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my best umbrella
Hello guys; what does this code mean?

call the function attr of the property draggable of the object ui?
@phenomnomnominal ugh, ninja'd by you both.
@rlemon smartass :P
:)))) "ninja'd" :)))) thanks so much!
Wanna make me some pixel art?
do ya? do ya?
@Willow Seriously? That helped you?
hee hee rlemon.ca/cavedive now when you press up he has a new cool umbrella
@phenomnomnominal: Yes, I just needed to know what that code did haha
And you couldn't just read it?
@phenomnomnominal: I'm still a newb, ok? :))) I'm still acquainting myself with what UI is :)))

one more question: what is the code for keeping droppables from accepting draggables?
Are you guys on TS?
Not saying you're fat, but you've got more chins than a Hong Kong telephone directory.
@monners NOW I AM
@SomeKittensUx2666: :)))) thumbs up
Good thing this isn't a lisp room, or it'd explode
@Willow you should try being less happy.
@phenomnomnominal: Sorry I have emote habits. XD
@phenomnomnominal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@phenomnomnominal @phenomnomnominal: Sorry I have emote habits. (source)
@Willow Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@rlemon Again, I'm sorry if I did something wrong; I'm a chat noob
have an apple/bomb
@rlemon nom BOOM
@Fedoranimus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone know a good replacement word for javascripts super?
@Connor supper
ha, good but no ;)
Is this horrible?
window.setTimeout = (function () {
    var oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
    return function (func, delay, context) {
        return window.setTimeout(func.bind(context || this), delay);
Q: Recursively manipulate data 'ends'

user3491721Is there a way to walk through an arbitrary Javascript object, and alter it at its data 'ends', wherever its not another nested object? So given the below, could I log an object where '123', 'bar', 'die', 'or' become 'xyz'? var jso = { hello:[ { foo:'bar' }, { abc: { def:'123' } } ], world:[ { ...

if(Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === '[object Array]'){
@phenomnomnominal well, you're not using oldSetTimeout at all
@SomeKittensUx2666 why do people do that?
No Array.isArray
@Connor oh yeah, typo, you know what I meant though
what about object instanceof Array?
@phenomnomnominal yeah, ok ;)
well, I'm working with a lot of nodeLists and other collections so mine is bodge job
if hasOwn.call(value, 'length') and hasOwn(value.constructor::, 'length')
	type = 'array'
@rlemon the first few comments on that are amazing
browserify: {
            dist: {
                files: {
                    'public/scripts/graph-dev/dist/graph-text-dev.js': 'public/scripts/graph-dev/graph-text.js',
                    'public/scripts/services/shadeServices/dist/shadeServices.js': 'public/scripts/services/shadeServices/shadeHandlers.js'

how do I separate these, right now I change either folders and both get browserified
('tis a gruntfile)
ahhh found one
@Unrealist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Deusdies Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is it at all possible to set the onclick property on an anchor element?
@TJonS: sure, grab a mouse and stick it to a ship.
No, I'm just kidding
I don't see what's the issue
Either inline style: <a href="#" onclick="randomFunc(this); return false;">Foo</a>
or using JS
<a href="#" id="test">Foo</a>
document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
The latter is preferable.
@John Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: issue getting proper promise failed function to run after broken promise

phazeiI'm trying to reject a promise, and it seems to be working, but not quite as expected. Parse.Promise.as(1).then(function() { var vendor = user.get('vendor'); if (vendor) return vendor.fetch(); else return Parse.Promise.error("No vendor found"); }, function() { //...

document.getElementById('test').files[0] ?
How to call above in angularjs directive link function?
writing tests is depressing
@vzhen angular.element('test') would get you the element
Q: different redirects during different promise fails causes Error: cannot call http.ServerResponse.end()

phazeiI have a chain of promises that could fail at different points. Depending on where it fails, I might want it to do different things. In some places I might want to render a page, other places redirect. The problem I'm finding is when it runs through all the fail functions and then has errors w...

