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So I just wrote a tonne of code to solve a bug that wasn't a bug. I commented out a key line while testing and forgot to uncomment it. :(
It's hate on @RUJordan day?
Github question: how do I add my source code to a public repo without showing my db credentials?
@RUJordan Every time you thought your mother said "I love you too", she meant "I love YouTube"
Put you db stuff in a config file.
What I chose for Ninja Echo
@SomeKittensUx2666 BadgerGal kicked me off the owner list :(
Cry baby.
Hawk hater.
inb4 @RUJordan removes her back
@rlemon I'll look that up, thanks!
LOL I wouldn't do that. Hell hath no fury like a woman who can program better than me.
Who said I can program better than you. :P
@BadgerGirl You can, he's very shit.
@BenjaminGruenbaum exactly what I was thinking :P
Fair enough.
I added 2 big numbers in Js 712569312664357328695151392 and 8100824045303269669937, the result I got is 7.12577413488402688796e+26. How do I get the straight forward result. I mean I dont need an exponential format. Any Ideas?
@BadgerGirl I'm reading your code. It's pretty good
How do I disable syntax highlighting on main?
learn how to read scientific notation
@Mike find a bignumber library
I tried, toPrecise() and toFixed() but to no avail
@Mike toFixed() is for decimal precision IIRC
@SomeKittensUx2666 disable js
@phenomnomnominal: is there something in built in js
@FlorianMargaine in an answer, was wondering if anyone knew offhand what the syntax was
A: How to avoid scientific notation for large numbers in javascript?

outisThere's Number.toFixed, but it uses scientific notation if the number is >= 1e21 and has a maximum precision of 20. Other than that, you can roll your own, but it will be messy. function toFixed(x) { if (Math.abs(x) < 1.0) { var e = parseInt(x.toString().split('e-')[1]); if (e) { ...

@Mike no
@RUJordan @RUJordan written in VIM, has to be good.
@Mike sorry there are two @Mike in the room
no clue who is getting what ping
<!-- language: lang-none -->
got it
we both get pinged I guess?
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BenjaminGruenbaum I used to VIM, but now I nano O:
@PinkMike no there is no way to do it "out of the box" see the link I posted above.
jk I ST3
@UnicornMike seems like a bug. but ohh well
@rlemon: on a different note, I have seen sometime I getting pings for unmonitored threads, I mean if a message I sent to another Mike, I too get an alert if I login even after a couple of days in to chat
I guess this may be a bug in this chat app
one of many.
does ST have swap files?
ugh. fml. ST crashed and I lost a bunch of work.
What's a better way to set a variable if you need to check two sources for it? (code example incoming)
@rlemon source control?
@rlemon oh no :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum only helps if I had added the changes
I moved a file to a split view and it crashed ST
hadn't saved it yet.
$myVar = attempt1();
if (!$myVar) {
  $myVar = attempt2();
if(!$myVar) {
  throw error of some sort
$myVar = attempt1() or attempt2() or "throw some error"
In C#:
var myVar = attempt1() ?? attempt2(); // etc
CoffeeScript has this too iirc.
var myvar; !(myvar = attempt1()) && ( !(myvar = attempt2()) ) && ( throw shit );
There must be some magic because I legit can't find where this email is sent from, despite the fact I'm 100% certain I've seen the code.
Oh, a recursive file find works nicely
@BadgerGirl did you really want me to do it? I mean.. I will xD He wont be happy though
Finished that damn data-entry task.
@BenjaminGruenbaum took you long enough!
Used PHP
@rlemon Thanks for the help earlier -- I "Manned up" and switched to using a solution that just had js -- not using the onclick="" attr
@TJonS haha good stuff.
yea the inline js stuff comes with a whole mess of reasons not to use it
I hate parsing giant text files
does anyone clap for themselves when their code works :/ or am I just strange
(receptionist gives me strange looks)
@rlemon only when I'm alone, and it worked first time.
@rlemon just upvoted your top three answers. Thanks again! And yes, I cheer for myself all the time!
I don't clap much, but cheering certainly helps
@rlemon if it's something big, or I fix a major bug that's been stumping me, I'll get excited
@TJonS heh, thanks. stick around the JS room if you are learning JS we are a great help. Just be prepared for over sarcasm
we tend to be "a bunch of rude bastards"
One time I rather loudly said (not quite yelled but not quite said) "FUCK YES" in the office and my boss started geeking out from his office
@rlemon I do too
@TJonS it's true. These guys sarcasmed the bad code habits out of me
Also fist pumps
I have noticed that the sarcasm flows :) @rlemon
yay i'm not strange!
" node_to_append.appendChild( image_to_append" appends the image_to_append image to a child of node_to_append. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 4 secs ago
> Marvel Has Movies Planned Through 2028
And now I'm kinda decent at JS and I'm here everyday trying to impress them :D
@SomeKittensUx2666 when Sublime crashed and I lost my changes I punched my desk. I think it freaked a few people out
@TJonS well i'm glad you saw past it and/or cried in a corner then wiped away your tears and returned.
The only time ST has crashed on me was when I tried to format $COWORKER's code. Not kidding.
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + Up -> Drag to new window
@rlemon if I get mad or frustrated I lean back in my chair, covern my face and run through my hair with a sigh until the "throw my computer away" rage goes away lol
not reproducible
ok, i've problem here, i'm building a small turn-based game _not realtime_ more like card game, thinking using websockets it looks like way too much.

