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but it doesn't actually work
I don't actually need a base url, I need rewrite to work ...
but nearly everything I remember causes 500 internal server errors ...
apparently everything is different ...
All the links contain a #
where is the base not set as you wish?
# Turn on URL rewriting
RewriteEngine On

DirectoryIndex explain.php

# Installation directory
RewriteBase /

# Protect hidden files from being viewed
<Files .*>
        Order Deny,Allow
        Deny From All

# Allow any files or directories that exist to be displayed directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ explain.php?uri=$1 [PT]
ah hah
I win
what was it?
@JoeWatkins You need to src="/
yeah I have done that ...
it should work though right ?
it wasn't an insane setup to want
Yup, that should work.
@JoeWatkins you need set it before it is used also
I'm going to implement my changes as soon as I finish this REST interview shit task :)
cool cool :)
@RonniSkansing ah well, I'll try that ...
Sorry for being irresponsible.
@JoeWatkins looks right now
btw +1 for explain
base url is crap, removed it ...
now I need to make a form that doesn't look shit
Layout a concept, I can fiddle with CSS and shit later :)
I'm not good at it, just don't waste your precious time on that :P
@JoeWatkins Please stay away from webdevelopment. :P
I know man, I totally suck at it ...
I really hate html/css ... I'll usually do anything to avoid it :D
Like we do with C
@webarto the concept is, I need a form that doesn't look like arse
You make shit and with that shit we make shit :D
There are numerous utilities for file management, but I cannot find any any utility (Mac, Ubuntu or Windows) that enables you to sort files into folders by its file types or other various preferences. Anyone know of any applications that will help to achieve this?
sorry ..
It's ok. Now you know :-)
How's everyone's holiday shopping going?
I don't do holiday shopping. It's weekend I code
Must be crazy the amount of money places are making
this is literally the limit of my imagination ...
@JoeWatkins hehehehe looks familiar ;)
I am just terrible right ...
Looks like we are using the same designer: requestable.pieterhordijk.com
No workie?
Ah without the username
@JoeWatkins github copypasta
ah right, probably want to strip that ...
I might have a go at the project's intarface when I'm bored next weekend
Fellas, anyone knows of a good, relatively cheap VPS provider, which allows Windows (not server)?
a vps provider which supports desktop windows?
@PeeHaa Yes.
(Ridiculous, I know).
Why if I may ask?
I require a virtual PC for browsing from a computer that's different than my own.
(Doesn't have to be a VPS)
A proxy is not sufficient? Or lynx from a vps server?
My PC is "burned". So instead of buying a new PC, I'd like to "rent" one.
A proxy wouldn't do. The PC itself is "burned".
There are some remote workplace providers, but not sure about costs or stuff like that
@PeeHaa Can you some examples? (Or tell me what to Google, becuase I have no idea how to name it in English :D)
WaaS (Windows as a Service)
Or DaaS (Desktop as a Service)
PaaS (Poop as a Service)
@PeeHaa does bootstrap have a class for errors ?
@JoeWatkins Yes multiple
Hi guys again
Leave it Joe, you're dumbifying your brain :D
@PeeHaa I have been looking to find out what should I use for the clean URLs (you know what we've talked about yesterday) however I have run into a big problem.
s/big problem/small bump in the road
Lets say I use a .htaccess mod rewrite function to redirect everything to the .index.php and process the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
However what if someone types: /login?error=1
that's not bad ...
@webarto I do so feel dumb
I have to take an opinion poll about something if you guys have a sec.
@JoeWatkins CSS is dumb
why is everything a different size ... who knows ...
@JoeWatkins :P
@Radical_Activity What about it?
If I require the .login.php, the $_GET will not be returned, because it gets redirected.
And I can't show the error to the user.
What does your rewrite rules look like?
Actually, @tereško you're a smart guy. Do you prefer ActiveRecord Patterns or Using Data Mappers when it comes to using an ORM?
Or anyone else who wants to throw in their opinion.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
@TimothyPerez im not sure i like using a orm
RewriteRule .* index.php?url=$0 [QSA,L]
Im sure i do not like the ActiveRecord Pattern that much anymore
And should I process the $_GET['URL'] variable instead of the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?
@TimothyPerez it's actually not a simple question. The ORM are best for when you need to get up some application quickly and/or have no real logic in the entities. I would go with AR as pattern for ORM, but use it only in a limited way. And for complicated domain object I would use custom-written data mappers.
