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So, several of our clients sell adult products... I just got one of their databases from production to replicate a bug with performance testing... let's just say it's a bit amusing to see 10,000 different names for a dildo running through my terminal at light speed
Made me think of Metalocalypse... "your products is dildos!"
Uhm... my handle is really common.
So if it shows up, that's totally not me.
*searches username=Billdr*



oh... oh god...


So, you like the color black a lot, huh?
and the number 13
you mean 13" right?
That's the one.
$news Pheonixblade9 is going through a dildo catalogue and getting paid for it.
The bot is working now, honest. And it remembers stuff for longer than ever before. That is, when it is working. $help is now supported on the bot. Pheonixblade9 is going through a dildo catalogue and getting paid for it.
I just found out my favorite indie musician will be doing a show in my town tomorrow. My birthday is on Monday. The fates smile upon me.
I have been doing way too much JS. That's the second time today I declared a variable with var in C#.
I do that all the time. ReSharper encourages it, actually.
var i =1;
The bot is working now, honest. And it remembers stuff for longer than ever before. That is, when it is working. $help is now supported on the bot. Pheonixblade9 is going through a dildo catalogue and getting paid for it.
ReSharper encourages it? I'm never using it then.
I installed Resharper, tried it, uninstalled it 2 days later
It tries too hard to be its own IDE
tools are supposed to be simple and unobtrusive
this.dealerHand[] = data.dealerHand; isn't valid JS?
No, you didn't pass a value to the []
What did you mean?
I'm trying to make an array, and the array should be whatever the data.dealerHand property is.
Just like C#. this.dealerHand = data.dealerHand;
hi guys....
i am using selenium IDE firefox plugin to test an mvc application ...the button is not recognizing by selenium while recording...
[info] Executing: |open | / | |
[info] Executing: |click | id=loginLink | |
[info] Executing: |type | id=UserName | admin |
[info] Executing: |type | id=Password | admin |
[info] Executing: |click | css=input[type="submit"] | |
[info] Executing: |click | link=admin | |
[error] Element link=admin not found
Hmm, alright. Thanks Kendall.
anyone ..help me
@PeterJennings You haven't asked a question.
@PeterJennings not the same question?
why it is not recognizing the button
@PeterJennings Please read tinyurl.com/so-hints
@Pheonixblade9 I just read your post as "I'm black. Women, contain your orgasms."
<a class="btn btn-small dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" style="font-size: smaller"><i class="icon-user"></i>&nbsp;admin&nbsp;<span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a class="" href="/Account/LogOff">Log off</a></li>
<li><a class="username" data-dialog-title="Change password" href="/Account/ChangePassword" id="changePasswordLink">Change Password</a></li>
Your favourite color. How sweet.
@PeterJennings Please format it with fixed-font.
how to do that
@Billdr Did it feel wrong?
@Pheonixblade9 felt oh-so-right.
		<a class="btn btn-small dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" style="font-size: smaller"><i class="icon-user"></i>&nbsp;admin&nbsp;<span class="caret"></span></a>
		<ul class="dropdown-menu">
				<li><a class="" href="/Account/LogOff">Log off</a></li>
				<li><a class="username" data-dialog-title="Change password" href="/Account/ChangePassword" id="changePasswordLink">Change Password</a></li>
Hello all
Does anyone know if it's bad practice to make db calls from an asp.net razor view?
@jhartzell that depends. Are you using EF?
No, currently using PetaPoco
ehh. I wouldn't have any DB stuff in the view. Put it in the model
That was my thinking too, alright.
I'm having some "current status: connecting" database issues while trying to debug my large project so it makes it hard to debug when it constantly is having connection issues. the project is firing several ajax calls and sometimes they fail, I'm trying to figure out why so that I can debug issues.
So that input helps quite a bit :p
[error] Element link=admin not found ....how to make selenium IDE recognize this button/icon
holy crap, I've been sitting here for 15 hours. Good night sirs.
@Billdr night
@JohanLarsson @KendallFrey Why this happen?
The left is the designer view what it should look like, the right is what it is.
idk CC
I saw your question on SO, tried for a while but failed
Well, this time I tried with buttons and look what happened :(
wpf is painful
How do you use it? :( It never works!
but if you do it a lot I think you can become really productive
@CCInc I use it the same way :)
What is wrong with the code?
    <Grid >
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Orange" Margin="8,31,2,21" Panel.ZIndex="-3" ></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Red" Margin="6,29,4,23" Panel.ZIndex="-1">


