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9:01 PM
just watched it
The dad is awesome
the son was better
Don't be silly Java is bad
comparing .net and java is like comparing ps3 and xbox
9:04 PM
Yeah exactly, PS3 wins hands down
ever since mono came out i think .net kinda dominates (by little)
Just like .NET winds hands down
.NET > java. SOrry it just does
Even government and big business say so
@RyanTernier We know this
The reason some go with Java in the end, is it's free
9:04 PM
Nobody uses Java seriously anymore
I'd argue .NET is more free
@rudi_visser incorrect.
LAMP == free
i agree with ryan
LInux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Java
9:05 PM
LAMP does not contain Java
and regardless, I wasn't talking free in the sense of monetary
I"m a .NET Dev through and through,
But sometimes you just need to use java
i hate and love java
Example, we have 10 solaris boxes running Oracle, as oracle is FASTER than SQL Server (True story). IF I wanted to do a data load into Oracle, I'd write it in Java so I could run it on SOlaris
9:07 PM
I've never used Java other than to reverse engineer a system into .NET
Governments have standards. I work for the Ministry of Health. They used to only want Java, now they're switching to .NET
Wait Solaris still exists?
Ohhh yea rudi.
only thing i have against java is the resource use of it...its insane
Damn, the world would be a much better place if Sun Microsystems never existed in the first place.
Yep @m44m31, that and the lack of foreach weirds me the fuck out
Let me clarify, I mean foreach the keyword, not the ability
9:09 PM
Rudi, Java runs on: ABMs, Watches, Phones, INterac, TV Remotes, Stereos, etc. It's a very versatile language.
I dislike seeing it on windows. IF you're creating a windows app, create a .net one
it uses less process running a program via WINE than a java program being ran by itself...hell i think running a virtual machine to run a c# app would use less than java running by itself
@RyanTernier i agree 100%
Well regardless, Java is still a horrible platform to base anything off and needs to die
What I find interesting is how Google is hiring up some of the best C# / .NET peeps out there, they want to have Android run on .Net
@rudi_visser Oh you sound like some of the co-ops I manage :P
If Vinod Khosla Andy Bechtolsheim and Scott McNealy were all shot in the head one day before "Sun" the world would be perfect
Well no, I'm just yet to see anything good come from Java/Open Source
@rudi_visser i think that we should let java go on for a little longer...because the hardware would have to improve like crazy to keep running java...that away we get better phones, watches, TV remotes etc then it can die once we happy
9:13 PM
hey rudi
do you know of an api where i can interact with javascript via c#?
interact with javascript or the DOM
What @rlemon ^ said
9:18 PM
do you want to make calls to js methods or functions or emulate the DOM API with c# and .net
Then .NET
Well no not .NET but using the WebBrowser and getting the Document prop off it (MSHTML) will give you the DOM
cant do it via webrequest then?
I'm sure there'll be something out there to parse HTML into a DOM
SgmlToolkit or something?
(never used webrowser before)
9:19 PM
what are you trying to do. be less cryptic and maybe there is a specific solution
is there anyway i can speak private about it?
i just want to interact with a page
all so chat rooms are index'd on google.
almost like i would with javascript
i know i can grab with htmlagilitykit
9:20 PM
That's the one
think about how the technology works. you are rendering the document on the server, it is sent to the client (only rendered code) and that in turn translates it into a webpage (including the DOM). You cannot interact with the DOM when the DOM does not yet exist.
to do this in PHP there is phpDOM lib, which emulates how the browser (KHTML) will render the markup. I'm sure there is a solution like this for ASP.NET
or c# with .net
but remember, you are emulating the DOM then making alterations to the pre-rendered code, not interacting with it the DOM.
so I re-state: depending on what specifically you are trying to achieve there might be a completely different solution
i want to be able to grab constantly updated text from a certain website...but its not an rss feed
Can't you just parse the html if you're just pulling text?
Why JS?
9:29 PM
because i need the functionality of js
i might want to add features to it later
But you won't get any "JS functionality"
dw i found a solution
stupid question though
is there a safer way to have an infi loop other than while and making the thread sleep?
An infinite loop is an infinite loop. I suspect you mean something else.