@Radical_Activity Nope that url was just an example I copy pasta'd. You don't need it
Or how can this change makes the visitor to be redirected: login.php?error=1
Basically, active record pattern in general has the same usecase as a standard ORM
I don't really understand the connection between them. I have copy/pasted your rewrite rule, but when I type login.php?error=1 I still remain on the index.php page. I have just created an array now, where I store the valid URL paths and I match the current URI against it. I don't know if it's a good method or not ?
@PeeHaa So if I require the login.php file how can the error=1 be appended at the end of it, if everything gets redirected?
@tereško hmm... I'm using ZF2 to develop a pretty large app, so basically Propel would be a good choice, but then if I need some complex data mapping, then just write it manually?
@RonniSkansing why not use an ORM?
Given the movement towards mobile, would it be wise to build a mobile app first and then expand to a website (like instagram) or would it be better to build a website first and then transition to a mobile app (like facebook, twitter)?
I know using something like Doctrine 2 would be like using Hibernate in Java, which from my experience can be heavy, especially on the init start-up phase.
@TimothyPerez the main problem with ORMs is that they get misused for too complicated thing. If your SQL starts containing join statements, then ORM should not be used at that point
@tereško Do you know any solution for my problem?
Hmm, I agree, they add extra bulk.
@Radical_Activity Why are you using Apache Server?
that's pretty much how the story went right ?
@TimothyPerez Why is it a problem, if I'm using Apache with PHP? By the way I just wanted a solution for adding the query at the end of the required file.
> The input provided was invalid, or null !
For anything
Or this, which you've linked yesterday: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18727186/how-to-load-classes-based-on-pretty-urls-in-mvc-like-page/19309893#19309893

This doesn't explain how to add a query, like: login/?error=1
I'd like to know if there is any solution for that.
can someone tell me a good source for learning php thanks
@Radical_Activity Sorry, I'm just anti apache http server.
@TimothyPerez Which other one do you prefer and why?
@Radical_Activity Maybe the guys in here will debate me, but personally Nginx. It's much simpler than trying to config apache, and faster (by far).
@TimothyPerez Is it better for a huge project?
Hell yes.
@MadaraUchiha what you putting in ??
git repos gotta start with git://
@TimothyPerez +1
unless you're using raw, in which case https:// is fine
@MadaraUchiha Thx
Only git repos?
no raw php too
@Radical_Activity Benchmark articles claim Nginx handles 40%+ more traffic in 300% less time. From my experience, it seems to be true.
@Radical_Activity and much more reliable/stable imo.
@TimothyPerez i do not mind ORM's, i just like it better when i see repositories, query objects and that sort
@Radical_Activity Here's a wiki vs on it. -> wikivs.com/wiki/Apache_vs_nginx I'm sure you can google more.
and i do not like if the repo's are using an abstraction like a orm =]
@TimothyPerez Thanks. And what does bigges sites using, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc?
anyone watching Shoutcraft tournament ? twitch.tv/totalbiscuit/popout
@Radical_Activity Due to signing a NDA from Disney, I can only tell you this... It worked for them.
@tereško What the heck is this?
Starcraft tournament (currently on ad-break)
Ah, I haven't had the time to play it yet, but I was curious.
@TimothyPerez So they are basically using Nginx?
@Radical_Activity :)
@TimothyPerez Okay, thanks :D
@TimothyPerez Dude. I don't think anyone in here would advocate for apache over nginx.
has anyone used the Unity Game Engine and Networking?
@rdlowrey LOL
Everyone knows apache sucks.
@TimothyPerez And how should I get started with Nginx? Or how can I get it implemented to my webserver?
I have a managed Dedi server.
It's like an old dog... it did it's job. Good job old Yeller. Oh look a new puppy.
If I tell them, will they install it ,instead of apache?
I mean is it possible?
Or it requires specific server config?
@Radical_Activity Yes, install is easy.
Here, I'll pastebin you a sample config.
And does this change anything with the PHP code I'll use?
Here's a sample site config - pastebin.com/MbNcJ9xX
All url paths are routed to index.php, and you handle it from there.
so ... the tournament is back from break (semi-finals): twitch.tv/totalbiscuit/popout
@TimothyPerez Thank you. And how can I process the query from the PHP file actually? I mean I have created this thread, please take a look at it: stackoverflow.com/questions/20457008/…
Ignore the Apache part, but it's basically the same on the php part.
@Radical_Activity You would use the $_SERVER / $_REQUEST variables.
I'll also take a look at Nginx and I'll try to implement it. I've always used Apache so it'll be quite srtange.
No stupid mod-rewrites t owrite.
to write*
So it'll be like dumping your old girlfriend, for one that isn't so high maintenance and performs better.
@TimothyPerez Yes, but if I "require" for example the: login.php and someone enters loign.php/?error=1 what happens than?
