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@webpapaya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and here it goes :)
taste madnesss
@zwanz0r Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DanBadea Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am using backbone , i want to pass my model value in use of collection and fetch this is
this.model = new PostwallModel();
var obj= new PostwallModel();
obj.set({userId:'123',userName:"str ji",postmsg:'the post is here'});
var collection = new PostwallCollection();
_.bindAll(this, 'submitpost');
geting this when i fetch getting colllllllllllllll[object Object] this in console
some can help
@Sport Loktar is afk: home, might even get to touch a boob.
@Sport CapricaSix is a bot, not a real human. Moreover it would be nice if you formatted your code.
Edit and press ctrl+k
@Miszy ok
@Sport Also please don't ping users directly unless they are helping you. If someone wants to help, they will do. :D
@Sport And I think your problem is that you're concatenating strint with an object, try this: console.log("colllllllllllfetch", JSON.stringify(collection.fetch()))
(comma inside instead of +)
@derylius , I also eat a salad! :D Unfortunately, I haven't any pics
@Sport You should realize that calling obj.toJSON(); has no effect because you're not doing anything with value returned from this function.
@mikedidthis Oops, sorry. You said don't do that.
@monners you can ping me anytime.
this is this.model = new PostwallModel();
var obj= new PostwallModel();
obj.set({userId:'123',userName:"str ji",postmsg:'the post is here'});
var collection = new PostwallCollection();
_.bindAll(this, 'submitpost');
@mikedidthis That's what she said.
@mikedidthis That's a can of worms you just don't wanna open my friend :P
user image
you may post your question on SO, better for formatting
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meta question: Have there been any serious threads about adding functionality to clear the marine-coloured message circle in chat without actually having to click and view every time your username was mentioned?
we can't see anything in this mess
!!tell Sport format
@Sport Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
var obj= new PostwallModel();
obj.set({userId:'123',userName:"str ji",postmsg:'the post is here'});
var collection = new PostwallCollection();
_.bindAll(this, 'submitpost');
i am getting this colllllllllllllll[object Object] in console
@Sport Format!
idiot client, i guess ill send her to hell soon
fyi you can pass multiple arguments to console.log instead of using + and stringify
this is after command +K
@derylius I take it back, that does look like a rape salad
@Neil cause you didnt see what i did with the mini onion baguett ;)
@MitulMaheshwari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@derylius here are the ingredients of the salad I eated today:
Haha, less explosive than yours
've eaten
eat, ate, eaten... sorry
I need to re-practice those f* irregular verbs...
heat, hate, haten...
is socket (node.js) is working in internet explorer 6 7....??
hello every body..
can anyone know about that...
@derylius : some1 came up with a very slow program solution. He said that it couldn't go better. But the code is a c/p from one of those code on codeproject. He didn't adapted it, he adapted the input.
@MitulMaheshwari 2005 called, they want their browser back.
hi all, I have written some code by using jquery validation to conditionally validate multiple input elements of type text. So, if select has valid value selected and the input text is required else its not. But I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it. Please refer demo and give feedback. jsfiddle.net/eXAj6/5
yes, ate for me sounds like hate... but when I eat something I like, say "I ate this" sounds weird... :P
but the input is a seed, being used often. He has luck that seed time > runtime time
@Yoda Help you, I cannot.
ya...but still some organisation using the internet explorer 7.
@Yoda you just gave me a good idea
@KarelG pro
@MitulMaheshwari Microsoft
i need to develop a website, which should be viewable in most recent browsers, but especially Internet Explorer, all the way back to IE7 and it should be viewable on mobile phones. I checked some frameworks like Zurb foundation, bootstrap, pure, etc. but most of them are not directly deployable in IE7, without some kind of hack. What are some good options?
@Yoda EditorRows_1__SelectedRestrictedOperation that's you ID???
^-- ++1
where are all of these comes from?
@monners yes, it was generated by using razor view in asp.net mvc
is there a void to dev/null somewhere?
seems from generated ASP MVC
@Jef frankly, if someone gave me those requirements my best option is probably to shot myself
@Jef xhtml
just no
@monners but in jquery, I used name field and class as selectors.
@Yoda Don't ever ever use generated IDs as static target attributes
@jAndy Agree with you
I boycott IE
@Jef : HTML + responsive design. simple
with extra CSS "fix" to IE lth 7
Responsive as in fluid or mediaqueries like?
@KarelG That extra CSS isn't a walk in the park. pre-IE9 can't read CSS in media queries, so say goodbye to mobile-first approaches.
a website which fulfills those requirements (working in IE7 and viewable on mobile devices etc.) will either be very simple and clumsy or requires or huge overhead in libraries and hacks/fixes
yes, then you have one page for all. Use javascript to remove content if it shouldn't appear on mobiles
Yeah thats the obstacle
@monners : that's why i said "extra css" purely for ie
@monners +1
that it gets overwritten
cross browser
Alright, that would be a good aproach I guess
Ugh, I have a headache and can't deal with being patient. I'm going to bed.
@mikedidthis Ciao!
@monners take care :D
Thanks @monners for your feedback
@Jef No problemo.
and thank you @karel
!!afk chasing dragons
@derylius : so many HTML errors on that page ...
@KarelG but looks the same (crap) in all browsers
fe <li> without end tag, that page has luck that the browser is capable to fill it himself
it has barely CSS. What did you expect ? :)
if it doesn't work crossbrowser, then it's foolish
@KarelG css isnt required to design
once i saw a site where a gradient was made with a table
@KarelG That's not technically an error, though god knows why not
It really should be
you won't see me using design in HTML itself. I prefer to aim a machine gun to those who does it.
@Neil : browser algo fills it itself by trial n error estimation
@Jef , I've got an idea, when someone come in the website, check the user agent. If it's IE, redirect to this page:
@KarelG Yes, but aside from that, it is actually valid html
hey guys i don't know javascript but I'm trying to convert some javascript to C# for use in Unity.
In the javascript code it has this:

enum PhysicsSpellState { Free, Catch, Occupied, Charge, Release};

private int physicsSpellState : physicsSpellState = 0;

Its the second line that I'm confused with, how does that convert to C#?
@KarelG and what about a full site image set and a link map over it?
@SteamFire : nice page there
It's not like say, starting a div tag and not ending it
its like canvas 1999
I just had this vision.. some guy is going for the crone, writting a shitload of abstraction code, fixes all the quirks and bugs, writes fallbacks and polyfills for all the missing features in js and css, just to have this little website available on IE6/7 aswell as on mobile devices and modern browsers... and in all that thousands lines of code which would work perfectly, he implemented one trailing comma within an object literal.. line 666, pure evil
@AndyOHart : private int physicsSpellState : physicsSpellState = 0; is not javascript ...
sounds like good material for a geek horror movie if you ask me
@SteamFire yeah i did that for some canvas games back then
@AndyOHart I may be badly misinformed on this, but enums don't exist in javascript
If I create a personal site, I'll do this.
the client wasnt happy
there is no ie6/7 on mobile phones ...
Ho shit...
That code is from a .js script in Unity
ah unity ...
im guessing its some unity specific javascript thing
Not familiar with unity
ah i just assumed it was like that in normal javascript i didn't think they would be differnt
Granted, nowadays, there are so many reinterpreters of javascript that would make javascript look like any language you want it to
enum PhysicsSpellState { Free, Catch, Occupied, Charge, Release};

private int physicsSpellState : physicsSpellState = 0;

enum PhysicsSpellState { Free, Catch, Occupied, Charge, Release};