but I'm not sure what .files is
I got it. in directive we can actually use element[0].files[0] which equal to document.getElementById('abc').files[0];
well yeah, if you're in the directive of that element
Sometimes positioning footers feels like the bane of my existence.
@Mosho I added a new graphic to my game
when you press up
lol nice, though a bit choppy
apples are a great feature
what's your current record?
that's... too bad
but gg, seriously
it's okay. I admit I suck at my own games
trolled hard
lol yea that happend
I know why, I'm hesitant to change it
seems like an interesting feature
trolling? it is
I really like the controls
!!afk i'm too drunk to taste this chicken
but it still seems a bit vanilla
p.s. ping me with any suggestions
@rlemon guns
Q: Continuing after failing a promise

phazeiI have a case where a promise might fail, but I want to be able to handle that, and continue on to the next then. I've tried to return a successful promise from within the fail catch, but it gives an error about the return object not having the method set. Is this possible? How would I go abou...

how do I reference a grunt src array from one task in another
ah, got it
video tags are the shit!
the only thing I don't like about JS so far
My question gonna fall in the abysses :( →
Q: Nested list - itemTpl - How to refresh it?

SteamFireI've got a nested list with an itemTpl. My goal is to add an icon next to the text in a nested list that indicate that the element is favorite. We can change the favourite element any time and the icon must be displayed in this case. Here is the template: listConfig: { itemTpl: "{text} <tp...

Only 7 views... Most of mine for sure
@TrevorOrr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jeremy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SteamFire where are you stuck?
Just keep the backing data separate from the template, have an array of Item objects that store that state and data-bind it to the list, sync it to the server when you need to.
HI Good morning
I want to get the Ip address. So I am using this source code.

<script type="text/javascript">


function (data) {

alert("Your ip: " + data.ip);


But it is not working
I thing URL (jsonip.appspot.com?callback=?) is not working
@Benjamin Gruenbaum I don't know if my question was clear
My data are separate. I have a storage that get the datas from the server and a local storage that stock the id of the corresponding favorite object on the server
@PUVANARAJAN just check it by yourself: jsonip.appspot.com ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just want the codes, not a 300 page book :( — Lennert Leers 2 mins ago
@PUVANARAJAN But try this: curlmyip.com
And better: ipinfo.io/json
> The Kinect for Windows SDK 1.8 features a background removal API to achieve a green-screen effect, improved 3D object scanning and model creation with Kinect Fusion, and the option to code in HTML5/JavaScript.
woot :D
@YuriBaburov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SteamFire They had to edit the first ending of 'Lone Wolf McQuade' after Chuck Norris kicked David Carradine's ass, then proceeded to barbecue and eat him.
@SteamFire Thanks. It is working
Nice :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Code me that please haha. Give him a template website... ^^
@SteamFire Can I ask something more.
It is not related to JavaScript.
Can you please explain how it is working?
@Ecko123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@PUVANARAJAN I can't explain exactly, it's serverside, but i think, it takes you ip adress when you send the request (because it's given of course)
this is an ethernet packet, in this packet, you specify the destination address and your own address
This service read this part of the packet I think.
I will try
@AbhishekHingnikar but that's a great news, isn't it?
If anyone have an idea on my question, it will be great:
Q: Nested list - itemTpl - How to refresh it?

SteamFireI've got a nested list with an itemTpl. My goal is to add an icon next to the text in a nested list that indicate that the element is favorite. We can change the favourite element any time and the icon must be displayed in this case. Here is the template: listConfig: { itemTpl: "{text} <tp...

