesinorbit please tell him to 1: stop trolling my posts 2: that if he was in the same room i'd batter the shit out of him for being a cunt and 3: i am probably better at debugging than he proclames himself to be, as well as many other things, one of those including bar fights
6:51 PM
good to know bro; @EdwardBird
no worries
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you have a fan here
ill leave this open for a short while incase he decides to reply
@EdwardBird Well, aren't you an angry person.
if he's in the UK i may even pay him a visit if he's local
6:52 PM
yup; that will happen
you will carry out a quest from your mother's basement
not angry mate, just don't tollerate small nerds that think they can be smart arses without consequences
Anger, he smiles,
Towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen Jealousy, envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground
@EdwardBird Yes, you're angry. You're talking about beating someone up over some Internet trolling.
Blue are the life giving waters
taken for granted
6:54 PM
Take that stick out of your ass, and go take a walk or something.
@EtiennedeMartel he wouldn't dare! he was just going to pay him a visit (if he happens to live within 1mile radius from his mother's house)
they quietly understand
I want to flag that. I always want to leave it around for LRiO to appreciate. Dilemma.
@EdwardBird grow up plx?
goddamn autocorrect in browser
there's got to be a way to disable it
use a better browser?
6:57 PM
@SamDeHaan I would, but the better browser has gotten hung up on some css or js for this particular site leaving it unusable
Ah. Sad.
but cbf fidding with it
@EdwardBird ahahahahah
@EdwardBird he's global even
@EdwardBird Lightness Races in Orbit is better than you are.
7:00 PM
And considering he sucks, you really suck.
@EdwardBird Oh you are the guy of "I don't care what SSCCE is, nerds!!1!". That explains a lot.
Guys, he's a physics major. I mean, that's really all you need to have to pity him.
@SamDeHaan Nah, don't flag it.
@Jefffrey Doh, too late to edit now that you made me notice my typo.
We should probably call Daddy for this one, though \cc @RobertHarvey
7:03 PM
ate a little too much
@Puppy aka, time for pudding :P
maybe later :P
o_0 German fans testing German engineering (warning, some sort of sport mildly involved)
A: Best way of declaring global variables?

vurtne.yethe other way is to use Singleton pattern

I got commented by @JonSkeet for suggesting that... And not with a positive message... — ppeterka Dec 1 '12 at 14:06
7:10 PM
@thecoshman That was super disappointing.
@Puppy don't you know your stereotypes? You don't break German engineering!
the arena was vibrating slightly.
not surprisingly really.
it was simply a tremendously small effect and I was expecting something a lot more.
@Puppy o_0 I think when you can measure the movement in inches it's more than a slight vibration
dunno, it didn't look measurable in inches to me
they almost took earth off its orbit :O
I remember something about this kind of stuff
7:15 PM
ITT the word is a lot less impressive when you close your eyes
what if every human on the planet gathered in the same spot and started jumping like crazy
Please explain rather than adding nonsense comments. — Edward Bird Feb 8 '13 at 2:24
and it turned out an earthquake would not happen
I see I've come at the right time
7:23 PM
¬_¬ I'm tempted to put a stop this now... before you fuck wits start a bitch fight
@EdwardBird I meant you
@milleniumbug FUCK GLOBALS
@TonyTheLion dat pun
please use the reply button, to reply to specific messages, otherwise I might need get out the gif
@rightfold I hadn't even noticed
@Jefffrey Daddy's already been scolded for being intrusive today.
7:26 PM
you should watch your mouth more.
well harhar because I don't go to bars, so f-word you.
Please spare us
seriously though
I see the room is at its usual state of productiveness.
7:26 PM
What the hell just happened?
@RobertHarvey Hey, he's not one of ours.
because if you were in the same room as me you wouldn't be talking right now
@RobertHarvey Why would a chat room be productive at all?
productivity is not in our mandate.
but he's still not one of ours.
@RobertHarvey I know this is going to be hard to believe, but we actually have found a tough guy on the internets.
7:27 PM
@EdwardBird please stop this, you're being childish
I saw the flag and started reading. And suddenly all the messages disappeared. lol
@SamDeHaan I'm quivering in my boots.
@RobertHarvey You're actually wearing boots?
