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Someone over there?
11 hours later…
@OscarJara dime oscar en que te podemos ayudar
@Doorknob hey kiddo ;)
Hey, how are you?
Hanging in there
Kinda sick :( i catched a cold ._.
@Washu you still there? I am dealing with some problem regarding keystores
I am trying to communicate to a webservice using a client with axis2 and a keystore (everything was given to me from a company) but it always shows this error: The certificate for the signature is not trusted
any ideas for this? I know that maybe it needs to be in the trustca certs but it stills failing and there is not coding error it just say axis fault error
oh, sorry, I misread 'keystores' as 'keystrokes' :d
no idea on keystores
:-) don't worry, I am stuck at this
I am looking for a regex pattern for finding twitter short ursl
can anyone help me on it
I tried.. "http://t.co/\w+"
but its not working in all cases
@OscarJara ando algo ocupado ahora... .
@OscarJara can you paste the axis fault error?
@OscarJara si es muy grande usa pastie.org
@Washu esta bien, en un momento mas te envio el link en pastie :-)
@OscarJara primera vez que veo un peruano en SO....
Hey guys, I'm a client-side web dev trying to sort out all of the various technologies in play in our JSP. Where do these guys come from: ${} I've heard them referred to as JSTL-related but I couldn't find any reference to them in docs/examples with a bit of Googling.
@Washu creo que soy la excepcion, de donde eres tu?
@OscarJara Los Olivos, Lima
@Washu porfin alguien mas de Peru, no hay casi nadie
@all Hi
@Washu Hey!
@Washu dame un rato y te envio el error, estoy haciendo unas pruebas antes :-)
Have a doubt on servlet.
Can anyone solve?
@Appu heyy ;)
So nobody can give me a lead on finding docs on these guys: ${}?
@Washu Long time. Problem with servlets deployment.
@ErikReppen checking google :), let me see if i find anything...
@Appu yeah, my boss just came to Peru... He is from USA.... and he is taking advantage of my young soul making me work harder :(
@Washu oh! When will he leave? some kinda hoodoo for you it seems.
@Appu well 2 weeks but he wants to stay longer :(. We are having a lot of problems here....
@ErikReppen What do you mean by "guys come from: ${}"
@Washu Hard times then. Be careful. Bear for until he leaves.
In our JSP, I'm seeing values pulled in via references inside ${} It's not always clear what scope they pull from or how these references are established in the first place. At least not to a JavaScript guy unaccustomed to rummaging through XML files to figure out what the heck is going on.
Note: our codebase is an acknowledged disaster.
Then better paste the code in some websites like pastie and share that link over here or in other rooms.
Or you can post a question over this, if you are clear enough to explain this @ErikReppen
I have learned JSTL too long back.
But now I am in a position to ask help on servlets.
I am off. Bye. Cya later all @Washu @ErikReppen
@ErikReppen Check this. It seems it might be of help.
got it. It's a JSTL where in you can refer a variable. If you give this ${var1} , you would get a value of var1.
@Appu cya take care :)
@Washu I can understand at least by the late replies you are giving that you are very busy because of your boss. :P
@Appu :(
@Washu hey! this is the axis2 error: pastie.org/5709273
Thx. Found it. JSTL expression evaluator. Figuring out what you could do other than just reference things with it was my goal so I can start moving all this taglib stuff out of my JavaScript and into JSON.
hey folks
oh man, taglibs? JSON?
Someone else in the Java room who uses Java web stuff?
@OscarJara lo reviso en un momento.
@ShotgunNinja not me :(
@Washu Ok, espero tu respuesta
I meant @ErikReppen
@ShotgunNinja I found it. And yes, I'd much rather isolate values to discrete JSON objects than have taglibs writing JavaScript. Eventually we'll be pulling the site out of the stone age but that's step 1 in cleaning up the HTML.
You have taglibs writing Javascript?
Why oh why?
That means you have raw Javascript in your generated HTML content?
This is par for course in my career. Any time I've dealt with Java on the back-end I see stuff like this. What's special about this site is that we have Java, .NET, AND Rails in the mix. And they talk to each other. This is my first job where I didn't want to kick the Java devs. Mostly because they get why this is awful. Language seems reasonable. Why did so many people think this was a good idea for like 5 years.?
