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nothing wrong with them, nice cars
its got that clever shit which turns off the engine when you put it in nuteral
so decent on fuel too
That fucks me right off
Yeah, the cockpit is literally like an aeroplane cockpit
You sit in the chair, that bit that holds the gearbox and whatnot sticks up a mile
loads of legroom
You are the boss in this car haha
Really comfy
I want a X5 but the misses wont let me :(
I hate hate hate BMW interiors :(
They're very bland, and red :(
mmm i wants a BMW i8
I occasionally get a lift home in a 318D with the M sport pack on
mines not red lol mines the standard black n silver
No I mean the dials
I seen a 7 series the other day, you ever seen one ?
Its like a fucking tank
Our CEO has a 6 series, it's awful
Yeah they're huge
Huge huge huge
Kinda looks a bit like a Mustang but shitter
and he's got an automatic too, which ruins everything
Lunch time, weeeeeee
The only BMW I'd ever own would be a 7 series :D
Or an X5
Dont tease me on the X5
I want :(
just to run all the plebs over? ;]
How can I persuade my misses to let me get an X5 ?
Or is that not the 4x4?
its 4x4
its the X3 thats not
thought so
X3 is pointless
almost as much as the X1
Pussy car
Tell her she can use it to take the kids to school and she'll be safer in one of those in a crash unless a semi hits her
lol I've only got 1 kid
That's the standard excuse
she will want more kids- fuck that
Tell her the police drive it so it must be good
The police used to drive Fiat Pandas.
And that shitty Vauxhall
like in hot fuzz
Hot fuzz is funny shit
Burnley police are using undercover corsas and united utilities vans now
They have a silver corsa but I forget the reg plate...
I got pulled by an undercover 3 series, blacked out windows the lot
I just thought he wanted to race lmfao
Someone at the end of my street thought he was well cool outrunning the corsa in his tricked-out golf. He was bragging so hard. Until the police showed up the very next day and towed it. MORON! xD
@JamieTownsend They can't do that it's entrapment
Well he did
He said he was doing it to keep up with me :/
hello again
Unless they've got blues and twos on, they are breaking the law when they speed as well
Even in undercover cars
@JamieTownsend I can't stand those undercover police cars, everytime I go behind a bMW on motorway going like 90mph I don't know whether to follow it
@ActionHank welcome back
They have the option to only enable blues on the front
They should have to stick out like a sore thumb.
Yeah but get this
I saw an undercover Skoda the other week
3 went by, the normal 3 series undercover livery, the FUCKING SKODA, and one of the undercover Mitsubishis
If they're speeding, and it's not clear that they have lights and sirens on, you can throw the book at them in court. Accept the ticket then appeal it
Some of those skodas are fast
Yeah I know but still
They've gone from BMW 3s to Jag XFs to fucking SKODAs
They're still sneaky fuckers
I mean c'mon
Less conspicuous
Well, I just licked his ass
They'll change it as soon as they twig that people know
said sorry sorry rushing home for dinner
he just gave me warning :)
I can't believe they didn't let me be a cop because I'm racist
My fucking girlfriend is foreign!
lucky you, you got one with a power trip or a decent guy
Even though, he had me on camera. Speeding, overtaking, undertaking and in the wrong lane at a roundabout lol
People of the UK, tell me about the rules regarding roundabouts please
once your on it, you rule !
I've been to the UK several times and apparently it's NOT ok to drive the ideal line in a 2 lane roundabout
wtf is a ideal line ?
racing line
generally, left hand side to go left, right hand side to go straight on or right
@ActionHank No, it most definitely is not. People don't like being cut up
What @JamieTownsend said works. Just double check the road markings though (if there are any)
And stay in one lane
okay then
I like the ideal line better :P
Yea, cause I got done for going straight on in the right lane. Stupid road markings and it was dark
especially road testing R32's :P
Most people do =P
@ActionHank People in the UK can't drive. That's why it's "not" ok
I think we should all just follow India's example
Free for all
I agree
Biggest car wins
@Jamie you driven in Paris?
yeah I have and never again !
Did you drive near that giant square with the spike thing?
Near Madeleine
how can people joining a roundabout have prority ? wtf is that all about
the Arc de Triumph?
There are about 9 lanes going around there
No that wasn't as bad as this one (at least when I was driving there)
Ah cos isn't there a rule around there that there are no rules?
How many accidents a day you rekon ?
You drive on and fight for your life
No idea I never saw one crash! It made no sense cos everyone kinda drove anywhere and beeped their horns n shit
Get a hummer and drive on, watch people move
You know it wouldn't surprise me if they just did it to piss foreigners off
Well tbh I was in my Saab at the time and they all drove like little shitty Fiat Pandas or Citroens, so I was the biggest one there :P
Or on bastard mopeds
On SQL SERVER is there a way to know from what table a column is using syscolumns ?
"Ah look. Zere's one. Hokay everybody, eets crazy time!"
Wouldn't surprise me either @Sean
I like your german accent
It's French
Watch Monty Python's Holy Grail
How about Joey Bartons french accent ?
"Of course I am French! Why do you sink I have zis outrageous accent?!"
@JamieTownsend Shocking. Heard it on the radio
What an absolute tool
What a knob
What is a Joey Barton
some footballer
I only know cos I heard it on the radio when getting a lift home
I think I'm hungry
Should youtube it. It's ridiculous
I'm going to go get some food and semi-decent coffee
I've got half a french crust for lunch. Nom nom
@AndréSilva Sorry, I don't know
back soon
Ask in a SQL room lol
@Sean I forgot about sysobjects..
@JamieTownsend C# is not a C# room.. People come here to ask about JS, HTML, CSS, VB, SQL...
.. women
Lunchtime anyway
Nah, people don't ask about women neither cars...
People debate about it...
Same thing
Not at all ._.
No one comes here and ask "How do I ride a car?" or maybe "How do I ride a woman?" ...
@Sean did.
I didnt mean you cant ask, I mean you will prob get a better answer in the sql room lol
Panel.ZIndex is not working.
That is teh mystery
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,0,0" Panel.ZIndex="1" Background="Red"/>
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,5,5" Panel.ZIndex="2" Background="Orange"/>
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,10,10" Panel.ZIndex="3" Background="Yellow"/>
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,15,15" Panel.ZIndex="4" Background="DarkRed"/>
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,20,20" Panel.ZIndex="105" Background="OrangeRed">
<Image Name="TopTitle" Stretch="None" Source="top.png" Margin="-1,-32,24,280" Panel.ZIndex="1000" />
@rudi_visser I did not ask how to ride a woman or a car in here!
I know how to do both and have done on many occasions. I'm just not licensed to do the car bit on my own yet.
t-11 hours, 55 minutes until Mike Doughty. WWWWWOO
Ugh, WPF makes me sad.
@CCInc Is there anything wrapped around it ?
@JamieTownsendj This is my entire code:
<Window x:Class="TestWPF.MainWindow"
        xmlns:drawing="clr-namespace:System.Drawing;assembly=System.Drawing" xmlns:TestWPF="clr-namespace:TestWPF"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="422" Width="733" WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" Background="Transparent" >
@CCInc Are you still here, or are you here again?
@Billdr Here again :D
Good, I can cancel the intervention swat team then.
                                     Y IS NO MY ZINDEX WORKING?!
Don't understand exactly what an intervention is..... They do it to people with drugs problems. But what is it?
...I forgot to check in my changes on my home pc.
@Billdr Oops
Get a VPS and set WebDAV up on IIS. Sorted
VPS? WebDav? Stop speaking in tongues.
A: WPF Panel.ZIndex for child elements

