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@rudi_visser yup thanks I knew it was just messing around :), Problem is I don;t know how am I supposed to add this library as code behind for SharePoint NewForm.aspx
I thought CodeBehind pointed to a .cs file and compiled at runtime?
I could be wrong, haven't touched normal ASP.NET for many years
@rudi_visser SharePoint breaks everything you think about normal .Net apps
Well so does ASP.NET
WebForms I mean
@TimeToShine Create a copy of your newform.aspx, then change the @Page directive to inherit from your custom class
Assuming you've made a custom class to be used as the backend for a newform.aspx page
If you haven't, you'll need to
The only way to get custom code-behind methods into a sharepoint newform page is create a new class that derives from one of the classes...
I think it's LayoutPageBase but don't quote me on that
Google is your friend, cos I sure as hell ain't ;D
@TimeToShine Also, is this a new account, I thought you were on TimeToThine before?
public class CustomNewForm : PublishingLayoutPage
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
@Sean Magic me some IL code to convert method parameters to an object array
Oh, it's easy, nvm
@Sean yeah, I realized this spelling mistake after an year :L
Haha fair enough
that applies to both of your messages, so other than this clarification I shall post no more
@rudi_visser What time do you want lunch?
Ok, help me out.
We're doing KFC right?
            var text = new DataGridTextColumn();
            text.Header = "Column";

            var rows = new List<object>();


            dgProprietarios.ItemsSource = rows;
I need to devour a bucket of chicken
@AndréSilva Looks foreign to me
Is after 1 ok?
Why does the WPF understands that as 2 columns ( one with the correct text )
And 2 rows with no text inside...
Or will you die without chicken for that long? =P
@rudi_visser Not anymore...
@Sean ye that's fine
@AndréSilva You're thinking too much like WinForms
@AndréSilva In WPF-land we would probably use an ObservableCollection<object> and databind our DataGrid to that property
@AndréSilva I would suggest building a simple class or struct to use as the type for your list rather than any old object, and maybe also clearing the columns from the DG before you add any more? But I defer to rudi on this one
Anyone ? :(
@Sean There is a chance the hot PA will want my attention
@rudi_visser Bros before.... No fuck it, take pictures
@Sean :D
There's a high chance that she won't tho, it's very weird
But you can hear the story over chicken I guess
I know exactly what you mean
I will put my phone on DnD at 1
half 12 might be safer...
For the same reason that I never know when some awkward fucker is gonna ring with a problem I google while they tell it to me
Well if I leave here at 12:45?
That should get you here for about 1
Possesseth thou une satnav?
Try saying that out loud. It's difficult
@Sean after following this

@TimeToShine yeah?
I had something like this in default newform.aspx

<%@ Page language="C#" MasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master" Inherits="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage,Microsoft.SharePoint,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> <%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> <%@ Register Tagprefix="Utilities" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
which I changed to

<%@ Page language="C#" Inherits="CustomNewForm,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=1a4b9c1d1270a31a" %>
<%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls"
Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
<%@ Register Tagprefix="Utilities" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities"
Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
You'll need the full class name including namespaces
@Sean Yea! Nokia Drive mofo
when my class library is like this

namespace CustomNewForm
    public class yListNewForm : PublishingLayoutPage
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DLL.Namespace[repeat as necessary].ClassName
@TimeToShine Ok looking at that code it shouldn't inherit from PublishingLayoutPage it should inherit from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage
and your @page inherits attribute should look like DllName.CustomNewForm.yListNewForm,DllName,Version=,Culture=neutral,Publ‌​icKeyToken=1a4b9c1d1270a31a
sorry whats dllname in context
the 5 part assembly/class reference thing hurts like shoving a melon up your ass (or how I imagine it would hurt anyway)
dllname would be the name of your DLL
so say your DLL is called "TimeToShineCustomNewForm.dll"
oh the one that comes up when I check properties of dll in gac
The full namespace can be tricky to get if you've made it as a sharepoint project, but if you made it as a class library it should just be DllName.CustomNewForm.yListNewForm or just CustomNewForm.yListNewForm if the name of your DLL is CustomNewForm
try it both ways
I'm never sure on this
@rudi_visser Right, just tell it you want to go to BB11 5TE
  .locals init ([0] object[] tmpArr,
           [1] string methodName)
  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
  IL_0001:  newarr     [mscorlib]System.Object
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
  IL_0007:  ldloc.0
  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0009:  ldarg.1
  IL_000a:  stelem.ref
  IL_000b:  ldstr      "TestMethod"
  IL_0010:  stloc.1
  IL_0011:  ldarg.0
  IL_0012:  ldfld      class Ljund.Common.Runtime.IProxyable Ljund.Common.Runtime.DynamicTyping.TmpProxy::_dynamicObject
  IL_0017:  ldloc.1
  IL_0018:  ldloc.0
  IL_0019:  callvirt   instance object Ljund.Common.Runtime.IProxyable::CallMethod(string,
It liiiiiiiiiiives
@Sean oki np
And then I will just.... Stand on the street corner like a hooker
Or something
In fact, does LinkedIn have a PM system?
You could just email me [email protected]
I'll email you my number so you can ping me when you're here, or when you get on to the business park so I can drop everything and run outside
kool I try that, now all I have to do is in Schema.xml

