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im no web/javascript expert so the only thing i can offer is links.. like this
Q: Invoking javascript in iframe from parent page

DrJokepuBasically, I have an iframe embedded in a page and the iframe has some javascript routines I need to invoke from the parent page. Now the opposite is quite simple as you only need to call parent.functionName() but unfortunately I need exactly the opposite of that. Please note that my problem is...

Guten morgen mein freunden. Wie gehts?
-hold on let me find a translater for the last part
@SamyS.Rathore Is the file on the local server, or a remote server?
it's on a remote server
@PatelRikin You can only access the DOM or scripts of a page in an iFrame if the URL authority is the same (i.e. host name, port and protocol). Although that question will give you what you need if they are the same.
@SamyS.Rathore Ooooh unlucky. File.Exists will only work with the local file system. If the XML file doesn't need authentication you could try making an HttpWebRequest and checking if the status is 200 (OK).
yeah...m trying that
@E.LDunn (hint: "How are you?")
it's gud evening for EL
Entschuldigung.... Guten abend @E.LDunn. Wie gehts?
Und @SamyS.Rathore, wie spät ist es in deinem land?
Boom. Rudimentary German does not leave your body after learning it.
im fine thank you and yea its morning
@SamyS.Rathore du liegst!
Dank, und Dir?
es ist Mittagszeit hier
@E.LDunn Ich bin gut, danke.
copy and paste german, i get the feeling this is going to end badly :P
@Sean thank you. my requirement is iframe form submit after that iframe will return some object that object i want to need in parent page and that object i want to save in database using parent page.
what about??
@SamyS.Rathore Was hast du fur deine mittagsessen?
i learnt german in high school for two years
@Sean and both domain are different.
i can't go in a full conversation pls
it has been a long time
@PatelRikin You are pretty stuck there I'm afraid. Any browser that has a semblance of upholding security will deny your attempts to access the DOM and scripts =\
@SamyS.Rathore Haha it's cool. I have no idea why I decided it was a good idea to start the day in German
i like the language
I asked what you've got for lunch =D
Because it's the only thing I could remember xD
i could predict it lil, lol i haven't had lunch yet
thanxx for reminding me :D
imma go grab something to eat
:P omnomnom
Saving the world one hungry person at a time
another victim.... excellent >=]
Gute... Nah fuck it
I think it might be the lucozade...
Good morning everyone. :)
Noooooooooooooooooo! I dropped a mark below my standard on my course!
how does this chat know when you've left the roomm?
80 cough this one doesn't count cough, 95, 95, 100, 100, 95, 100, 100, 95..... 90 ='[
Man, what is the problem with my query? :(
CREATE TABLE Proprietarios(
             Nome NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
             Bloco NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
             Apartamento INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(2),
             Telefone NVARCHAR(10) NULL,
             Carro NVARCHAR(100) NULL,
             Placa NVARCHAR(8) NULL,
             Tipo NVARCHAR(1) NOT NULL
Why doesn't sql recognize the freaking identity? :(
@Nikos It's either a timeout on inactivity (I'm not sure about that though cos lots of people seem to be here all the time) or you click the leave link in the top right
@AndréSilva MSSQL?
It is MS SQL but its MS SQL CE ._.
so its not instant then:)
@AndréSilva Oh.
@Nikos No.
Yeah. Deffo the lucozade...
@AndréSilva Try.....
`CREATE TABLE Proprietarios(
Apartamento INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(2),
Telefone NVARCHAR(10) NULL,
Hey guys
Without the constraint ?
No that doesn't work either..... Damnit >_<
The not working bit is the formatting, I will learn how to format long code in this room if it kills me..
constraints are added seperate from the schema I think
@Sisyphe Hey
@LewsTherin Hey man
Some SQL?
That looks nasty :(
Not your code... I just hate SQL
SQL is nasty
So do I... :(
@AndréSilva Did it work?
The number of columns in the query and the table must match. [ Number of columns in query = 7, Number of columns in table = 8 ]
The eight column is the identity...
Why are you not using ADO?
I know know.. it is slow
But it abstracts a lot of stuff..
@LewsTherin You would still need to write the query the same
