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let's put a volatile keyword before my static var, this will make the compiler happier
/code var YouMakeItWorkIGotPaid
@Grixxly Sounds like you are reading SO questions...
I don't read anymore... been a long time
lol, I still do every once in a while...when I'm really board and no one is chatting in my favorite rooms.
would you rather
int[][] p = list.Where(o => o.Symbol == args.Symbol).Select(t => new int[] { t.Ticket, (byte)t.Type, (int)(t.Profit * 100), (int)(t.Swap * 100) }).ToArray();
List<int []> p2 = opnd.Where(o => o.Symbol == args.Symbol).Select(t => new int[] { t.Ticket, (byte)t.Type, (int)(t.Profit * 100), (int)(t.Swap * 100) }).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) {
or other variant List<List<int>>
IEnumerable<int []> actually, just need to loop and process and have it's length later
---------- sry forget this^ spam -----
can this be done`while ((string line = Extract(str, "<li>", "</a>", i)) != null)` where Extract is method that return a string.
test it
I'm guessing it don't work Error 2 Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement c:\users\tuan\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\ConsoleApplication1\Program.cs 73 65 ConsoleAp‌​plication1
string line;
while ((line = "") != null) ;
perfect thanks
goodmorning :)
Good morning everyone
Is there any expert at treeView?
Q: Binding treeView from entity data model

Naourass DerouichiI'm working on Visual Sudio and this is the my first time with treeView. My project has a ADO .NET entity data model of and SQL database, I have 3 tables with relations: Category (idCategory, nameCategory) subCategory (idSubCategory, nameSubCategorie, idCategory) Articles (idArticle, nameArticl...

nope im not sorry ...
Anyone knows a beginners tutorial showing how to bind treeview with recursion?
Anyone can help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/16666196/…
Q: Code-Folding Code

Elegiacim working on code-editor (WinForms) and now I need to work on code-folding something like this 1: i already find some opensource code and project but almost everything has a reference, .dll, or 3pps .and I try to find some on mdsn but theres no such thing as code-folding in there . really ne...

anyone? :D
Can anyone shed some light on what's going on here? Specifically, I see the => lambda operator -- LINQ related? But I don't have a clue how that relates to the try/catch....
@ParrotMac The lambda just lets a function be there (so to speak). Care to be more specific? I'm afraid I didn't completely answer your question.
Thanks -- that makes a little more sense.
I'm trying to pull back a JSON object via HTTP in WP8, and I'd like to make it async. Something in this method isn't working. This isn't a lot to go on, but I'm confused because I set breakpoints at lines 8 and 14 (in Visual Studio) and I'm not getting either
@ParrotMac Do you mean you're not breaking at the breakpoints? If so, make sure you're on debug and not just browsing. If that doesn't help what usually does the trick is clean the solution, then re-build it. Happened to me before in C++ (never in C# tho, so I just hope it would help hehe).
Yeah that's what I was trying to say :P It's not breaking there. Cleaning is a good idea! I should be used to cleaning considering I'm coming from Eclipse...
@ParrotMac Completely different for me. I tried Eclipse but Visual Studio's IntelliSense spoiled the crap out of me, hehe. Keep me posted whether it's breaking or not ^^.
@Ken Haha alright -- it's breaking at line 4 where I've set an additional breakpoint, but not beyond that. I'm only passing in a request, but I'm suddenly wondering if I've failed to implement this method fully. On line 4 I see asyncResponse , but it's not defined anywhere else. Does that mean asyncResponse can be any type?
@ParrotMac Yes, it stops at line 4 because the next of the code is being executed asynchronously (of course). asyncResponse cannot be any type you want it to be. The type is defined at the HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse function.
Perhaps you could implement the method synchronously so you could debug properly, and then when everything's fine go back to async.
@Ken That's a good idea -- thanks for your help!
@ParrotMac Gladly :)
Q: Code-Folding Code

Elegiacim working on code-editor (WinForms) and now I need to work on code-folding something like this 1: i already find some opensource code and project but almost everything has a reference, .dll, or 3pps .and I try to find some on mdsn but theres no such thing as code-folding in there . really ne...

