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assuming that is javascript
We all know that Regex can be horrible
er, yea. I do have that.
It is.
That's just a known bastard
Sorry, Bar is long and I am slow in the head.
^ Makes for more bastards if you know what I mean
hmm, I don't :\
@KendallFrey I..... The code you posted contained one character. ;* would have worked. Obviously in this case it's not good enough and you have used a non-capturing group. It is as good as it will be. Unless there is an actual Regex expert in here that will say otherwise.
Fair enough.
I'm too tired to argue...
Shouldn't have stayed up that late last night
I'm happy. I don't have to write maintain code today.
I had a 3.5 hour interview yesterday for a position at a new company
2.5 hours was talking, and then the last hour was testing.
They made a pretty good offer, but I ended up turning them down because their flagship app was still using classic ASP
I felt like the community needed to know this
I feel closer to everyone now.
Good man.
good choice
Does <strike>strike</strike> work here or how do you strikeout in markdown?
My question still stands.
reminds me of my old place
@rudi_visser ---
Oh no, I tried 2
brb, idiots downstairs again
@justnS Good decision btw
Get stuffed
When i asked them about how well they followed SOLID, the lead dev's response was "huh?"
Nice group of guys, though. I liked them as people.
Nice guys does not a good business make
very true.
Or would it be 'do not', probably yes
Unless that was a person with first name Nice and last name Guys
@justnS since i am a beginner, heads up on what SOLID is? :)
if anyone was losing any sleep over the question I asked a while back, seems like it is a bug in IE and Webkit gethifi.com/blog/browser-rest-http-accept-headers
@StuartBlackler A buzzword.
SOLID is a group of general principles on good OO design. check out the wikipedia on it.
Also a good idea IMO.
@CCInc I hate to bother you about this, but do you still have those pngs in your dropbox? TFS didn't accept them in my checkin, apparently.
ty both
Its not gospel, but its pretty good rule of thumb.
BTW, I have no idea what it is, just remember reading it some time ago.
The gospels aren't gospel. Odd turn of phrase, that.
@rudi_visser I'm back.
@AndréSilva I have no idea what I replied to, sec
wow, that wikipedia article is terribly lacking... though I'm faaar too lazy to remedy that.
@AndréSilva This! "How are you a senior with 21yo... Doesn't seem legit.."
I'm 22!
ah, nevermind... if I wasn't too lazy to click on the links, I would have seen the rest of the article.
But I didn't replied that to you...
I think..
You didn't!
But the same principle applies I was a senior at 21!
Actually 20
No wait
I dunno
I'm just hittin you for disbelief of the concept
It just clicked yall are talking about college... I was thinking highschool and was like "WTH?!"
Screw school
I failed IT, lied about passing IT to get onto an IT course in college, then quit college
@rudi_visser I think Brazil is different.. People here say that a Medium Developer is someone that is in the area for about 2 to 4 years..
Senior is 5 to infinity.. Just what people say here...
Well, 21 is 5 years
If @JamieTownsend did the same as me that is, and started at 16
The legal work age is 18 here..
and under 18 is 5 to 10
I started with 15 but as a trainee..
@KendallFrey Do you have chatbot with you ?
:) I'm going to start the chatbot on sandbox then
It is running already.
I mean... the Zirak one.. with hangman and stuff..
how do i remove win8 boot to vhd safely? is it as simple as going into MSconfig > deleting the entry from the table and then removing the vhd file from disk?
Go ahead then, but don't flood it.
Hangman isn't starting there >.>
@StuartBlackler You need to reinstall Win7 bootloader
@StuartBlackler I did that but ended up keeping the Win8 bootloader cos it simply wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried, and just kept selecting the Win7 option in it
this could be a problem as I dont have a cd/dvd drive... best re-install deamon tools
@justnS That looks like a lot to read. How easy is it to stick to in practice, or do you spend a lot of time refactoring?
