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well, I guess it's question-worthy
@Billdr Nice wordpress blog.. btw
@Chimera Meh.
It took 5 minutes to set up and looks better than anything I could do with css.
@zneak what does bar.GetType().GetMethod("foo") give?
@Billdr That's the cool thing about WordPress and themes. Makes it easy.
This one is mine.
No custom coding required... sooo easy.
@JohanLarsson, it says the method doesn't exist
I went with blogger.
or rather, will say, because I didn't actually try it, but the dynamic design would make it extremely scary if that wasn't the case
Oh neat! I play around with arduino, but that looks way cooler (and more complicated)
(dynamic methods are invoked through the TryInvokeMember, which just returns "true" if it worked, and doesn't provide reflective support)
@Billdr Will JPEG format work?
@CCInc Yea, that'd be perfect.
@Billdr it is a pretty powerful board. And is fun.... especially if you like linux development,
@Chimera I don't even like getting wifi to work on linux :/
JPEG is teh ugly.
@Billdr lol. It's getting easier.
I'm sure it is. I'll wait till my steam games are ported
oh, and once eclipse is as good as visual studio.
@zneak I'm probably missing something but would not .GetType() give the current type?
yes, but subclasses of DynamicObject to which you have a dynamic reference do not respond to method calls the same way non-dynamic references do
when you have a dynamic object, when you call an undefined method, your class has a chance to respond
so it may execute code that is not, in fact, defined in any "real" method
so if you have a DynamicObject and you call a method that's not defined on it, it will call the TryInvokeMember method instead of throwing an exception right away
this means that you can "virtually" implement any method by answering to it through TryInvokeMember
and these methods won't show up through reflection because they're not part of the static interface of the class
(static in the "compile-time defined" sense)
@Billdr Here you go: dl.dropbox.com/u/51707084/converted.zip Make sure you run a virus scan on it.
Gah, why did you put all these viruses in here?
@zneak ok, super voodoo. I have no further questions
@Billdr Hope you enjoy. That took some effort!
Q: How can I dynamically call a method on a dynamic object?

zneakWhen I want to dynamically call a method on a "normal" object in C#, I can use reflection to get a handle to that method and invoke it: typeof(Foo).GetMethod("Bar").Invoke(foo, new object[] { /* params */ }); However, objects made dynamic by inheriting from DynamicObject respond to (undefined)...