        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Yellow" Margin="3,26,7,26" Panel.ZIndex="1"></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="DarkRed" Margin="1,23,9,29" Panel.ZIndex="3"></Border>
(see full text)
@JohanLarsson It seems that it is shifting the buttons upward...
I dont like the way you place the buttons
How would you place them?
    <Grid >
            <RowDefinition Height="284*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="30" />
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,0,0" Panel.ZIndex="1" Background="Red"/>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,5,5" Panel.ZIndex="2" Background="Orange"/>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0"  Margin="0,0,10,10" Panel.ZIndex="3" Background="Yellow"/>
(see full text)
not perfect, cleaned it up a little
Do you see how the Grid Rows are used now?
Too contain certain elements that are common to a row?
yeah, kind of. To control placement of elements i would say
Now you can change the row value and all updates
but we still have work to do
Do you think I can replace my images with a button background?
the wpf button is very stylable
    <Grid >
            <RowDefinition Height="284*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="30" />
        <Border CornerRadius="{StaticResource cornerRadius}"  Margin="0,0,0,0" Panel.ZIndex="0" Background="Red"/>
        <Border CornerRadius="{StaticResource cornerRadius}"  Margin="0,0,5,5" Panel.ZIndex="1" Background="Orange"/>
        <Border CornerRadius="{StaticResource cornerRadius}"  Margin="0,0,10,10" Panel.ZIndex="2" Background="Yellow"/>
(see full text)
ZIndex still fails
What is wrong?
w8 got an idea
no I failed, got to sleep now
@JohanLarsson Ok, thanks anyway!
@CC it migh be a good idea to wrap one page border + button into a usercontrol plenty of potential for code reuse if nothing else
I'm gonna continue failing tomorrow
@CCInc Did you understand the grid thing? (honest answer)
@JohanLarsson The rows?
yeah, I dont know if Grid has much use without its rows columns
Yup, I think I did
ok, we write something simple with grid tomorrow (dummyproject)
2 hours later…
hey anyone on?
@user1739957 Hello! :)
@PicrofoEGY hey whats up
@user1739957 Nothing new :)
What about you?
@PicrofoEGY how many monitors do you have?
nothing new. Printing,literally hundreds of pages for final review
@user1739957 What do you mean by monitors?
@PicrofoEGY those thing connected to your PC which display things!!! :)
@user1739957 Oh, just one!
@PicrofoEGY too bad
I really need someone here who have four monitors to test a program I am about to release
do you know of anyone?
Not really
@PicrofoEGY you are not much help! :)
Sorry about that :(
Good luck with your project!
Why four?
@KendallFrey The program is not done yet
I guess three would work
it is an update to this program
And why not two, pray tell?
@KendallFrey If I told you it would give it away what I am doing
I dont want someone beating me to it
It looks like two monitors would work.
If you want me to test it on two, I can.
@KendallFrey no, that program works fine
its the update
the pro version I am working on
thats okay, I'll find somone
thanks anyway!
Well, now you have me wondering.
Guess what, my new programming language has an interpreter now.
@KendallFrey keep talking
what is your new programming language?
@Kendall Frey are you threatening me?
REBEL: Regular Expression Based Esoteric Language
Here's the Hello, world:
Hello, World!/.+/$>$0
I also have a cat, and am working on a quine.
@KendallFrey so why are you telling me this???
Because I thought the world should know.
by the way, I trust you have started writing that OS I laid out for you???? :)
@KendallFrey the OS that competes with Mac and Win and runs on both
Did I say I would?
@KendallFrey no, you said you could though, with a lot of money and time
I was just joking with you !! :))
Yeah, so... bedtime.
@KendallFrey Looks interesting
@KendallFrey night
Which OS are we talking about again?
3 hours later…
Hey Guys
Suggest me a solution for http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13738447/extending-openfiledialog-to-select-folder-and-file-simultaneously
2 hours later…
Good morning everyone.
Morning @AndréSilva
whut? O.o
Morning @SamyS.Rathore!
Not sure
whut whut?
i saw what you did
I didn't do anything
So does anybody non-hipster have Socl?
I'm keen to find somebody somewhat normal to follow (I know that's a big ask from a development chat room, but I'm hopeful..)
i haven't used socl
You should!
It's interesting
i might try
some other day :P
That's no use to me
I'll be bored of the whole concept soon
@rudi_visser Just carry on looking at naked Russian chicks, you'll be fine
Morning @Sean
I did!
But they get removed very quickly
That licks balls. In the bad way.
I know right
I have no idea what I'm doing
BTW I'm almost better... that magic pill, which had no markings btw, fixed me!