Which language is reasonable?
Personally, I hate Java with a flaming passion, and I think C# is a step away from being the coolest thing ever. But, my job is in Java development, so I develop in Java.
@ShotgunNinja Why do you hate java?
Well, more reasonable than I had always thought of it as. I do think it self-perpetuates by actually creating a lot of the problems its design claims it solves. My only issue with C# is that I like my languages to have an opinion. I don't love Java's opinion but it has one. I tend to find Python's opinion suits my thought-process best of the stuff I actually know a thing or two about.
It's far too complicated to do anything of value in any reasonable number of steps.
Whereas C# is like the Wal Mart of languages to me. It has everything which is a feat of language design in its own right but it feels a bit more like Wal Mart than an opinion.
^ I understand that.
But in a practical sense, the language is a means to an end to me.
Then you run into the C/C++ issue where everybody tends to do things in completely different ways.
^ Strongly agreed.
My only problem with C# is that it's owned by Microsoft, and their business stance on everything is terrible.
That too. Lock-in blows. I can respect what they've pulled off with C# though.
And with Java I can respect where they were coming from.
Microsoft doing something which works?
Well, I respect Anders Heljsberg for creating C#, and maintaining it so well.
They hired him on to create Delphi after he created Delphi, which was an amazing true integrated development system for Object Pascal, which came in too-little-too-late and lost to C++.
He made Delphi as the replacement for Turbo Pascal, for Borland.
But he's a brilliant programming language architect, and he gets how people are supposed to write code.
Since Oracle took over Java, they haven't done anything to make the language easier to use; in addition, since Java introduced a lot of new concepts, it's now encumbered by a lot of legacy support for things like non-generic containers, odd issues with signed integers, and older coding conventions which became enforced rules.
Through its use in web programming, and simply through its age, Java's been essentially locked into granny-mode.
Staying conservative on changes to the language has probably been an effective business-model for staying entrenched in academic circles, however.
@OscarJara el certificado esta instalado en el keystore no?
@Washu si pero esta algo asi:

- function (certificado con alias function que tiene un root ca e intermediario)
@Washu tambien he tratado de agregar a los trustca pero nada
@OscarJara mira te envio lo que estoy leyendo del servicio WSDOAllReceiver
* Now we can check the certificate used to sign the message. In the
* following implementation the certificate is only trusted if
* either it itself or the certificate of the issuer is installed in
* the keystore.
* Note: the method verifyTrust(X509Certificate) allows custom
* implementations with other validation algorithms for subclasses.

// Extract the signature action result from the action vector
WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult = WSSecurityUtil
.fetchActionResult(wsResult, WSConstants.SIGN);
@OscarJara has probado agregando los trustca? es que deberia funcionar si lo haces el certificado tiene que estar en el keystore del servicio
Thx all for the help/conversation.
@ErikReppen Yeah.
@ErikReppen sorry i wasnt able to help you... i am still a bit newb ;)
@OscarJara mira encontre un caso con el que obtenian la misma excepcion y esta respuesta le han dado
This requires the client cert to be in the keystore of the service. I
>>>guess you can change this ONLY IF you want to trust all the requests
>>>AND if you don't have each client's cert with you.
@Washu gracias por la ayuda pero aun asi sigue saliendo el error, a mi tambien me parece raro
el WSDoAllReceiver va a hacer un Trust Verification por lo que para que no te bote la excepcion deberas agregar al keystore que envias al servicio el certificado del cliente
@Washu no entendi lo que quisiste decir con la respuesta similar al problema que tenia
@OscarJara ya probaste preguntandolo en SO?
@Washu si pero en mi excepcion no sale nada de WSDoAllReceiver, solo sale un axis fault. He visto que esa clase bota ese error pero tambien imprime ese WSDoAllReceiver que en mi caso no esta
@Washu cual es la web donde encontraste el problema similar?
@OscarJara lo siento leeria mas... pero ahora ando en el trabajo y mi cerebro esta full Mysql :(
@ShotgunNinja learn spanish ._.
@Washu Screw that, lol. I'm Murrikan.
Also, Google Translate.