If something is not great explained, ask me...
@SteamFire NO its fucking piece of crap news
with that they are making modern full screen optimized apps go back in the good old windows style
those apps will look horrible as steve ballmer
It's optional...
@SteamFire -_- and about 40% Of users will switch to em
now the designer is going to be like wait what hte fuck if my app is running in a 640x480 window.
Me include
i doubt any sane man would though
i'm not friend with the new UI
@BaradiBaradari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it's beautiful, simple on touchscreens... But realy slow to use as a develloper...
@AbhishekHingnikar Any designer worth their salt should be designing responsively for all screen sizes anyways...
But in understand that it will be hard to adapt you apps
Unfortunately, we are not in the right channel to speak about this
We can speak about anything in here.
@user2848901 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes, right... But i think it's better to speak about it in lounge...
@phenomnomnominal Dude -_-
i get it but not fullscreeen vs windowe'd
thats not responsive thats two different design cases
There's no fucking difference?
@phenomnomnominal there is a huge
@phenomnomnominal yes !
You can't control how the user is going to use your app.
I don't play with google api
@phenomnomnominal you cant but you can still make it look better to him
and not out of the box distracting
You don't know what you're talking about.
in windows store apps [the full screen ones] you had those edge gestures those super cool aniamtions
running in window'ed mode those will look completely out of place
the flyouts will just be confusing as on which app they are fired by
and if they flyout comes in the app window they will go ugly as f
have you even used a single modern app ?
Does anyone know how to write fancy keyboard shortcut in stack overflow?
they are designed to feel different, feel fresh and appealing [for instance steam big screen vs steam window'ed ] you know that interface is different as hell
with a keyboard style
anyone know google map api v3
@user2848901 many people know it, you can ask your question somebody might know it enough to answer
though almost everything on it is documented with almost every use case shown as example but still.
this is the linkhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/22817336/how-to-avoid-repeating-on-google‌​-map-api-v3-custom-map-and-marker
@Ahmed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i ask stackoverflow
firefox refresh issue in Jquery address plugin
@user2848901 what do you mean repeating
@AbhishekHingnikar how to avoid horizontal repeating custom map and marker
them appearing too close to each other ?
ah that. !
its impossible :P iirc
you can bound it though.
but that wont make sense ... just set the zoom enough :-)
I've refresh problem in firefox. anyone could help?
@AbhishekHingnikar this is the link protectronme.com/where-we-work
@Ahmed press f5 ?
please, go to this link in firefox
and then press down arrow
and then press F5 or reload button
you can see a blank page
@user2848901 well it works fine no ?
but, if you hit Ctrl+F5
ah thats an image not a map
it works in other browser fine
@AbhishekHingnikar but 1 marker showing on left side see that
anything that can parse a giant list of <script> tags from my HTML and concatenate them for me?
I remember I saw something
good morning to all
i have a problem that, i have data in grid type and i want to change that data in list and vise versa so how to do this?
Javascript has taken over my life
@VIPULPARMAR That's a bad question, that sort of functionality involves a lot of different operations
There are plugins out there that do this for jQuery, so in a sense you're asking us how to make a whole plugin
do you know how to do this
@AbhishekHingnikar marker repeating on my custom map
@AbhishekHingnikar am using custom map
@VIPULPARMAR yes, you need to make it look like a grid, then you need to make it look like a list, then you need to figure out what you need to change to switch it, it's not something anyone can give you step by step instructions via this chat in any short time, just try
Q: Protractor - astrolabe - Cannot set array value

Nguyen Vu HoangI'm using Protractor with PageObject astrolabe as below CampaignPage.js module.exports = Page.create({ defaultCheckpoint: { get: function () { return { giName: "auto", giType: "auto", } } }, getDefaultValue: { value: function (campaignCode) { ...