I'm doing this work just to learn new stuff...
@Sean Well, I don't think so. If you can draw the class diagrams.. can't you generate a database from the model?
@AndréSilva Ok..... Try it like this Id NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY as if ordering should make a difference...
Same error...
@LewsTherin Ah yeah that'll be something from Visual Studio or something though, not strictly ADO. ADO is the API used to talk to SQL, like in ADO.Net you use all the SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter and SqlDataReader (among other things) to get your data out and whatnot.
For crying out loud.. I forgot the AUTO_INCREMENT
@AndréSilva Does SQL CE support primary keys and identity columns?
@AndréSilva Eh? Isn't auto_increment a MySql thing?
@Sean And ADO is from VS, no? :P
Wait, let me google
@Sean Nope, but Oracle doesn't use it.
F-ck ..
Auto_increment is mysql
@LewsTherin Well VS will use ADO but it's not the first thing that comes to mind when someone says ADO.
@AndréSilva Drop the NOT NULL.... Id int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY
Just did that..
does anyone here remember the command to get the character table in windows ?
Not working.. I think I'll have to name all columns I'm inserting into my insert query
Hi all
Hi there. :)
@AndréSilva Wait you gave us a create table query and you're having problems inserting?
@AndréSilva Post your insert code =]
Hi @Sean, @and, @e, @Sisyphe, @LewsTherin and the others
a question
Hey @MRS1367
how can I remove one attribute from a control when I want to create a new control from existing control?
I want to remove DesignerAttribute from a control when I inherit it.
INSERT INTO Proprietarios
(Nome, Bloco, Apartamento, Telefone, Carro, Placa, Tipo)
('André', 'Austria 2', '74', '3735-2593', 'Celta', 'fag-0448', 'P')
By the way, here in Brazil the license plates are three letters and 4 numbers..
So don't laugh at the license plate from my car...
With that query it is working.. But I have to specify the columns
@AndréSilva Have a look at your table definition to see if it was created with the right identity.. I have a feeling your Id column isn't auto-inserting
@AndréSilva Oh, well that's fine. If you don't specify column names SQL assumes you want to insert into all the columns. Otherwise you have to tell it which ones you want to insert into
@AndréSilva And in this case if you were to specify all 8 you would get an error saying you can't insert into the Id column
@AndréSilva I didn't notice your number plate until you said something
But it is an identity...
It should auto insert..
Yeah, it will do but you'll have to specify all the other columns
But it shouldn't...
@Sean -> do U know anything about it?
SQL isn't as smart as you think it is sometimes. It doesn't know the first column in your insert statement is an identity column until the query is run, so it wants you to tell it which columns you're inserting into or specify all of them
@MRS1367 Are we talking about [DesignerAttribute("Something")] class MyCustomControl : Control { } or instanceOfMyCustomControl.Attributes["DesignerAttribute"]; ?
Yep, it auto incremented..
[DesignerAttribute("Something")] class MyCustomControl : Control { }
@MRS1367 I feared as much.... I don't know how you would remove class attributes
tnx @sean :)
@MRS1367 Try overriding it with an empty value or something
@MRS1367 Maybe [DesignerAttribute(null)] will work?
I'll check it.
@AndréSilva Sql doesn't like you. It doesn't like anyone. It likes seeing us suffer. Bitch slap it into submission.
True story bro..
Morning folks
@Rob - Morning :) I will sleep eventually. So until then, it still feels nightish :P
Heh, got schooled by you Travis :D
Is an explicit cast necessary @TravisJ?
I need a way to create some kind of list of keys and values so I can build a where following that list.... Any suggestions how to ?
@Lews - Might not be, but passing the type is definitely required in the calling statement.
Or what to use..
@AndréSilva - Dictionary<key,value>?
But, with dictionary, can I iterate it and check for first value and such ?
uhm, no I don't think you can iterate it
Yeah you can
make a class that has a key and value, then make a list of them
@TravisJ Ah ok
Oh, I take it back
thx @Sean
Hm, going to try it then..
@Lews - This compiles (looks funny though :P I had to mock a little)
private List<T> Filter<T>(IQueryable<T> queryable) where T : class
            return (from rec in queryable select rec).ToList<T>();