ErnoThe ZIndex is an index to organize the z-order of siblings (child controls of the same container) If you want elements to be on top of 'everything' you need to add a new container that is on top of everything. You cannot specify this from a lower level such as this Template. The UI remains a hie...

The ZIndex is an index to organize the z-order of siblings (child controls of the same container)

If you want elements to be on top of 'everything' you need to add a new container that is on top of everything. You cannot specify this from a lower level such as this Template. The UI remains a hierarchy, you can't break that as far as I know.
Virtual Private Server, WebDAV is an extension to HTTP that allows directory browsing, creation of files and folders, etc. etc. Like a file share but over HTTP
hosted server would have sufficed but VPS is easier to type
What I need is to remember to install the rdp services after I get windows running so I can remote home and fix it.
That requires your home PC to be left on all the time though
which it is. It mines for bitcoins while I work.
That way I can make money while I make money.
I'll never understand Bitcoin
Unless you have a fancy shcmancy router that sends the magic Wake-On-LAN packet to your PC and you have a card that supports it
It mines for bitcoins? o_O
You can just dig them out of the ether? Or do sites do promotions like "Fill this form in!"?
So bitcoins are a crypto currency. Transactions are encrypted via fancy-schmancy algorithms, which are then put on a P2P network in a big bundle, called a block.
Oh so you just steal them?
New bitcoins are awarded for solving the encryption, which will generate the public keys of the two parties involved.
Oh I see
No stealing
No stealing, though it's possible. Bitcoins are basically digital cash.
Like 90% of the world's "cash" is today
Didigtal debt.
But can you get real currency from it? I'll never understand
Yeah there are places that convert it
Well, it is a real currency. You can exchange it for goods and services.
And you can obviously buy things with it and sell them off
It's generated by work, like every other currency...
but yea, you can turn it into USD or GBP. mtgox.com is the most popular place to do that.
Sounds ridiculous
Sounds like free money, you should love it!
I'mma setup all 4 spare PCs/laptops up to do this mining shit
I'll be rich I tell you, RICH!
Hah, no you wont.
Then what's the point
Having fun..
What's the point of money?
It's a standard unit to be exchanged for goods and services.
But if I don't get real money for making fake money then there's no point in that money
Mining bitcoins, that is processing transactions, is not a good way to make money. I get about $.16US a day from it.
I pay way more than that in electricity charges.
Anyone seen the film "in time" - That is how it should be lol. You work to live longer, rich live forever and the poor people die ! MUHAHAHAHAHA
Then I see no point
However, I just sold a snowboard for bitcoins. I saved a few bucks on paypal transaction fees.
@JamieTownsend I agree! I love that concept
@JamieTownsend Get out. =P
Do you see a point in trading yen for dollars?
@rudi_visser Die.
@Billdr But it's not real money!
Yea it is.
No it's not!
What's not real about it?
You can't go to a supermarket and spend it
and you can't use it at a brothel or casino
and thus I rest my case
Actually, you can get debit cards that pull from a btc wallet.
You can exchange it for real money..
You can get sex through it. give me 20 and ill get my brother to blow you
and silkroad exists, you can buy drugs, hookers, whatever there.
and it exchanges for any currency you're interested in, just like any other currency.
Your argument seems to be that there's no piece of paper, therefore it's fake. You are wrong.
Every country has a currency. Bitcoin is the internet currency..
Your bank balance is entirely fake until you withdraw the cash by that same token
Fuck that shit
@JamieTownsend Offer a good or service.
How can I use ZINdex with Grid as the parnet/
I will let people be my friend, I am a cool guy. Does that work ?
@Sean Well, here in Brazil we already had problems with paper money. We barely had any in the atms... We couldn't get money from the bank.. Just use cards..
Internet people need friends
@Sean I'd argue that money in the bank is more fake than bitcoin. Banks lend the same dollar out ten times at once.

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