Ok it really isn't but at the same time those articles really don't help
I mean, they're simple rules but breaking everything down to abide by those must be an absolute ballache
Some of them are easier to do as you code... like LSP and Dependency Inversion. But ones like the Open/Closed principle and SRP can often to lead to a couple of refactors.
@StuartBlackler ImDisk ftw man
YES!!! I got my quine working!
Omg that sounds so exciting
Yes it is.
188 characters :O
@Sean yeah, that's why I mentioned they're good principles but not gospel. Though, I try to follow them as much as I can. Sometimes, though, an app doesn't really merit some of it.
@StuartBlackler I just noticed your original question: you can use EasyBcd to do that thing for you
@Maverik Doesn't work
Not sure why
@justnS Right so it's a "take these with a pinch of salt" type thing
The W8 bootloader is like some magical little thing that imprisons itself on your machine
But, I'm sure some devs will say its trash or some will say THOU SHALT NEVER NOT FOLLOW THINE OWN PRINCIPLES OF SOLID
oh that... yea
i thought he only wanted to remove the entry
so yea you're right.. need to reinstall the boot manager from w7
@Sean to me, its more than a pinch of salt, but yeah basically.
@rudi_visser did you figure out how to reinstall windows 7 boot manager?
@justnS No I see the importance of a set of guidelines but often I think that it's overkill for something simple or whatever. I've yet to work on a project of any sort of size that is properly OO though
@Maverik I ran bootrec to no avail
nah you need to do a bcdboot on it
Absolutely. In many small apps, I'll skip over them. Though, when I'm working on most apps at work (where some are 100k+ LOC), I try my best to adhere to them.
bcdboot d:\windows /s C:
Pretty sure I tried that aswell, and bootsect
where d:\windows is windows 7 installation and C: is your active partition
it'll work as long as you feed it the right windows folder - at least it did with me
That's what worked to install the Win8 one to boot from VHD, but I swear it didn't work going back :(
i've gone from 7 to 8 and back to 7
Although I didn't try that hard, I was reinstalling after a while anyway
may be i was lucky
you can also mess up bcd store a bit to force windows 7 boot manager
hmm there used to be a custom field in bcd store during beta stage - doesn't seem to be there anymore
I <3 Win8's bootloader anyway
It's touch friendly!
boo, rudi
well wish me luck, i may/may not be back in a few mins
gl, hf
@StuartBlackler Good luck!
boo, @Onwuka
if he's removing vhd only - he'll be fine :)
boot will be sitting outside vhd
Do not buy a computer with Windows pre-installed
no starcraft fans? man :\
oh? i is brood warrior!
Why would I buy a computer with Win preinstalled?
that's right. do not do that.
also preinstalled windows means a prebuilt computer - why would you not hand pick your components :P
Nobody ever said they did!
@Maverik cos Vaio Duo <3
But I reinstalled Win8Pro on mine, wanted RDP
Then realised DPI settings fuck RDP up BIGSTYLE
>.< ok Vaio is an exception :)
but otherwise i prefer my crossfire V in custom config
Isn't that an ATI?
well at the time i couldn't even get the motherboard let alone have it prebuilt in any configuration
oh heh.. no that CrossFire for two or more cards
CrossFire V is Asus motherboard
easy as you like
no correction Crosshair!
Ahhhhhh right
CrossOver is my monitor >.>
never realised how many crosses are in my system
welcome back @StuartBlackler
Went to msconfig > set win7 as default os > removed win8 from the list > rebooted all ok > moved VHD file > rebooted > ok > delete file & #win
That's all well and good @StuartBlackler but don't you still have Win8 bootloader? I thought the intention was to remove
no, i had the win7 bootloader. If i had win8 as the default os, i had the win8 bootloader
if that makes sense
No, that does not make sense
The Win8 bootloader is something entirely different than a default Win8 boot entry lol
ok, when I was booting into windows 7 (with win7 as the default os). I had the old style select your OS using the keyboard. When i booted into win7 with win8 as the default, i had the fancy new touch screen thing
What sort of monstrosity did you create
That's not how it works at all
12 second rate limiting is just taking the piss
i have no idea. I initally setup the vhd in virtual box as well. I do not know how i got everything working in the first place!