And nothing else.
7:28 PM
I'm wearing trainers right now.
@Mysticial you're welcome
@RobertHarvey Thanks for the image.
Glad to be of assistance.
I'm merely wearing socks, because why wear shoes inside?
7:28 PM
I'm naked, btw.
@Jefffrey you imagined a naked kanji in boots?
Still sweating nonetheless.
mods gone wild
Now that is TMI.
7:29 PM
I'm just sporting a dressing gown... and cling film :S
it's 27* C in my room and yes, I'm sweating too
almost naked though
27 stars Celsius.
@RobertHarvey Hey get your porn back to Meta Stack Overflow!
@EdwardBird looooooooool
@RobertHarvey Please, be intrusive.
7:29 PM
ITT not many clothes
I'm wearing clothes
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't do that circle
I’m rightfold, so I’m wearing clothoris.
@TonyTheLion with convenient missing patches?
7:30 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hi LRiO. Someone asked us to tell you to 1: stop trolling their posts 2: that if you were in the same room they'd batter the shit out of you for being a cunt and 3: they are probably better at debugging than you proclame yourself to be, as well as many other things, one of those including bar fights (slighted edited for pronouns, but mostly sic)
@R.MartinhoFernandes fap fap fap
@R.MartinhoFernandes 27 coulombs
* is multiplication!
ps @Puppy That's how you move a load of shite :P
@EdwardBird come to Wollaton, Nottingham, tough man.
7:31 PM
inb4 cock fight
Why did you even reply to him.
@R.MartinhoFernandes fair points
20 year old Physics student at Manchester loooooooooool
@thecoshman Make me an owner again and I'll gladly do it for you
@Jefffrey because lol lol lol
7:31 PM
Do what?
@Jefffrey because I was working for a bit and now I feel like I missed out on it all :(
@Jefffrey slim hope I might not have to
@LightnessRacesinOrbit too far for me london area sorry. also i don't believe in hitting girls
you are also sexist I see
Tough words from someone with a broken shift key.
7:32 PM
@EdwardBird so when you say "I'd batter the shit out of him", actually you were just trying to sound like a big man and actually you wouldn't? Make up your mind, son.
I'm here if you want me.
Hey. Tomalak isn’t a girl.
¬_¬ I get the feeling that room is going to come in mighty handy
@rightfold don't tell him
I've been installing VC6 from a scratched CD-ROM, where it cannot read half the files for the last 6 hours.
maybe he'll donate instead
7:32 PM
it has come to this
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It says your a girl on here
@EdwardBird Yes and I'd still knock you on your fat arse.
you'll give me £150 to come to nottingham and punch you?
7:33 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes fap
you're a fool
@TonyTheLion so it has come to this
@TonyTheLion if only there was some magical way of downloading digital versions of discs...
you wouldn't be speaking so big if you were in a ring with me, trust
7:33 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Exactly how I feel.
@TonyTheLion there is no end of fail there
New movie announced: LRiO the dominatrix and Edward the slave.
@EdwardBird OK mate
@rightfold whipping sounds
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :(
Featuring lots of spankings!
7:34 PM
@EdwardBird WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait. He wouldn't be speaking so big?
If only I were a mod. Oh, wait.
@EdwardBird oh please, you sound like a douche
Did you break all your mirrors when practicing to fight Internet cunts?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Kinki!
This has been one of the more amusing moments in this room.
7:35 PM
Actual prospective violence!
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Now with 154% more violence potential. [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [c++-faq]
Don’t hit me!
well this isn't going anywhere, clearly
I'm glad you noticed
7:37 PM
it's going down the drain, actually
You're the one not buying train trickets to Nottingham.
where it should
i will leave you to your sad little life, enjoy looking at your computer screen all night
@EdwardBird You are surprisingly keen.
If you spent less time making idle threats and more time buying the tickets, this would go somewhere.
7:37 PM
@Robert For the record, it started here.
@EdwardBird Aw thanks. :3
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I trust you have a camera.
@EdwardBird Seriously, listen to yourself.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ugh what a horrible question.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
7:38 PM
@TonyTheLion (he is trolling)
Downvote it into oblivion!
