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I guess it is possible to hook into applications; For example, I could change the program flow and make the program execute a specific function/method. How would I go to this, I would need the adress of the function. I have almost the entire source code, but I am unable to compile it... Any help?
there are many ways to do this CBenni
what OS?
code caves...
@ShotgunNinja - I'm uploading the video now.
which version of windows, smartalecs
well, gotta go
Basically im not asking for a full explanation, keyworsds or further reading would be cool ^.^
@ChadRuppert win7 or xp
m_sockBroadcast.Bind(m_localhost); - so is this not binding my Socket to only send/receive on that IP?
well, it depends on your target application. you can monitor window events and the windows parts, thats the OLD school way of doing it.
thats only for WPF sadly
in Java, 9 mins ago, by Adude11
It always takes between 2 and 4 seconds for the first text to be drawn, after that it's fine
@CBenni Use EasyHook.
^ So guys, this sound like a JVM lazy-loading classes problem to you?
no, no its not. not at all. trust me. i was using vb6 to watch window events in the win32 api 16 years ago
fsck. im old.
@Eve ty
@ChadRuppert mmk
got that wrong
@Billdr any idea?
@Eve thats some cool stuffs!
It works pretty good too.
my 16 year old self would have loved that crap
@klut I'm afraid you lost me.
Like... why wouldn't you be getting lan data off
things are talking to it.
@Eve cool cool thanks for bringing that to my attention
@KendallFrey thats so old
@ShotgunNinja - Here's a demonstration of the symbol portion of the application: youtube.com/watch?v=bW8gWggTImM
@Billdr not really sure what the loopback ip address is for. I'm trying to give the user the ability to choose the network adapter they want to communicate with, then only send UDP out that ip:port and receive only on that ip:port.
Okay. What IP is getting assigned?
@SpencerRuport So it's pretty much a Visio/MultiSIM ripoff.
@ShotgunNinja - For the symbols yeah. It's the templates where it's different.
@klut you might want to listen on all ips. Terraria's server had a bug where it would bind to a specific ip address. and people couldn't get it working right because they didn't get what was going on.
I'm making a video of that now.
I assume you're trying for the wired card and you're getting the wifi card
@SpencerRuport Okay, cool. Just be careful, the government is on Goliath's side when it comes to prior art claims in copyright law...
@Billdr yes, I want to keep it IPv4, LAN specific
right but which IP are you getting? The pc should have two, assuming there are two cards that are connected.
is it sending out my LAN, going through my tunnel, which is sending out my WLAN?
@ShotgunNinja - Aren't there like a million visio ports out there already?
Okay, I'm really lost.
I'm getting both WLAN and LAN receiving
Host: ::1 (Mask:
and stuff like that
Host = (the ip address of the adapter that received that packet)
I don't know off hand, and I'm a bit preoccupied today. Sorry.
@SpencerRuport Nah; Visio just aims to replicate and merge together EVERY diagram type.
It's designed as a multipurpose diagram-editing tool.
Some of those diagram types include: UML, Electrical Diagrams, Mechanical Diagrams, Controls Diagrams, Fluid Power Diagrams, Network Diagrams, Database Diagrams, Concept Diagrams, etc.
sup kids
@TravisJ lol you tricked me :)
The problem is, it's terribly obnoxious to try to use for anything.
Horrible usability.
@Johan - lol how?
@TravisJ I started digging in the history but ended up with just my d*ck in my hand (godfather reference)
I am trying to automate an animation by overloading the edit feature
@JohanLarsson It'd better be a Godfather reference, or I'm citing you for indecent exposure.
::1 is a IPv6-pseudo address that points to localhost
on a windows host that means it bypasses if configuration (does not route to a specific adapter)
not sure if that's useful info.
I think I have it.
@ShotgunNinja lol, you never heard the quote?
It Binds to that IP address I want it to.
            NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();

            foreach (NetworkInterface iface in interfaces)
                IPInterfaceProperties properties = iface.GetIPProperties();

                foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation address in properties.UnicastAddresses)
                    if (address.IPv4Mask != null)
                            "\nHost: {0} (Mask: {1})",
That is being called, and its just looking through that foreach, printing anything that qualifies. not printing what adapters are receiving
@JohanLarsson Nope. Never had the chance to sit down and watch the Godfather movies... I've seen bits and pieces of them.
i have no idea actually. haha
@ShotgunNinja Time well spent imo
I hear ya, but my time is better spent finishing late homework assignments, of which I have many.
the loopback is a virtual interface on many operating systems, it should never represent a physical network interface/adapter, it's also not subject to the routing tables of any specific adapter (sending directly to loop back will bypass firewall rules defined for public-facing IPs/Interfaces, for example)
i think you're on the right track, basically you just need to Bind() to the IP you want to receive on
when you make an outbound connection you can also bind to a specific ip/port (depending on protocol, but I believe UDP functions this way as well)
If you open a listener without an explicit bind, depending on protocol, it would be a bind against all IPs (v6 and v4)
(including loopback)
Does anyone know how a dictionary stores its items in order?
it doesnt
A Dictionary is technically unordered.
