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i copied and pasted that from the website, not my words
The strength of the signal is determined by the density of the firing, not just whether or not it receives a fire.
ohh i did not realize that
i picked up an AI book last night, really excited to get deeper into it (thats what... he said?)
Yep, he did say that.
Yes it does when you bring LINQ @AndréSilva
I think the archaic form is funnier though.
it is a collection, as such it can be queried
Yeah I was looking at MSDN, I think something is missing in my libraries
TWSS -> Said the actress to the bishop.
@derek we had to use net-pipe at an old organization because we were passing 600+mb pdfs over the wire
@Darek there, that one ^
Holy cow! @deltree
net-pipe accross servers?
Oh dear... O_o
youtrack is picking up my configuration from my other partition
thats fuckin dumb
I remember back when people kept referring to the CD drive as the D: drive. I don't think I ever had a CD drive that was called D:
Neighter do I D:
this is a java web application. if anything should be drive letter agnostic, its that
@deltree are you sure? everything I read so far says pipes are restricted to in-memory transfers
usually i had D or E for the cd drive
and what was floppy, F?
A: and B:
yeah a
i think my B was always the 5 and a half incher
A: & B: - Floppy drive C: & D: - Hard drive E: & F: - Optical drive Everything else - USB/Network drives
My rule of thumb
@Darek I'm pretty sure all the net-pipe apps had to be on the same physical machine, but I think we managed to allow it to pass between the VMs
@Steve there's a penis joke in there somewhere
oh, didn't notice
for once i missed a perverted joke
ps it was 5 1/4
meh, its been 20 years, give me a break :p
@Darek I can't use Select in any way. And I've got System.Collection.Generics and I'm using framework 4 :(
perfect just add linq @AndréSilva
using System.Linq;
It is there already :(
what is the type of DropDownItems collection?
is it bad practice to have a class inside another class?
class MyClass
DropDownItems is a ToolStripItemCollection
class anotherClass : MyClass

@HjalmarZ if the nested class is public and used elswhere, then it can get smelly
but if its private, youre ok
You might have to Cast<T> it @AndréSilva
@AndréSilva c-c-c-combo breaker
I only want to be able to reach anotherClass like this:
@HjalmarZ why?
thats what namespaces are for
the only other reason to do that is if your nested class needs to access non-public members of the outer class
fair enough
also, objects
this.AnotherClass = new AnotherClass();
I've only ever done a handful of classes, still learning
yeah I do that ^
Then youc all MyClass.AnotherClass.Method
Yeah, that's what I do right now.
@Darek Ok, I'm going to claim my newbiesh roots and ask, cast to what ? ._. I tryed ToolStripItem and ToolStripItemCollection and both prompted an error.
then AnotherClass should not be inside MyClass it should be a separate file
Ok thanks!
I'll change it
Arggh, you are making me write code @AndréSilva BRB
someone pick a number between 1-1000
WinForms or WPF @AndréSilva
@Darek Really sorry, you told me new stuff, I usually get lost
you guys are the worst random number generator ever
@AndréSilva String.Join("|", this.toolStrip1.Items.Cast<ToolStripItem>().Select(s => s.Text))
works like a charm
That was almost the same thing I was doing !
if you want to only process certain types, than use Where() after Cast
Why was it erroring before >.>
You'll hate my entire family if I tell what it was...
after cast
but the Cast has to be to higher level
String.Join("|", this.toolStrip1.Items.Cast<ToolStripItem>().Where(w => w is ToolStripButton).Select(s => s.Text))
What was it @AndréSilva
@Darek Parenthesis. :(
:( I feel bad about myself.
Get your credit card out and purchase ReSharper from JetBrains
best money I've ever spent
Really? I find it tedious myself...
What am I doing wrong here?
using (FileStream file = File.OpenRead(path))
        using (XmlReader xml = XmlReader.Create(file))
                object o = XmlSerializer<T>.Instance.Deserialize(xml); //error here
How come @StefanDenchev
This is a project for the office. I don't want to spend my money with the company :(
But I'll give the idea to the boss.