Though it doesn't translate 'bote' properly...
@ShotgunNinja haha, why don't you play Dota2?
@Washu I play LoL.
@ShotgunNinja but Dota2 is funnier :(
@Washu gracias por darte el tiempo, aun no lo he preguntado en SO pero seguire probando
@OscarJara descuida, no he tratado Axis desde hace tiempo... en Cibertec no enseñan Apache :(
@Washu jaja yo tampoco lo he visto mas que en el trabajo
@OscarJara ese es el problema dificilmente exponen nuevos temas en institutos o universidades.... o sea esta bien enseñen Java,C++,C# pero no enseñan implementaciones a alto nivel usando otras herramientas...
@Washu Estoy de acuerdo. Debe haber algunos cursos específicos de tecnología en ciencias de la computación razonable o programa de ingeniería de software.
Forgive the bad translation.
Not sure where 'razonable' came from.
or why it was placed there of all places.
Si, es la verdad
@ShotgunNinja nice try haha
@Washu si pues, aparte que te ensenian cosas bien basicas y con acceso a datos pero nada que ver con el trabajo y las cosas que en verdad se usan
I was going with "decent CS or Software Engineering program", and it slapped "razonable" after CS, instead of using it to qualify both "CS" and "Software Engineering program".
Stupid translator.
@ShotgunNinja hehe reasonable :)
@ShotgunNinja we are arguing that in Peru they only teach basics in institutes and universities.
@Washu I see what you did there...
@ShotgunNinja ;)
@Washu No, I fully agree with that sentiment. My school, however, teaches some specific-tech courses, but only a few of them, and they're senior-year electives, so they're not always offered.
We have started enforcing teaching of Scrum process, using Git or FogBugz; we also teach SVN, Eclipse, and Enterprise Architect (a UML editor), but those are the only ones in the main Software Engineering curriculum that are required.
@ShotgunNinja yeah... well here we have only a few of those specific-tech courses... and not in every school
Oh, I understand. My school just so happens to have one of the oldest Software Engineering programs to be ABET accredited in the United States.
Basically, ABET ensures that your courses constitute what the United States department of education would qualify as an Engineering degree.
So once I graduate, I can legally refer to myself as bearing a Bachelor's of Science in Software Engineering.
as issued by an ABET-accredited college program in the United States.
@ShotgunNinja wow that's cool. Well in my institute we enforced the teaching of IPV6, SVN and some others... but money and the head teachers don't help in the process
I don't know if IPV6 really counts... It's a standard, not a tool...
@ShotgunNinja :(
@ShotgunNinja i want that too...
sorry i was referring to courses...
Well, does the government of Peru have a formal accreditation system for college courses?
Here only the most expensive universities got that... and i'm just guessing :(
Like, does the state approve your degree program or your institution?
Only for a few
y eso?
@ShotgunNinja ¬¬ how did you find that xD?
I know how to look shit up online.
If you must know, I looked here: worldwidelearn.com/accreditation/…
It was under "Latin America".
@ShotgunNinja wow ok.. yeah MINEDU approves some courses but as i told you only a few.
Hello, World!
@Code-Guru Hola
Como estas?
De donde eres?
@Code-Guru hi
@Adude11 Changed your handle eh?
@Code-Guru To confuse you even more I changed my name
@Adude11 I see that. At least you didn't change both at the same time...that would really mess with me.
@Code-Guru Then you'd have no idea who i was
@Adude11 xactly
bleh, I hate filling out applications and writing a resume...
@Code-Guru Me ha dado un resfriado, y soy de Peru. Como estas?
@Washu Estoy frustrado para aplicar por los trabajos.
Does anyone know why drawing text to a bufferedimage is so slow?
@Adude11 perhaps because it's buffered? I can only guess...I don't know how it works underneath the hood.
As in 2-4 seconds slow
@Adude11 Is it being done in software? Also, code snippets?
@ShotgunNinja Yeah just getting some
It always takes between 2 and 4 seconds for the first text to be drawn, after that it's fine
Oh... for the first text entry?
@ShotgunNinja Yes. Is it being cached in some way after the first one?
That might just be the JVM loading something internally, that isn't accessed prior to it.
