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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

look at my rep :) ... i have enough ha ha
holy fuck , I just spent like 3 hours trying to figure out why the project I got off of github is missing so many dll's , then trying to download them individually , that wasn't working , then I found the "dlls-needed-for-build" folder
damn I'm stupid sometimes
Hello. I'm new to C# and I'm trying to debug but it runs to fast. How can I make it pause?
Too fast?
Set a break point.
Or, depending on your keyboard configuration (assuming you're using VS 2012), F10 will debug and stop you at the first line in your code.
When it runs it just blinks and it is done. I even tried Console.WriteLine(str); but don't where it is posting it.
ok thanks will try
@LearningC using console?
maybe forget about the Console.ReadLine();
after this line Console.WriteLine(str);
you should always put
because, in console, after the process is done
it automatically exit
or Console.ReadKey();
so it will wait for a key to enter
ohh that is good. I'll use that
try it
yea it works in the cmd
but how come it don't work on debugger
debugger don't wait for me to input a line or key
static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
is your code like that?
only one, i think
System.Console.WriteLine(str); Console.Read();yea i hit f5 and it just blinks it wont wait for me to input a line
did it throw some error?
when I compile it and run with cmd it does wait
is there a debugger setting I have to check?
are you using visual studio
2010 or 08?
Microsfot Visual Studio
Microsfot Visual Studi Professional 2012
where did you put the breakpoint?
dont have a break point
I though the Console.Read(); will prevent it from closing
it should
You have time to help look it over at teamviewer?
ok, let me see, or just printscreen
made a meeting: m13-622-530
how about set a Console.ReadLine(); in your main
at the end
like that?
yes :)
it blinks
oh what's wrong with the debugger
That what I'm trying to find out
I guess I can use ctr+f5
even with break points it dont stop
have you tried just making a simple application?
I don't know how
I'm trying to learn from examples
try making a new console
no that's a class
try to input this
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
then console.readline();
no its ok
I think that is working
I think the problem is in your code,
the one that you tried earlier
yea, was not my code. I got it from a book
Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
it's hard to learn only by yourself, isn't it? :)
you need someone to challenge you :)
that's not the right way
if it does not indent correctly
you have to check the code
so how do I input args? in debugger
at the end
at the end of the code
at the last part
in your main
what's the output?
can't see it in the teamviewer
it's working :)
ReadLine() waits for a return
if you put a text then you enter
then you return a value
No, readline waits for any key
How do I input a command line argument in dugger?>
cc/msdn console.readline
Console.WriteLine("You entered the following {0} command line arguments:",args.Length );
@CCInc http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.console.readline.aspx
@CCInc http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.console.readline.aspx
it is that hard to put a command line argument in debugger?
@LearningC what do you mean?
you mean the args in console??
that's just an array of string
@LearningC You mean start the program in the debugger with certian arguements?
public static void Main(string[] args) how do I fill args in debugger?
yay that worked
don't remove the "{0}"
that holds the object args
Oh thought it converted to ascii or something
shouldn't Console.WriteLine("{0} ",args); write the whole line?
Thanks for the help. Going to go to sleep now. Goodnight everyone
well Good morning here :D
@DarkLight good evening here :D
ahahaha, Different Time Zones :D
@DarkLight Where do you live?
Philippines :D
@DarkLight lol
that will do it
@JABFreeware what do you mean ? :D
@DarkLight halfway around the world.....
hahahaha, yeah almost 12 hours time difference?
what's the date there?
april 20?
@DarkLight 19th 10:13 pm
@DarkLight I'm working on a top secret application
ahahahha, top secret application, what's that?
Application that will
Convert the universe into
Binary digit?
@JABFreeware here it's 20th 11:20 AM
@DarkLight you guys are all screwed up
lol XD
LOL, I haven't sleep yet :(), working also on a top secret application xD
i'm quite sleepy >:O
@DarkLight What does the application do? ooops, cant ask that
@DarkLight But since I see sharp I will find out your app
lol just kiding :D
@JABFreeware LOL, I see sharper, ahahahahhahaha
@DarkLight resolving DNS
IP Address located...
Firewall breached...
NTFS security breached...
Antivirus disabled...
Start Copy...
oh yummy! These are good programs
copy completed...
Access Denied
LOL, I'm too late
@DarkLight good night all!
8 hours later…
I have 2 functions public Result getMovie(string title, List<Result> lr2) and public Result getMovie(string id, List<Result> lr2) and it gives me this error Type 'SearchResult' already defines a member called 'getMovie' with the same parameter types I want to have both functions because I want user to have choice to give title or id
they have to have different names if the types and order of the arguments are the same
GetMovieByTitle(string title, List<Result> lr2){ ... }
GetMovieById(string id, List<Result> lr2){...}
yeah i just though there is a way to do that.. I will separate them..
if id was an int it would work fine
changing the order of the arguments in one of the methods would work but not very clean imo
Johan to the rescue!
been drawing CAD for two weeks now, been pretty fun
Really, drawing, fun?
coding > CAD though
but just inventing stuf and sketching up concepts ispretty fun
making drawings != fun
especially for expensive > 10k$ parts
reading about usability and GUI design lately
I had a 3D model in sketchup that I was working on and really proud of, it's languishing on some forgotten disk somewhere
I hope
If you need simple 3D stuff don't hesitate to ask, I'm pretty decent at polygon modelling. Suck at surface modelling though.
@JohanLarsson can you like make a person?
Does this affect performance:

using System.Net;
WebCient wc = new WebClient();
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later... hello
how do I get the length of a 2 dimensional array?
which length?
rows or columns?
yes, by the way - GetLength takes an int representing which dimension to inspect
how do I get both
can I do Array2d.Length?
that's the total number of elements
you've just said yourself how you do it
also, can't you just read the docs?
Im reading it.
@CCInc that sounds like surface modelling, I can make an ugly one that you would not want :)
man this is mind blowing confusing int[][,,][,] numbers;
you dont see it that much in the wild
@BeginnerCoder Command hangman does not exist.
no hangman?!
you suck
Anyone here good with windows store apps
@TravisJ Command commands does not exist.
there is hangman in there somewhere
Hi Guys, any one can help with my following question?? How to verifiy if there no file within the selected dates?
DateTime from = DateTimePicker1.Value.Date;
DateTime to = DateTimePicker2.Value.Date;

int FileNb = 0;
foreach (photo p in photos)
	if ((p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to))
class photo
	public string name;
	public int size;
	public DateTime stamp;
photo[] photos;
cc is slacking
@BeginnerCoder Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand is slacking (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
where is he
cc you slacker
@BeginnerCoder Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand you slacker
@linguini why not photos.Any(p=>(p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to))?
@JohanLarsson : Checking.
wrote it without vs so syntax can be slightly off
@JohanLarsson : No it doesn't make any difference.
bool photoExists = photos.Any(p=>(p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to));
:8967737 bool photoExists = photos.Any(per => (p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to));
                    if(photoExists!= true)
                        MessageBox.Show("no photos");
@JohanLarsson Actually, even existing photos are not working within the selected dates.
 int FileNb = 0;
foreach (photo p in photos)
	if ((p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to))
	bool photoExists = photos.Any(per => (p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to));
	if(photoExists!= true)
		MessageBox.Show("no photos");