Thanks for the images CC, I'll give you some free plays in my online gambling den, once I make it go.
@Billdr hahas. Too bad I am not old enough to gamble :D
It's bitcoins, apparently no one cares.
@Billdr Do you use bitcoin much? I really like the idea, not the geek part, about bitcoin
I make a bit of money playing the bitcoin market, which I usually waste on bitcoin casinos.
Figured I should waste that money on my own bitcoin casino.
Opening a website?
Not sure if I'll actually publish it. It's a legal grey area and I don't really want to test it out
on the other hand, I love money.
aren't online casinos illegal in the US?
or is it just if they use USD as the currency?
It is the inherent power associated with money that you love :P
I'm trying to figure out how to ajaxy deal cards without giving users a way to force particular cards with js. I'm thinking crypto is the answer.
online poker is
I am texting this girl who thinks I know spanish and I am just using translate :D
@zneak bitcoin isn't recognized as currency at the moment.
You know, my internet archive
so that's what makes it a legally-grey area I suppose?
But it fits the definition of currency.
Well, have there been any cases where websites have been shutdown? (thats my lawyer side)
so... yea, it's real nebulous. There's a bunch of btc casinos based in the US, so far no one has said anything about them as far as I can tell.
@Billdr No, the answer is to never trust the client.
@KendallFrey Session is serverside, right?
Yeah, or generally anyway.
@KendallFrey Does that mean I can copy and sell your bot?
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
If the server knows what cards you have, it should remember that and not change it.
@CCInc Yes, subject to the following conditions.
The server is always right
@Billdr You will be serverside while playing?
What you should do when referring to cards is referring to them by index.
So no matter what the client sees, card 2 will always be card 2.
@Billdr - You should not include client side in a poker environment. If even one card enters into javascript memory it could be manipulated. The entire game should be played in a plugin environment such as flash or a java applet.
I guess each deal should load all 52 cards into the session deck, then onclick will reveal them and increment a counter to make sure nothing funny happens there?
@TravisJ The server should be doing all the work, I just need to know how many cards the player draws.
and then display the cards to the user as they're drawn... preferably w/out a page refresh.
@Billdr - What if I spammed the variable dealing the cards to only deal aces?
Well, make the client ask the server to draw for it.
@KendallFrey That's the idea.
Then the server will know what card is drawn.
@TravisJ That's why I'm not loading the deck on the client.
It tells the client, but never asks the client again.
Number 1 rule of anti-hacking: NEVER, under any condition, trust the client.
@Billdr - So there would be no logic client side?
So the session keeps track of the current deck (0-51, random order), the counts, and the number of cards the client has requested
@TravisJ None other than what can be run ahead-of-time for display purposes.
The client is a bit like the View in mvvm
Well, I would like to see it I guess. Seems like there is a lot of vulnerability there.
By holding the cards in the session?
By communicating with the client over such a manipulable media.
Well, bitcoingamer.com is the most shoddly written of the bunch I've seen. Go make some money and lemme know
You mean through manipulation?
they have a free to play mode, it's a one time use thing though.
If I wanted to take money from someone it would probably be north korea :P
and you have to give them an email
and is there a better currency for buying a hitman than bitcoin?
Does anyone have an idea what a '99% guarantee' is?
With what context?
99% of the time it works every time.
Are we talking about uptime?
I was reading this page: lowers.com/cart/BLANKS_KK_OS.asp
var rng = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
var srng = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks + rng.Next());
I just discovered true random numbers. Kneel before me!
(I'm kidding.)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!I got my program working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol! 99% guarantee against new technology ... because it takes sooo long for 100 new pieces of tech to come out
hey, where is the applause??
localhost:8089 is not working why?
@user1739957 Good job programming, user.
@Billdr thanks :D. I'm the best!!
I can program anything!
that I can program
I can program anything. Anything.
localhost:52500 is opening but not 8089...whats the reason ?
...given enough time and money.
@KendallFrey is that so!
says the one who says he is not a "code vending machine"
can != will
Program the best way to load numbers into a collection if they're not already in the collection.
No need. .NET has it already.
A foreach seems like it'd take too long.
@KendallFrey (can!=will) NohelpMostOfTheTime();
If you weren't jailbait...
@KendallFrey I bet you couldn't do this
write an OS that can compete with Apple and Windows
oh, and while your at it can be installed
I could.
on both an Apple computer and a Windows computer
5 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
...given enough time and money.
boot speed of 15 seconds
programming tools
@KendallFrey what are your credentials???????
no offense (seriously)
I think I'm being too subtle.
I understood you.
@KendallFrey meaning what?
Maybe I should say "given several lifespans a shitload of money"
@KendallFrey I wrote the Ubuntu OS, man!
My question is, are you saying that Linux can't compete with Windows and Mac?
@user1739957 Yes, and I poop fairy dust.
@KendallFrey oh, I got mixed up. That was one of names i wass thinking of for one of my programs!
@KendallFrey Im saying that exactly
challange me!
OK, factor an integer in O(1) time.
@KendallFrey that is not a matter of the OS
Billdr's mugshot is pretty awesome.
that is scary
@user1739957 You didn't say anything about the OS.
@KendallFrey My mom says I'm handsome.
@Billdr - I put my panths on.
@Billdr She says I'm handsome too.
@KendallFrey I meant challange me about Linux not being able to compete
Huh? How can I challenge you on that?
and anyone can factor an int in o(1) time
@user1739957 - How do you set up a ssl certificate for a dynamic dns on linux?
@user1739957 Uh, um, er...
@KendallFrey you seem to think that Linux CAN compete. I don't. Thought we had an argument
Well, it can compete.
I'd pick Linux over Windows any day.
@KendallFrey really
I'd even use a Linux phone.
@KendallFrey what distro?
If only they made them.
$5 on android
What is?
I'm placing a $5 wager that the distro of your linux phone is android.
Android is Linux?
Or Unix?
@KendallFrey Pretty sure it's Linux
@KendallFrey oh!
Unix != Linux.
@KendallFrey I know that!
Well, well.
The internet seems to agree, android runs in the linux kernal
confusedthenames{return unix linux)
Does it have TTY?
no idea
It should.
Here is where I get my music
Here is where I get mine: youtube.com
@KendallFrey you like the music videos or something?
I use youtube also
I download some, but a lot of songs without videos.
I have a playlist there, don't watch it though
I like the lyrics versions because there are usually no ads.
@TravisJ That's illegal for you, right?
What is?
@KendallFrey most the stuff on youtube
is copyright infringment
copyrightinfrigment == illegal
I can't download if that's what you mean.
Downloading music videos is legal in Canada.
Canadians feel they get away with it somehow.
Oh, you play online...
@KendallFrey you play BF?
YES! I overtook @KyleTrauberman!
@KendallFrey BF == Battlefield
Just 500 more stars Kendall, watch out.
No, don't know what that is.
I cant afford the game so I play the demos
@KendallFrey google it if you have been in a cave too long
the multiplayer is only one map but they have gotten around the timer retrictions
But NHL is so fun...
and kill limit
@KendallFrey what is NHL
EA Sports game.
@KendallFrey whats your favorite sport in the game?
I love soccer and basketball
Um, it's NHL.
NHL doesn't include soccer or basketball.
@KendallFrey oh, go it mixed up!
what does it include?
FYI, this is what says I may download songs from youtube: laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/page-19.html#h-28
@user1739957 Hockey. And more hockey.
@KendallFrey cool game
@KendallFrey thats good because
@user1739957 sill here?
well, uh, [clears throat]
It's very exciting.
I have, um, do-nloaded many
@user1739957 Do you live in Canada?
@KendallFrey oh!
well sure. :)
does anything know anything about industrial ethernet using Sockets?
industrial ethernet?
@klut Kendall does
if he has time and money
Guys I'm having difficulty getting my head around something
Are we talking about hardware 'n' stuffs?
somewhat. I'm trying to use Socket to connect to the PLC.
@FreddyFlares Well, your head wasn't designed for that. Maybe use a rope or something.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Action<object> execute;
execute = (p => Solve());