Surely it shouldn't take that long though
@Code-Guru y yo por mi gripe :(
Who knows? Try making a dummy image before this, and using Graphics.drawString() .
It could mitigate some internal funkiness with Java's graphics library.
Like, maybe it has to load Glyph and Metrics classes from the filesystem.
What is the rate for later entries? How fast is it running then?
@ShotgunNinja I just tested it on the main thread and it took 66 ms.
So, 2000-4000ms for the first reported iteration, and ~66ms for following ones?
No it takes ~20 ms for the following ones. It was on my main thread it took 66ms, on a first attempt
That still sounds to me like overhead from loading class files...
I've seen class-loading overhead of up to a few seconds.
So i'm just stuck with it
Well, you can mitigate it with dummy code, but other than that, it's a lazy-loading system by design.
@Washu lo siento
Q: Java Swing Graphics2D drawString slow initiation?

Gang SuI have encountered a very strange behavior of Java Graphics2D draw String. If I set a font name, such as Font f = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 10); Then on the screen device the first call to g2D.drawString can take as much as 600ms. This creates a screen jam, it's not significant but qu...

What's happening is, when you set the Font, it doesn't load the glyphs from the file. It just specifies what target to use for loading the font, and loads it lazily.
@ShotgunNinja thanks
@Washu Que haces ahora?
@Adude11 Yeah, no problem, man. I've seen this before in a class, and I knew there was some reason.
@Adude11 I recall reading somewhere that using new Font() is considered a bad programming practice. From what I remember, there's a mechanism to request already loaded fonts. I don't recall the exact details, though...
@Code-Guru Actualizando la informacion.
I found this one, which is considerably faster UIManager.getDefaults().getFont("TabbedPane.font") as it just loads the default
@Washu que es "actualizando"?
@Adude11 That's probably what I'm thinking of.
I think there is something similar to get instances of other fonts as well.
@Code-Guru Well that one's fine for what i'm doing
@Adude11 Good to hear ;-)
Can you cast from image to bufferedimge?
So, not really, unless you know that an Image reference points to a BufferedImage instance.
I'd say use "instanceof", but that's rarely ever a good idea.
There was a much easier way anyway using imageio
@ShotgunNinja That deserves a star.
@Code-Guru Aw, shucks.
@Code-Guru updating*
@Washu Okay, that's what google translated it to...
@Washu Que informacion estas actualizando?
@Code-Guru updating information i meant :)
@Washu lo intiendo "informacion" :-)
@Code-Guru bueno... ya que mi jefe esta aca y se encuentra molestando a la persona que se encarga de actualizar la informacion de produccion. Yo lo estoy haciendo y mientras ando probando un codigo que inserte ayer.
problem is that is not going very well... too many erros :(
@Washu disfruta lo ;-)
Anyone know much about branch and bound search? :)
@thrash not really, but feel free to post your question
Ive basically got to run it on the TSP with an increasing number of cities. I need to go up to 500 and im only at 20 and it just took 20 minutes, I think im missing some sort of function in the code :/ Didnt want to post a new question about it cus ive already asked a few about TSP today
@thrash Was yours the one where it was taking ages after 9 nodes?
Yeah that was depth first search but I suspect the same issue is happening with my branch and bound which is doing a similar thing but not as soon (about 20 nodes)
So what is it that you want out of your algorithm?
@Crowz No problem for us to work out today? I'm almost disappointed
@Adude11 :(
I have one if you want one!
@Crowz Yeah course
kay. How about if I have an algorithm to be applied to an image
What sort of algorithm?
Edge detection
What for a fill tool?
Well, my idea will be a button, and when pressed, it'll maybe bring up a JOptionPane to confirm that they want edge detection, right?
Then if they click yes, I will open a window with a JLabel/ImageIcon and a slider, and they can adjust a certain constant
Well the dialog is easy
@Adude11 I just want it to find the optimum route but I need to go up to 500 nodes and with 20 nodes it just 18 minutes :/
yeah I have the algorithm written out too
@thrash Can you link your most recent question?
@thrash The optimum route of what?