@linguini strange, I would write a unit test for it and debug it I think
^ the code looks fine, but we cant debug it from here ;)
is photos empty? are photos.stamp set correctly? etc
also your photos.Any() isn't actually using the collection :S
No, the selected date is from 19 to 20 April. Some photos exist on 19nth April.
oh yeah, having the check in the loop is not very efficient
maybe on the UI, but step through the code
  bool photoExists = false;
                foreach (photo photos1 in photos)
                    if ((photos1.stamp >= @from) && (photos1.stamp <= to))
                        photoExists = true;
                if (photoExists != true)
                    MessageBox.Show("no photos");
did you step through this with the debugger?
you shouldnt just code and run and code and run and code and run if theres something that looks right and isnt working
is photo.stamp set correctly? is the year set correctly on the datepicker
so many things could impact it
It works guys, as per the suggestions. Put the code outisde of the loop.
what @JohanLarsson gave you was to REPLACE the loop
yes forgot to mention it, same thing really sry
I'm checking the photo stamp and debugging to check everything is correct.
can it be that you have to and from dates mixed?
@linguini good
btw this code only checks if at least one photo exists
actually that seems to be on purpose
@JohanLarsson TimeStamp for both fromm and to is not mixed.
@drch : Checking.
some help please :D
People down voted :(
And rightly so.
Lol never mind
@BeginnerCoder Usually the first few posts are brutal... I know what that is like almost a year here and only 70 something rep. xD
It's fine. I will figure it out some how :)
@BeginnerCoder what was the question?
Just learn to re-phrase the question. :-)
Ask about exact knowledge, not a general question like 'I could use some points in my attempt to make a rocket fly to the moon and back.'
SO != google
it's cooooool
C# chat > google
you could use signalr!
@JohanLarsson thanks, I'll keep googling around :)
Instead, ask something specific, i.e. 'I want to make a rocket fly to the moon and have decided on gasoline to drive the rocket up. I have attached the ignition of BMW but no spark is being created. I have tried A, B, C and D and would like some pointers on how to fix my rocket. This is my rockets code: <snip>'
No, signalr can't be used in this scenario
why not
Beats me, stupid manager.
@BeginnerCoder you have any code?
your manager beats you!?
shit man get another job
Prior to calling people stupid on a public chat, ensure that they never visit here and don't know who you are. Calling your boss stupid whom is a regular here won't give you good points.
@JohanLarsson just a little.
lol @drch
is it 1:1 chat or a chatroom
My boss doesn't even register with a forum
You don't have to register to read this chat :-)
@BeginnerCoder show it here, Roel & drch are superstars
My point is, he doesn't use the internet much except for videos, music and games
@JohanLarsson : it seems like i need to check the time stamp of 'to' becasue in the debugging it shows 00:00:00, so its not taking the photos which i have taken today
good man, looks like you found it then
cc> DateTime d; Console.WriteLine(d.ToShortDateString());
<br><table border='1' cellpadding='2' bgcolor='#FFFFDF' bordercolor='#E8B900' align='center'><tr><td><font face='Arial' size='1' color='#000000'><b>PHP Error Message</b></font></td></tr></table><br />
<b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in <b>/home/a5663110/public_html/ideone.php</b> on line <b>27</b><br />
<br><table border='1' cellpadding='2' bgcolor='#FFFFDF' bordercolor='#E8B900' align='center'><tr><td><div align='center'><a href='http://www.000webhost.com/'><font face='Arial' size='1' color='#000000'>Free Web Hosting</font></a>
(see full text)
cc> DateTime d; Console.WriteLine(d.ToShortDateString());
<br><table border='1' cellpadding='2' bgcolor='#FFFFDF' bordercolor='#E8B900' align='center'><tr><td><font face='Arial' size='1' color='#000000'><b>PHP Error Message</b></font></td></tr></table><br />
<b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in <b>/home/a5663110/public_html/ideone.php</b> on line <b>27</b><br />
<br><table border='1' cellpadding='2' bgcolor='#FFFFDF' bordercolor='#E8B900' align='center'><tr><td><div align='center'><a href='http://www.000webhost.com/'><font face='Arial' size='1' color='#000000'>Free Web Hosting</font></a>
(see full text)
boo urns
@JohanLarsson : How can i set the time for 'from' & 'to'?
To upload a project to the codeplex does it need to be 100% legal?
Define legal.
I made a dll for personal use that scrap content from a site
and want to share it
I haven't had issues with anything of that nature.
It should be allowed; after all, you're not providing illegal content.
ok thank you
Your consumers are just breaking the TOS of a remote site. :-P
@linguini no idea, your code looked ok at a glance
@JohanLarsson : Becasue the photos have taken today is not transferring. May be the time stamp problem.
@linguini: where ARE you setting the from and to?
where are the photo objects created
@RoelvanUden have you used codeplex?
@Loclip Yeah, and github (I prefer the latter).
Actually my application, in the beginning it reads all the photos(initialize the phone images) then based on the selection like last 50 images..... one option is the calander (datetimepicker) to select 'from & to'.
@drch Actually my application, in the beginning it reads all the photos(initialize the phone images) then based on the selection like last 50 images..... one option is the calander (datetimepicker) to select 'from & to'.
@RoelvanUden there are 3 options git, team foundation server and mercurial. Which one to choose?
@linguini: show the code where you initialize the images
First time in this chat, can I just ask questions or what ? :p
@Loclip Depends on your personal and team preferences :-)
@SergeMorel: yep. fire away
@Loclip For CodePlex, Team Foundation Server makes sense as it is integrated into VS.
I'm having problems adding controls to a customly made form
As I'm drawing my own caption bar & adding my own caption buttons
I want to add normal controls to the form, the only problem is the Location property of those controls
:8968061 iPhone iphone = new iPhone();

public  string devicetype;
int fileNb;

bool bVisible;

class photo
	public string name;
	public int size;
	public DateTime stamp;
photo[] photos;
private void IPhoneImages_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	iphone.Connect += new MobileDevice.ConnectEventHandler(getInfo);
	iphone.Disconnect += new MobileDevice.ConnectEventHandler(remove);
	iphone.RecoveryModeEnter += new EventHandler(recovfound);
	if (iphone.IsConnected == true)
		getInfo(null, null);
(see full text)
they're relative to the form, but not the clientrectangle (the rectangle without the caption)
@RoelvanUden oh now I get it.. I just didnt know what git and the other thing was
Google doesn't seem to know a lot about this subject
@linguini: where do you add anything to the photos[] array ?
:8968127 In this function: private void b_Calander_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.UseWaitCursor = true;
                b_Fifty.Enabled = false;
                b_Hundred.Enabled = false;
                b_AllImages.Enabled = false;
                g_Calander.Enabled = false;