        private void lol()
            var s = new List<string>();
            List<string> filtered = Filter<string>(s.AsQueryable<string>());
And without the explicit cast?
foreach (TKey key in myDict.Keys) { TValue myValue = myDict[key]; }
yeah, works without the explicit cast
@AndréSilva Note that the standard Dictionary class only contains one value per key. You can get a class that can assign more than one value to a specific key but I can't remember what it is and my book is at home >_<
or you can make one :P
Nah, it is 1 to 1
But I guess I can do Dictionary<string, List<string>> if needed..
@TravisJ Mmn
Does the IEnumerable from foreach have a way to use if it is the first iteration ?
@AndréSilva Yes... Yes you could..... I feel like an idiot now.
Q: foreach with generic List, detecting first iteration when using value type

Richard EvWhen foreaching through a generic list I often want to do something different for the first element in the list: List<object> objs = new List<object> { new Object(), new Object(), new Object(), new Object() }; foreach (object o in objs) { if (o == objs.First()) ...

@AndréSilva No you can't tell if it's the first iteration but you could use a for loop instead.... for (int i = 0; i < myDict.Keys.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { //first iteration } }
Me bus is nearly here..
Dang, I should have buffered Once upon a time
Enumerators ftw
Or you could do that... Use the Enumerator explicitly
public class SpecialDictionary
 public int index { get; set; }
 public object key { get; set; }
 public List<object> values { get; set; }