@Code-Guru Heres the question about depth first: stackoverflow.com/questions/14383852/java-depth-first-search
@Adude11 The Travelling Salesman problem
Actually, you know what would be a lot better? If a slider itself came up as a separate window but the thing displayed in the main window
@Crowz That would require sending back the slider value to the main window and storing the image in a temporary place so you could still manipulate it
@Adude11 yeah that's what I want
@OscarJara encontraste una solucion?
@Code-Guru do you know Axis?
@Washu No, pero estoy viendo posibles alternativas :/
@Washu nope ;-(
@thrash What is the problem you are solving? The generic TSP or some specific instance?
@Code-Guru Just generic but I need to run the algorithms on a specific number of nodes
@thrash The time taken exponentially increases with the number of cities, so by 500 it would take years.
@thrash AFAIK, a depth-first search will take a while. (This essenctially sounds like a brute force.) Branch and bound might be able to mitigate some of that by pruning parts of the search tree.
@Adude11 There surely must be a way for it to not take years though? I thought branch and bound was fairly efficient
@thrash Is your BB implementation correct? I'd suggest stepping through it with a debugger with some test cases.
@Code-Guru I think it may be missing something but im not sure what, im not particularly great at java haha
@thrash Does it have to be exact or approximate?
@Adude11 Well it needs to come back with the same optimal cost as A* because I need to compare the results
Can you add titles to JSliders?
@thrash Sounds like a good opportunity to learn ;-) I think you are at a point where you need to fire up a debugger with a resonably complex test case to make sure your implementation behaves the way you expect.
@Crowz Like a label? I don't think so, but you can put a JLabel and a JSlider together in a JPanel. If you are doing this often enough, you might consider creating a class that packages all of this into one place.
@Crowz In that case, you might want to extend JSlider directly to add the functionality you want.
@Code-Guru Haha im trying believe me :) I dont have the first idea when it comes to debugging. For 12 nodes branch and bound was faster than A* so it seemed to be working alright at that point
@thrash If you wanted a reasonably accurate one you could start at one place, and move to each closest unvisited neighbour. And if you wanted it more accurate you could try this a few times and pick the shortest result
@Adude11 I need to use one of the algorithms weve covered in class really, if depth first search simply doesnt work after a certain number of nodes because of the way it works then thats fine, my lecturer will be expecting that. I just dont know whether taking incredibly long is a characteristic of it or whether ive just done it wrong
There's what I got. Error on line 212 of GridCreator.java
@thrash For some debugging practice, start with a small example, say 4 or 5 nodes. Step through the code to check that each step of your implementation does what you expect.
@thrash Debugging is definitely a learned skill...and an important one for any aspiring programmer.
@Crowz What about .equals() ?
@Adude11 Huh?
@Crowz You're comparing two objects try e.getSource().equals(edgeAdjust)
@Adude11 ahh I see
@Crowz what is the error?
@Adude11 Does Component override equals()? If not, using == is the same thing.
equals() might be safer, though...
@Code-Guru It's more of a run time error. Let's say I take an image and run it through an edge detector, it'll go from this:
@Crowz Does "run-time error" mean an exception or just unexpected behavior?
Unexpected behavior
@Crowz I think he means it's not working right
So here's what I expect from the edge detector algorithm. The edge detector seems to work
@Crowz That's a hot Alice!
Hah yeah... it's why I am using the picture!
I just tried with 5 nodes which prints the followed route and the cost of each and got the following:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]// COST: 295
[0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 0]// COST: 216
[0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 0]// COST: 280
[0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 0]// COST: 167
[0, 1, 4, 2, 3, 0]// COST: 236
[0, 1, 4, 3, 2, 0]// COST: 202
[0, 2, 4, 3, 1, 0]// COST: 167
Visited Nodes: 42
Best solution: [0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 0]
Cost: 167
@thrash Dijsktra's algorithm?
@Crowz Branch and bound...or at least an attempt at B&B :P
Looks like a seam carving algorithm I wrote once
Is there a way to center components on a JPanel?
Or make them extend across the whole panel?
You could use a GridLayout with a 1,1 grid
Hello, lots of people here today :D
@thrash Okay, so that's the output...which happens to be correct. That doesn't necessarily mean the implementation is correct. I suggest stepping through the code and verifying that each line does what you expect. In particular, you need to check that your code correctly implements the B&B algo.