Get your manager to buy it
it is not THAT expensive
@StefanDenchev stepping through, it looks like xml is null
@Darek Well, first you have to learn to use it, which is obviously a bother... And for the admittedly little time i've spent using it, i've found it rather useless :)...
I know a lot of devs use it though, so it must have some use :P...
Just never found it myself.
@StefanDenchev @AndréSilva would not have missed the parenthesis if he was using R#. Refactoring ... flawless, Code Cleanup ... excellent
there are many many more features that I use every day
@kush what are you trying to do exactly? Your code seems rather odd to me, that is if you're trying to serialize and object.
i.e. Test Runner
Find Usages
Code Issues
it is a time saver, BIG TIME, for me
It's like using a spell checker :)... I never liked those things :P.
now you are pushing it @StefanDenchev :)
Hey @Darek I want to get the Names and join with the pipes just when the toolstripitem is checked. Shouldn't this do the trick?
string.Join("|", this.menuConfiguracao.DropDownItems.Cast<ToolStripControlHost>().Where(w => ((CheckBox)w.Control).Checked).Select(s => s.Name));
XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(profile));
using (Stream f = new FileStream(current.path, FileMode.Create))
x.Serialize(f, current);
catch (Exception e)
@AndréSilva yes, it should
it might be safer to check for type first
as for a Button cannot be cast to CheckBox
string.Join("|", this.menuConfiguracao.DropDownItems.Cast<ToolStripControlHost>().Where(w => w.Control.GetType() == typeof(CheckBox) && ((CheckBox)w.Control).Checked).Select(s => s.Name));
What is kush doing? Deserializing?
or w=> w.Control is CheckBox && ((CheckBox)w.Control).Checked
matter of taste
@AndréSilva There's .OfType extension method in LINQ that may be useful to you.
How to use that ?
BTW, ToolStrinButton cannot be cast to ToolStripControlHost
OfType is good too
I've forgot about that one
There is no ToolStripButton here ._.
Ah... I'm trying to wrap this class, but the method is private. What should i use?
@AndréSilva You can do stuff like Controls.OfType<CheckBox> and I believe it'll return a strongly-typed IEnumberable<CheckBox>
(and filter out things that aren't checkboxes, of course.)
@AndréSilva String.Join("|", this.toolStrip1.Items.OfType<ToolStripButton>().Select(s => s.Text))
or String.Join("|", this.toolStrip1.Items.OfType<CheckBox>().Select(s => s.Text))
@StefanDenchev thank you
depending on your type
Not working ;p
Clicked once, got an empty string.
Clicked twice, got "|"
because it is hosted
so of type will not work
But it was happening with .Cast too
the w.Control is a CheckBox
not w
w=> w.Control is CheckBox && ((CheckBox)w.Control).Checked
What is this guys, Winforms or Webforms?
So .Select would be based on w ?
No, w.Control.Checked
@StefanDenchev what is current.path?
if you are looking for name ..
is it host control name or checkbox name?
I think it is checkbox name
@kush the path i want to serialize to - it's a string.
It is dynamically created there.
I believe your CheckBox is nested in a container
@kush what are you trying to do? Serialize or Deserialize?
so your select should probably be s.Control.Name
It worked
just like your where is w.Control.Checked
But I did as ((CheckBox)s.Control).Name
I have an XML file that I am trying to load
is s.Control.Name not accessible?
Neither w.Control.Checked
@kush is it a serialized object?
I have to cast as checkbox
or just an xml document
@StefanDenchev just a document
you could do Where(w=>w.Control is CheckBox).Select(s=>(CheckBox)s.Control).Where(w=>w.Checked).Select(s=>s.Name) @AndréSilva
Then you definitely don't want to use my example.
Just a moment.
Q: How does one parse XML files?

domoaringatooThe default methods for dealing with XML in C# seem incredibly crude to me leading me to suspect that I must be missing something in my searches. Is there a simpler method of parsing XML files in C#? If so, what?