List<SpecialDictionary> sd = new List<SpecialDictionary>();
SpecialDictionary item = new SpecialDictionary();
item.index = sd.Count;
item.key = "you name it";
item.values = new List<object>();
item.values.Add("some value");
item.values.Add("different value");
See you in a while
bye Lews
        using (var iter = Where.GetEnumerator())
            if (iter.MoveNext())
                strMonta += "WHERE [" + Where[iter.Current.Key] + "] = '" + Where[iter.Current.Value] + "'\n";
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    strMonta += "AND [" + Where[iter.Current.Key] + " = '" + Where[iter.Current.Value] + "'\n";
morning folks
Can't I create a dictionary and give the values without using Add ?
Trying to do like I do with lists, but no luck
var montaWhere = new Dictionary<string, string>() { "Nome", "André" };
Nevermind, I missed another couple of brackets
Yeah, just had to fix the enumerator and now everything is working. :)
You don't need us André! Soon you'll be known as... SUPERANDRÉ
Nah... This is all new to me..
Some things just make sense..
Is it possible to populate a datagrid.datacontext using a dictionary ?
I don't know about in WPF but in WebForms yes, so it should be
Haha, sometimes I think I want too much...
Is there any kind of dictionary with fixed keys ( I think this is a stupid question ) ?
Fixed keys?
I'm trying to create an IList class u.u
I don't understand
I'm kinda creating an object to access data...
So I'm creating a class as an IList to store the column names
Where does fixed keys come into it?
Into the IList ._.
What exactly do you mean by fixed keys?
Keys that I won't be able to change it. But I could give different values to it..
If you're using IList I'm not sure you'll get away with that..
If it says you have to implement Add() and Remove() then they'll be expected to actually add and remove items to and from the list.
You could not use IList, and make the constructor for this class require an array of keys or something like that and then not have add and remove methods on the keys collection
So, fuck interface. Let's go with List.
does windows service can be integrated with user input?
@vignesh4303 Yes, but you'll have to hook into the Windows API to register a keyboard listener which will receive every single key press the user enters regardless of whether it was intended for your service or not
Services shouldn't be used this way though
@Sean thnx mate
I literally googled "can a windows service receive user input"
Taking bets on whether that guy is going to write a keylogger, fiver either way.
Winning bets receive a portion of the entire pot
It seems any C++/C program I write with cin gets flagged as a keylogger in my AV. I need to do something so that Avast trusts me.
windows service.. user input.. you hacker !! ._.
@Billdr Use scanf !
That's stupid.... All cin does is read from the standard input stream
As if that's considered to be malicious
._. Doesn't the stream comes from memory buffer ?
Yea, I don't find it particularly clever.
Seeing as the standard input stream is specific to your program
Goddamn enter button, fuck off!
Seeing as the standard input stream is specific to your program, your AV shouldn't be bothered about it at all.... It's when a program is using the Windows API to monitor ALL key presses that it should be questioned
How do you "fuck the enter off" ?
@AndréSilva Nail file, ruler, teaspoon... Anything that'll get under the edge of the key really
extremely specifically shaped genitalia.
Introducing.... SHOVELDICKMAN!!!
Kendall will scream badly when he sees this
Ever since the New 52 flopped, DC has been hard up to rebuild it's stable of characters.
Just saw The Dark Knight Rises at the weekend, they have to be working on a re-vamp of Batman and Robin
Be right back..
@AndréSilva What were you going to say? Don't leave me hanging bro!
Oh he starred my post
That's why....
@Billdr What's this piece of music.... La-da-da-da-da. Da da. Da da. La-da-da-da-da. Da da. Da da. La-da-da-da-daaa da da daaaa da da daa da daa da da. Da-da-da.
Lots of strings
Cashmere by Led Zepplin?
It's classical
Everyone knows it
Is it associated with christmas?
Loads of adverts use it with fireworks and stuff. And confetti
Then I'm going to need more than "la" and "da." an occasional "de" and "do" would help.
1812 Overture?
Ooh might be
Is that in the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy?
You're thinking of the Nutcracker Suite.
You're probably right
I am
And yes
which is associated with christmas :p
You're probably right
With the Overture one
is it?
The Nutcracker Suite? Yeah, totally.
However, the complete Nutcracker has enjoyed enormous popularity since the late 1960s and is now performed by countless ballet companies, primarily during the Christmas season, especially in the U.S
apparently it's a US thing, per wikipedia.
That could be why I don't get it then
Goddamnit..... Going to find 1812 Overture on my phone now
I never really understood the connection, other than it was about childhood and those weird russian-ish nutcracker things only seem to come out in December.
The little soldiers in red and blue that you stamp on their heads and they chomp the nut open?
huh, the guy who did the 1812 overture also did the nutcracker.
Those are the ones
and swan lake
This russian cat was popular.
@sean Did I starred? Hm...
Yeah they're all done by the same guy, it's Russians and opera, they love it
Not going to lie.. I might have done it..
So, quick question, is there a way to extend the protection of a function to a specific class ?
Oh ffs now I'm going to have to find out which part of the 1812 Overture it is....
I tend to prefer German classical.
the end of the finale.
@AndréSilva Does C# have the friend operator?
@Sean I don't know..
@Billdr No speakers on this PC and headphones are too short =\
Actually wait a sec..
this one is cooler, has a US battleship doing the cannon fire bit: youtube.com/watch?v=LTEf_caCa2M
No that's not the one I was thinking of
It might be part of the nutcracker suite
I'm going to end up ringing my grandma at this rate
It's slower
If you can't be more specific about the melody, yea...
Laaa-daaa-daaa-daaa-da. Da da. Da da.
lowest-higher-higher-higher-highest. Same same. Same Same.

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