I'm going to have to spend an inordinate amount of time organising my start screen at some point in the future... It just whacks all your newly installed programs and their links onto one massive squarey list
@AndréSilva It'll likely be in System.Collections, System.Collections.Generic or System.Collections.Specialized. In Visual Studio you can right click and resolve it
class ProprietSomething : ObservableCollection<Dados>
public ProprietSomething()
for(int i =0;i < 10; i++)
add(new Dados(..));
So in the ViewModel.. all you have to do is:
class ViewModel
public ProprietSomething ProprietSomething {get;set;}
public ViewModel()
PropreitSomething = new ProprietSomething();
If I add a value to Session, then redirect the user to a website off the server which will redirect the user back to my site eventually, is Session preserved?
class ProprietariosView
public CollectionProprietarios propCollection { get; set; }
public ProprietariosView()
propCollection = new CollectionProprietarios();
class CollectionProprietarios : ObservableCollection<Dados>
public CollectionProprietarios()
Add( new Dados("Teste", "teste", "TESTE"));
public new void Add(Dados dados)
Oh I've heard it, my mum occasionally says it with the posh accent on and everything when she's demonstrating how anal she can be when talking properly. I was just confused about the brain part
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
//ViewModel section
namespace DataGridExperiment
class DataGridViewModel
public DataCollection DataCollection { get; set; }
public DataGridViewModel()
DataCollection = new DataCollection();
public class Data
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public Data(string fname, string lname)
FirstName = fname;