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Ok, I got a challenge for you..
Is it neccessary to keep this property inside a singleton.
I got a bunch of ifs that looks ugly.. I want to reduce the amount of lines but keep the logic...
Hey look at this, my nick finally changed
@AndréSilva Try doing the logic the other way around, you can often remove a couple of ifs that way
@Sean I'm just checking for empty fields on the form to populate a list...
@AndréSilva Oh probably not then
@Maninder Not at all
Can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby here we go
  if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtNome.Text))) Where.Add("Nome", txtNome.Text);
            if (!(cbBloco.SelectedItem == null) && !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cbBloco.SelectedItem.ToString()))) Where.Add("Bloco", cbBloco.SelectedItem.ToString());
            if (!(cbApto.SelectedItem == null) && !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cbApto.SelectedItem.ToString()))) Where.Add("Apartamento", cbApto.SelectedItem.ToString());
            if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTelefone.Text))) Where.Add("Telefone", txtTelefone.Text);
(see full text)
Yea no leave it
@SamyS.Rathore where do i need to change this
No better way to do this then ? haha
There's one simple thing you could do to improve readability which would be to push all of the values into a Dictionary and loop over that
Keep the fields inside a dictionary what ?
Like var fields = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Nome", txtNome.Text }, {"Telefone", txtTelefone.Text } }; etc
Then foreach(var fieldData in fields) { if(!string.IsNullOrWhitespace(fieldData.Value)) Where.Add(fieldData.Key, fieldData.Value); }
(psst. The type you're looking for is KeyValuePair<string, string>)
But for the comboboxes, you're still going to need the null check in the addition to the dictionary
@Sean Obviously but var is sexy
var all the things o/
It's a buzzkeyword
lol it's noooooooooooot
@rudi_visser So keeping this property in other global class and accessing it will help me not to call many times????
All the "cool kids" use it =P
@Maninder It won't make the blindest bit of difference if you don't cache it like I showed you
Damn, LCD Soundsystem should've released a depressing Christmas album
That would've been so good
// TODO - Rudi!!! You need to change this, at least for a name change.
// TODO - Rewrite it to be a bit nicer than it is at the moment, we don't need most of this crap now since it's in another DLL.
// TODO - Move whatever you can to ZptrCore and shift the other crap somewhere else.
// TODO - DON'T LEAVE IT!!!!!!
@rudi So finally what I conclude is whatever i've done is ok
Wow I don't even trust myself to know how to change stuff after time
 * TODO - Tidy this up. Please.
 * Resharper cries at night over this.
It's a sad day
@Maninder What you did will not make the property only be accessed from your main settings class once. What I showed you will
so in this way i need to modify the code to create an instance for each property.
Thats what you want me to do???
Yes so that you can store the retrieved value and not have to retrieve it every time, that was your intention right?
// TODO - Rudi!!! Don't leave this. Change it. Use Ljund.Common.Plugin framework for construction.
// TODO - Seriously, don't leave it, it's horrible and has issues.
public class DataProviderHost
Damn this shit is everywhere
private Dictionary<string, string> Fields()
    return new Dictionary<string, string>()
                    { "Nome", txtNome.Text },
                    { "Bloco", cbBloco.SelectedItem == null ? string.Empty : cbBloco.SelectedItem.ToString() },
                    { "Apartamento", cbApto.SelectedItem == null ? string.Empty  : cbApto.SelectedItem.ToString() },
                    { "Telefone", txtTelefone.Text },
                    { "Carro", txtCarro.Text },
                    { "Placa", txtPlaca.Text },
(see full text)
Yes rudi
Beautiful @AndréSilva
I wonder if you could do this actually, not sure if ToString is implied
what do you mean ?
{ "Bloco", cbBloco.SelectedItem ?? string.Empty },
Thanks alot for Your help rudi.
@Maninder No problem
@AndréSilva ^
Probably won't work though
It won't..
It will return null if possible
I need an empty string or the value..
That's what ?? does
It returns the first object if it's not null, otherwise the second
@rudi Can I have your instant chat id so that I can ask you if any trouble
But what I mean is that it probably won't call .ToString() on the .SelectedItem and so won't compile
@Maninder If you want to stop your program going to the settings file every time you cache it (check if a backing field is null and return it if it isn't). If you want to only ever have one instance of that property you use a singleton. If you want to only ever have one instance AND only go to the settings file once, you combine the singleton with the backing field.
Ah, I thought it was the other way around.
So, it will work.
@Maninder I'm always on here just come here, and then there are other people too..
Well.. I'll have to .ToString the SelectedItem
@AndréSilva Then you'll get an exception since it will fail trying to call ToString() on a null object
That's what I'm saying, it probably won't work, but would be nice if it did
I guess you could wrap it like this: { "Bloco", Convert.ToString(cbBloco.SelectedItem ?? string.Empty) },
But then you're back into nasty territory
I could do even worse.. I could cast.
Actually no that's possibly still better
You could but depending on the type (if it's not string) it would need an implicit conversion
(string)(cbBloco.SelectedItem ?? string.Empty)
Or if it's a string then go ahead :D
It will always be a string.
Should be all good then I guess
It is an object that always returns a string, that's what I meant.
yep yep
Should work fine with a cast then
fucking WPF man, breaks everything you think you know about controls....
@Sean There are no controls in WPF!
But yes I agree with you
Say what? What the hell is cbBloco then?
Surely it's just a checkbox list?
@AndréSilva If this is WPF why aren't you binding to a backing string? That would solve all of your problems
@rudi_visser Do you think I know how to do that ?
First time using wpf...
Good point, I still just guess and hope it works
The only problem with the logic you gave me
Is this line :
{ "Tipo", cbTipo.SelectedItem == null ? string.Empty : new Proprietarios().RetornaTipo(cbTipo.SelectedItem.ToString()) }
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyBackField}" ...... />
Then MyBackField would be a public property on the class which uses it
Wait that doesn't solve your problem at all, but regardless is a better way to do what you're doing
and when I say better I don't mean better, I mean more WPF-esque
So please continue with what you're doing and ignore me
Just if I (new Proprietarios().RetornaTipo((string)(cbTipo.SelectedItem ?? string.Empty))
What would that do.
The thing you said.
That would work fine as long as RetornaTipo didn't asplode on an empty string
@rudi can i use string.IsNullOrEmpty instead of if(_applicationName == null) check in the property
@Maninder Of course you can
@Maninder But if it is empty, you'll still end up calling the backing class to retrieve it every time, despite it being empty
RetornaTipo is just a case to get the flag if you send the full name of a field
Or return the full name of a field if you send a flag.
If it is not wrapped in that case, returns an empty string.
Should be alright then
Another question that came to mind..
@rudi and for integer properties what to check for
You realise I have a head-crushing migraine and I'm half dead at the moment right?
null or 0
foreach(shit in ass) { } has the same performance as using(shit = ass.GetEnumerator) { } ?
@Maninder They're value types so make it a nullable int backing field
@AndréSilva Crudely yes
@Maninder private int? _MyIntBacker;
get { if (_MyIntBacker == null) ...
return (int)_MyIntBacker;
@AndréSilva Why you ask btw? Internally foreach is just a call to GetEnumerator and a while loop
@rudi no need to check for defaults 0.
@Maninder ?
@rudi_visser Because I like to know this obscure stuff haha
By the way
Will this work ?
            var Where = Fields();