@justnS In the rear, with the gear.
@justnS Buuuurn.
@justnS No time for sittin around!
@justnS Kaboom, baby!
@justnS Need a light?
we need help with hangman
Yea it will only let me invite you to the Win8 chat not the Sandbox, idk why
@everyone Hey Sankas, ya ded mons?
Yeah mon !
nobody got my "Get the fuck outta here!" reference
in the sandbox
aww come on has nobody seen Beverly Hills Cop?! D=
Sorry im actually working lol
yes I've seen it
Ah, I have two big monitors so I can work and do other things too
ditto, but vs on one and management studio on the other lol
Ahh, don't need management studio atm
I love when writing a question answers the question.
got a link?
@Sean I had my wife check in my code for me. Been working on blackjack for a little bit, got cards on the screen. Yay me.
@Sean Hey, do you have the png version of the cards from yesterday?
(sorry for the double ping, I'm a bad man.)
@Billdr Uhhm at home
I want to use the SVG ones cos I'm making it into an app
The svgs have about 300% padding
oh that's gay
feck it, png it is then
Nearly home time yay
fixed sixe ftw
yea. svgs are supposed to be editable with code, but I've got no idea how to do it.
Anyone know of a good C# decompiler? (Or generic .Net one) that's free?
ilspy ?
linky: ilspy.net
@billdr Does it have hookers?
@KyleTrauberman My that's next.
//TODO: Implement iHookers
@Billdr Did hookers scramble your brain?
I <3 hookers
I $ hookers.
@JamieTownsend Thos big burly men, how they just throw you around?
sorry, I had to star that @JamieTownsend
How was I suppose to know she was a guy? Apart from the adams apple of course
and the adams penis?
oh, brilliant joke.... 2 secs
Hands like Andre the giant
! ApiControllers does not give you access to session, apparently. This is a sad thing.
@Billdr HttpContext.Current.Session
ooo that reminds me, I once interviewed a women for a developer position, I use the term "women" losely. I was a complete professional and did the interview. At the end she/it turned around and said. I need to tell you that I've had a sex change..... My chin hit the floor
Hashtag awkward!
@JamieTownsend @KyleTrauberman Nearly shagged a Ladyboy last night. Picked him up in a night club. He Looked like a woman. Smelled like a woman. Danced like a woman. Even kissed like a woman, but as we arrived back at his apartment he reversed his car into a tight parking slot in one fluid movement.! That's when I thought "Just wait a minute."
ask to see her CDL
if she doesn't have one, run.
$define CDL
Commercial Drivers License
has he implemented that yet?
Hurreh teh fuq up!
$todo implement $define
We'll see.
Alright, session isn't going to work anyway. Thanks though, Kyle.
I have my web code and an API code. I need to feed the API code an argument without trusting the client with it.
well, the client can have it, they just can't supply it.
...but the request is coming from the client. Gah.
and session won't work because...
Its throwing a null reference in the API code.
is your client not passing the session cookie?
this is kinda of a hack, but it might work: provide your client with a guid that it should pass to your api with every call. store that guid in a database with your session values.
At that point I'll just bind the api to authorization
Actually, I think I found a better way to do this.
are you using the features of the ApiController?
Probably not.
I.E. POST, PUT, etc
if not, just use a regular controller
Oh, yeah, it's set to get.
if you're just calling methods and not using odata, a regular controller should suffice
Woo. Now all I have to do is try and remember what these variables were called...
and you should have access to the session at that point
The jquery.getJSON() call isn't using the same session, apparently.
check if your browser is passing the session cookie with that call
if not, then yeah it won't be
...It is passing the sessionId
By jove!
I think he's got it!
She cannae go any faster....?
My Delorian only gets up to 87 mph :(
I thee your lithp ith gone.