Anyone knows ScriptResource.asd?
Anyone's good at recursive treeView bindin?
Q: use c# class object in javascript

rahularyansharmaI want to use a object which is created in c# class in javascript . I know i can use json library to convert my server side object to JSON object so that it can be use in javascript. I have downloaded the Newtonsoft.Json library for this . i have following aspx.cs page code using Newtonsoft.J...

@ParrotMac try sublimetext as editor
@xcx I really like SublimeText, I just have NPP on this machine -- my actual development is going on in W8 under VMWare Workstation
anyway for c# nothing better than VS
little question
I should probly use a dictionary, but I store a list of Order (an object) and don't want to have more than one item per order.Ticket, I was doing list.Add(order) , or list.RemoveAll(i => i.Ticket == someticket), but in certain cases it's a modify, so need to remove then add? or something less ugly?
You don't need to remove/add to modify an object in a list
But yes, a Dictionary will make more sense if it's a 1-1 map
I have something like IDictionary<int, List<Order>>
so it would make IDictionary<int, IDictionary<Order>>
thefun has now arrived
@xcx I'm confused, so your int in the original dictionary represents what? The order.Ticket?
well as long as it's not 3 inset, it's ok :) IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, IDictionary<Order>>>
@RudiVisser the client id
there can be more than one client tracked at once, in the program, each having a list of, positions
@xcx Ah right, so you have multiple clients, then a list of UNIQUE (based on order.Ticket) orders
Well then I'd say a dictionary within a dictionary would be OK, but do you not have a client object that could contain this info?
fastcolored textbox do all what i wanna do :(
@RudiVisser the API provide a QuoteClient.GetOpenedOrders returning a Order[], but I apply a filter for keeping in my static volatile IDictionary<int, List<Order>> opened only a subpart of them
which will be static volatile IDictionary<int, IDictionary<Order>> opened now
it would be too havy to use GetOpenedOrders and apply the filter function each time
since it do database requests
Yeah I see, so you've got a client object that returns only ALL orders and you only want to store some
In that case your dictionary<dictionary> cache is probably best
Unless you need to go another level like you say, because then it gets messy :D
yep ok thanks
@RudiVisser would be asary
Yeah, I used a D<D<D<D>>>> not so long ago, can't remember what it was for but there was not much I could do to get around it
cos it was either that or create objects that contain them within itself so same thing, just abstracted out
well actually it's like int[][][][], but in less flexibly
if the key is always int
hmm forget it doesn't make sense ^^
D<D<D<D>>>> means there should be recursion or object pointers somewhere maybe
correction, static volatile IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, Order>>
hi, i need some help. What would be the best way to install a windows service programmatically without using dlls (if this is possible)?
What do you mean by example? It is a normaly windows service, actual im trieng to use assembly installer, but this is not working. System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller Installer = new System.Configuration.Install.AssemblyInstaller();
Installer.Path = string.Concat(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "WindowsService2.exe");
Installer.UseNewContext = true;
What is not working?
You could probably just launch installutil btw
and all installutil does is wrap some code
So you can decompile installutil and call whatever that calls
I believe it's about 2 lines
how to convert bmp file to jpeg 2000 in c#?
noob style - go to ms paint - insert bmp image then save it as jpeg hahaha peace
ask master @RudiVisser he knows everything . hes a God
there must be some lib
which lib?
System.Drawing! Oh JPEG2000 is something stupid
dont make master @RudiVisser mad he can create a sudden storm hahaha
Q: JPEG 2000 support in C#.NET

Gordon Carpenter-ThompsonIt seems that .NET can't open JP2 (Jpeg 2000) files using the GDI library. I've searched on google but can't find any libraries or example code to do this. Anybody got any ideas? I don't really want to pay for a library to do it unless I have to..

nice ... :D
@Rithesh That's from JP2 -> BMP, but I'm sure FreeImage will support the other conversion too
is it possibl to convert bmp to jpeg2000 using c#?
hmm sorry but wtf, Ihave this:
`static IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, Order>> opened;`