            using (var fields = Where.GetEnumerator())
                while (fields.MoveNext())
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fields.Current.Value))
@Maninder The reason for checking for null instead of 0 is because 0 is in theory a valid value in addition to being the default, null would never be a valid integer and so is perfect for an initialiser
i mean if (_MyIntBacker == null || _MyintBacker =0)
@AndréSilva Yes but why are you rewriting foreach implementation? I mean it's literally the same thing
foreach (V v in x) embedded-statement
	E e = ((C)(x)).GetEnumerator();
	try {
		V v;
		while (e.MoveNext()) {
			v = (V)(T)e.Current;
	finally {
		// Dispose e
@rudi_visser Because I won't be able to remove a field of the Dictionary on a foreach
wow! it's amazing how people share IP publicly
@Prasanth As long as you're using the internet.. you're sharing your ip.
@AndréSilva He meant Intellectual Property
@AndréSilva and now I see your point, but surely you'd have the same issue? I thought you were adding to Where, not copying/removing
Err umm, amazing? I think I used the wrong word. :|
Amazing doesn't mean good or bad, context tells you what type of amazement you're feeling
@rudi_visser What if I remove the using statement and declare a var ?
@rudi same nullable backing field goes with bool types also na
@AndréSilva Wait you can still remove it from Where if you're iterating over Fields
@Maninder Yes because value type, you can use bool?
PROBLEM: Class with GUID inside. List of said class objects. Writing function to assign new GUID. Need to check if any of the objects in list have the same GUID. Do not want to write a loop. Solve.
            var Where = Fields();

