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Yeah :(
Error 1 The typeof operator cannot be used on the dynamic type E:\Development\Ljund\Ljund.Common\Ljund.Common\Runtime\DynamicTyping\Dynami‌​cTypeGenerator.cs 30 49 Ljund.Common
Ping him.
I did!
If he replies to you @AndréSilva that's totally favouritism
Not favouritism. Is the law of nature.
"Every living creature that is not disgusting, loves André"
So, if you don't love me, you're disgusting. :)
Shit how do I define a field on a dynamic type that holds onto a dynamic reference
This is depressing me now, so much work just to get IntelliSense
Actually I guess I could define it as a IDynamicMetaObjectProvider... tries
Man, I feel so dumb on this chat..
How in hell do you know all this stuff about dynamic things...
I have no idea what I'm doing
I just want intellisense
You do know that there is IDynamicMetaObjectProvider. Until today, I never knew that such thing..
Well, now that I think about it, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider doesn't provide the methods I need, they're virtual on DynamicObject
What the flying duck..
This is driving me insane, the code to generate this dynamic object simply so that I can typecast a variable to something that it really isn't, is longer than the actual code for my whole IPC implementation
What is this IPC for ?
The IPC is so that my apps can communicate with my service without WCF or TCP Sockets and whatnot
How the hell do I get something from TFS and overwrite everything that's alread there (even though I deleted the files so it wouldn't be there cos it won't open the goddamn solution file)?
Delete the Team Project and start again?
the files are in source control and I want them
but my local copy was fucked or something
even the VS2010 shell wouldn't open them
@AndréSilva It lets me call methods in different processes very fast and beautifully
@Sean Just recheckout the Team Project then?
10000 iterations (1 args) took: 2441ms
10000 iterations (2 args) took: 2765ms
10000 iterations (ComplexClass no Classception) took: 2844ms
10000 iterations (ComplexClass w/1 Classception) took: 2911ms
10000 iterations (ComplexClass w/2 Classception) took: 3101ms
Nah I'm sorted, thanks though
I just did a get specific version, left it at latest and selected overwrite all files
It would be a lot faster if I didn't use BinaryFormatter, but would rather not write my own serializer
Just write it god damnit ._.
@Sean TFS fucks me off when it comes to using the same account on multiple PCs
You already recreated the wcf..
@AndréSilva Well no I recreated the parts I need, in a much better way (no requirement for proxy classes or anything)
and now, I just want to be able to typecast my IPC Client (which is dynamic) to the interface, so that I get intellisense for the methods
Hence my problem, so I'm having to generate a dynamic type that implements it and proxies through to this backing dynamic type
It's dynamic-ception
and it's making me angry :(
I'm gonna take it out on @Sean at lunch
... Go and make your own serializer :(
Noooooo it's fast enough for my needs
No it isn't...
@rudi_visser I will definitely not promise to not kill you, skin you and wear you as a new coat if you hit me
The whole reason I'm doing this is cos we have about 9 different applications that use the same service, so rather than a shared DLL which is totally boring, I want a service that maintains state
So the service is gonna handle comms anyway, a throughput of 1 IPC call per second would be more than suffice :P 3333~ IPC calls per second is kindof a bonus
@Sean ^________^
I won't hit you, I'll just run you over
Or we can just joyride and run over some randomer
I don't believe in fairytales but Iiiiiii belieeeeeeve in yooooou and meeeee
<3 Natalia Kills
I like running randomers over
The gay level on this chat made my screen turn into a giant rainbow...
@AndréSilva I want your monitor
@Sean Please have it.
@AndréSilva There are no gay levels in this chat :(
Air mail it over for me, I'll pay for shipping
I can just leave it next to my other monitors on rainbow mode then act as if it's normal
I wonder if other people will start going mental or whether they'll send me home to see a doctor
Either way, I win
Reboot required for the ONE program I forgot to install
SharePoint Designer
oh there's windows updates...
I'll go get breakfast while I'm at it
back in 10-15
10 to 15 minutes to restart ?
Last time it took half an hour to install all the updates, there were only 5
Ah, installing updates.
anyway, back in a bit
10 to 15 minutes is fast enough haha
SSD mothaf
I can't imagine using a machine with a HDD again
I just used an HDD..
I feel your pain
:( I had to copy VS 2010 form the HDD
If you're having hard disk problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but an SSD aint one
And the notebook I'm working on just have USB 1..
There can not be enough emphasis on that
Unless I can make it both bold and italic
Yep, 4gb in just 1 hour.
Thunderbolt my ass. I'm oldschool.
I died a little inside, but I'm still oldschool.
Kendall made me want to learn about wpf
Yeah that's the best excuse for having crap available to you
WPF is cool
I just didn't like the design thing..
Why not?
Really different... And I'm a human, I don't like much changes..