@Doorknob Nice to see, eh?
yep :)
@Crowz both...depending on the layout manager you use.
@Code-Guru currently using BoxLayout
@Adude11 @Crowz Or BorderLayout with only one component added to the CENTER.
@Crowz I haven't used BoxLayout extensively.
BorderLayout would probably be easier as it's default
I spend time putting it in box layout haha
It seems to all be fine, does this part look right to you?
if (routeCost < bestCost) {
bestCost = routeCost;
bestRoute = (ArrayList)followedRoute.clone();
@thrash I think so. You are checking if a "route" is better than the best one found so far and updating the bestCost and bestRoute variables.
@Code-Guru Isnt the point of B&B to not search the entire route but just save the best route and check the other routes up until the cost is greater than the best cost?
@thrash That's part of it. You need some way of comparing sets of routes, too.
"bestCost" is a bit misleading as a variable name imo
@thrash The "pruning" part of your code is likely the primary place where you need to check for time issues. If you aren't pruning the search tree correctly, then you will unnecessarily spend time searching extra nodes that are unnecessary.
@Crowz How so?
I dunno, I just feel like "cheapestCost" would be a bit more accurate
@Code-Guru The pruning bit seems ok to me? How can I format code? :$
@Crowz I can imagine instances of TSP where you want to find a route with "maximum" length rather than minimum.
@thrash In chat? I still haven't figured that out. ;-(
@thrash feel free to link a gist
or pastebin...or whatever you prefer
Ok well ill just post it anyway, its not a massive chunk
if (routeCost < bestCost) {
ArrayList increasedRoute = (ArrayList)followedRoute.clone();
search(to, increasedRoute);
@thrash Does this check occur in all nodes of the search tree or just leaf nodes. In other words, is "routeCost" the cost of a complete route or just the cost of the "cities" visited so far?
@Code-Guru From the output ive seen, which was printing followedRoute im assuming its for the complete route, not sure how to change it to just the cost of the cities visited so far
@thrash That might be the problem then. From what I understand of B&B after reading Wikipedia, you should be comparing partial routes in order to decide if it is even fruitful to continue on.
@Code-Guru Yes youre right, when printing followedRoute it should do the same as A* does I believe, I dont know how to add costs like that though :/
I'll write out an abstract version of how I understand B&B applies to TSP. This (hopefully) can show how I would go about implementing it, and maybe help you see how to fix your code...give me a few...
@Code-Guru OK thanks a lot, I really appreciate all the help youve given so far! :)
Say we are solving TSP for a complete graph G. We chose a starting vertex v0. The search tree can be visualized as a tree where leaf nodes are cycles in G (and thus represent a possible solution to TSP). The parent nodes are "partial cycles."
So the root of the search tree is simply a "partial cycle" with only v0. It's children are the "partial cycles" v0-v for each vertex of G other than v0.
Now each of these "partial cycles" can define the partition of the search space that is needed for B&B. You need to determine upper and lower bounds for each of these "partial cycles" (and thus for the subsets of the search space) so that you can decide which branches in the search tree don't need to be visited.
The lower bound is easy: every child of a given node in the search tree must have length at least as much as the path followed so far in G.
The upper bound I haven't figured out yet...
@Code-Guru It was the bounds that confused me tbh. Would you mind having a look at the complete class and seeing if you notice anything or how to add costs to each node? Its not very long really: gist.github.com/0fd0f29f1ff2fdb5f0bc
I think you need to do a depth first search as you branch and bound. That way you can have some known lengths of complete cycles in order to compare against the lower bound of a node you are considering to visit in the search tree. If the lower bound is greater than the upper bound of a "sibling" node in the search tree, then you don't need to visit the node under consideration.
@thrash I am starting to wonder if you are truly implementing B&B. You need to have upper and lower bounds for each node in the search tree. (Of course, the search tree is implicit in the recursion and not an explicit data structure.)
@Code-Guru Im not sure, maybe it would be better to stick to depth first in that case! Someone on here earlier said the fix would be easy but I dont know what it is :/
@thrash From what I understand, B&B is basically depth-first with an additional check to see if you even want to bother visiting a certain child node.