@TimothyPerez Haha, thats a nice one! +1
Oh, then yeah, you would just have login.php file and it would serve it up.
And your error=1 would be in a $_GET var.
But as a result I see that if I enter login.php/?error=1 I got redirected to the index.php because of the server rules.
So I can't actually send the GET variable to the login.php
@tereško The main reason I'm considering an ORM is for consistency when multiple devs are involved.
Of course. Having a front controller means that only one file is accessible directly and you handle the routing internally. You will still have the GET variable accessible
Or did you check the link I've pasted above?
@Radical_Activity No, if the file exists, it will serve the file.
@Radical_Activity Hard to imagine that it acts the way it should.
I don't really understand. Myabe I'm tired or something but: imagine the follwing:
@TimothyPerez I don't think I will ever be able to go back to an ORM or AR after learning about DataMappers
@Patrick Doctrine 2 uses DataMappers.
@Patrick That's a bold statement.
@Patrick would you mind telling me the difference between a data mapper and an orm?
I have a server rule, which redirects everything to the index.php. On the index.php I try to route the URI so I can decide which URL goes where. But if I receive a request like: /login.php/?error=1 and I want to do the error handling in login.php, than I CAN'T actually require the login.php?error=1, so how can I pass that variable to the login.php?
@BenjaminGruenbaum LOL
I don't know if you can understand it, I might have written it too complicated.
@Radical_Activity What you're asking is easily doable, and you can do it anyway you would like.
@Radical_Activity The pattern of redirecting everything into one place and routing has a name - it's called "front controller".
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, thanks, I'm sorry I didn't know that yet.
The front controller pattern is good... you can google it.
You really shouldn't be using *.php in any of your URLs, it's somewhat cheesy nowadays.
@Radical_Activity I wasn't attacking you - I was merely trying to help you out in case you run into the name or want to concisely describe that scheme. (so no need to apologize :))
@TimothyPerez And how can It be done? I do not know any way to do?
@Radical_Activity it is because of the logic
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, I didn't mean to :)
The way you handle the data you get.. as in root_path . 'login' => 'login'
Ok, for now, get nginx running and serving up your site. Make sure to kill apache from hogging your port 80. Then in your index.php do something simple, like print_r(get_defined_vars());
@TimothyPerez Yes I don't want ot use .php this is why I'm trying to figure out how to build a Front controller. But I'm just googling, goodgling and didn't find a good solution yet. :(
So the redirect to a frontal controller is working fine, but the way you choose how to ROUTE the data is the struggle with the code atm
Then you can try doing the url with the args you had and see what comes up.
@RonniSkansing Hmm, I see. And what do you think I could do to make it better / good?
@TimothyPerez so you seem serious (except for the jQuery in your profile), if you are here because of all the internals people/people with interesting projects in the room - if you are looking there are quite a few open source projects room members are working on right now. You might want to ping @NikiC @JoeWatkins or @rdlowrey (as well as most people here)
@BenjaminGruenbaum as far as I understand it, with an ORM you are tightly coupled to your database schema and if something changes I have to change things in many places. With a data mapper I am mapping things manually. If I am wrong let me know :)
@Radical_Activity sure, but look at it this way. The frontal controller takes all requests, so all incoming calls goes to index.php. Now the next step is to route the responses
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm here on my own just trying to get opinions on some general stuff, lol @ the jQuery comment.
@tereško It's not the joins - ORMs can do those quite well in Java for example, (mainly with deferred execution where you accumulate a query and built it at the end after all the joins). The problem of misusing an ORM to not do that even has a name (I think ayende coined it - select n+1). The problem is they throw you in the pit of failure way too often IMO, they're very useful exactly like you said - for small/simple stuff.
They ended up biting me a lot but probably helping me more :)
@Patrick How is that less tightly coupled? It seems as tightly coupled just less automated. What exactly do you think the component that maps data to classes in an ORM is called?
@TimothyPerez I hate a shameful jQ badge too :/
@RonniSkansing By route the response, do you mean that I should create something that handles all the requests coming in? Like if someone enters: example.com/login
If yes, how it is possible?
@Patrick Data Mapping is basically dealing with Records, DAL and DTOs.
@Patrick So basically I should create my own framework?
@Radical_Activity no please don't (at least not yet)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just put the jQ thing there moreso for any non-technical people looking at my profile that are looking through their list of buzzwords to hire someone.
@Radical_Activity but working through it might give you an understanding of front controllers etc
@Patrick Ah I see, okay thanks you.