should i try to use simple ajax requests, possibly store to database to make it async _one player makes a move now, then the other one after 1hour and so on_ any thoughts?
how horrible is this. My client server determines which port to listen on, then sends that information up to the server server so it can proxy to that port
I totes don't see it ever conflicting ;/
@Phoenix websockets are typically used for real-time data transfers
For a turn based AJAX sounds fine, if not overhead
fuck promises would make this so much easier
i'm into callback hell now
npm install -g bluebird
I'm trying to finish a 3 month long project today.
get that shit out of here
!!youtube a center for ants
not to show any real code. just the end of my callback / function call chains
anyone using jasmine can tell me why my obj.method.calls doesn't have count()
!!youtube hairy scarecrow
> What is this?! A center for ants?! How can we be expected to teach children how to read if they can't fit inside the building?! This needs to be.. at least THREE TIMES the size.
sharepoint is retarded
anyone share my sentiment ?
@Bubbas I don't use sharepoint but I'd love to see you state reasoning with your claim :P
so many weird things
@Bubbas Do you Twitter?
i have an SSRS report that is hosted on sharepoint. when it gets exported to PDF the embedded hyperlinks literally get changed. why?! lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 not really, but why do you ask?
Nevermind then
well i'm going to use socket.io and switch transports to see results.
I wrote a sentiment analyzer for Twitter.
@phenomnomnominal ugh, not more of that
what would it do? see how many ppl agree with me?
@SomeKittensUx2666 can you run it on me again?
"Internet mob overrides employee's entitlement to a personal opinion"
@phenomnomnominal what was wrong with him
He donated $1k to a politically incorrect cause years ago.
said cause was against Prop 8, which enabled gay marriage in CA
meh, thought it would be interesting
unless you are trolling and it is
I think its BS
did he use Mozilla to forward his stance on the subject?
Personal life and corporate life are two sep entities.
@Loktar He said he wouldn't let it influence his job.
I certainly don't agree with him, but it seems ironic that they are quashing someones right to freedom of speech to try to promote equality?
@phenomnomnominal exactly.
^ exactly
Freedom of speech, AS LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH US.
You're free to have an opinion and we will accept everyone as long as its the opinion we hold.
it really pisses me off honestly
It definitely made me like him less when I found out about it, but that was when it happened? I'm not sure it makes him unqualified for a job.
But even then I guess the backlash against him probably DID mean he wasn't going to be able to do it, so it makes sense for him to step down.
!!should I get another coffee?
@SomeKittensUx2666 All signs point to no
meh to each his own, if you support Transgender or don't I dont really care
as long as you provide me the service I want.
> Wait Mr. Fedex driver are you against gay marriage?
> You better stop delivering my packages you POS!
Yeah that's easy to say, but if you were gay and your new boss was openly against you, I don't think I'd want to work there.
if he was doing it in the workplace thats totally different
@Gabriel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if he was sending money to a cause, meh.
That has a pretty significant impact on company culture.
@phenomnomnominal Oddly, that's a problem for me. Lots of SV folks are openly hostile to Christians.
@SomeKittensUx2666 but thats totally ok.
because Christians can take it, and they are obviously evil.
I'll be in a group and someone will start talking about how people of faith aren't logical or just accept whatever they're told.
Makes me really uncomfortable.
Well then SV has decided that the potential loss of christians in their workplaces is less bad that losing gay people?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I just get annoyed at their ignorance and liek to point it out
especially since most people have no idea I'm a Christian
also the term Christian is so friggin broad.
To be honest, I don't give a fuck what anyone believes as long as they don't try to change what I believe.
There are so many nuances within the "organization" if you will.
But I'm a nihilist, so who cares
@phenomnomnominal same here.
@phenomnomnominal You can be Christian and not hate gay folks - it kinda comes with the territory
"Love one another"
@SomeKittensUx2666 of course you can
Kinda clear to me
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah I get angry at Christians who do... Jesus totally says hate people that are bad amiright?
I don't see an asterisk.
Thats why I really don't actively belong to a church
Would I be wrong to suggest that that is because you subscribe to Christianity from a moral perspective, but perhaps not from a 'religious' perspective?
many promote hatred towards others, or hatred inwardly..
There's no level of 'sin points' - gossiping is as much of a sin as homosexuality. A huge part of being a Christian is understanding that everyone sins
like you are a pos of a person you should hate yourself and thank the lord he let a worthless pos like you to live.
@phenomnomnominal That's not a bad way of phrasing it.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's actually the bit that fucks me off.
everyone doesn't sin.
I can't handle the idea that a baby is fundamentally flawed.
@phenomnomnominal eh well if you really get deep into the diff parts of Christian religion, there is the whole clause about babies essentially
Guys this works
[2,3].reduce(function(a,b) {return a+b;})

