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No no, still blame @webarto
Anyone ever throw exceptions from setters?
Cool cheers @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum Awesome. So I'm talking crap @Fabien.
@webarto I'm not convinced you were
@webarto if you use on attributes rather than actual event listeners (use case: never) you get 'overwritten' jsfiddle.net/kGszG
@BenjaminGruenbaum How about if I want all links to onmouseover give kisses?
@Fabien see the previous fiddle, or did you mean overwrite hugs? If you have proper code you can do a removeEventListener. If you don't you can always overwrite onmouseover again.
Again - these are all things that should never actually be a problem in practice
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/RWS7m Thank you, TIL that :)
@webarto Y U jQUERY :(?
Sorry I meant this... jsfiddle.net/kGszG/1
I wanted to use CSS selectors, hehe.
eventlistener for all anchors
@webarto document.querySelectorAll is IE8+
I like JS very much, I just suck at it.
I actually enjoy writing it.
@webarto I am iffy on enjoy, but I certainly find it interesting. I too suck at it.
Which is the whole points of why I am doing this.
I don't know, I dislike Ruby very much. I just can't write it.
@webarto depends on the guests, it is 1am already
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/kGszG/2 Both links is the goal. Ignore bad Javascript :(
@Fabien look ma! No jQuery! jsfiddle.net/a9ZpG
Can also do it dirty.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Awesome thanks. Now to understand why.
@ThomasWeinert Ah, we're in same timezone :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Niiiiice. It's the little things.
> Can you get rid of the "bang bang" as some non-JS gurus might get messed up with it in the future.
A comment from fellow on my Javascript.
I would prohibit word guru to be used in such context.
For everyone.
(This is dirty jsfiddle.net/7zKpE )
(It sticks stuff on Elements)
I am looking at code like this
I don't even
$format = $this->db_date_fmt;
if ($include_time) {
$format .= ' ' . $this->db_time_fmt;

return strftime($format, $value);
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah so eventlistener only works on a single element, in order to get it to work I need to run the thing on ever element I desire to be effected.
Fun fact - you should not have selectors in your code anyway ^^
@Fabien Yes, just iterate it with a for loopp
Notice: Undefined variable: format in
why is format undefined?
@BenjaminGruenbaum True :)
I guess adding it to the prototype makes sense. It seems like something that should be,
db_date_format is defined at top of file
@Fabien How else would you do it?
@akh2103 That's impossible, paste entire code somewhere.
Hmm, maybe
Like your first way
Yeah, but that doesn't add it to NodeLists selected that way (although the second way is bad for touching DOM prototypes.
Ah - solving problems we shouldn't have in the first place is fun
It's just vanilla JS learning for me.
I like the linkfading effect, I wonder why I don't see it more often.
@webarto I am not sure if I can post whole code
@webarto it is commercial code i dont feel comfortable posting
What you posted shouldn't throw notice. That's all we know.
I have xdebug instsalled in sublime text
this seems like a good time to learn how to use it
can anyone tell me what I doo
Google it for starters.
I have installed xdebug into sublime text 2
The instructions on git hub github.com/Kindari/SublimeXdebug say
Use Shift+f8 to show a list of actions:

Start debugger: Start listening for an XDebug connection
When I press shift + f8 nothing happens
how do i start the debugger and set a breakpoint?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cheers again.
I am following this tutorial for xdebug on os x
I created a php file with phpinfo()
Bleh, this looks so fugly. Anyone have any suggestions on how to make it look more readable or have it done with less code?
and ran it from command line with php myfile.php

xdebug support => enabled
Version => 2.2.3
does that mean that I have successfully installed xdebug and got it working with php?
it seems so
private function buildHeaderValue(&$policy)
	$header = array();

    foreach ($policy as $directive => $values) {
        foreach (array_unique((array)$values) as $value) {
        	if (($directive != "sandbox") &&
        		in_array($value, Validate::$directives[$directive])) {
        		$header[] = "'{$value}'";
        	} else $header[] = $value;