@TimothyPerez The main things that bother me is : Writing own MVC framework for PHP (I'm yet to see a practical MVC in PHP), and publishing a book about PHP/jQuery/AJAX (PHP is a huge topic, jQuery is a library that takes a day to learn if you already know what you should (JS, a huge topic in its own), ajax is like - 5 lines of code)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I need to update my profile. I don't write my own MVCs anymore, actually, that's probably good practice for someone learning PHP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Like I said, that was mainly written for any recruiters before that were looking for silly "buzz" words.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I get your point though.
@TimothyPerez Erm... I'm not really sure why anyone would write MVC for serverside - it's quite impractical. (Well people are starting to do things like derby and meteor which kind of come close with sockets, but that's usually not the case)
@Radical_Activity yes, it a great question. Do you want to write it yourself or have you considered using already made?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am using mappers to populate and persist my domain objects (they don't know how to do that themselves). I do that by passing the domain objects into populate/save/delete methods of the mapper. Would you say that is the correct usage of the pattern? It definitely improved my code a lot coming from AR...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meteor is a toy. Just for fun I wrote something simple that doesn't use sockets that kind've achieves similar results. Checkout sandboxtool.com
@Patrick While we're at the topic martinfowler.com/bliki/OrmHate.html - that's ok usage of a pattern but it sounds like you manually did something an ORM would do for you automatically.
@RonniSkansing If I can write it myself that would be better, but I'm considering using already made code if I can understand it's logic completely.
@TimothyPerez tbh I'm not too impressed with meteor either, that said I'm skeptical about performance in implementing something like meteor over HTTP - especially with PHP - it'd be painfully slow for over 100 concurrent users over the same server or so.
(Although I'm always ready to be proven wrong)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I haven't decided on the persistence yet though, I am just using MockMappers that inject dummy data for now. I never actually got to implement an ORM as I did not exactly heard good things about them. So I am assuming a lot of things here
@Patrick read Fowler's article - the main problem with PHP ORMs is that they're kind of childish compared to other languages like C# or Java, which are in turn also very childish.
@RonniSkansing Alright thank you I'll take a look at those documents.
@Radical_Activity also look at the answer you got on your question
@BenjaminGruenbaum will do. I also got two of his books on my reading list that I need to read sometime soon. Thanks
@tereško found the question I want you to answer: stackoverflow.com/q/9423173/871050
I'm kinda playing around with "fracture" right now ... wad watching shoutcraft
.. but I will write something there a bit later
@tereško Don't promise things you won't keep :P
Bought some nearly expired tubs of the "Pumpkin Spice" syrup from Starbucks. £3 a box. God damn delicious though.
@MadaraUchiha what's wrong with the given answer?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lacks detail.
@MadaraUchiha this is msdn and sharepoint - both horrible, but it has no code here and it discusses repository without too many mistakes
(read it)
MSDN actually have a lot of resources and they always cite good sources.
Do you guys think if I'll be having a huge database for my website with millions of rows, I'll should use MySQL?
@Radical_Activity you should avoid MySQL when possible regardless.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why is that? Also which one would you prefer?
@Radical_Activity PostgreSQL - a lot saner, models better, indexes better (anacdotal and when I needed), performs better (again, for my use case), as cheap :)
Alright guys, I'll be back later.
I'm gonna use the database for a lot of calls. There'll be a searches in the millions of rows etc. I heard that MySQL is the faster out there for this kind of job.
@Radical_Activity i think it depeands on the usecase...
See you Timothy. Thanks for your help.
I'll actually have a site where users will be able to see statistics, clicks, and so on. I already have a similar website and it has millions of rows. Sometimes its slow when its about to load the items.
Maybe its because of the server btw.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you rang ...
@Radical_Activity why do you need a relational database?
@Radical_Activity it could alot of things, like if you have a index and you perform DATEconversion, you break the indexing...
having the wrong indexes also
bad relations fuck stuff up, nested queries
@BenjaminGruenbaum well .. psql has at leas partial indexes
Well which one do you guys think is the best for handling huge data?
depends on the data
I actually have an 500mb data on my other site's MySQL database
@Radical_Activity the most expensive one where you can blame the vendor and have them fix stuff when it goes wrong
@Radical_Activity "millions of row" is not a large database
if you have 50GB+, then I would start calling it "medium"
Is he crazy or am I?
A: Should I validate/sanitize $_SESSION variables in php?

JamesYes. Yes, and very yes. Whenever you query the database (insert, update, select, anything) always sanitize all vars, even those you created yourself somewhere within the script. Seriously, it sounds overkill, but simply don't think "this one's ok" "this one's not". Just check them all befor...