private physicsSpellState = PhysicsSpellState.Free;
@Neil thats completetly false
Figure you can program in coffeescript on the client-side now, given you have a js coffeescript compiler
@derylius In what way?
that reminds me of REBEL
that's so pro
@KarelG thank you so much man :)
that it needs compiler
Saw a lua js compiler just the other day
i want to write REBEL code
@AndyOHart : if you want to do selection, use switch/case (if you're not confident with enums)
@derylius You're being pedantic I inform you. But you're right, I don't mean compiler I mean interpretter
@McFarlane Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've never really worked with enums but from looking at the code I think i can figure it out :)
@Neil and there we go
Hey guys. I'm stuck at some place and want a little help. I need a dynamic JS form in which user can add as many input fields as they want to. Every input field comes with the ability to have its own 'n' number of children, with each children having the ability to add n children. By far, I was able to achieve this.
see that as method like variables, the names within enums.
For me anything that takes code and executes it is a compiler for me
Correct or incorrect as that may be
What I can't achieve, is the ability to add a child to its respective parent, it just concatenates at the end
Does anyone know a program that uses the Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP)?
@BasitSaeed You want to append the new child under the child, not the div
@BasitSaeed why dont you attach the function to the htmlelement protoype itself, this way you can call it recursively on all of them
@Neil Yes, exactly. Although I can't hold on to the reference of that specific child
@derylius I'm kinda newbie to this. Could you please elaborate?
@rlemon : true
@BasitSaeed post it as Q and you may have my answer
@BasitSaeed This smells like homework
I won't write it for you, but if you potentially will be dealing with a dynamic tree, you need to be able to work in a relative position in your tree
Just like if you were in MS-DOS, and you need to create a subfolder, you don't need to know the full path
You just need to make a subfolder where you currently are
if you had to put [insertBefore, insertAfter, append, prepend] into a group what would you name it?
@Neil Just point me in the right direction, I will the code myself
or a function that does all these things
@Connor appenders?
> "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation & naming things"
@NilayVishwakarma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BasitSaeed : it's similar to your first subelement.. but target the right parent element instead of the div element
@JanDvorak I just went to fetch that quote from your profile, it's seems you've updated it and it now has 3 hard things even though it say's "there are only 2 hard things", you might want to update that ;)
@KarelG KarelG I'm stuck at just that. I made it work till n = 3, but as I start adding multiple level children with less-than-those level parents, the references to those elements get mixed up.
Why does Atwood's Law say so?
Should it be true even for C or other low level language?
@rlemon did he win?
your js script is quite a haystack
I hope so
Yeah, poor fella, ha
@derylius : are you on it ( basit's issue )? or not
@KarelG If you did have a look at the previous one, it is quite minified. But yeah. I hear you. I need to work a lot more on this.
@KarelG im on it
Hum, again, I would ask, is there someone using sencha touch who can help me on this?
Q: itemTpl doesn't refresh when storage change

SteamFireI want to refresh a nestedList template because I updated a storage used inside. The nested list: { xtype: 'nestedlist', hidden: false, id: 'nestedList', listConfig: { itemTpl: "{text} <tpl if='Ext.getStore(\"ViewStorage\").findRecord(\"key\", \"view\").get(\"vID\") === ...

I actually don't give a shit about naming things anymore, I'ma just name them pieceOfShitFunction(), doAsYourTold('div'), giveMeShit() function, it takes up way too much time
It's about itemTpl in a nested list
@derylius : ok, gotcha leave it on you or i would waste my time if we both come up with a solution...
I'm realy stuck
@Connor take my approach
what's that ;)?
function a(){}
function f(){}
function r(){}
var h,w,p,pi,pim,piy,pit,tio,tim,tin,tih;
@BasitSaeed two min and ready
@rlemon That's awful :D
yes it is.
I don't even do it on purpose for the sake of "minifying" or obfuscation
Don't do it at all :D
@BasitSaeed jquery ok?
when quickly pumping out some code my brain says r() is much faster to write than random() and I just do it
@Qantas94Heavy thanks
m( r( d() ) );
I tried that
> There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
needless to say that this is a method getting called with a random date
@jAndy oh it's good that you tell it, I thought it was a random dick
you think too much about dicks
@derylius JQuery is totally fine.
@FlorianMargaine yeah? I removed that section for 3 reasons, it sounds shittier, it's three hard things when it say's two and it's not what it used to be
@jAndy only with you ;)
@derylius Oh, great. Let me check out the jsFiddle.
eeeiiiikkk... now I feel mentally abused
@derylius Link me to the jsFiddle?
and tonight, s/mentally/really/ ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
@BasitSaeed 1 more min
@derylius Roger that!
/victory : reduced 80 line code to understandable 15 ish line ones
that reminds me of a joke from my GF
lol.... and while reading it, its also funny for @Loktar :p
@KarelG your manager won't be happy with your LOC metric
and to da flagger: suck my dick
@FlorianMargaine : i couldn't follow
(keeping in context) :P
@jAndy I'm not the flagger. Can I be?
@BasitSaeed posted an answer to your Q
@KarelG take alook it you tought the same
@derylius : can you dig up the url ? :p
@jAndy Yeah, not clicking on a link that finishes with DICK-ED.jpg
that's not what saeed wants o.o
@jAndy thanks now i have to look for an other workplace
@KarelG why?
i should not have clicked that
i should not have clicked that
@rlemon No. That is an unusual trait for your boss to have.
haha love the flag :P
@FlagTroll you realize it isn't just this room right? you are sending a notification to every user in the chats with 10K+ rep and mods
@derylius : saeed wants that subchild tree creation
@KarelG it does it, its just not formated
@ThiefMaster ping
I'm sure the capslock will work
I wonder if this behavior (flagging) will get fixed ?
They love that
@derylius It is impressive. But the problem arises when I have multiple children on different levels (deepness)
or is this REALLY meant to be ?
 |__ child
what he wants
if you click button in child, childchild is created
if in childchild, then childchildchild
he wants a race of superbeings whose names are called childchildchildchildchild
@rlemon I didn't get flag notifications for those trolling flags
is it because I'm in the same channel or wh0t
@Neil : xD
@KarelG Exactly. And there's no limit to adding parents and children.
@KarelG @BasitSaeed its what happening, you mean the classname of child-child should be childchild?
@Neil Haha
(rlemon) @Flagger - nananana na na!
You can't get me!
> Deep thoughts by Jack Handey: "I want to make the world safe for my children, but not my children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
@derylius : i'm on it, feel free to work further or check andy's dickies
@KarelG @BasitSaeed jsfiddle.net/Z9SBa/23
!!> "Life is live - " + Array( 6 ).join(0/0);
@jAndy "Life is live - NaNNaNNaNNaNNaN"
Hello everyone, I would like to consult the community. I'm picking tools for developing a WebApp - API - Mobile Apps project, and my stack so far includes: MongoDB, Node.js, Mongoose, Express.js, Polymer and Angular, grunt+bower+yo.
I need to cover a node-mongo API with tests, and get those tests to auto-magically generate documentation in README.md format (BitBucket wiki) . I've been naughty and side-stepped the whole TDD thing in the JS world, and now I'm seeing a ton of various tools for testing JS.
Could someone please say "use this: xxx", where xxx is modern, integrates well with the rest of my toolset. Could someone also please explain what they mean by "test runner" vs "test framework"? Is there a good article you could point me to?
ah, finally @rlemon is banned
it was time
@KarelG @BasitSaeed take a look (even in the source) if you dont believe me
!!> Array(8).join("lol" - 2) + " Batman!"
@Miszy "NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!"
@FlorianMargaine @rlemon who?
@FlorianMargaine at least they could have picked a good message to validate.
@CapricaSix no.
@CapricaSix you're a bot.
@CapricaSix shut up
I am a Bot
Sentient bot
@CapricaSix You're technically losing the Turing Test by admitting it, you know
I wasn't aware we were being tested? Looks around
technically is the best kind of technically
she's alive!!!!
She's good pals with GlaDoS
welp, I need a coffee. I just wanted to let the Flaggers know they accomplished nothing ;)
they never do.
@BasitSaeed still there?
@derylius Don't do his homework for him
The only reason why you'd need to build a clean example of a form tree is homework
@derylius Yes, I was checking it out
@Neil It's not a homework. I'm actually working on this thing
i'm working on it atm, to support 1-1-2
@SteamFire thats a good solution :D but too bad I can't do that :(
@ShivKumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@derylius Your solution is good. It is adding children to a child's child up to n levels. What's left is grandparent (the actual "Navigation'). You see one could add as many navigation items as they want to.
@BasitSaeed For a client?
@Jef Ho, you reffered to the site I gave you... ^^
@Neil For something I'm making for myself. A little tool of sort.
@BasitSaeed being said, you may accept my answer or define how it doesnt answer the Q
@JanDvorak kiss for a dead...
@derylius Let me look a bit more on this. Trying to figure out how to add input fields and other stuff along with the 'add navigation' button.
@derylius Your solution was most certainly helpful.
@Neil hey! that's not how you should treat women.
@JanDvorak I can't reject...
@BasitSaeed : http://jsfiddle.net/Z9SBa/24/
( need to have more tests though )
@JanDvorak It's not a woman, it's IE
No, technically it's a gif, but you know what I mean
oh. It makes sense, then :-
@BasitSaeed just add the html along the buttons one, put it in a wrapper and call the spawn on the wrapper instead
@BasitSaeed : check the html for the class name if that is what you want
yipppeee, just 10 rep more and i can review :D
review what

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