    $policy = sprintf(
    	implode(" ", $header)
probably don't use sprintf actually ... if headers might have % in them ...
Why would that matter?
it wouldn't would it ... I'll shut up ...
@akh2103 I strongly recommend using PHPStorm for debugging, if you have got xdebug working, you probably also need this:
or similar to allow your debugger to connect.
@JoeWatkins $header .= $directive . ' '; is gone =oO
@crypticツ Do you really need array_unique on values?
@AshwinMukhija yes, it's to prevent duplicate values being sent. I should technically error on dupe value as it's an obvious misconfiguration on the dev's part when setting the policy.
Also, why are you sending policy with reference?
You could simply return a string rather than mutating your policy from array to string
@crypticツ what's the diff between single quoted values and those without?
And yes, I agree with @AshwinMukhija ... you can just return a string.
@Jack single quotes are CSP keywords, ones without are custom source list items.
well except when it comes to sandbox, it has no custom items just keywords so it's not needed to quote them.
Is Validate::$directives[$directive] guaranteed to be an array?
@AshwinMukhija yes, it's that static directive array
@crypticツ Can't you remove 'sandbox' from Validate::$directives? :)
That's directives, but it's not completely nested
If I remember
That way you can take out the exception.
@Jack but the same array is what is used to validate keywords
take out exception or duplicate array
I'm almost done with the package, and will post to repo for any PRs sometime soon. So you can all be awed at my code or horrified of it =oP
@crypticツ you don't need it, it implodes with spaces
Has anyone seen Argo?
@JoeWatkins need what the directive? I do need it as the directive (array key) is part of the string generated. I tested the code and it just outputs the values without the directive names.
@crypticツ Would it be okay to have a header like sandbox;?
the point was to avoid all the concatenation build an array and implode
@AshwinMukhija not sure, I assume it would be ok as it's just an empty policy rule at that point.
oh I see yeah
Because that's a possibility with your current code.
You could simply unset($policy['sandbox'])
Policy is array of arrays (after casting anyway).
After casting, yes.
It would be better to subdivide the code to handle arrays separately and strings separately
@AshwinMukhija just checked specs and it is 0 or more directive values, so yes it can be empty.
@AshwinMukhija I have it set right now if you have a single value for a directive you can pass it as a string or as an array value and because of the casting it allows that, otherwise if passing more than one value you just use an array.
private function buildHeaderValue(&$policy)
	$header = array();

    foreach ($policy as $directive => $values) {
    	$part = array($directive);
		foreach (array_unique((array)$values) as $value) {
			if ($directive != "sandbox" &&
				in_array($value, Validate::$directives[$directive])) {
				$part[] = "'{$value}'";
			} else $part[] = $value;
		$header[] = sprintf(";", implode(" ", $part));

    $policy = sprintf(
    		" ", $header)
what about that ?
@JoeWatkins O_O that is less readable than what I currently have
What if policy has [['value1'], ['value1']] ... then array_unique() would be rendered useless no?
maybe it's just the formatting
it's indented poorly
@crypticツ That's true, but will in_array work?
In case it's a string and not an array?
Q: How to implement the Delete functionality by using AJAX in following case?

PHPLoverI'm using PHP, Smarty, MySql, jQuery, etc. for my website. I'm fetching large amount of data from the database and displaying this data on a webpage. This data is nothing but matching question ids. It takes long time to fetch and display the matching question ids of a selected subject's selected ...