static void Solve()
PLC... PLC... 404
The execute=(p=>Solve());
How come p is the parameter?
so I have
sockPort = new Socket(IPAddress.Parse(_commInfo.IPAddress).AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
Solve() doesn't take a parameter
No, but the lambda does.
and when i connect, the PLC doesn't indicate a connection is established
I know execute is an action<object>
I can't put that into words in my head
it just works
p=>Solve() is a lambda that accepts a parameter p and class Solve().
What don't you get?
I get that you say it like "p goes to Solve()"
I don't think how you say it is relevant.
The goes-to phrase doesn't usually make sense anyway.
I still don't get what there is to not get.
How p translates into the parameter of the Action delegate
This is a lambda: (parameters) => (expression)
p is a parameter.
Solve() is the expression.
yes I think I'm closer
it's clicked with me now I think, ty
sorry to interrupt Klut
I have an int. I want to turn it into a string and an int. Is there a better option than a key value pair collection?
I was hoping for something like an enum
but I guess a collection'll do just fine. Thanks.
hi guys....
hi vampire...
Hello, back!
Hello, front!
How funny!
This code is giving syntax errors, why?
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            // Enables dragging
          //  this.TopTitle.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { DragMove(); };
            tabControl1.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Action(() =>
         //   Panel.SetZIndex(tabItem1,   this.border1);

        private void UpdateZIndex(TabControl tc)
    if (tc != null)
        foreach (TabItem tabItem in tc.Items)
(see full text)
On line:
(tc.Items.Count-1) – tc.Items.IndexOf(tabItem)));
bed time. See you duders at 4am or so.
I count one extra )
k, thanks
i am starting testing with selenium
testing the mvc application with selenium
i am testing the log in feature.....
but the selenium IDE is not picking up the username and password....
i am using jquery in generating the view/login form
Cool story, bro.
[info] Executing: |open | / | |
[info] Executing: |click | id=loginLink | |
[info] Executing: |type | id=UserName | admin |
[error] Element id=UserName not found
Anyone know how you can get this progressbar?
in VB, 4 mins ago, by user1079641
user image
help me guys....anyone.....
@KendallFrey I thought there was a way?
@PeterJennings First you have to ask a question.
@CCInc Yes. Styling/templating.
@JohanLarsson I DONT KNOW
The username and password is : that's from account controller, jsonlogon
is partial displayed with jqueryui dialog
how to test this with selenium IDE....as the recording is not picking up
Oops sorry johan
I meant peter
jqueryUI dialog testing with selenium IDE.....
its ok myfriend CCInc...
@PeterJennings ASK A QUESTION if you want help.
sure guys.....let me frame a question...
I have a C# puzzler
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Action<object> execute;
execute = delegate { Solve(6); };

static void Solve(int n)
What's the output?
let me run it
Please explain what reasoning would lead to the conclusion of any other number.
At the time I thought maybe execute(5) would override the parameter in Solve(6)
No, it only passes a parameter to the delegate.
It's like the 5 gets eaten up with no trace
Well, since you never use the parameter, of course.
makes sense
Q: How do you set the ZIndex on a TabItem?

CC IncI am wanting my TabItems to be positioned in between a border to achieve a "binder" affect, like this: However, I cannot seem to achieve this affect using ZIndex with my borders and each TabItem item. Currently, I get this result: Using this code: <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Backgr...

I get the feeling people just ignore me...
@KendallFrey Sorry, I don't want to make more work for myself :(
Well, let me know if you find a way to do it with tabcontrol, and I'll be very angry at myself for you.
lol, ok
no one answer yet :)
You never asked a question.
4 hours later…
posted on December 05, 2012 by ScottGu

As few weeks ago I posted about a number of improvements to Windows Azure Mobile Services. One of these was the addition of an Objective-C client SDK that allows iOS developers to easily use Mobile Services for data and authentication.  Today I'm excited to announce a number of improvement to our iOS SDK and, most significantly, our new support for Push Notifications via APNS (Apple Push N

1 hour later…
Hi guys
I am new to asp.net
Can someone have a look at this post
Q: Get names of Online users connected to a Server

Mr_GreenI am new to asp.net. I have gone through this link which has shown how to count the online users connected to a server using asp.net. (which is working when I tried) My question is: What should I change in that code (Global.asax) so that It shows all the names of the connected users instead of c...

Please try to explain it clearly..
The answers which I got are very good but I cant understand them as I am new to asp.net
Can anyone help .. my xaml editor in visual studio has no color formatting :.(
there must be some unexpected symbols preventing the color formatting

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