this way you'd unbox only once
not twice
Wrapping a private method? Any help? :)
Worked perfectly.
Well done guys.
._. I don't know.
@StefanDenchev Probably will have to use reflection to get the private method, eh?
Now I need to make the settings work :)
Thanks so much @Darek :)
Probably :)...
Uh, hi there, @FlorianMargaine
@AndréSilva WPF?
@StefanDenchev WinForms ._.
@KendallFrey Command boo does not exist. Did you mean: foo, boom
I mean: why not use WPF?
@CapricaSix Who the f*** are you?
@StefanDenchev It was supposed to be a little project and turned out that everyone wants it here.
@KendallFrey hi there.
It's the blond cylon :)!
@StefanDenchev thank you
What do you mean by that ?
NP @AndréSilva hopefully you can pass it forward
Never watched BSG?
@Darek I'll surely study more about linq and stuff. I'm still raw.
@StefanDenchev Not much. But I know who you're talking about.
I just did not understand why ._.
@StefanDenchev I have not
I was wondering why it didn't one box.
@AndréSilva what's it about?
!!cowsay C++ sucks!
< C++ sucks! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
No idea anymore
Aw, thanks, @JeffBridgman
@KendallFrey that's so totally not suspicious...
What's suspicious?
@KendallFrey What isn't? :P
!!cowsay e=>< T=U C++ really sucks!
too late. Not o.O?
< C++ really sucks! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (><)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
             U  ||----w |
                ||     ||
3 messages moved to Sandbox
!!cowsay Or does it?
< Or does it? >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Hm... Not as fun as it looks i'm affraid...
Say, you don't think @CapricaSix is a bot, do you?
> viewed 829 times
what is that, 1995?
!!cowthink @StefanDenchev is a twat
( @StefanDenchev is a twat )
        O   ^__^
         O  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@KendallFrey ???
@StefanDenchev it's a thought. You're not supposed to see it.
!! cowsay ____________
< recursion >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
< ____________ >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Failed to save settings: A configuration file cannot be created for the requested Configuration object.
chmod -R 777 /
._. Not on unix
chmod in the c# room? oh dear...
!! cowsay Moo
< Moo >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
!! cowsay Lorem ipsizzle dolor my shizz nizzle, consectetizzle adipiscing sure. Nullam sapien velizzle, phat volutpat, suscipizzle quizzle, gravida vizzle, gizzle. Pellentesque fo shiz.
/ Lorem ipsizzle dolor my shizz nizzle,   \
\ consectetizzle adipiscing sure. Nullam  /
\ sapien velizzle, phat volutpat,         /
\ suscipizzle quizzle, gravida vizzle,    /
\ gizzle. Pellentesque fo shiz.           /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@ShotgunNinja Lieutenant Obvious, you have been promoted to Captain.
@KendallFrey Woo! I'm a Captain now!
Woo! New internet at home!
I can save $40 a week on gas!
!!cowsay I don't know what I am doing
< I don't know what I am doing >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
wtf happened in here today?
!!/summon 7
We brought Zirak's bot.
is there a pig one?
pigs talking is better then cows talking
!!summon Kendall
What's the worst class in the .NET Framework? FileSystemWatcher seems to be pretty high up there. Does the rabbit hole go deeper?
FileSystemWatcher: somewhere in this room, a file has been changed. right now, youre very cold
id put webforms and viewstate in the list these days
yes viewstate
@JeffBridgman System.LOGIC (It's internal in mscorlib v2.0)
@Steve - i killed him
yeah, lol
with monsanto defected grass
i tired patrone the other week, worst shit i've ever tasted
@Steve I hope you didn't pay for it yourself.
i did, only a double shot though
@Steve - silver?
i believe so, but don't quote me on it
was it clear?
i love that shit
man, you have got to me kidding me
well I normally drink vodka and redbull , but if I'm going to do a shot its usually patron
well, you're probably not a tequila drinker to begin with
i can drink almost anything neat, but that shit straight made me almost vomit all over the bar it was so gross
i drink jose here and there and like it
you like jose over patron?