@tereško Yeah, but it seems to handle things slowly when I go to the PHPMyadmin
@Radical_Activity it could just be because of suckyness of phpMyAdmin
@tereško Ah, okay. But MySQL is fine, right? Or would you prefer anything else?
i would also prefer postgreSQL, when I have the option
@tereško So Nginx, PHP, postgreSQL?
These are great combination?
I would also use FreeBSD as OS =]
@BenjaminGruenbaum sanitize on way on, no need on way out, correct, senseless ...
@JoeWatkins If you feel like backing me up there - that'd be great.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just read the article. If I haven't yet decided on a persistence solution it doesn't seem to make sense to use an ORM at all. I want my application decoupled from details like using a relational database or not. For all I know I might use flat files (probably not...).
@Patrick you can't really do that, you know that right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
We can abstract all we want but we have to keep in mind what DB we're using, just like we remember we're running on limited ram, or CPU, or I/O. ORMs (or mappers more generally) abstract some detail - and we want to forget what DB we're working with but we really can't
@BenjaminGruenbaum You mean the flatfiles or the decoupling? If I write my mappers manually I can persist the data to anything?
@Patrick decoupling your objects from the database completely.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay, but poxy question, what you doin answering that anyway ?
@JoeWatkins I saw it didn't get an answer for 5 minutes - just popped to the queue.
LOL @ quotes @explain
I wanted to avoid people posting bullshit like James there who doesn't know how to code.
@PeeHaa hehe
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't really see why it would be a problem, at least not for what I am doing at the moment. I am sure for very specific use cases you need to work closely with the storage. But for a standard webapp that just needs to persist some objects I don't see a problem at the moment
that's pretty much what happened ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's trying, he's at least got sanity on the mind ... he's totally wrong yeah, but trying I guess ... the worst you can say about it is that it is horribly inefficient ... other than that it's not likely to do any real harm if he works like that ... terrible advice obviously ...
@Patrick just like @tereško said - wait for the joins, and unions, and inserts and so on and see that you never really forget the DB.
"A user might have found a "new" way to hack your vars or sessions"
that is complete bunkers
If "someone" found a new way to inject your vars and sessions it IS GAME OVER
@JoeWatkins the problem is that he is encouraging an anti-pattern there, when you validate EVERYWHERE you end up forgetting that one thing that one time because you're already validating it somewhere. Application interacting with the client must have clear separation between trusted (clean) and untrusted (dirty) data - I've seen Ruby apps in particular fall because of this over, and over, and over :)
I've seen applications that were susceptible to session injection
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thats what I am doing in my mappers. Of course it has to go somewhere, I just don't want it leaking into my domain objects
@Patrick when you scale - you'll see :)
@cspray quite a few years ago, and in shared hosting.
Well, any code that extracts a $_GET or $_POST without properly setting the second parameter of extract is probably susceptible to session injection. Sadly that is more code than I wish it was: github.com/…
I agree with your answer
And the conclusion you guys came up with
Just playing a kind of devil's advocate here
extract is a very dangerous tool at the hand of noobs :P
Extract is crazy anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's stupid...
@MadaraUchiha Yes it is
extract is typical PHP4 madness anyway imo. Back when I was doing php I've never once seen it used correctly.
@webarto explain.so are you proud of me or what ??
@cspray I see your extract($_GET) and raise you github.com/…
@JoeWatkins Still can't use it!
@JoeWatkins <3
@MadaraUchiha what's it telling you and what url you putting in ?
Because EXTR_SKIP is overkill...
301 Moved Permanently
@MadaraUchiha Yea, I've seen those too. First I laughed and then I cried.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The only acceptable time I've found is generating template output
@cspray Exactly what I was about to say.
The only thing, and even there I'm not 100% happy to use it.
And you make sure you properly set the second parameter to something that doesn't overwrite existing vars
@MadaraUchiha Yea, me either but if you're extracting in a specific function setup just to generate template output it is acceptable imo
I prefer $templateData->stuff to $stuff.
@cspray that makes sense, at least more than with in JS :P
@MadaraUchiha use git://
Good monring from
Yeah, that seems to work.
(Though I can't read it :D)
@ircmaxell moorning
@webarto you forgot the permalink on explain.so in the quotes
But that's a different problem.
Mornin' @ircmaxell
morning @ircmaxell
what's going on?
@bwoebi I'm going to rewrite the horror Joe made.
@ircmaxell Hello :) Not much, a working Sunday, how is you?
eih, flying home today
landing in the snow mess that's around NY/NJ
@webarto what horror?
@webarto good idea :D
@ircmaxell how was LA?
pretty awesome
LA itself was eih, but Santa Barbara/area was freaking amazing
Yeah, I like it way better too

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