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I hope OpenGL will have some hardware backwards-compatibility like DX.
@Puppy Oh... I don't know why I didn't guess that. Should've been fairly obvious, come to think of it
hey this is pretty cool cc @rightfold @CatPlusPlus
given that they've been at 4.4 until now and I know Bartek is fairly big on OGL. :p
I blame the fact that it's before noon
@MarkGarcia each major version in theory should run on the same HW
Nice 404 page indeed.
get to the main site then
No Scala support.
Flask tho.
with a shell
@BartekBanachewicz I mean like DX10level9.
@MarkGarcia oh you mean feature levels? Then not gonna happen.
Extensions are kinda-sorta that when you think about it.
anyway now given DX12 I don't suspect this high level trend will stick around for very long
Mantle was given way more attention than I've anticipated
engines like UE4 are reversing the trends of the past few years, Epic can invest the manpower into making it super fast on every platform then just licence it back out for the profit
I wouldn't call it a "reverse"
it's always been more or less this way
> This function is currently not documented
I kinda disagree
but in general yep making your own engines only makes sense for very, very specialized things nowadays
the whole high-level thing was mostly about making it easier to develop engines
@Puppy Engines were always about adding abstraction. I don't see how this has changed.
but if most people licence instead of develop, that tradeoff doesn't make sense anymore
ah from this PoV, yes.
independent developer is very unlikely to use raw DX or OGL, it's just not profitable
Well I can't tell you too much, but Khronos is seeing this trend too.
@BartekBanachewicz GCC 4.7.3 :(
Long live Coliru!
@BartekBanachewicz Takes forever to run a program
eh fuck I forgot I was supposed to try out netbeans
I will probably settle on vim and commandline gdb anyway
and maybe I'll be able to see some potential to use Haskell at my new job and ponies.
> Thats exactly what struggles me. I have identified before that comes from the temporal vector initialization
@BartekBanachewicz They can't do much about it anyway. I mean, there has to be some low-level API in-between.
like EGL?
because other than EGL and equivalents, there's very little between the hardware and OGL calls
I mean drivers do stuff like caching etc., but it's probably not what you might have in mind.
As in, OpenGL primitives aren't very far from hardware primitives.
I mean your point of less and less developers using OGL. No I do not mean OGL is now out of place.
Well, it kind of is. At least in its current form.
@sbi Hmmm, too far for what my ideal plan would be: head off Berlin in the morning, arrived someplace by the end of the day, set up tent, sleep, explore the surrounding area in the following day(s).
That's more than one day away.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah... f*** these companies destroying current standards.
@MarkGarcia Hm? Those companies (I assume you mean big ones) create this standard for themselves.
Independent developer convenience was hardly ever a priority there.
I like how IntelliJ recognises if ($x instanceof ...) and then autocompletes accordingly on $x-> (dynamically typed language).
I like how you have to engineer tools to fix up fucked up dynamically typed languages
@BartekBanachewicz Is that another one of those fancy cloud butt web IDE thingies
Autocompletion is not for fixing anything.
Except perhaps my laziness.
@CatPlusPlus yes butt
@jalf Give this man a cookie bag of foul-tasting lozenges.
Use Darcs instead vOv
BTW, I want to write a text editor
what do I do.
lol Darcs
@BartekBanachewicz Give up.
@BartekBanachewicz Something original maybe
@BartekBanachewicz Clone ed.
@BartekBanachewicz In C++?
I figured I might use Turnip's parser for good purpose
Damn, my brain performance is at an increadible low today. 4h of sleep just aren't enough.
@MarkGarcia of course not god what the hell is wrong with you
What do you need a parser for
For a semantic code editor
Get the "editing text" part first
@BartekBanachewicz sigh of relief
Otherwise you'll end up with the next MSVC
@CatPlusPlus that's hardly important now that I think about it
Yeah who wants a text editor that can edit text
What was I thinking
I'd like a "refactoring editor"
Oh nice, instanceof has higher precedence than !.
rather than something that you just type text into
Thank you for showing me the error of my ways
well fuck I am not going to write YATE
there's enough of that bullcrap everywhere already
@BartekBanachewicz Why don't you invent a new language for your text editor? I don't know, you could call it Narrow.
Make Atom's vim-mode less awkward and annoying
Something is really f***ed-up in this universe: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/2aojij/…
Why would you make it annoying if you're making it less awkward anyway?
@CatPlusPlus that would be far too productive
@MarkGarcia You reading /r/programming?
@MarkGarcia yes, and that thing is ^
@BartekBanachewicz haha
@MarkGarcia inb4 WebDX.