`foreach (Order e in opened.Values) {
UpdateOrder(e, conn);
is actually compiling
@Rithesh Are you kidding me?
where void UpdateOrder(Order o, MySqlConnection conn)
the foreach on a double dimension Dictionary .Values give directly the leaf values?
sounds crazy simple, but I don't believe it
can't underdtand the line 2 to 4
static IDictionary<int, IDictionary<int, Order>> opened;
It's creating a list of all of the orders for all of the clients
.Values is all of the values in the dict, irrespective of the key
I'd have first come with foreach (IDictionary<int,Order> e in opened.Values) {
then another one inside
but iteration are smarter than me, I guess
Well basically with the first code you're ignoring the fact it's a dictionary
It's essentially this
foreach(Order e in (List<Order>)myobj) {
    UpdateOrder(e, conn);
Because you've removed all significance of the client segmentation, and the key
the dumb way
@RudiVisser ah ok
@RudiVisser that's wanted, thanks
But btw that wasn't actual working code that I posted, I meant that's what your first set of code did in simpler terms
ok, yes the casting in List is prbly wrong
Yes very wrong I was just saying what it would be like doing, just having a List of your Orders
That said, you can use this code
foreach(var order in opened.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Values).ToList()) {
    UpdateOrder(order, conn);
yep, I had foreach (Order o in opened.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Value)) { with the former opened Dictionary<int,List<Order>>
2 hours later…
Hello guys one question.. C# is strongly typed according to wikipedia but if we write string x = "123" + 3 it will implicitly convert 3 to string. Doesn't this make it also weakly typed?
anyone ever tried this

@Loclip let's say it's less strong typed than haskell for example
@xcx but can we also say that C# is also weakly typed?
Why C# isn't the real top programming language ?
because functional languages can be better
Java is in the Top ! What makes c# fall behind ?
for doing neuron networks or other more mathematical stuff
imo, erlang is a language where it is itself a network of processes, each one have a state, it's natively good for doing state machines
xcx :)
Anyone here that wants to join me in the sql room and discuss a issue with me?
Sure @Markus
good morning
But you are not in the Sql chat room @Markus
Good morning @Steve

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
gotta be more specific
hi guys
i am trying to developed Remote Destop sharing application in C#
i found code which uses RDPViewer Classes thats found window Vista later version bt i have to execute on window xp if any body have any alternative idea about this then discuss with me
Sometime solutions are so simple ...
Q: Slow WCF Host when hosted in another AppDomain

DarekI am having a weird problem. If the WCF host is hosted in the original AppDomain, the code takes 1.25s to execute. However if I put it in a new AppDomain, despite the fact that I still use net.pipe or net.tcp to talk to it, the process takes 4.7s to run. Here is the code with app.config in the co...

A follow up ... can one run ServiceHost without a tcpip port?
I.E. what if i wanted to run everything internally with net pipes
we used to run all of our webservices at one of my old companies with net.pipe because of bandwidth
right, seems to be fast
does net.pipe allow for ports?
no, right?
it must have different paths to listen on, correct?
I think making a webservice listening on net.pipe is just a matter of configuration
the code works in mysterious ways
or was it the Lord?
nope, wasn't me
that was not true so I deleted it
t is actually faster
and you are right @deltree, at least partially, cause my Q was not specific enough
I just realized that new ServiceHost() does not require a base Uri
so you can have multiple pipes and IP port occupied
that's the beauty of wcf, you can set up 90-million endpoints if you care
interestingly enough, more pipes does not equal better performance
I guess thread management overhead kicks in
what I really meant (again) was more hosts in app domains does not equeal better performance
@deltree pipes can go cross servers, right?
yes, but there's tricks to that sometimes
can't remember them from 3 years ago though
basically a pipe technically only works in a single box, but I think there's tricks to making it think it's in one box, or maybe it's a vm thing
can't remember
feeling really stupid trying to discuss something I haven't looked at in so long
thanks @deltree
A secure, reliable, optimized binding that is suitable for on-machine communication between WCF applications
definition of Net Pipe
NetMsmqBinding - A queued binding that is suitable for cross-machine communication between WCF applications.
Besides saving to SQL, what do you guys think is the best way to save configuration information of the program ?
persist across workstations? @AndréSilva
No need.
Program runs on each computer but needs to load some configuration. And it changes according to the user.
"User Settings Applied" on Code Project
I was thinking of XML, but I rather ask here.
XML will work
Hm, I'm reading that article now. Did not know about user.config
Yeah, I'm on that one
Searched after you told me.
Hi guys. Does anyone know if its possible to create a stream from a List<object> rather than a file?
you can StreamWriter whatever you want @HansRudel
as long as you can assume that new line is a new object and your object has Parse() and ToString()
@Darek Sorry im a little lost, the constructors dont seem to support List<object>. Each object in the List<object> is a custom class used to hold the data from a database.
yeah ok so that prob wont work then? @Darek
the constructor will not support it
How do you want the objects to be serialized?
but you can write a List<object> to a Stream
Use XmlSerializer
A Stream deals with a series of bytes. A List<object> is a list of objects. Therefore, you must convert the list of objects to a series of bytes.
@KendallFrey Hey buddy. Im trying to transfer data via WCF net.tcp. Ive read that i should use streams if im transfering a large amount of data
rightly so
Streams as opposed to what?
@HansRudel you should not concern yourself with it
just decorate with DataContract
it will get serialized
Q: WCF Streaming large data (500MB / 1GB) on a self hosted service