            using (var fields = Fields().GetEnumerator())
                while (fields.MoveNext())
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fields.Current.Value))
Won't I be using Fields twice ?
You're creating a copy of it each time cos it's a property
So ideally I want something like if (LAMBDA) { newGuid = GetNewGuid(); } but I dunno how to write the lambda
But you're also not manipulating Fields, so it's irrelevant, you're manipulating Where based off of Fields keys
Oh wait, yes I do
But when I call var Where = Fields()I'll be entering Fields() once. And when I do the using (var fields = Fields().GetEnumerator()) I'll be calling twice..
Yes you will
Cache the property value!
@Billdr Sorry for not entering skype yesterday, I got stuck on traffic because of some motorcycle accident on the main road and I got home about 11pm here
@rudi_visser Another var ?
@AndréSilva No biggie.
@rudi regarding your comment "But if it is empty, you'll still end up calling the backing class to retrieve it every time, despite it being empty" so I should not use if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_applicationName))
@Billdr I'm really sorry. :(
So, morning everyone.
Morning :)
IEnumerable<Guid> existingClientIDs = from c in ConnectedClients
where c.ClientID.Equals(newClientID)
select c.ClientID;

if (existingClientIDs.Count() > 0)
newClientID = GetNewClientID();
@Maninder Not really cos if it's empty then it will also call it
can I turn that into a lambda within the if statement?
I'm dinking around in MVC. In my controller I have a method that adds some data to the session. I want a link that triggers that method then does some ajaxy stuff with the session data. Any idea how I can do that?
Ajax.ActionLink("Text",MethodName, ajaxoptions{}); isn't doing it.
@Sean Do you know LINQ at all?
@rudi_visser No not really
@Sean if(ConnectedClients.Count(guid => guid == newClientId)) { ..
@rudi Yes thats why i would like to confirm I should go for only null check or Is nullorempty.
@Maninder null preferably
@AndréSilva Yea another var to cache it like I showed @Maninder earlier
ok I was going the wrong way
@rudi_visser It will be the same.. I will call Fields twice..
@AndréSilva Yeah but you're not recreating the Dictionary so it's not an overhead you should care about unless you're calling it 10000000000000000000000000 times
For some odd reason, it is taking 1 to 2 seconds to return a single value o.o
cos you're creating a dictionary every time atm
Nope, still taking 1 to 2 seconds caching..
@rudi_visser It didn't work xD I didn't think so. I just needed to change it to if (ConnectedClient.Count(client => client.ClientID.Equals(newClientID)) > 0)
@Sean ya
Whatever... When I do some huge mass test I'll know if it is taking long enough..
Be right back.
@AndréSilva Yea the first one would still take 1-2 things
@rudi_visser So whenever I see Func<class, bool> predicate I can use the lambda stuff?
Pretty much
cos that's what it's saying it accepts a class and returns a bool operation = lambda
So the input is the Guid and the equality check is the return = done
That whole from x in y select z crap should only be used for the first week of Linq :D
I still see people doing this:
I'm still in my first week of Linq
var AllEntries = from BlogEntry in BlogEntries
    select BlogEntry;
If you count the actual time I've spent doing anything with new features, I'm still in my first week of .Net 4
When they could just do var AllEntries = BlogEntries;
It winds me up
@Sean Ah you're in for a very nice treat <3
Socket workerSocket = _serverSocket.EndAccept(result);

                ConnectedClients.Add(new ConnectedClient(workerSocket, GetNewClientID()));

You used async yet?
I'm writing a blackjack game in MVC. I just created a class called BjModel.
If I then loop through connected clients, will I get the same instance of workerSocket back?
Or will it be copied? Do I need to put ref in my constructor for ConnectedClient?
@rudi_visser async looks so easy but I don't see how I would use it with existing functions that return IAsyncResult because they're all based off Task<T>
So I'm still writing callbacks
You wouldn't, there are extensions
using (Socket client = await listener.AcceptAsync()) ..
fucks sake
I fucking hate programming
want a job at Tesco
fuck this shit
Dude did I tell you about that hottie at Sainsburys yesterday?
I want to go back
yeah you did
She was cute
Greedy bastard :P
so I can basically write my entire socket server in one function now?
Who's greedy
@Sean Yea
@rudi_visser You
You are with another ha
She's insane and didn't even sleep with me last night
She's dead to me!
At least you can moan about that ;)
I shouldn't have to
You'll always bitch about your girl
It's in your nature
No, we just won't be together
and then I will bitch about many girls
s/your girl/any girl you are with at any given point in time
Talking of, I think the model here is angry with me for accepting a cookie of K's best friend and telling her about it
It's like she wants to be my only sideline :(
@rudi_visser I just checked what was making things take 1 to 2 seconds.. SQL CE. But I inserted 100 people and takes the same amount of time.. So, no problem.. :)

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