Basically, I have an iframe embedded in a page and the iframe has some javascript routines I need to invoke from the parent page.
Now the opposite is quite simple as you only need to call parent.functionName() but unfortunately I need exactly the opposite of that.
Please note that my problem is...
@PatelRikin You can only access the DOM or scripts of a page in an iFrame if the URL authority is the same (i.e. host name, port and protocol). Although that question will give you what you need if they are the same.
@SamyS.Rathore Ooooh unlucky. File.Exists will only work with the local file system. If the XML file doesn't need authentication you could try making an HttpWebRequest and checking if the status is 200 (OK).
@Sean thank you. my requirement is iframe form submit after that iframe will return some object that object i want to need in parent page and that object i want to save in database using parent page.
@PatelRikin You are pretty stuck there I'm afraid. Any browser that has a semblance of upholding security will deny your attempts to access the DOM and scripts =\
@SamyS.Rathore Haha it's cool. I have no idea why I decided it was a good idea to start the day in German
CREATE TABLE Proprietarios(
Apartamento INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(2),
Telefone NVARCHAR(10) NULL,
Why doesn't sql recognize the freaking identity? :(
@Nikos It's either a timeout on inactivity (I'm not sure about that though cos lots of people seem to be here all the time) or you click the leave link in the top right
@AndréSilva Try..... `CREATE TABLE Proprietarios( Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Nome NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, Bloco NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Apartamento INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(2), Telefone NVARCHAR(10) NULL, Carro NVARCHAR(100) NULL, Placa NVARCHAR(8) NULL, Tipo NVARCHAR(1) NOT NULL )`
@LewsTherin Ah yeah that'll be something from Visual Studio or something though, not strictly ADO. ADO is the API used to talk to SQL, like in ADO.Net you use all the SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter and SqlDataReader (among other things) to get your data out and whatnot.
@AndréSilva Have a look at your table definition to see if it was created with the right identity.. I have a feeling your Id column isn't auto-inserting
@AndréSilva Oh, well that's fine. If you don't specify column names SQL assumes you want to insert into all the columns. Otherwise you have to tell it which ones you want to insert into
@AndréSilva And in this case if you were to specify all 8 you would get an error saying you can't insert into the Id column
@AndréSilva I didn't notice your number plate until you said something
SQL isn't as smart as you think it is sometimes. It doesn't know the first column in your insert statement is an identity column until the query is run, so it wants you to tell it which columns you're inserting into or specify all of them
@MRS1367 Are we talking about [DesignerAttribute("Something")] class MyCustomControl : Control { } or instanceOfMyCustomControl.Attributes["DesignerAttribute"]; ?
@Lews - This compiles (looks funny though :P I had to mock a little)
private List<T> Filter<T>(IQueryable<T> queryable) where T : class
return (from rec in queryable select rec).ToList<T>();
private void lol()
var s = new List<string>();
List<string> filtered = Filter<string>(s.AsQueryable<string>());
@AndréSilva Note that the standard Dictionary class only contains one value per key. You can get a class that can assign more than one value to a specific key but I can't remember what it is and my book is at home >_<
When foreaching through a generic list I often want to do something different for the first element in the list:
List<object> objs = new List<object>
new Object(),
new Object(),
new Object(),
new Object()
foreach (object o in objs)
if (o == objs.First())
@AndréSilva No you can't tell if it's the first iteration but you could use a for loop instead.... for (int i = 0; i < myDict.Keys.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { //first iteration } }
public class SpecialDictionary
public int index { get; set; }
public object key { get; set; }
public List<object> values { get; set; }
List<SpecialDictionary> sd = new List<SpecialDictionary>();
SpecialDictionary item = new SpecialDictionary();
item.index = sd.Count;
item.key = "you name it";
item.values = new List<object>();
item.values.Add("some value");
item.values.Add("different value");
If you're using IList I'm not sure you'll get away with that..
If it says you have to implement Add() and Remove() then they'll be expected to actually add and remove items to and from the list.
You could not use IList, and make the constructor for this class require an array of keys or something like that and then not have add and remove methods on the keys collection
@vignesh4303 Yes, but you'll have to hook into the Windows API to register a keyboard listener which will receive every single key press the user enters regardless of whether it was intended for your service or not
Seeing as the standard input stream is specific to your program
Goddamn enter button, fuck off!
Seeing as the standard input stream is specific to your program, your AV shouldn't be bothered about it at all.... It's when a program is using the Windows API to monitor ALL key presses that it should be questioned
@AndréSilva What were you going to say? Don't leave me hanging bro!
Oh he starred my post
That's why....
@Billdr What's this piece of music.... La-da-da-da-da. Da da. Da da. La-da-da-da-da. Da da. Da da. La-da-da-da-daaa da da daaaa da da daa da daa da da. Da-da-da.
However, the complete Nutcracker has enjoyed enormous popularity since the late 1960s and is now performed by countless ballet companies, primarily during the Christmas season, especially in the U.S
I never really understood the connection, other than it was about childhood and those weird russian-ish nutcracker things only seem to come out in December.