@ChadRuppert It does.
you are saying that they keys are always in the same order?
They are in the order they were created.
right, but you can't officially count on it.
i would assume that the keys is a linked list underneath, and the values are just pointers. thats so you can enumerate keys.
string example: (Mask:
anyone good with regex and know how to grab just the
@ChadRuppert Probably an array rather than a LL.
@klut Look up "regex subnet" or "regex ip".
Wait, you said Keys?
The keys are stored in buckets.
or should i just put a space between 5 and ) and just split on spaces haha
as in array segments?
@klut \d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}
@ChadRuppert As in the normal way to store a hash table.
@KendallFrey If you refer to order as in, the order of its enumerator it's the order they were added.
anyone see it?
@Eve But why?
If it was up to me, I wouldn't store the order at all.
Why they implemented it like that? Possibly because the only notion of order one could pour into a dictionary is the one items are added to.
There's probably a reason though.
Well, let's say the only efficient one too.
@Eve Yeah, but I think that the code for an unordered Dictionary would be simpler.
How would you implement IEnumerator?
the ordering is either a side effect of the way the data is stored in a bucket and retreived, or its done so that enumeration through the keys collection is faster.
@Eve Arbitrary order.
\d{1,3} not 0,3
@ChadRuppert Storing data in buckets loses order.
@ShaunWilson Derp yeah.
And you think that random is simpler than the adding order?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Because "Storing data in buckets loses order."
@TravisJ Fornicate off.
you are saying that even when you delete random keys and add more, they still stay in the order added?
I didn't try deletion.
then you have no idea if they stay in order, man. if you are distributing to buckets in a round robin fashion, and read from them the same way, it would maintain that illusion.
or [\.?\d]+
Wowie, deletions make holes that are later filled.
@ChadRuppert You don't understand buckets, do you?
do you mean a heap?
So if I add 1, 2 and 3, delete 2, and add 4, it comes out 1, 4, 3.
yes, based on wiki i understand it completely
and yes, that makes sense
oh hey, also, are these buckets as in a hash table?
Aren't items stored by their hash value?
OK, I looked, and Dictionary uses a LL/array for storing entries, and buckets for storing indices.
@ShotgunNinja Yeah.
thank you.
weird, you can't reply to something with just spaces
@KyleTrauberman There was a jpg above that message for you, breeder.
i saw it
i want it
i need it
i gotta have it
A lot of people have pointed out the bugs in that code. Maybe repost it and get their feedback.
@KyleTrauberman YaY!
1 hour ago, by Billdr
user image
whoever wrote that code is bad at english
and code styling
night all
and coding
I have a feeling the missing space was to get it to fit on the onesie without leading into the baby's armpit.
lol the brackets don't even match
But the whole == true isn't necessary!
and stary_cry()? Method doesn't exist exception
while (child.isBaby())
    if (child.isHungry() ||
        child.diaper.needsChanging() ||
Does it have any of the other methods defined?
technically no
but I'm assuming its supposed to be start_cry()
and the definition isn't shown
You need to spend more time on SO.
There are hundreds of situations where typos are valid code.
also the bracket at the start of and end of the if block are swapped.
Also, HTTP Referer.
I didn't say it wasn't valid
and its missing a bracket at the end
@KyleTrauberman Yes you did.
no, I said method doesn't exist
Which means it's invalid.
Show me valid code that calls a method that doesn't exist.
Fine, Mr. Pedantic. It's possible that this method doesn't exist, which I'm assuming it doesn't based on the typo.
oh crap, I couldn't get the child. added into the last section before the edit timeframe closed.
About our previous discussion, am I a terrible person if I sort a Dictionary and hope it doesn't change in .NET 5?
public void MyMethod(dynamic obj)
    obj.MethodDoesntExist();  // Valid Code
@KyleTrauberman Does it execute successfully?
that depends on if the method exists
it compiles fine
Your mom compiles fine too. Your point is invalid.
valid code == compiles
working code == runs correctly
I tried compiling @Kyle's mom once. I got an exception along the lines of "Image size too large".
Your mother threw an exception last night: DickIsTooBigException
Your mother threw the exact opposite.
Wow, you know ladies don't really like guys whose dicks are too big... Causes tearing and shit.
No, I didn't say anything about me.
You bastard editor.
you removed it before I could move it
In other news, the sidebar needs help.
Empty as fvck.
"the sidebar" which sidebar?
@KyleTrauberman There is only one sidebar.
That's not what your mom said last night.
(that doesn't make sense to me either.)