<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" Template="Custom2010Form" WebPartZoneID="Main" />


 <Form Type="NewForm" Url="CustomNewForm.aspx" Template="Custom2010Form" SetupPath="pages\CustomNewForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
I'll trust you on that, 2007 is so much more of a PITA than 2010
Holy shit, my IL emitting code almost exactly matches the C# generated IL
WHAT THE FUUUUCK...... My hotmail thinks that an appropriate advert for me is plastic surgery for women
On WPF, the only way to add rows to a datagrid is using ItemsSource ?
I obviously didn't put my gender in
@rudi_visser That is an ORIGINAL MSN address. Feel the nostalgia. Feel it, you know you want to.
@AndréSilva I'm sorry I don't know... Rudi seems to be beating off to his IL at the moment, you'll have to wait for him to be done
I wonder how you would square sadness....
Struggles with DataGrid Bindings is depressive.
    public static class DynamicTypeGenerator<T>
        public static Type GenerateDynamicProxy(IProxyable proxyTo)
            // Make new awesome
            AssemblyName an = new AssemblyName("tmp_" + typeof(T).Name);
            var asm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
            string moduleName = Path.ChangeExtension(an.Name, "dll");
            var module = asm.DefineDynamicModule(moduleName, false);
            string ns = typeof(T).Namespace;
it didn;t work @Sean even tho I created a new survey using an old template
Best code you will ever see in your lives ever
Seems like I need to learn bindings now..
@AndréSilva Sry what's up
@AndréSilva Ah ItemsSource ya on your Window backing class you would have a property like ObservableCollection<object> ye
@TimeToShine Did your page load?
hi all
Your Window would have `DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Your DataGrid would use ItemsSource={Binding PropertyName}
when I click on respond to this survey it takes me to NewForm.aspx @Sean
Then when you add items to your ObservableCollection, it'll update
string str = "FirstName=Steve,LastName=Buch,[email protected],iId=10,iHostCompanyId=7,i‌​CompanyId=1";
Although you may need to implement INotify... wait a sec I forgot
@TimeToShine You'll need to change the new form then
does anyone know where mr grixxly has gone?
yo ho ho
@AndréSilva INotifyPropertyChanged
@AndréSilva Then when you add items, call your event handler and the list will change, DataGrid listens to that event
I have above comma separated string..which i want to separate..and assign to variables
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
            PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
@Sean I had to create a new list to make it work
I'm doing some easier way..
   <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Proprietarios}"
                  SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectProp, Mode=TwoWay}"
@TimeToShine You should be able to change the default new form in sharepoint designer
And using SelectionChanged
@Chets Why not just split it into an array and use it? why variables?
@Sean I am able to go to CustomNewForm now but page_load method isn't triggering
But there is one more thing..
Yeah but I'm talking about allowing the DataGrid to dynamically update
When I try to add a row.
I'm doing this :
        var rows = new List<object>();
        rows.Add("Random Text");
        dgProprietarios.ItemsSource = rows;
But on the datagrid, it doesn't appear the text I want.
And I add just one column, but on the design, appears two. Even if I remove the AutoGenerateColumns
@TimeToShine Ok change your page load definition to something like.... protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Page_Load(sender, e); //rest of your code }
@tranceporter i need to assign it to my person object like CorePerson { FirstName,LastName,Email}
When I selected the extra row that shouldn't be there I get NewItemPlaceHolder. What the flying duck ?