                DateTime from = DateTimePicker1.Value.Date;
                DateTime to = DateTimePicker2.Value.Date;

                if (DateTimePicker1.Value > DateTimePicker2.Value)
(see full text)
youre killin me
you have a problem with properties of the photos
but you are not showing where they are created in the first place
@drch sorry:
:8968183 :using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MobileDevice;
using Telerik.WinControls;

namespace Iphone_NewThemes
    public partial class IPhoneImages : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm
        iPhone iphone = new iPhone();

        public  string devicetype;
        int fileNb;

        bool bVisible;
(see full text)
debug around this line to make sure your logic is correct for parsing the seconds
photos[i++] = new photo { name = pth + "/" + t0, size = Convert.ToInt32(dd.Values.ElementAt(1)), stamp = dt1 };
@drch ok, doing it.
@drch Could you please tell me what should i look for?? is it the time stamp?
did you write all this code or did you get it from somewhere else?
@drch : it was given by my responsible to look for bugs, so i found some bugs.
i see
@drch he'll be happy if i fix these bugs. i have already fixed 2.
If a class library can built in Framework .NET 2 is it preferable to make it in .NET 2 or is still better to use latest Framework? No change in code needed, for both Frameworks is same code.
@drch could you please tell me what should i do here?
you should step through with the debugger and see what's happening when the photos are initialized
@drch yep, that part i understood for exmaple, i got 290 photos then i have stepin 290 times to debug. I guess it's a problem with the timestamp, is that correct?
it would seem so
@drch any hint to change the timestamp?
how would I initialize this ` int[][,,][,] numbers;`
@linguini You want to change the timestamp of a photo? is that the question?
@CCInc : I'm reading photos from IPhone and in my code i have a problem in getting the recent timestamp.
which section of your code?
@CCInc At this line:photos[i++] = new photo { name = pth + "/" + t0, size = Convert.ToInt32(dd.Values.ElementAt(1)), stamp = dt1 };
Full Code:        private void CheckDevice()
            this.UseWaitCursor = true;
                string[] dr = iphone.GetDirectories("/DCIM");

                fileNb = 0;
                foreach (string d0 in dr)
                    if (d0.Contains("APPLE"))
                        string pth = "/DCIM/" + d0;
                        string[] t = iphone.GetFiles(pth);
(see full text)
what does this mean If separate Set and Get methods were used to model properties, the equivalent code might look like this: here: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228368.aspx
@LearningC: its comparing autoproperties with get and set methods in other languages
@drch oh so I can do person.SetAge(person.GetAge() + 1); in c#?
er if you write those methods you could
ok i havent gotten to methods yet. But I think in Java they use the same syntext
thanks for the information
yeah, you normally would do something like this:
class Person {
   private int _age;

   public getAge() { return _age; }

   public setAge(int value) { _age = value; }
so to increment age by 1, you would do setAge(getAge() + 1)
but in c# you have properties
class Person {
   public int Age { get; set; }
so to increment by 1 you can just do person.Age += 1;
Thanks that what I did nameProgram.SetAge += 1; but when I tried nameProgram.SetAge(nameProgram.GetAge() + 1); it gave me error =)
was very confused
can I have more than on class in the same .cs file?
yep. you typically keep it to 1 class per file just so its well organised
if im writing a bunch of new code, ill often do it all in one file at first and then split them out when im done.
how do you reference other class?
@LearningC what do you mean?
@drch I prefer modular style; put related stuff in the same file like I would in Python and Haskell.
@Zoidberg is I have main in one .cs how do I reference a class in another .cs file
For example, class HTTPRequest and class HTTPResponse would go into the same file.
@LearningC just by the class name.
in .net it wouldnt
oh it is that simple. nice
@drch It's not required but I do it.
Because I like it.
then keep doin it
Of course. :P
It's a matter of style.
its also a matter of standard conventions.
Which are style. :v
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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