@KendallFrey Onanist... facepalm I do not think that word means what you think it means.
@KyleTrauberman i still laughed
@TravisJ are you happy or some such thing? You keep dancing
@ShotgunNinja What does it mean then?
I looked it up.
Coitus interruptus.
@Kyle - I am trying to make a fun animation tool for my comments :D
aka pulling out.
@Kyle - that one failed a little though.
@TravisJ ahh
What did you think I meant?
@KyleTrauberman TWSS
Masturbation, as it is often erroneously used.
sorry for the pings
@ShotgunNinja No, that's FAP.
everybody ignores me because i'm annoying
Be happy. You're not the most annoying.
you got a star
you're not that annoying
now, that @Jamie fellow on the other hand
I ignored him
I wonder how many people have ignored him by now?
I didn't even ignore Nadal
Jamie likes being banned. Obvious troll.
@TravisJ Be ready for flags.
@TravisJ slow it down
its too fast
I saw "Kyle's mom" then the dancing guy
I never saw the skittles part.
me neither
@TravisJ The dancing looks better on one line.
I wonder how many terms for genitalia Jon has by now.
1 hour ago, by Billdr
<---big helper. My mom says.
on a positive note: my end of the year report that my boss wrote up was good, so i guess not slacking off in here for 8 hours every work day paid off :)
8 mins ago, by Steve
everybody ignores me because i'm annoying
Or boring.
@ShotgunNinja - Here's a demonstration of the templates. This is the kind of functionality I needed that didn't seem to be available in any other software I looked at. youtube.com/watch?v=s2NijNOdlX0&feature=youtu.be
well, damn
when i'm not boring i get banned and i'm annoying, when i'm not banned or annoying i'm boring, is there no middle ground, fml
screw it, im turning to coke
@Steve lawl
Yeah, pepsi sucks.
no, not that kind of coke,the kind of coke that hung from your moms stache when you were conceived
@ShotgunNinja - Have you seen anything like that before?
Don't look in the mirror. There's something even worse hanging from your stache.
@KendallFrey testicles?
For me, it's the other way around.
your stache hangs off of testicles?
I even have a dedicated comb.
2 bottles of shampoo a month.
@KendallFrey Damn, dude, you use it as lubricant or something?
Only in emergencies.
@SpencerRuport That's pretty cool.
@KendallFrey LOL
i did that a lot when i was younger, some of the brands burn
@ShotgunNinja - Haha okay good I was worried you were gonna be like "Oh yeah such and such product does that already."
Example of emergency: Wife: It's been a while since...
AXE has this one type of body wash
Only one?
i dont remember what its called, but it makes your skin tingle with coolness
its strange, but i stopped buying it because i dont think anything that makes your skin tingle like that can be good for your future children
Where were you last night?
@Steve Dude, you obviously have never been laid.
The tingly skin is what it's all about!
lol only people who haven't been laid... are worried about who has
How did I get so off topic? >.<
this global warming thing.... yeah...
What do you think of the weather lately?
Pretty sunny, yup, yup.
pretty crappy, snow
Could use a good rain, definitely.
last sunday it was 57 degrees, monday we had 3 inches of snow
@Steve its called menthol
total bullshit
@KendallFrey I don't own a comb, zero bottles of shampoo per year
you're bald
or you're a <insert minority here>
lets say I skip the comb-over phase
Are you actually bald?
Or just shaven?
No need to answer.
about the same as this guy not enough to do anything productive really
so I just go 1mm on it once every two-four weeks or so
Guys. I need want opinions.
More coffee.
Keep the facial hair or shave it?
definitely shave, your wife will appreciate it
jk, i like it too much
Shave the regular hair, keep the beard.
@KyleTrauberman keep it but shave head!
i need a haircut
@KyleTrauberman SHAVE NAO!
but I look 12 when I shave
baby face FTL
I look 4, according to some goon in the JS room.
@KyleTrauberman but that looks like a lot of maintenance
var mask = Regex.Match(item.Text, @"([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}[)]");
@JohanLarsson I like the way you think
why no match found?!
@KyleTrauberman We're only half way through Manuary, you can't shave yet.
@kyle - I would rather like 19 than 91. Besides, shaved looks more professional.
I don't plan on shaving any time soon - I've never grown it out and I want to see how it looks longer
In the words of a coworker, "I work at a place where all the men have beards, and half the women do too."
@klut it matches? it also matches the end parenthesis, also
@TravisJ true. It's been nice not getting the stare when trying to buy liquor, then having to dig out my ID
I think I'll keep growing it until after my boys birthday party next month
@JohanLarsson matches, but doesn't work
then decide after that.
@klut did you check out the link?
Anyone see that WSJ article?
which one?
@JohanLarsson yes, doesn't work for me
my paycheck only dropped ~ $47
Single Parent: $260,000
and that's due to an increase in my flexible spending card withholding

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