@Chet can you change the comma separated string format?
Does anyone know whay I would be getting this error? error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscor
lib.dll' could not be found
@Chets you could do something like this:
do you have that file lol :P
Well I imagine it should be there as the first error that I was getting was because it couldn't find System.Core version so I had to install .Net 3.5
and 2.0.50727 is .Net 3.5
@Sean still no luck :(
@Billdr Did you get my explanation of quid and penny? Or was it explained to yo? I didn't read that far down
var newObject = stringToBeSplit.Split(new [] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => new object() {Name = x[0], Gender = x[1]});
watchign a transforming rc car. one moment.
dunno if it will work, or you can go the normal way of string.Split, and then assigning property one by one
@Chets var newObject = stringToBeSplit.Split(new [] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => new object() {Name = x[0], Gender = x[1]});
just checking isnt mscorlib.dll compact framework
The understanding I reached is that a pence is 1/100th of a pound, and quid is another term for a single unit of currency; similar to buck. We get that right?
no every version of .Net uses mscrolib
@Billdr Yeah, quid == pound
yes billdr
And pennies are £0.01. Don't you call your pennies the same? Or is that something I have confused?
Oh no of course they're cents
The question was over pence, not penny
we use penny too
apparently pence==penny==1/100th pound
pence!=penny==1/100th dollar
@Billdr Do you know much about wpf ?
ok maybe not
@TimeToShine I dunno what to suggest...
I know literally nothing about wpf.
it's actually preventing me from finishing a project.
What in fuck does Field token out of range. mean
BTW @AndréSilva the point of ItemsSource is that you DataBind on it, and then if you add items to the backing collection it will update
try sysyphe in the wpf room
That's part of the power of WPF, if you aint using it then there's not much point :D
Guys is it possible to run (and control running flow) two functions as the same time? I making comparison of two sort algorithms and want to show what happening
@Loclip yes
So, if I want to add a row to the DataGrid I just have ItemsSource to do it? @rudi_visser
@sean can you tell me what to read so i could do it
@Loclip Well you're looking at either multi-threading or parallel processing. I'm not sure which would be a better fit but you want to look up those two and synchronisation
Unfortunately I'm no expert, just quickest to say yes...
Why the fuck the cell doesn't show the inner text ?
@Sean ok thanks...
@Loclip If you want to run them at exactly the same time you'll want a dual-core processor at least and use parallel processing. Then you'll want to synchronise on a certain object at certain points, maybe outputting something like "Sort A finished at YYYY/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.milliseconds" (dunno format specifier for milliseconds off the top of my head) so you can see exactly where the difference in speed is
Oh my fuck it works with 0 arg method, 1 arg method, but 2 arg method explodes: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
I'm getting really frustrated with this datagrid... I can't make the content of a cell appear.. And I can retrieve on code behind with th exact text it should be..
that's what she said
@Sean I don't need the time of sorting but how much comparisons it make to sort it... Now I thinking to do something else like each time there is count++ do something
@AndréSilva If you're using ItemsSource with a Binding, you can update the bound property with a new row and the DataGrid will update
@Loclip Oh so you didn't want to run them side-by-side then?
Shits and giggles and/or just to piss you off
what would be the most decent way of describing this phrase in one word