The other surprising thing is "Microsoft was not part of Khronos?"
it left IIRC
oh reddit
bunch of retards
I distinctly remember them being there yeah
@BartekBanachewicz You left IT? hurray let's party
@BartekBanachewicz wasn't that before Khronos took over though?
> Depends on if MS are supporting and caring about standards, or if they're trying to co-opt the standards to make them better for MS and worse for everyone else.
@CatPlusPlus I do not read the comment parts.
You're still on /r/programming
You can get dumb by osmosis
All of programmer news feeds have 80% crap.
reddit is a special kind of crap
Well /r/p has 100%
So good choice there
Why are comparison operators non-associative :v
might as well read /g/
Hmm, 1 < 2 < 3 is a syntax error.
@rightfold ...what did you expect?
@rightfold (bool) < (int)
Would be reasonable if 1 < 2 == 3 were also a syntax error, but it isn't. :v
@MarkGarcia Says a lot about the audience.
Fuck you, PHP.
does it do an automatic conversion there?
why are you trying to write retarded code?
@MarkGarcia And microsoft joining khronos is a good sign ultimately
i.e. anything that's not 0 is true?
> I hope they don't try the same thing they tried with POSIX, namely changing the standard in a way that makes the standard both easier to implement for Microsoft and utterly useless.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My my, how do I convince the Lounge that I have crap-filtering abilities?
@CatPlusPlus Nobody will allow that
Yeah POSIX doesn't need Microsoft to be a useless piece of shit, sorry
@MarkGarcia No, I didn't mean that.
@MarkGarcia You already lost that one when you admitted to browsing reddit
Actually the MS move actually makes sense considering IE and the all new platforms mantra.
anyway MS has no power over WebGL
They're also part of W3C :ssh: :tinfoil:
80% of them survive as crap because programmers consume them.
I'd really like to see a non-fucked up CSS
Microsoft is the Illuminati.
but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime
> Haven't they already done that with their half-baked GL implementation on Windows? Like POSIX, people just don't use their implementation if they are serious about it.
> their GL implementation
why is this :webportal: even a thing
> They also wanted to have a 16-bit char so they can use their über-braindead internationalization scheme with UCS-2 encoding. Didn't make it into the standard - people assume a byte has eight bits and that's it.
not even mentioning that MS had the best software GL implementation
@CatPlusPlus you're hurting yourself
who cares about software implementation?
@CatPlusPlus Too much wrong with that sentence.
@Puppy people who need a perfect reference :)
@BartekBanachewicz Mesa's pretty great too!
That FUZxxl guy seems familiar
@MarkGarcia not really.
@CatPlusPlus if one error means turn in a wrong direction, then this sentence is this:
@BartekBanachewicz Have you tried the LLVM-backed shaders? 3.3-level I think. Pretty cool stuff.
It would be pretty cool 6 years ago yes.
weren't Apple doing LLVM-backed shaders years ago?
of course they were
but in a slightly different manner
:lol: SO
IIRC that was one of their main motivations for supporting the LLVM Project so much
nah, not really.
it was more a spinoff
I was logged in (because I was chatting) but I noticed I wasn't logged in on the main page, and when I clicked login on the main, I'm suddenly logged out here
Good SSO
Very gud job
I wish I were a waterslide engineer.
@Puppy No, that was GCC being GPL
@CatPlusPlus That was another main motivation
I'm p sure it was the only motivation
> It would be awesome if Direct3D 12 and OpenGL 5 were somehow merged to become a single cross platform API. OpenGL hasn't really managed this on their own with its single threaded hidden state API. Both of them will need a clean break for this new minimal driver approach so it might be time to unify. I imagine some new API closer to OpenCL than OpenGL.
@jalf because experimenting implies that.
@Puppy Nah, they just wanted to test if their new improved RDF would actually work in smart people.
I forgot I'm not allowed to write code that isn't production-ready even if it's not meant for production.
    if (p_pb)
        delete p_pb;
        p_pb = NULL;
Reality distortion field.
And I'm deeply sorry for that.
who'd have thought it. Forking an unmaintainable library and deleting half of it might just introduce new bugs after all
@ParkYoung-Bae delete lack of GC.
@ParkYoung-Bae you brought this on yourself
now suffer
also I am launching VS13
also sufferring
@rightfold If it helps, you're not allowed to write production code either
@rightfold It has nothing to do with being production ready. But a basic understanding of how operators, any operators, are evaluated would tell you why it is a meaningless operation
I'm fine with that if you pay my current salary every month.
> Gosh, how is MS still even allowed to participate in any of the working groups?
@jalf Gee, we're so fucking dumb.
Microsoft is nice.