hey , has any one ever had to do something like this in Model [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = True)]
well i need something to get checked 100% of the time i use a loop
is there a safe way to do what i just said
9:34 PM
Is event-based programming a possibility?
Why is DataFormatString not defined??? I don't get it
i have never used events in c# (i know that sounds like shit)
Well, event based programming is the best way to get the best of both worlds of responsiveness and efficiency.
Police have arrested two people for stealing batteries and fireworks. They've charged one, and let the other off…#ChristmasCracker
@ScottSelby Whaddya mean, 'not defined'?
9:37 PM
okay explain further then please
not declared
@KendallFrey Error 1 'DataFormatString' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I added every name space I could possibly from Google
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.DynamicData
Have you checked the Output window for possible errors?
Also, what's the compiler error number?
9:48 PM
: error BC30451: 'DataFormatString' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
holy FrankenFuck , this stupid code worked fine this morning
I can't find the reference for the error :(
I'm pretty sure the dbml file took it upon its self to update it self and broke itself - thats my thoughts
I edited designer code , then later on , all my edits were gone and filled with blue squiggly angry lines
I'm going to bed screw it
i cant find a solution
i need to be able to use getElementsByClassName in c# but i cant
im just going to code in javascript i gues
/me unplugs his laptop so he can be ready to go as soon as the clock hits 5.
9:58 PM
if i had to i guess i could store intel to a var and pass the var to php...then grab with c# lol
(i am a bit of a messy coder >.<)
pass to c# with javascript
Didn't you read what rlemon said earlier?
The DOM doesn't exist server side.
and you can get element by name in c#
i cant by class
Server side can create a DOM.
10:00 PM
you have a bad design that is making you do it by class
Hey @TravisJ - i needed you earlier
i dont have webrowser functionality...im coding via linux so Windows. anything is available
I was at disneyland
gf dragged me there
hey travis! my fav person
You sent me code to parse that stupid Epoch time into people readable time in js , I lost it , I had to re-write it myself this time
10:01 PM
Do you want it again?
well now its already done
hey travis is there a way i can transfer varibles from an active javascript script to c# app
@m44m31 - yes
10:02 PM
you could have just searched chat for "ConstructDate" and it would have found it
I agree with scott
i was going to use post
or...... POST AJAX
the script will be client side
kinda like script monkey
10:03 PM
difference between get and post: get allows for 4kb of data, post allows for 2gb of data (on average, from a browser standpoint. these numbers can be different server side, but the browser caps them there)
or a bookmarklet
or , even better , pass all the data you'll need to the client , then if you need more data based on user inputs , then you ajax get more
i can do this client side?
pass everything to client side you'll need , unless it depends on client data
okay here is an example
10:07 PM
@m44m31 - sorry, what platform were you using?
he's using c# and php together ?!?!?
i pull up console and see a peace of data i want to use via script monkey...how would i be able to transfer that data (being ran on script monkey) to a c# app...@TravisJ ubuntu...@ScottSelby i have in the past
script monkey uses java, you are using php front end, and c# server side?
What the damn dirty apes is going on
wow- youre all over the place
im messy i know
i only do it for testing 90% of the time
10:10 PM
Ever heard of Selenium?
m44>image derp
@Pheonixblade9 bot not up atm
@TravisJ googing right now
looks interesting...is this whole new ide or is it a replacement for windows. in mono
 url: "",//server address
 type: 'GET',
 traditional: true,//only use this if you are passing a list or array
 data: { getDataFromThisVariableServerSide: sendDatainThisVariable },
 success: function (result) {
  //use server returned value (maybe not here)
could also use a post there with type: 'POST',
10:14 PM
css is your friend
css sucks
paint is where its at
10:15 PM
Hey guys
Triple sleigh is apparently safer than double sleigh. As in not prone to meet in the middle attack.
double safer
0 - 1rst person 1 - 2nd person 3 2 - 3rd person
holy crap , I hate vb , i hate vb , i hate vb !!
10:22 PM
HOLY CRAP, I get a pay check, a pay check, a pay check
@Ryan - taxes
Who would of though this normal line of code turns into this craziness -