Stripbar doesn't go automaticaly to the bottom
Yeah it's very different, I think I said yesterday it took me 6 months of trying/giving up before I forced myself to learn WPF and then I loved it
But that's the thing it's easy to make it to the bottom
I'm sure I'll love it.. But it will be hard.
HorizontalAlignment="Bottom", remove all other attributes that the designer shit puts on
Damn tags..
XAML is a bit weird. I do like HTML and such but XAML is another xml language. :(
Yeah, you get used to it
The most annoying thing if you know HTML/CSS is the Margin="" attribute
HTML = Top Right Bottm Left
XAML = Left Top Right Bottom
Just to be awkward
What the fuck ?
@rudi_visser TFS fucks me off regardless
Dunno why I didn't see that earlier
3 * that bitch up @AndréSilva, DO IT
No, but really? HTML follows it clockwise
Well so does XAML, it just follows it from a stupid place
What kind of clock starts the first hour of the day from the left ?
A shit clock
A XAML clock
Just created a Class library
trying to put dll in gac
@TimeToShine Congratulations!
You've passed the first test
haha :D
I think USA is trying another weird pattern...
thanks @rudi_visser
np anytime
Now when I put in gac it says, it aint strong named, I already put characters like "$$$$" and capital letter and some small letters as well and hell loads of numbers but I couldn't convince gac :/
@TimeToShine You need to sign the assembly in Visual Studio
Strong Named = Signed Assembly
Not that it's got a name like a password
Project Properties -> Signing -> tick 'Sign the assembly' and then choose 'New...' from the "choose a strong name key file" dropdown
oooo, I was trying to name it after passwords to make it strong {facepalm}
I'm not hungry now I have my BLT in front of me
That's the second funniest thing I've heard in the past 24 hours
I can't remember what the first is
Oh yeah I can
What Name should I say my key as
He is my favourite person in the whole planet
@TimeToShine Anything you want
Oh my, I'm being rate limited like a bitch, making me wait 6 seconds n shit
I just use key.snk
doesn't really matter, nobody will see it
@rudi_visser You're too fast for SO
I downvote that opinion, but regardless, watch the video!
say it in the same way as you would say "Too slow for Ninja!"
He's the best person on the whole planet
It's like his facial muscles crashed
I hate VPNs
Especially windows VPNs
@AndréSilva Watch the video!
@TimeToShine Did you get it working?
Can't watch videos at work. :(
Because they can never get the damn gateway/proxy settings right
But what is the video about ?
It's like 10 seconds, and there's no movement :D
Just the best dude in the world
Can't open the video. Youtube is blocked
I turned off "Use Default Gateway on remote network." changed my proxy settings to use the IP rather than hostname and it still refuses to recognise internal host names
@AndréSilva Damnit
@Sean DNS..?
They're both on obtain automatically
And the jailbreak from this old piece of videogame that makes calls is really broken, I can't open youtube from there. :(
But ideally what I want is DNS from their site to be turned off completely
Cisco VPN > all
It fixes all this shit for you
Meh, Windows VPNs just seem to take a while to configure themselves for me
Like it connects, and then 2-3 mins later it starts working as I'd expect
Maybe I'm trying to hard
anyway brb
Maybe if I callvirt on a DLR object it will automatically invoke the InvokeMemberBinder so I don't have to call the TryInvokeMember virtual method at all
That would make my life so much easier, cos idk how to emit a call to a method with an out parameter
Either that or I could define my own interface for IProxyHost with a object CallMethod(string methodName, object[] methodArgs) method on it and call that directly, only supporting proxy class generation on those objects
That would make more sense
namespace Ljund.Common.Runtime
    interface IProxyable
        object CallMethod(string methodName, object[] methodArgs);
Hi @chead23!
@rudi_visser Go go Rudi Rangers
Also, I should mention the terrible range on the wifi in here. Or demand newspapers in the toilets
Why is MSDN so damn slow
For like 3 months now
I'm forever trying to figure that out
They are probably trying to make it work well on IE 10..
It works fine on IE10
Unless you use the app version rather than the desktop version
in which case I can imagine it being utter trollop
I use IE10
Don't admit to that
Oh wait, too late
I haven't had to install another browser since I used Win8
I used to be a die-hard Opera user
But IE10 is beautiful
@rudi_visser You work at microsoft, don't you ?
I did do some work for Microsoft, but then they cancelled the project cos they're cheapasses
Or probably some valid reason, but I'm going with cheapasses
  IL_002f:  ldarg.3
  IL_0030:  ldarg.0
  IL_0031:  ldarg.1
  IL_0032:  callvirt   instance string [System.Core]System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder::get_Name()
  IL_0037:  ldarg.2
  IL_0038:  call       instance object class Ljund.Common.Runtime.IPC.Client.IpcClient`1<!ContractInterfaceT>::CallMethod(string,
This makes me angry, where are these random ldargs coming from
The whole damn thing has like 2 arguments
Maybe it puts more in for the array?
But it was a parameter on the original method
Wait a min
Ah crap

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