@AshwinMukhija it's being cast to an array so it should work, no?
emits notice tho ...
It doesn't work either, so that needs to be handled
Oh, @crypticツ ... you're not checking first whether $directive exists in Validate::$directives ... unless you're checking that somewhere else :)
@Jack well that would just be a crazy format when docs will show different. I can't compensate for complete lack of reading of the docs by the developer. =oP
@crypticツ In your case, the policy values are being casted to an array. Validate::$directives[$directive] is not guaranteed to be an array
@Jack it's already checked prior during validation
right :)
gist.github.com/KyraD/b56c52ab158c12a9f0b6 this is it so far, I want to redo the regexs hopefully even get rid of them, but PHP sucks apparently when it comes to built-in validation.
@AshwinMukhija I think you need to read w3.org/TR/CSP first. You remove the sandbox value from the policy and won't be added to header value.
sandbox is part of the policy so it has to be processed
So, don't unset it
also isn't the code just repeating itself?
I don't understand why there is an additional method
Not really. You need to handle arrays and strings differently
There's no need to use different methods, you can do it in the same method. I just find it cleaner
but right now it handles strings and arrays fine. I can pass a string or an array as a directive's value. I have E_ALL and there is no notice or anything occurring since the value is typecasted prior to using array functions.
@ircmaxell I suggest investing in something more sensible, like tulips: bitcoinity.org/markets
1 hour later…
telepathwords.research.microsoft.com lol type in some profanity
The joke's on them. I don't email my mother
My configurator is almost set. Just need to add code for initializing classes if they are present
I came of boredom
@JoeWatkins So, I need some help understanding sync/wait/notify.
I'm not familiar with this particular parallel programming paradigm.
Also, I think I need to use condition variables, which I have done in other languages.
However, I'm not sure where to declare them in PHP.
@JoeWatkins just FYI (you may already know this) but I just built pthreads from a clone of the github master branch and pretty much couldn't do anything without segfaults in PHP 5.5.6. Installing v0.0.45 from pecl resolved it.
Is getting CCNP then CCIE phucking difficult?
Which one takes more time and effort, in your opinion?
Entering Harvard vs CCIE (in every categories)
And @JoeWatkins, the fact that @rdlowrey and I are both talking about pthreads at the same time is no coincedence ^^ Thanks for pthreads.
A: What are the benefits of using python over php?

DavidIf you know php, use php. Python should be rarely.

how do they expect to generate md5 here? stackoverflow.com/questions/9860868/…
2 hours later…
Friday nights / Saturday mornings, are so lonely in this room =o(
Hi all I am facing an issue in website
Can you guys please help me
@LeviMorrison @rdlowrey I do already know about the failures, however have not been able to reproduce them, on my machine, can I get a backtrace
and thnx :)
well ... we have winter now
@JoeWatkins Buddy can you help me
@tereško ...
basically, I woke up and someone had turned on the snow thing: i.sstatic.net/DBFgH.jpg
(yes, it was shot from cheep, old phone)
@ChandraPrakash please don't randomly ping people, it's annoying. If someone wants to help they will. You should first state your problem instead of asking if someone can help, when they have no idea what it is about.
@tereško wow overnight ?
well .. it started to snow when i was going for a beer in the evening
pretty to look at ... terrible to actually live with ...
guess it'll be here soon, there's talk of snow ...
@crypticツ plus you don't want my help I've only had my eyes open for 5 minutes
when the hell did Japan become so crazy ?!
youtube.com/watch?v=r4jf2F3YEAI , VASIMR Plasma Rocket project
it has always been crazy
road sign, for adults ...
Hello guys, just got a quick question about the question ban.. I was banned when I had about 185 reps for -9 downvotes for 10 questions (in total) 2 duplicates, and two closures. ever since then my rep went as much as 650 and the ban is not yet lifted.. does this seem normal?
@LeviMorrison @rdlowrey fixed that bug you can checkout head now, someone gave me access to a machine producing it ...
@JoeWatkins isn't Beijing in China?
@AliTrixx have you learned your lesson?
If not, then it's normal.
@crypticツ yep lol
I did, but learning my lesson doesn't exactly life my ban. I'd have to fix my reputation but what I'm wondering is how far should I fix it for 2 closures, 2 duplicates and 9 downvotes in total..
I was sure that was from japan ... you're right it was a top gear china special, not japan doh ...
I've gained almost 500 reputation points ever since my question ban
@JoeWatkins I was talking more about the new law that states: "If journalists writes about something, that we decide is secret - he/she gets 10 years. If he/she asks question about something that is secret - 5 years"
yesterday i spent 2 hours writing an email to a customer, asking dozens of questions. just received the answer email
just a "yes"
@tereško I just read the news ... that's pretty shocking ...
but it another way isn't it quite honest too, I mean when someone leaks state secrets in any country their lives are made a misery, their professional reputations ruined ... I'm not saying it's right, but it's no different to the rest of the worlds treatment of whistle blowers ...
@tereško what country is that?
@crypticツ japan
.. ya know .. the place where nuclear reactor (actually, 3 of 4 reactors) blew up and might be leaking into the ocean
you might have hear about it somewhere briefly
I'm sure it is linked to this as well en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership pretty much done in secrecy. Shadow world government.
and you will hear more ... the earth is broken where japan is, literally broken ...
@JoeWatkins we're going to have to build giant robots to fight the aliens monsters who will be coming out of the breach.
@crypticツ i don't even think that you need to attach "shadow" or "world" to it. It just how that block of countries (usa, australia, uk, japan, india, canada, sweden) operate
@JoeWatkins there is this old (I think - russian) sci-fi book: "Sinking of Japan"
the modern version would be quite a lot more scarier
no, it turns out it might have actually been written by a japanese author: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Sinks_(novel) (not sure if it's the same book)
After the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, towns like Ishinomaki did actually sink.[1]
didn't really, but quite a lot of it did disappear ...
they spend vast amounts on it ... it's simply broken, what is the point in making buildings able to withstand extreme conditions when all the animals, including humans will die anyway ...
gOOd moooorning =]
@JoeWatkins reminds me of New Orleans, when Hurricane Katrina hit it flooded. The whole city is a fish bowl in the ground, well below sea level. Only thing keeping the water back are the levees. But they went ahead and rebuilt and moved back in. Maybe rising sea levels and another hurricane will knock some sense in and they will realize it's futile.
@crypticツ lies, all lies
it was because of gays
@tereško that's San Francisco, and the big earthquake is yet to come =oP
oh .. sorry ... got confused there
then it was because of the voodoo devil worshipers
God just hates us all is my Atheist opinion
@crypticツ The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. - Epic Dawkins ...
morning @NikiC
Q: How to print a large amount of data received from database step by step onto a webpage in PHP?