@thrash At least, in this case, I think a depth-first implementation makes a lot of sense.
@Code-Guru I understand it slightly better but not sure on the reason it also is taking a very long time to get past 9 nodes, my code is here: gist.github.com/a878e086902ba5abdbb2 if you wouldnt mind taking a look?
@thrash depth first search will take a long time (without any pruning) because it is essentially brute force.
@thrash If your DFS code is working, I would use it as a base for B&B. The modifications shouldn't be to difficult from there.
@Code-Guru It does seem to be working yes, I just dont know how to implement the pruning in Java, I understand it but lack the Java skills to do it :(
@thrash Do you understand it well enough to write a step by step algorithm in English?
If you can do that, translating into Java shouldn't be too difficult.
I suggest backing away from the compiler and picking up a pencil and paper (or text editor or word processor) and write out a description in English.
Am I right in thinking that if the cost of the next node makes the cost of the current route greater than the cost of the best route then it simply doesnt visit that node and starts again?
Branch and bound (BB or B&B) is a general algorithm for finding optimal solutions of various optimization problems, especially in discrete and combinatorial optimization. A branch-and-bound algorithm consists of a systematic enumeration of all candidate solutions, where large subsets of fruitless candidates are discarded en masse, by using upper and lower estimated bounds of the quantity being optimized. The method was first proposed by A. H. Land and A. G. Doig in 1960 for discrete programming. General description In order to facilitate a concrete description, we assume that the goal ...
"if the lower bound for some tree node (set of candidates) A is greater than the upper bound for some other node B, then A may be safely discarded from the search."
So no, you don't compare against the best route so far.
ㅗ됴 ㅛㅐ
hey yo!
Say you are at some node in the search tree which represents a path (previously my "partial cycle") in the TSP graph, you want to decide which vertices to add to the current path so far. Say we are down to 3 choices: v1, v2, v3. And the cost to visit each is w1, w2, w3. The cost so far is w0. First we have to visit v1 to find out the best (bestCost) and worst cost (worstCost) if we continue that way.
Now when we want to visit v2, we compare w0 + w2 (i.e. every cycle continuing through v2 at this point has cost at least w0+w2 -- this is our lower bound for visiting v2) against worstCost. If w0 + w2 > v2 then none of the cycles formed by visiting v2 will be the optimal solution, so we don't need to bother visiting v2 at all.
This would be much easier to explain if I could draw out the picture I see in my head ;-(
@TemporaryNickName Howdy
@thrash What's the glowey stuff in your avatar? The pic is too small to really make it out...even in your profile.
Its from a photograph I took, a long exposure and I got my mate to make some crazy pattern with the light on his phone :P
Oh and thanks for your help btw, im just trying something in Eclipse but ill report back if it works haha
@thrash Any time. Just to reiterate, I think you should step away from the compiler and try to write something out in English, similar to what I've done above. In fact, if you can repeat what I wrote in your own words, I think you will have a much better understanding when it comes to coding it.
@thrash Also, one thing that will help is if you can clarify the difference between the search tree (which happens to be a graph) and the graph which represents the TSP problem. At least for me, it helps to distinguish between the two as I've tried to do in my descriptions above.
what music do you listen to when you are working?
Are you asking anyone in particular?
right now I'm not listening to any music...
nope, asking 2 everyone just for fun
when I listen to anything, I tune into NPR more often than listen to music anyway.
someone said he listens to "Finest Worksong" - R.E.M
I give up :P I just tried implementing the hill climbing algorithm instead but it doesnt seem to want to work either :@
@thrash Any of these algorithms certainly take some work to implement and to debug to get them to work correctly.
@Code-Guru I had implemented hill climbing before but gave up when it didnt work, just gone back to it now and it still doesnt work; it just says the best solution is city1, city2, city3, etc. As in the best solution is just in numerical order
eh how does normal expression work again?
somehow this picture is so funny to me
We need java programmers in our group
@javawarrior in this chat?
@TemporaryNickName Is it a pic that says "Image not found" or is it not loading on my end?
it loads fine on my screen
In our sktpe group
@thrash well, I need to log out for a few. I'll check back some time tomorrow.

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