"Licking someone's balls"
there is no decent way to express that sentiment
it's an inherently indecent thing
ok tell me indecent but 1 word only lol
perhaps change balls to testicles
@Sean every function have its own counter... I need somehow to show when counter is 1 in all functions, this happened when 2 another thing...
But I still dont know how to do it
what do we call people who do that @Sean
Loool flattering or a flatter or something like that lol
I cannot believe you need to ask that question xD
oh, are you referring to the person that gets pornstars ready to go before they go on set?
In which case it's a fluffer
@Loclip Oh I see. Well you could try setting a load of flags then spawn another thread that would check on the status of those flags and report back when one or the other or both got there?
walking a kilometer at -2c to get an iced coffee is another reason I am not a clever man.
@Billdr Just stick it outside
Coffee machine -> door -> desk -> pause -> door -> desk -> drink
If the coffee here wasn't crap I would. Except the windows don't open.
1. Has the past 6 months been good/bad/satisfactory or otherwise for you, and why?

what to put in this {facepalm} @ appraisal
Although iced tea and coffee are made slightly differently I think
Good! I got a job as a developer, learned a ton, haven't been bored yet.
@TimeToShine Definitely do not put ball-licker on your review form.
@Sean I don't understand your thinking (i beginner).. but cant I pause some functions and run other? like thread.sleep()... For example run all function and when it reach counter to pause it and do something else (same for other functions) and when all will have counter = 1 do something and then repeat that process
Loooool def not :L
Unless you want to be jobless and homeless shortly thereafter, cos good luck getting a reference after saying that xD
@TimeToShine Oh you're writing a survey...... Of course. Damn me and jumping to the wrong conclusion
Hmm. Is there really no way to have a button trigger a method without doing a postback in MVC?
@Loclip Not exactly, no. If you want two functions to run side-by-side you have to use threading or parallel processing. If you don't need it to be exactly (we're talking down to the processor operation level there) the same time then threading is the easier way to go. You would spawn two threads, one running function a and one running function b. You would then use some boolean flags or another method to indicate where each thread had got to and check them to carry on... More to follow
@Sean ok now I understood it... thanks again.. good thinking
....if you wanted them to wait for each other. If you wanted them to go at their own pace you would just spawn two threads to run function a and b on, setting some variables along the way and a third thread that looped until a condition was met (both functions having set a finished variable) and output whatever you need it to. I would also put a Thread.Sleep in this third thread or your other two threads will constantly be waiting for CPU time. And you will turn you CPU into a mini heater.
:( I'm starting to hate WPF..
Can't use a freaking DataGrid without struggling, wtf ?
but its a nice resume-filler
normally after a couple of months experience you will start to like it
a bit like stockholm syndrome
I really want to enjoy this..
That's what she said
But come on.. I can't bind a freaking row into this datagrid
Cell content doesn't show.. Grid gets resizable if I resize the columns manually
I can't get columns to fill the total grid size..
being kept hostage by shitty technology :p
The width in XAML is px, em OR % ?
I only do Winforms and HTML so...
anyone know why my razor generated links are inserting /views/ into links?
nevermind, it's doing it right, something in my code is doing it wrong.
@rudi_visser Hey Sanka, ya ded?
AHAHAHAHAHA the SharePoint 2010 ribbon doesn't work in IE10 xD
Oh no it's just on one of my custom pages. Cock.
ermmmm appraisals :L
anyone find me a good sample please
hi any one knows how to split a string by comma seperator
sring.split(mystring, ",");
@Billdr WRAAAAONG!!!
because .Net hates C# developers
oh, it's mystring.Split(",");
how concise.
Christ, I shouldn't be writing code today.
@VishalGavle string[] mySplitStringArray = myStr.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); you can change StringSplitOptions to RemoveEmtpyEntries as well and it'll not include empty strings
I don't think I'm gonna get a lunch at this rate :(
@rudi_visser Tell em to fuck off you want your chicken xD
I can do monday if you can't make it yeah
Well yea there is one plus side
My IPC generator works!
But yea, now the fun stops
Fat Monday yea
I'm gonna put it into my Outlook calendar
You should just tell them you've not had lunch yet and you're starving. And that if they expect you to code on an empty belly the programs won't work
Or monday
either way I'm cool with it
except that I can't haz bucket
but yeah, monday =]
Yeah well bucket on me (in monetary terms) on Monday
you'd think FormUrlEncodedContent(keyValuePairArray).toString() would give you something like a=x&b=y, wouldn't you?
I beg for help. :(
@rudi_visser ok sure =]
What's up Andre?
WPF is frustrating me.
The http library is doing the same
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Proprietarios}"


   class Dados
        private string Nome { get; set; }
        private string Bloco { get; set; }
        private string Apartamento { get; set; }

        public Dados(string nome, string bloco, string apartamento)
            Nome = nome;
            Bloco = bloco;
            Apartamento = apartamento;

   class Proprietarios : List<Dados>

        public Proprietarios()
what am I doing wrong ?
I can retrieve what I put in the itemssource on SelectionChanged
But for some fucked up reason, it doesn't show on the program.
Just on the code behind
This one is just to make the screen just mine.
Wait, not yet..
Ok now it is all mine.
Do you have to tell it which field you want as the display field? Like when you databind to a datasource using a dropdownlist in webforms?
I actually don't know.. First time using this.
And you need to set DataValueField and DataTextField
Where the fuck is @Kendall when we need him...
YES! I made a working oauth request using my big boy thinky parts!
@AndréSilva Probably still in bed
Oh no, he's not here today sorry
Give him 20 minutes.
He mentioned that yesterday
Feels bad man.
16 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
I'm not here tomorrow.

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