PHPLoverI'm using PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Smarty for my website. I'm fetching a large amount of data (matching question IDs) from the MySQL databse and putting it on a webpage. As the amount of data fetched is too large, it's taking too much time in loading the data. What I want to achieve is to print the d...

you already have answers
but I'm not got a correct and satisfactory answer yet.
and that why you spam that crap here ?
do you think that this is a place for "advertising" your questions?
no not at all, I just want to reach out more and more people on this site. So I posted my question here. That's it.
@PHPLover put a bounty on it then
I guess with "correct and satisfactory" you meant "code that can be copy-pasted"
@PHPLover you need to fflush stdout
Well.. server specs...
@PHPLover You have two correct answers there, both of which can help solve your problem. If you are looking for somebody to write your code, you're going to ne disapointed.
No I'm not saying that. I just want to say that I need a perfect direction so that I can achieve the desired result.
it is quite obvious that what @PHPLover wants from answers IS copy-pastable code
@PHPLover no one is going to write the code for you, that's not what SO is really about, you have been given the answer, down to you to implement it, might mean learning something ...
... it seems to been working out pretty well for him, @JoeWatkins
Can you please demonstrate me with the help of code? — PHPLover 20 hours ago
That kind of 'do it for me' attitude is not welcome here on SO. — vascowhite Dec 4 at 7:41
@tereško Thing is, on SO, there's a method of "if at first you don't succeed, try try again".
He's not alone :(
Someone, eventually will give a full coded answer for the rep.
whores ...
^ !
:Thanks for your answer and valuable suggestion. Could you please help me in implementing the idea you suggested to me, please? — PHPLover Nov 25 at 10:24
:I tried your code but still it's not working. Giving me the same error. — PHPLover Nov 19 at 5:43
@meagar:Thanks for your suggestion. Can you provide me the correct string enclosed in single quotes, please? — PHPLover Nov 19 at 5:42
:Can you demonstrate with the code? — PHPLover Sep 19 at 15:35
> the correct string enclosed in single quotes, please?
I'm requesting you to convert your code into javascript in such a way that I can write into a function function check_subgroups(parent_id, class_name). Can you convert it please? — PHPLover Sep 4 at 13:54
Can you provide me the javascipt code for this, please? — PHPLover Sep 4 at 13:46
@tereško we get it :P
Thanks for your answer. It's working fine. But when I check the parent checkbox, all its corresponding child checkboxes are not getting checked. Only this issue is there otherwise it's working fine. Can you improvize your solution in order to achieve this. — PHPLover Sep 4 at 13:15
@MadaraUchiha I just want you to suffer
Me to suffer? I can just ignore you, you know. You're just flooding the room :P
do we flag plagiarized answers? Like someone copied and paste from a site and never links to it or give credit.

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