@KyleTrauberman That's a crying shame =[
if I'm pulling the info I need from the cookie, I'm still trusting the client.
you're not pulling the info you need from the cookie
you're pulling the session id
which comes from...
which asp.net uses to look up the values
this is how sessions work, if that's an issue, look into a different solution
@Billdr under standard config, session data is stored in process memory on the server, the client only ever sees the session ID in the cookie
@KyleTrauberman Eww.
right. And the client can change the sessionid
@Billdr Yeah =]
So if a client has two sessions, he can use session a to influence session b
But .Net does an internal check on the endpoint to make sure you've not snooped someone else's session
I'm not sure that'd get him anything, apart from breaking out of my flow.
what are you building that this is a problem?
bitcoin blackjack.
@KyleTrauberman Gambling addiction
would antiforgery tokens solve this?
Maybe? I don't know what those are.
yea, that's not the issue I'm worried about
hooking on to the session id will probably be fine.
The user still ends up getting a random card. The win/lose logic happens on the server side anyway.
it'll just mung up their GUI experience.
yea, that's the ticket.
I'd have to write in some error handling, but that'd go a long way to locking it down.
need foodstuffs, brb.
Cya later everyone =]
How can I open a csproj that is at a specific version of vs2k10 on a vs2k10 that is slightly under that versio?
It won't let me open because of version problems :(
I'd try editing the project file directly. Make sure you have a backup.
I do have..
Let me see if I can do something with the csproj..
Let me restart windows first.. for some odd reason I think this will solve..
Lets see...
I think I screwed up something.. It is saying that I have SP1Rel
After ~3 months of asking my lead to take a look at my code because I wasn't 100% sure I was following his pattern, he comes in saying I was doing it wrong and have to redo a bunch of it.
I remember you talking about that..
This is a new one.
kendall will yell if i ask in here
I won't.
@ScottSelby he will yell any way
I just yelled in that room this time.
Kendall Frey: always yelling.
Kyle Trauberman: Always agreeing with me.
@KendallFrey Correct yourself. YES
I'm very disagreeable.
I'm also very hungry.
I have a delicious spag bowl
spag bol: spaghetti bologneise
I have a delicious spaghetti code.
If you're going to be common as muck, at least do it right.
He said bowl .-.
Actually, it's not spaghetti, but I'm getting paid to refactor it into spaghetti.
@AndréSilva You're upside down
So he said lmop ?
He lives in the southern hemisphere. What did you expect?
The right way up is relative.
@KendallFrey you're right it's not spaghetti. It's some ASDA cheap rubbish... not sure what it classes as
@StuartBlackler Reconstitued connective tissue.
Didn't you know that all internet cables crossing the equator have to invert all the text that goes through them?
Under UK food laws, food products are allowed to contain a certain percentage of connective tissue. It's a lot higher than you would expect, although I can't remember the exact figure.
@KendallFrey Did you also know they removed gullible from the dictionary?
Connective tissue being what?
Ligaments, cartilage, tendons, etc.
@Sean It never was in.
@Sean Intestine?
Sure, why not?
Intestine... yum... means sausage.
Oh yeah, the skin
15 minutes of debate later: I'm right, lead's wrong. This is what gods must feel like.
@Billdr What did I just go and do?
The wrong thing?
What you're experiencing now is not what gods feel like. The lack of omniscience and/or omnipresence gives it away.
I'm pretty sure it was the wrong thing.
No I needed to. It was good.
Also, the Greek/Roman gods were not omnipotent or omnipresent.
Hell, even Jehova isn't omnipresent in parts of that book.
They must have sucked =\
$i @user123363
@user123363 Welcome to the C# room! Please read the wiki.
$i is a terrible alias for that
is a terrible alias for that Welcome to the C# room! Please read the wiki.
Why is it terrible
$intro or $introduction would provide a better user experience.
or $introduction would provide a better user experience. Welcome to the C# room! Please read the wiki.
My poor bot.
$irresponsible alias assignment is Kendall's weak spot.
Congrats @KendallFrey, you've done something funny xD
meeting, wish me luck.
tails you lose

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