try avion , its really smooth
i would if i could remember that name at the bar
but when you're drunk and think "man what was it that the guy in c# told me to try".... well it doesn't work too well
its from Entourage , but its a real new tequila
you watch that show?
i watched the first season or two in like.... 08
i liked it at the time, its hard to jump into in the middle though
oh, this came in like season 4 and that weird half season they did in 5
the season where their agent quits or gets fired and starts his own business
thats when i stopped
he comes back
well they come back to him
ahh gotcha
i need to catch up on game of thrones and vikings first
Just watched some of a new Disney TRON cartoon on Netflix, pretty decent.
I laughed when they introduced a character named "Kobol"
im embarrassed to say this, but i've never seen TRON
me neither
@Steve neither the new one or the original?
Darn, you'll have to check (both of) them out sometime.
i hear they're huge programming nerd movies
Is TRON like those light cycles or something?
i should
I played a game called GLTRON once.
@KendallFrey The TRON movie introduced the light cycles game.
It was a fictional game, which then got IRL adaptations.
Was it a fictional IRL game?
Those are awesome.
Nothing is fictional, every story is real~! (hmm, can I drive down the internet on a motorcycle, plz?!)
i hate dealing with people, i picked programming because i dont want to deal with people, i want to stare at a screen and write code
but i still have to deal with this devil woman
@Steve you want to be a code monkey?
no human interraction? no design discussions? no architecture debates?
@deltree - no none of that
nope lol, i don't mind designing, but then i have to deal with people who constantly don't know what they want
i'm almost done with development, way past the design phase, and they're still confused about what they want and keep changing shit
if they'd just have a list of requirements that says: "This is what we want, design and implement"
"You know that house you're almost done building? If you could just add another story right between the other two stories, that would be great, thanks!"
haha exactly
"How hard can it be to add a history/undo feature???"
For a manufacturing robot? No problem!
@Steve So basically, you want to be a mediocre developer for the rest of your life...
yeah, exactly what i was saying
Tons of customers are like that, FYI; never knowing what they really want until they've used something that's been "finished" 10 times.
just be a dick and people will stop talking to you
The problem with being a great programmer is that you get promoted to a position where you write little code.
probably not great for the job security, but it might help you out of your current problem
@drch its not working haha
If you like programming, you better not be good at it.
@Steve Worked for me.
yeah, i imagine kendall works in a cone of silence
i still talk to you brother kendall
We're brothers??? So, what about what happened last night?
yes, kendall, you're my brother
that was just a homosexual incestrious mistake kendall
(btw, i was googling incestrious to made sure i spelled it right when somebody walked up behind me....awwwwwkwarrrd)
I think it's incestuous.
yeah probably, i didn't want to stay on google too long with the results to find out lmao
Huh, are they alternate spellings?
i didn't see a "did you mean", so i assumed my spelling was right, but it could have been so wrong it didn't know what i meant
Two men and a woman were the sole survivors of a plane crash on a remote island. They managed to survive on the island, until two weeks later the woman jumped off a cliff because she was so ashamed of what she was doing. Two weeks after that, the men buried her because they were so ashamed of what they were doing. But two weeks later they dug her up again because they were so ashamed of what they were doing.
lol, you used trying to google a word as spell check?
@ScottSelby i do that all the time
There was a spelling be e contest on Howard stern a few months ago and an intern did that to get the proper spelling and was wrong and they gave him shit more months
@ScottSelby lol
Urban Dictionary is the only dictionary that has "incestrious"
@KendallFrey weird, it brought up urban dictionary when i did it, which should have probably been my first hint that it was wrong
there are lots of brands that are misspelled words
I used "incestuous" as a technical term at my last job for certain kinds of graph relationships in company ownership trees.
Once this chat gets indexed, it will bring something up.
@KendallFrey lmao crap
That feeling when you google a problem and the only result is you asking a question a year ago.
i always get mad that google doesn't return the results i'm expecting and try in all caps cuz i'm angry

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