but this does not why
function sumarray(arr) {
arr.reduce(function(a,b) {return a+b;})
I just know that no-one is perfect. People are fucked up, and do bad shit. That's their perogative. I try to limit how much bad shit I do, because I don't want to be a dick.
@phenomnomnominal yea I agree
@Mike no initial value?
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, I've got no issue with that.
@Michael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Everyone could better follow Wheaton's law.
Also, no return value
Did someone call?
heh people get mad, I say allow gay marriage for sure. I've then been asked "Shouls polygamy be allowed?"
and I say yeah to that as well.
@Mike return?
@phenomnomnominal: what do you mean, I think it takes the first array value as initial one., right?
Consenting adults should be able to consent
1 min ago, by Caprica Six
@Michael Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You don't return anything from the function.
54 secs ago, by phenomnomnominal
Also, no return value
@BenjaminGruenbaum: I have return there
@Loktar what if they are drunk?
@phenomnomnominal that
or only have one leg?
!!afk too many Mikes
@rlemon that ruins consent. (being drunk :P)
@Mike no you don't
function sumarray(arr) {
    noreturnwat arr.reduce(function(a,b) {return a+b;})
Changed my username to "Mike Asdf", waiting for change to propagate from SO to chat.
and there we go
but if polygamy is allowed the tax breaks should still only apply to the first 2 in the relationship, or the 2 highest earners.
Because that would piss me off if you get some amazing tax breaks for each spouse!
I went out with a Polygamist the other day
She got me drunk.
@BenjaminGruenbaum: thanks I completely missed it with the return of reduce
man I could never be one. I'm too jealous
@RUJordan are you husband #4?
And all this time, I thought my name was unique in the world.

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