Since apparently you're messing about with PHP, I'm not surprised that the results are inconsistent, but the operation is nonsensical in any language where comparison operators are binary operators. :)
why are we talking about php bin it
Python special-cases it actually
@BartekBanachewicz php
So 3 < x < 5 is 3 < x and x < 5
> LibreSSL, unfortunately, has turned RAND_poll into a no-op
If Microsoft just outsource WPF processing to the cloud, VS would probably run faster.
I'm off to go now. Bye.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Look at us we so gud at security"
@R.MartinhoFernandes But it makes the library code so much simpler and more readable! :p
> Despite the 2.0.x version numbers, these are only preview releases and shouldn't be used in production yet, but have been released to solicit testing and feedback.
Indeed. No-ops are quite readable.
The art of versioning is lost on some people
@R.MartinhoFernandes And fast
I thought that LibreSSL is going to be written in haskell
But then again they write C so I'm not really surprised something is lost on them
@ParkYoung-Bae they just need to move it to a header so it can be inlined!
@CatPlusPlus On the other side you've got all the javascript hobos and their "stable 0.12" stuff
@CatPlusPlus and they use cvs :p
What did they do? They grabbed the idiotest of idiots from OpenSSL and sent them off to make a fork?
@R.MartinhoFernandes When clearly a knife would have been more useful!
they kicked them out of the OpenSSL team
Nah, this dumbassery must have come from a bigger pool of idiots.
I'm a spoon man myself
@R.MartinhoFernandes Never underestimate the power of people to be stupid
@R.MartinhoFernandes It was an OpenSSL developer in disguys
Why do people still use CVS
Why do we trust the security of the internet in people who still use CVS
At least they're not coding in C
@jalf What do you mean, "readable"?
No, they just remove C code they can't read
I just looked at some of the code and readable is clearly not in these people's interests.
That is, indeed, not coding
Who cares, as long as it works, it's fine.
> it falls back to a truly scary-looking function (lines 306-517)
A 200+ lines function. Readable.
honestly depends on the function
although I doubt that C supports a readable 200+ lines function
It goes 7 indent levels deep.
Why would you have a fallback entropy. It should just be a goddamn error
Wide has a function that's 680 lines long
Must've been written by the same guy who was responsible for random_device in C++
Ok, only 6 levels.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm talking about the code they removed entirely. That's more readable than what was there before. :)
> If OpenSSL can't open /dev/urandom, RAND_bytes returns an error code.
Ahahahaha and OpenSSL of all things got it right
@Puppy I have a few longer than that, (but they are mostly const strings:).
> What should LibreSSL do?
Give up, go home, and never post any code online ever again
> The presence or need for a [RAND_poll] function should be considered a serious design flaw.
@Puppy you suck
and let this be known to the wide audience
@Puppy Is that including the multi-line comments?
> Edit: the LibreSSL PRNG periodically re-opens and re-reads /dev/urandom to mix in additional entropy, so unfortunately this won't avoid the need to open /dev/urandom from inside the chroot jail. However, as long as you have a good initial source of entropy, mixing in the sketchy entropy later isn't terrible.
/* Not as random as you think but we take what we are given */
@MartinJames What multi-line comments?
@Puppy lol
What comments
comments are for illiterate programmers
eh, I'm cheating really
Does she know?
it adds a bunch of lambdas to a map, so it's more like 20 30-line functions
if you have to explain your n log2 n algorithm in 200-LoC comment then nobody is going to touch that ever anyway
Use rand() % 256 for generating random bytes.
@rightfold 256 is not a reliable source of randomness.
Hmm I have one 481-line function in this project.
but it's of the good variety!!
Is it the entire project
I have a 600 line function.
It's the argument to $.
Does it go 6 indent levels deep?
It's CallbackScript after all.
> One thing we have got to change in our strategy—allowing Office documents to be rendered very well by other peoples [sic] browsers is one of the most destructive things we could do to the company.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There's a 16-level indent here :/
It's a loop over 600D matrix
Meh I'm in the office and I'm too tired to think
Also I can't fucking operate this goddamn chair
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wondering why you marked a 4 year old question as a duplicate of 3 year old question. It should be the other way around, right..? — Tilwin Joy 2 hours ago
Never understood this obsession with a post's age
It seems more logical that the original question would be the first to be asked
It has a crank to let the back move freely, but I've tried turning it like 20 times already and it doesn't budge
Also I need to disable touchpad tapping
Fuck laptops
@CatPlusPlus that's what she said
BTW here's the 20" 8kg laptop
Ugliest PC ever.
I just love how they put touchpad in place of the arrow keys
@rightfold not really
well now that I think about it might actually be pretty ok
@BartekBanachewicz That's actually quite common
I scratched my neck.
Why are touchpads always so smaaaaall.

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