@rightfold too late :(
inb4 'please delete my profile'
I always found it fairly amusing to hear insults about using a computer, from somebody who's using a computer to write those insults. It's like... how retarded can you actually manage to be?
7:39 PM
I should’ve added an answer so he couldn’t delete it.
Oh wait a mod deleted it.
[whistles innocently]
Even as a trolling line it's pretty lame
Stupidity is boundless
@RobertHarvey I think it actually started here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/10?m=17828063#17828063
7:39 PM
Who flagged him?
@RobertHarvey Warning: Automated Lounge moderation system has detected the text "innocent" from the user "Robert". This action has been found on the blacklist and is therefore being reported.
Reported to whom?
@rightfold doesn't matter, the point is, it's reported
7:40 PM
inb4 santaclause
good enough :P
sorry, couldn't resist :P
I think I'm going to back out of this chat room slowly....
7:41 PM
Guys, what have you done again?
just binning mods, you know, the normal
you know, had some fun
Can you not behave just once while I'm away?
@Xeo Cheated on @AlexM. Don’t tell him.
@Xeo We failed to get someone to kick LRiO's ass.
7:42 PM
@thecoshman I gave you access to the bin.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... I'm sure things can be... arranged...
Trying to install VC6
@Mysticial huh?
@TonyTheLion more like WC6.
I forgot what I was doing.
@Mysticial oh, that one
this one works well enough
haha @thecoshman is now a room owner of the bin. Lifelong ambition fulfilled. You've peaked now mate. It's all downhill from here.
Ah, almost shorting a battery, it seems.
@R.MartinhoFernandes try that with a li-po cell, much more fun.
7:44 PM
@rightfold xeo cheated on me?
Hm. I wonder if I should just start building my PC without the PSU, so that it's mostly done when that last part arrives
@AlexM. Ohey, how did Patema watching go?
53 mins ago, by Edward Bird
If anyone see's that cunt lightnessracesinorbit please tell him to 1: stop trolling my posts 2: that if he was in the same room i'd batter the shit out of him for being a cunt and 3: i am probably better at debugging than he proclames himself to be, as well as many other things, one of those including bar fights
@Xeo obviously :S
7:45 PM
yeah, that was clean fun
@TonyTheLion you got a letter! glamora.ma/archives/images/gotsie05.jpg
@Xeo it didn't, I was too full when I got home and didn't make any shawarmas
Thing is, I'm not quite sure why he said "Haha it's you again", since that was the one comment I'd ever written to him in my entire life. And it was also fairly innocuous
the shawarmas are a precondition
I'll try again tomorrow
7:46 PM
@Mysticial Ahahahaha
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why the fuck is this starred?
@R.MartinhoFernandes robot fetishists
@R.MartinhoFernandes vOv fetish?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit invalid preprocessor directive.
7:46 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes could be worse, could be pinned
@rightfold I forked GCC and added it
inb4 it gets (b|p)inned
inb4 "why the fuck is this flagged?"
why the fuck is this flagged?
7:48 PM
dat flag
Stop flagging crap :P
Stop flagging, crap :P
Stop, flagging crap :P
Stop flagging crap :P
7:49 PM
inb4 crapping flags
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I just use #pragma nerdrage that way I'm standards compliant in my compiler ignored directives
Crapping stop flag :P
Shat out of Hell
@thecoshman I imagine that to be mighty uncomfortable
yup, can't follow what's happening anymore
7:49 PM
fyi I'm off to take a piss
I'll switch tabs for a while lol
@Xeo teeeny tinnnyyy flags
Tabs suck.
Stop flagging carp :P
7:50 PM
in Bitch Fight, 1 min ago, by thelolcat
im just here for some hot bitches
lol, that escalated
I see Edward Bird guy came in here
Yea you missed all the fun
can't you speak normally?
7:54 PM
@TonyTheLion "fun"
it was just one guy being lame
@Jefffrey sure, but mumble is easier
@thecoshman I'll go on Mumble
I tend to make less typos on mumble
@AlexM. In his lameness, he was quite hilarious
7:55 PM
@TonyTheLion watch ya waiting for?
Meh, I've seen better
IRL I make too many typos :P
@Zirak Flop strapping fag
@Mysticial you're too kind

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