:8968127 In this function: private void b_Calander_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.UseWaitCursor = true; b_Fifty.Enabled = false; b_Hundred.Enabled = false; b_AllImages.Enabled = false; g_Calander.Enabled = false; DateTime from = DateTimePicker1.Value.Date; DateTime to = DateTimePicker2.Value.Date; if (DateTimePicker1.Value > DateTimePicker2.Value) { var verifiydate = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "French" ? "Veuillez vérifier les dates." : "Please verfiy the dates."; MessageBox.Show(verifiydate, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageIcon.Exclamation); CheckDevice(); return; } //IEnumerable query = photos.OrderByDescending(photo => photo.stamp); //Photo verification bool photoExists = false; foreach (photo photos1 in photos) { if ((photos1.stamp >= @from) && (photos1.stamp <= to)) { DateTime d = new DateTime(); Console.WriteLine(d.ToShortDateString()); photoExists = true; break; } } if (photoExists != true) { var verifiydatePhotos = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "French" ? "Il y a pas des photos." : "No Photos exists."; MessageBox.Show(verifiydatePhotos); CheckDevice(); return; } int FileNb = 0; foreach (photo p in photos) { if ((p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to)) { FileNb++; } //this.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } progressBar1.Value = 0; progressBar1.Maximum = FileNb; progressBar1.Visible = true; lblInfo.Text = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "French" ? "Chargement des images...." : "Loading Images...."; //"Chargement des images..."; lblInfo.Visible = true; int i = 0; foreach (photo p in photos) { if ((p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to)) //if (photos.Any(per => (p.stamp >= from) && (p.stamp <= to))) { TransferImageToPC(p); progressBar1.Value = i; i++; var verifyphase1 = "Chargement des images... (" + i + "/" + (FileNb + 1) + ")"; var verifyphase12 = "Processing images... (" + i + "/" + (FileNb + 1) + ")"; lblInfo.Text = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "French" ? verifyphase1 : verifyphase12; //lblInfo.Text = "Chargement des images... (" + i + "/" + (FileNb + 1) + ")"; } //this.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } progressBar1.Visible = false; lblInfo.Visible = false; TransfertAndHide(); this.UseWaitCursor = false; } catch (Exception) { lblInfo.Text = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "French" ? "Le processus été perturbé." : "The Process was Terminated"; //"Le processus été perturbé."; progressBar1.Visible = false; //MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } }