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Bla bla
@AndréSilva CE?! Like, Compact Edition?
@rudi_visser Yep.
@rudi_visser I won't change now... :( I did half of the work with SQLite, but I started having problems, then people told me to use CE and now that is almost done I got lazy enough to not change :( :( :(
Who on Earth told you to use CE?
I didn't even think that shit existed anymore
SQL Server LocalDB replaces it, it's basically SQL Server Express but user-instanced
That said, I'm not sure it's supported on XP, so carry on
Do I have to install anything other than nuget ?
@AndréSilva This is the problem with programming. You constantly strive to use the right thing. Except there is no right thing. Stick with what you have and run with it
:( You're right Sean. I'll stick with this...
@AndréSilva Finish this one, make a note of what everyone is saying to use and try them in your next projects
Otherwise you'll never finish it
Screw what others say use LocalDB
hindsight is always 20/20
Just kidding do what @Sean said but LocalDB is the future
What are the benefits of using LocalDB over SQLCE ?
Q: SQL LocalDB vs SQL Server CE

danbordI have a small project that will have 1 user on 1 computer. The database will be rather small (probably less than 1 mb of data). I plan to use WPF and Entity Framework for that project. I came up with 2 potential database solutions for my project : SQL Server CE and SQL Server Express LocalDB (w...

You had that bookmarked didn't you @rudi_visser ...
But long story short it's a real SQL Server
I won't use LocalDB.
SQL Server 2012 LocalDB Privately installed, embedded, with the application No
This program that I'm doing is for personal use. I'll use it on a notebook with 2gb ram
I don't want to install fancy things that are not embedded with the programs source..
SQL CE seems like SQLite from microsoft..
For this project, LocalDB will not help me. :(
If it's a personal project surely using the best tool available for the job (to learn for the future) is the best course?
and yes SQLCE is like MS SQLite, which in itself makes it horrible for anything other than embedded and/or throwaway projects
@rudi_visser The main reason I'm using CE is because of embbeded resource :(
But it still needs the runtime you know that yea?
It's still a local database file on disk for LocalDB/CE
It's just that LocalDB is real
Yeah. But the CE dll doesn't require installation other than what it comes with the program.
Doesn't it? Awesome nvm then :D
If it's fine for your purposes then that's absolutely fine
My opinion but, I like things very, but very simple. I click on setup and I'm ready to use the system. I click a button in the system and it will return exactly what I want..
I hate the way Microsoft does... Install this to download this to install this that will create a config program so you can start using my system..
That's the same as the .NET Framework though
That's not Microsoft that's life you need dependencies :D
People got used to companies rulling what the clients need...
Microsoft could do a freaking program that would do everything once instead of troubling the user...
That's why we have setup programs
SQL Server 2008... You need to install Visual Studio 2008, then SP1, then SQL Server 2008. And it will ask you to download SP1..
That bundle all dependencies in 1
@AndréSilva Orrrrrrrr just download SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1
@rudi_visser MS can't even do a good job of that
In what instance?
But it will ask you to have Visual Studio 2k8 sp1
I've never installed Visual Studio on my servers yet they've run SQL Server for years
You probably have the framework installed..
It enabled the .NET 3.5 Feature yes
That's it
SSMS installs the Visual Studio Shell, but that's bundled anyway
@rudi_visser Example: installing SharePoint. They have a separate link to install the dependencies on your system. Rather than just installing it, checking for dependencies and installing them one by one as needed.
Bah I don't class SharePoint as a frontline MS application :P
You should
Most businesses that use SharePoint use it because they bought an internal server bundled with Windows Server Foundation which contained SharePoint preinstalled for their domain
Or even installing SQL Server 2008 or 2012 on windows 8 using MS best practise least-priviledged accounts
You're not meant to use unpriviledged accounts for installations that's kindof the point :D
Ha, there is a good example.
@rudi_visser You'd be surprised. We get a lot of people requesting SharePoint installs.
I installed Windows 7 on my home pc at home.
But you work in Buuuuurnley :p
@rudi_visser And you work 5 miles away
Yea but
After that, instead of downloading and installing the updates that it needs before I start screwing the pc
It asked me to download an installer
And we have BIG customers in London, where you work is rather beside the point
To download all MS updates..
Man, y'all have some fucked up experiences
MS recommend that on your domain you use a network account and local admin accounts for installation. For security. Yet as soon as your local admin account can't access the internet with redist packages the installation fails.
They can't even do that right
As Red from That 70s show say. "Stupid shit happen to you because you're stupid".
When I get home, I get user brain.
So shit happen.
granted, they're not all bad but you would think that after years they would be able to get it right
@Sean Yeah I remember you saying, but I'm still confused as to why your local admin account wouldn't mirror the network account and/or have access
Oh crap
Because it's a LOCAL admin account and has no access to the domain whatsoever
Ok, another question came to mind..
If I do using(var Variable = new class().GetEnumerator()) will it use the same instance of class in Variable ?
@Sean Makes sense if your domain is controlling internet access yea, but then going in with that knowledge why not just make the network account a local admin for that machine?
@rudi_visser Because that defeats the point of using a separate account
But why are you explicitely using GetEnumerator() again
Or it will use different instances ? ._. Now that I asked it sounded a dumb question..
@Sean Yea fuck best practices :D
Because, on this part, I need to do a different thing it is the first iteration
Building a query on the Where statement.
@rudi_visser Best practices are there for a reason =P
If it is the first iteration, WHERE [field] = "value"
If not first iteration, AND [field] = "value"
@Sean Silly reason
@AndréSilva Why not just put WHERE in the string beforehand and tack ` AND ` on at the end of each iteration, trimming it off when you come to use the string?
@rudi_visser So if I was to make my network account a local admin and I downloaded a virus. Rather than being contained by windows account security, it would have instant access to all resources on the system. This is why you split them up.
@rudi_visser ._. And if I don't have anything in the Dictionary ? I won't have a Where to build..
Don't download a virus
that's such a shitbag response
it happens to everyone regardless of tech skill
Everyone needs porn, right ?
Not even in porn
Anything can contain a virus
www.asp.net is the best site on the internet. That is all.
Anyone who takes the "just get it done, fuck security" approach deserves to have their bank account details stolen and credit cards maxed for life
wait, who's forsaking security? What's their website?
rudi's site has open directory access
var myAwesomeQuery = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM whatever ");
if (myDict.Count > 0) {
	var whereConstruct = "WHERE ";
	// foreach()
	myAwesomeQuery.Length -= 3;
but I won't give you the address cos I'm not a cunt
var strMonta = "SELECT ";

            using (var iteration = new Proprietarios().GetEnumerator())
                if (iteration.MoveNext())
                    strMonta += "[" + iteration.Current + "]\n";
                    while (iteration.MoveNext())
                        strMonta += ",[" + iteration.Current + "]\n";

            strMonta += "FROM Proprietarios\n";

            using (var iter = Where.GetEnumerator())
                if (iter.MoveNext())
@Sean Only on 1 directory douchebag
Security hole right there =P
Directory browsing is not a security hole
Everyone ! Aim your cannons to @rudi_visser directory at port 40 !!
yes it is
How is it
Just kidding.. I don't think it is a ftp directory.. :(
And I don't have nmap here to know the port. :(
Sad smiley facer are aligned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
How is it not?
Unless you can tell me explicitly why it isn't, it's a security hole.
Because it's intended that people browse around there
Anyway I wasn't saying fuck security I was simply saying that a system setup would generally be done with a fully priviledged account
You keep telling yourself that ^_^
Well no, I'd do it with WinAIK* eugh
That's a bit overkill for one machine
Sorry this should also have been prefaced with the fact that I wouldn't do it in the first place
But yes, it would generally be done with something like that, for hundreds of machines
Damn straight
Security is bullshit anyway. There isn't a system in the world that can't be broken into given enough time and resources
There is no such thing as uncrackable
Same as anything
Right. Back to rewriting this goddamn class. Fuckin new shit
lol you using Async?
no I don't even know what I'm doing
I can't find the reference I used the first time round and the MS site is shit unless you only want to be able to handle one client
It's not even for work
Well using async methods for client acception will give you unlimited clients, since you'd just keep go back to waiting once you've EndAccepted
I've finished all the stuff I was supposed to do, supposed to be getting the next bit to do from the MD and sales manager but fuck em
Either spin up a new thread for each client or again, do it async to save on resources if it's a high performance/traffic socket server
They can wait until they show some interest
@Sean That "but fuck em" just isn't right...
@AndréSilva :DDDDDD
@AndréSilva It is when they pay you peanuts and expect you to be able to do everything
@Sean I mean... an extra t would make such a difference for that sentence..
I would quit as fast as I could write the letter except I need money to live
@rudi_visser Uhm. Yeah sure whatever
Ok, I guess that pun wasn't intended, right @Sean ?
@Sean Sounds like you're super excited
I want another KFC
You guys work near each other ? ._.
@AndréSilva No, give me a piece of 2x4 with rusty nails sticking out and I'll go shove it up their arses
That is cool.
@rudi_visser I'm just pissed off. I don't have a fuse =P
that will sound gay Did you two met each other on SO ?
yea we're totally gonna go on an internet-arranged date
specifically, in here
@Sean I'll try not to insult security anymore :p
@rudi_visser No it wasn't that
It was the async thing
ok I'll try not to mention new features anymore
It's not your fault =]
I'm a reasonable person once the red mist clears
It just doesn't clear all that often
That's what people said about Helghast in Killzone, but they still shot at me
you've lost me
@rudi_visser True story.
Those enemies are blind when you're near.. But long range they are a freaking beast.. :(
I'm such a loser I don't even get popular gaming references =P
How can god fuck damnination ? ._.
With his omnipresent penis
By the way, I really am not taking advantage of your knowledge but..
I have function that builds query
        private string MontaQuery(Dictionary<string, string> Where, Query Tipo)
            switch (Tipo)
                case Query.SELECT:
                    return MontaSelect(Where);
                case Query.INSERT:
                    return MontaInsert(Where);
                case Query.DELETE:
                    return MontaDelete(Where);
                case Query.UPDATE:
                    return string.Empty;
                    return string.Empty;
@AndréSilva You completed KZ3?
@rudi_visser On PS3 :)
Oh it's that one....
Completed the story, no achievements..
@AndréSilva Yeah but there's one fuckin bit where you're like fighting for survival after an ambush just after you rescue one of the dudes
Actually, it may have been KZ2
But anyway, snipers fuck me right off, I end up going Rambo all the time :(
On KZ3 the level where you're at a snow field and there is a tank coming and you have to run to the other side so you can get a bazooka..
That may be it
No it's not
That screwed me at work.. Days without sleep...
But probably similar
Nah, there are no snipers at that level.. Just machine guns.
Games I can sort of keep up on: Halo (not ODST or Wars), Assasin's Creed 2 (the first one, I forget its name), Gears of War (2 and 3) and Need for Speed (Underground 2, Most Wanted (the original one), Carbon and The Run) and Forza 3 on single player mode
If you reach that level, I wish you never play that on expert
I completed it 3 times on each difficulty
I love games. But the only one I really respect is Unreal ( any )
I <3 Killzone 3 + Assassins Creed
Unreal, Unreal : NaPali, Unreal GOTY ( 99 ), Unreal 2k3, Unreal 2k4, Unreal 2, Unreal 3 ...
BTW the best thing about KZ3 @AndréSilva is the local coop, I've completed the whole game with my friend in 1 night, was up until 5am
Getting Halo 4 for my birthday and probably the new assassins creed for christmas
Killzone has one of the best coops of all.
@Sean I want an Xbox solely for Halo. But IMO KZ is the PS3's Halo, and it's amazing
Jesus it's only a week til my birthday....
@AndréSilva Did you play the Resistance Series?
The only game I could have a good experience with coops on videogames is Portal
No, I haven't. :(
@AndréSilva Resistance: Fall of Man (ie. the first one) was the first coop game that me and my best mate played through.... 6 times
It was amazing
Then they stripped Coop from the second!! But it was like the only reason it was good
Then they put it back in the third, and it became awesome again <3
I love local coop/multiplayer games, they're so rare since PS3/360 :(
@rudi_visser Play Halo from start to finish. Get an xbox and buy all the games except ODST and Halo Wars
It's like yea we do coop..... over the internet with a stranger.
@Sean That's the plan ^_^
@rudi_visser Well, after the explosion from steam cloud, every company is working around big online performance and shitty local stories...
Yeah ain't that about a bitch? I loved whooping my brothers and sisters asses on need for speed. You just can't do it anymore...
They get more money since no one wants to pirate games for 4 hour local gameplay..
Yeah it's so annoying
I made my mate bring his PS3 over so we could play BF3 coop
So he came along on a 100mile trainride with his PS3 :D
It was a genius action from Gabe...
Good times but never again
Yeah it is a PITA. Especially if your xbox cables are tidied up behind everything
Taking it out is fine. It's the putting back that sucks
Yep :(
and to make it worse now I get 3.6mbit internet in the new apartment, so playing BF3 is horrible
I would still need to write other functions for this socket thing anyway
It used to be stress relief but nooooooooo not anymore
What is your latency with 3.6mb @rudi_visser ?
can any1 tell me how can this blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/08/20/… be done programatically??
You have to hook up to the completed event

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