user2003667I'm currently experiencing an issue trying to send large data using WCF self hosted service (no IIS). Transferring 500MB using streaming results with my service crashing with System.OutOfMemoryException. Is it possible at all to transfer such amount of data? Here is my WCF configuration: <syste...

It is possible but I'd rather chunk it anyway
why risk loosing it during transmission
so is there a limit to how much u can send in 1 chunk though?
@Darek thanks very much, ill have a read, brb
When you have a large amount of data to transfer, the streaming transfer mode in WCF is a feasible alternative to the default behavior of buffering and processing messages in memory in their entirety.
right now, you are most likely using buffering, right @HansRudel
Is there a way to use this foreach (ToolStripControlHost tsItem in menuConfiguracao.DropDownItems) as using(..) ?
@AndréSilva using is only for IDisposable
why? @AndréSilva
@Darek yeah, i havent messed with it so im pretty sure its Buffered.
@drch Yeah, I'm getting an error because of that :(
@Darek Because I want to write the options the user selected and put into the user settings
And I'm putting with a delimiter
And I don't want to use substring to clean the last pipe
I wanted to do a clean way but..
using doesn't make sense. its just syntactic sugar for making sure your resources are disposed correctly
So you want String.Join('|', IEnumerable<string>) @AndréSilva
o.o Holy cow..
Also, I absolutely love IEnumerable.
@Darek Ok, guide me through this darkness, never used that.
@ShotgunNinja IEnumerable is so 2000. IEnumerable<T> is where it's at.
:) you want to concatenate a few strings with a pipe, right? @AndréSilva
@KendallFrey You know what I mean, lol
@Darek so basically if i can load all the data into memory, i can use buffered. In a situation where id run out of ram, i need to use streams?
The output will be in the IEnumerable<string> right ?
@ShotgunNinja But a computer wouldn't. And that's a problem.
given your example, String.Join('|', menuConfiguracao.DropDownItems.Select(s=>s.Text) ) @AndréSilva
@KendallFrey You're not a computer.
Yes I am.
No you're not.
Yes I am!
I may not be binary, but I'm still a computer.
Did you know that the human brain is both analog and digital?
@KendallFrey If you're a computer, you don't work as binary, you work as bipolarity.
@Darek Going to test it :D
I thought human brain was more quantum
What is bipolar? A sexually curious polar bear.
@KendallFrey YES!
I LEARNED THAT yesterday actually reading up on neural networks
But how is a brain digital ?
@Darek Not exactly. Maybe quantized. I'd describe it as quantized analog.
@Steve lmao
@AndréSilva Neurons fire at distinct moments, instead of outputting a continuous signal.
So you're saying my ass is digital too ? Because I poop at distinct moments instead of outputting a continuous poop.
Nice analogy...
My ass is binary. Cheek 0 and Cheek 1.
Neurons only fire when input is bigger than some threshold. It should, however, be noted that firing doesn't get bigger as the stimulus increases, its an all or nothing arrangement.
I'd say you use Reactive Extensions to throttle your poop output @AndréSilva
@Steve Firing doesn't get bigger, but closer together.
@Darek Oh btw, ToolStripItemCollection doesn't have a Select method
@Darek I have a Reactive Extension™, but it has nothing to do with poop.
the key point here is that the strength of the input doesn't matter, its either all (1) or nothing (0)
@Steve This is where ANNs differ.
I think there is more analog than you make it sound though.

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