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]

<DisplayFormat(DataFormatString := "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode := True)> _
WTF? :=
Not sure what is going on there...
function ConstructDate(date) {
        return new Date(parseInt(date.match(/\d/g).join(""))).toDateString();
@TravisJ - I actually know how that works now that I had to make one
10:24 PM
I had to turn mine into time though
adding the extra 0's
go home time
FYI everyone: the humble THQ bundle is ending in 1.5 hours, go buy it if you haven't!!! Metro 2033 is worth it alone
THQ bundle?
linq please?
first result
YOu can literally pay 1$ for all that?
10:34 PM
hey do any of you guys know another html chatroom like stackoverflow
@RyanTernier yes
@RyanTernier I paid 6.00 for mine, and bought one for a friend for 6.00. That gives you the 3 bonus games and the DLC
and they all come with steam keys
seriously, you should buy it, like, now
it's open for a little more than an hour yet
also you can get FTL for 6.00 from there, and you seriously should
you can get Metro 2033 for *FREE!* if you go and like their Facebook page
@zneak yep! but THQ is a pretty decent company, and I have no problem paying for their stuff. I actually bought 2033 for $10 during the halloween sale, still bought the bundle though
@Pheonixblade9 I bought that on day one.
@KyleTrauberman me too. Metro 2033 is so good, I can't even describe it. It's almost like playing HL2 for the first time
10:42 PM
I played it a little on my xbox
it reminded me of fallout, set in russia
idk about the xbox, but graphics on PC are incredible, even on normal settings
heh, I described it as "fallout if fallout had good gunplay and was scary"
you should try it on ranger difficulty, that's what I'm doing next
they do harder difficulties the right way: everyone dies easier. 1 or 2 bullets kills you, but it kills your enemies, too
I bought it for Saints Row, but Metro 2033 is worth it too
haven't played that yet
I have so many games on steam...
10:45 PM
me neither
and me too
I have Portal 2 and Deus Ex:HR and I haven't started either
I've bought 3 other humble bundles
I've bought every humble bundle, lol
haven't touched more than a couple of the games
I think I have 10 or so
10:45 PM
you haven't played portal 2 yet?
I have not.
I bought the first bundle for World of Goo
@KyleTrauberman I'm at work...
10:45 PM
have you played portal 1 first?
Yeah I have Portal 1
have you played it?
of course, it takes like 2 hours to beat
10:46 PM
I liked portal 1 better
portal 2 is fun and funny, but it's not the same kind of humor
portal 1 was funny in a creepy way
portal 2 is funny in a funny way
"you monster"
I almost forgot that line
I loved the lemons monologue
I found the potato thing overrated
(SPOILER: there are potatoes)
for now I have Psychonauts to finish, and Braid and Metro 2033 to play
when I'll be done with these I'll see if I can get a beta key for the new simcity
I need to finish Psychonauts, too!!!
and Just Cause 2
10:51 PM
if they didn't make efforts to make this game kinda childish they could easily have turned it into something super scary
what, Psychonauts?
yeah, it already is kinda scary
the asylum level? O_O
heh I'm just starting this one
I'm in the actor's head outside of it
the milkman conspiracy was pretty epic
@zneak if you can get me a simcity beta key, I will have your children.
10:54 PM
I don't get it.. when I look at the cookies I can see the session data exists. But when I restart the server it throws a NPE
I can buy horns now!
for my vehicles!
I want a Lacucaracha horn for my sunderer.
:( they are $6.50
No idea what that is.
@KyleTrauberman Aren't you rich? :P
Did we stop doing that?
no, I have a family
and i'm referring to horns in Planetside 2: forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/…
11:01 PM
Oh.. I'm not a gamer so I'm definitely lost :)
an ice cream truck sound
that would be awesome
I rarely play games.. annoyingly I brought a 1k PC just for that.. and I've only turned it on 10 times.
^ the sunderer is a van troop transport
that carries 12 people
That wouldn't be comfy.. but I guess it is war. It isn't meant to be :(
also can be upgraded to a mobile spawn point
so it serves a tactical purpose
1 message moved to recycle bin
11:03 PM
I guess that was sorta NSFW?
I was deleting it as you recycled it
11:04 PM
@TravisJ you can't delete other peoples posts
@Kyle - right click above name, delete node
that's better. :P
@Pheonixblade9 Omg lol
11:04 PM
oh, deleting it on your browser
Although, deleting it from where it was hosted wouldn't be bad either. That gif had issues...
go to the source!
@TravisJ @KyleTrauberman I'm storing user data like email and id to be used for validation (in case the get request was modified) in a session variable.. is that a good idea?
@TravisJ amen.
@LewsTherin no. Don't store secure data, just transmit it
@Pheonixblade9 It is stored on the server side?
11:06 PM
Write your own cookie if you want to validate if something has changed, or salt and hash the info
@LewsTherin yeah, that's fine
@LewsTherin I mean don't store it client-side :P
Yeah, I wasn't doing that :D
Oh, ok!!! :)
@KyleTrauberman Cool, thanks!
Why does stopping the server, clear the session?
That is actually a stupid question.. after asking it :)
11:07 PM
I think I know how to fix it.. just retrieve the data again and store in the session. Ugh, too much effort
im going for a while...off to study javascript
peace peoples
Hans commented on my question but I don't really understand what he meant by do not use try catch like this. I feel like an idiot. (sorry this is not strictly C# but no one is there)
Q: What could be some reasons to allow some run-time exceptions to fall through?

OnwukaFor example, one could avoid a possible run-time null exception in the case below by instantiating s as it is declared. For example, Dim s as String = "" Is there a reason for us to allow the possibility of a run-time exception? Perhaps it does not make sense for s to be ""? This is not a homewo...

Can I use something other than each here?
each seems so heavy handed
@Kyle - Why do input fields which require a number come with 0 in them?
I can't remember how to get rid of that
11:28 PM
@Onwuka I don't grok VB, that isn't a good way to rethrow an exception
It is supposed to bubble up?
How would you deal with it in Java or C#, Lews?
You are swallowing the original exception, and throwing a new one. I don't think that's good design
Onwuka... not sure what you're trying to ask/accomplish
I will fix it
I have never done it before, but I'm guessing throw new Exception("msg",originalException) ;
11:33 PM
Remember when you Throw new you're losing the stack trace
doing just "Throw" is a lot better because it preserves it
@RyanTernier ++ we have had issues because people throw new.
@TravisJ which fields do you refer to?
@Kyle - I just set it to "" manually. Here is the setup though
vm (value is unset)
public int Adjustment { get; set; }
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Adjustment)
When the page renders it shows
[ 0]
in the input box
@RyanTernier the original question is just that is there a benefit to not initializing a string when I declare it

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