I may feel the need to devour a few chickens
Had to wait 20 mins for my taxi this morning because "they're all driving slow this morning cos of the black ice"
Mmmm chicken
That's crap
I drove faster cos I was late :(
It was alright, I felt hungry for a change so I went into Tesco and grabbed a southern fried chicken mini wrap thing
and some mountain dew
oh mountain dew, how I love you
Bah that isn't real Mtn Dew
the walls and ceilings won't contain me for long on this stuff =D
I don't care, it's nice and it makes me go faster
and it's luminous green
like I really shouldn't be drinking it
it's all good! =D
Have you ever had the real yankee mtn dew
no, I've never been to real yankee land
but I did almost choke on it
stupid body, liquid doesn't go in the air hole
We used to be able to import it, but they stopped that
got that popcorn song in my head
The muppets?! Yay!
No the techno-type one
By that german group, Kraftwerk?
Kraftwerk are legends, but yea
didn't realise it was the muppets thing too
really need to get some longer headphones..
Swedish Chef is my idol
and oh my god I bloody forgot again
sat at my PC ALL NIGHT last night and still didn't put all the tracks on I wanted
didn't put any on, in fact
just forgot about it. Again.
do Google still have the swedish chef translate?
Most likely
This is the best song ever
My boss is sending me things to do that are just wrong
"When x is y, z is disabled. It should be that when x is a, z is disabled."
But.... That's how it is....
I even checked...
Oh right I read that so wrong
screenie taim
D= no decent paint program
Paint.Net to the rescuuuuue!
Snipping Tool!
I want the whole page. So he can cry and piss his pants like a little girl when he has to scroll to see the bit he wants.
I could be helpful though
Probably better to be helpful
Mornign all
urgently need script for copying values of column A to Column C
without making any changes to column A
ctrl-c, ctrl-v
I'm assuming this is in excel?
Nope SQL server
UPDATE Table SET ColC = ColA;
UPDATE Table SET Col1 = Col2
Hey guys
Mine's totally better
Morning @Sisyphe
@rudi_visser Silence. I keel you.
morning @Sisyphe
Shit, the religious muppets are at Socl now
Brb need to go find out what the problem is with this. I have a sneaky feeling I'm not seeing the problem because I'm not the right type of person....
Not an idiot?
Ahh :( I want to check this socl thing.. But my proxy denies the access. Feels bad man
I need an aspirin
Or my heart will explode
Idiots make me angry, even more so, lazy idiots
It won't. Just if your bpm is higher than 180 ._.
I'm a lazy idiot
On SO chat, you're neither lazy nor idiot..
But if in real life you're a lazy idiot, we will understand. You're a boss haha
I'm awesome
But yes lazy
I was wide awake at 6am this morning but couldn't be arsed getting out of bed until 7:30
This place gives me nightmares.
standard button, visible set to false
o.o Why ?
NOWHERE in the code-behind does it EVER set it to visible
Maybe it's magic @Sean
yet it must do because the muppets downstairs manage to find this button and use it, I've just seen it with my own eyes
If it's magic, it's broken
now final countdown
DbApi.Destroy();, because DbApi.Close(); is too mainstream
what is my brain doing?
@rudi_visser DbApi.Destroy(); should dispose the object. Unless that's what close does?
That's what Dispose does cos it's IDisposable
I know with SqlConnection it closes as part of it's dispose but I don't think it disposes as part of its close
yeah but Destroy sounds like you're getting rid of the whole thing
internal static void Destroy()
            if (_connection != null)
                _connection = null;
                new JRO.JetEngine().RefreshCache(_connection);
I'm getting rid of the internal state of the connection
ah who cares, cool method names ftw
Access / JET has some serious caching issues
Cos it's shit
Q: Disable/Flush OleDbConnection Cache

rudi_visserI've been fighting with OleDbConnection for a while now trying to get it to not cache. Basically I am accessing a shared Access database, which is being written to from another application, and then I'm reading back values (having checked that it is flushed via the Last Write time and a subsequen...

My only unanswered question
Haha cos nobody wants to get into that minefield
I swear to god if it's in the page and not the user control...
Even though the user control is the ENTIRE PAGE
it's not
at least that's not been done
It's magic
I hate WebForms
This is going to drive me nuts
Honestly, it wouldn't matter if they had written it in MVC
the people who have worked here before and the standards that are upheld are shocking
I'm getting pissed at this job already....
Sup @AndréSilva
I was hired to development using c#..
@Sean Yea that doesn't surprise me
@AndréSilva Less tequila.
Now they are manipulatting me to do analysis using delphi...
BTW @Sean she gave me 3 more of the drugs

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