@KarelG ...and I am waiting for a good answer. :-p
@connor i have done some of my side but there is a problem that when i click on listview then it conver grid to list but css file is not load again
@IonicăBizău : replied. Couldn't think something else then throwing / catching it
@VIPULPARMAR so, why didn't you ask the question about your actual problem then?
but its not work properly
just deleted 80 garbage and duplicate files from my project
there is a problem
@KarelG I don't get how no one suggested just using return
@KarelG Hm... I don't want to throw errors...
Well, probably because the question uses it
he wants to not use if () ...
You could just do return foo1(whatever);
Ah, right, my bad
the return brings you to the previous stack object which is foo1
but it should stop foo1 from running
The question is interesting, but what's the use case?
@SomeGuy If I use return foo1 (...) I will stop it every time.
yeah, i've added that it's a strange design
@SomeGuy The use case is when I validate the parameters.
@IonicăBizău Yeah, yeah, I misunderstood the question at first
@IonicăBizău promise?
@IonicăBizău And what's wrong with using an if?
How to reload css file from js file?
@Mosho Can you explain more?
@SomeGuy Think that I have 10 functions like foo1. And every time I need to validate the first argument to be a non empty string (for example). That means 10 ifs and reutrns.
@IonicăBizău : well, the js is build to go to the stack frames if you use return/end function. The last stack frame is the main js one.
The exception is toggling a flag which the js knows *oh, i need to return to the stack frame which can catch it and ignoring other statements*
although, I don't see what's wrong with if?
but i'm using if check ...
because a strange design might confuse other ppl
How to access specify child element in angularjs directive
`element.children()[0]` when I use this i cannot use the jqlite methods which .css() .attr() etc any idea?
@IonicăBizău Make those functions with a function generator then?
@SomeGuy No, because each of them does another job.
Yes, that's okay.
wait ... what if you go JOO way, could it be possible without throwing exception ?
@KarelG What you mean?
a sec, digging the documentations
@vzhen try angular.element(element.children()[0])
@Mosho yes, thank u
or if that's too ugly you can use .find
That's what I meant by a function generator
@asymptote Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho ok
@slu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SteamFire User -1 was not found in room 17 (sorry, mustache only works there).
@SteamFire User -1 was not found in room 17 (sorry, mustache only works there).
@sgsheg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BasitSaeed Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Slytherin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi. I'm badly stuck in a problem in JavaScript/JQuery. Can anyone help please? This is the link to my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/22809969/…
terrible weather
beautiful weather
@BasitSaeed : never heard of recursion ?
@KarelG not in CEST
NOT INCEST?! Why not?
that 'S' is completely missleading
@KarelG Don't know much about JS.
yes he does
i need a coffee
oh yeah, moccaciok without sugar, mmmm...
me too
i have a meeting soon, but i have spent too many time here yesterday that i have to work my butt out
@KarelG getting close to delivery/deploy/deadline?
it's the next sprint today
why does a PMS have favourite list? :D
like if someone would have the choice of favourite work he wants to work on
PMS = premenstrual syndrome ? :D
i know what it is
i work by SCRUM
me jira, less techy, more precise
AGILE works too but it has too many meetings, that people started to eat cookies at the meetings ...
is jira a sdf ?
!!wiki jira
JIRA ( ) is a proprietary issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian, used for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management. The product name, JIRA, is not an acronym but rather a truncation of "Gojira", the Japanese name for Godzilla. It has been developed since 2002. License JIRA is a commercial software product that can be licensed for running on-premises or available as a hosted application. Pricing depends on the maximum number of users, with approximately $50 per user for in-house and $7 per month per user for the hosted version being typical prices. Atlassian provid...
meeting is the event where you meet with the people you work with, but in an other room
@study Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it's a software ? huh
its installed on local server, and my boss has an instance of it opene for the whole day, sees if i work or not work, how long it takes, whats the progress, etc.
its like a digital foreman
foreman, like at dr house ? :)
like labor inspector
it only detects bugs
I guess its time to set localhost as my homepage
not ... uhm, product changes, requirement changes, branches ...

meetings can be enlightfull if you know what other is expecting, or what you can expect from other
my homepage is the tab page on FF :p
@KarelG branches, etc managed by the integrated git server (stash by atlassian), that you can connect using sourcetree (by atlassian)
@KarelG i have 3 homepage ATM, but i guess i have to add localhost as well
Pricing depends on the maximum number of users, with approximately $50 per user for in-house and $7 per month per user for the hosted version being typical prices. yeah yeah
so if you load your browser, you have 3 tabs active ?
@KarelG exactly
youtube, gmail, translate

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