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@Pheonixblade9 NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just kidding
@CCInc fuck you, you're not at work :P
@Pheonixblade9 yes, but I am sure somebody is going to look over my shoulder :P
@Pheonixblade9 My family
Check out the document height :D
That is twice the "world record" lol
@TravisJ lol
@TravisJ what is that measured in?
"Yup" lmao
I shouldda guessed that
Hm, so apparently jpeg's cant be larger than 2^16th and I somehow hit that barrier
which is what started all this height nonsense
it would seem gif is also 2^16
Apparently png can be 2^31??
jpeg = 65535×65535
wtf, ie stretched my jpeg to 75k somehow
but chrome fails to
I take it back, only firefox fails to
firefox failed with png too
[TestCase(null, null, "s3", "s3")]
public void NullCheck(string s1, string s2, string s3, string expected)
    string actual = s1 ??
                    s2 ??
Do you use that ^^ syntax @Travis?
No I don't use the null operator, but I would if I needed to.
I found out recently that it can be chained, liked it. Really clean compared to if, else if...
yeah, if used right it is nice
Yeah formatting is important for readablility for that one
public string Val { get{ return this.Val ?? "Constructor"; } }
I think I have seen stuff like that too
@TravisJ I use that for lazy stuff a lot
maybe time to get some sleep here in Sweden
We had snow today, really nice, hope it stays
@TravisJ I think that is SO?
What is SO?
StackOverflow, but I understand what you mean
ah, for the circular reference?
public string Val { get{ return this._val ?? _val = "Constructor"; } }
Should I convert my winforms app to wpf?
I'm a nit and that's why you hate me :)
@CCInc I would say yes, you will get much better help here if nothing else
So I fixed my gif issue
Is this a good tutorial? wpftutorial.net/Home.html
+ better time spent learning wpf
if ($.browser.msie) { /*crappy code*/}
else{ /* elegant code */}
@CCInc I like that a lot
@JohanLarsson so what exactly is xaml? Do I need it? Can I just use the same code from winforms?
@CCInc I liked this series about mvvm
@CCInc this is xaml:
    <Menu Height="26" Name="menu1" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
        <MenuItem Header="File" />
        <MenuItem Header="Edit" />
Does WPF have more controls?
You can write the same thing in code but xaml is really nice
@CCInc I would say the ability to style and tweak things + bindings is what makes wpf good
@CCInc I suggest you start really easy and try to understand bindings, I can help you tomorrow with some dummy code you can play with
what is a binding?
Hard to learn and epic to use.
I recommend this book
@CCInc It is late here, I show you tomorrow. In short bindings are what is used to wire the view to the viewmodel. They use events like INotifyPropertyChanged
@JohanLarsson Ok, thanks
Expect a pretty steep learning curve, but comfort yourself with that there is not so much to learn to be able to start using wpf
does it give a better user experience/nicer?
I would say yes, styling is strong in wpf
And should I download WPF Inspector?
I use snoop, but they are similar I think
what do they do?
debugging tool mainly, you can inspect the visual tree and events etc.
m v c :P
agh so complex
@CCInc You are smart, you will be writing wpf before the weekend
Good to know :D My program needs a new interfaec
@JohanLarsson night
windows isw
freaking out
on me
hopefully sfc will fix it
What it do?!
Does anyone know how to make the flash play in visual c# ASP.MVC3
1 hour later…
hello, is anybody home?
I have manually added in a machine key to my website, and now I can log in with my users password, when I disable the section it works fine. I have been storing the passwords as "hashed" is there any way to add in the machinekey and not mess up all my user's passwords?
wanna know something about setting up a tcp server and a client in C#
go ahead
@CC Inc Thanks for the link
I've set up a Tcplistener and it's successfully listening on my local port 8888. Now I want to establish a connection with a client
when I try to connect a client via port 8000, the program hangs up
server code
server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(SERVER_IP), SERVER_PORT);
                Console.WriteLine("Server started listening on port " + SERVER_PORT);
                client_instance = server.AcceptTcpClient();
                Console.WriteLine("Client connected");

            catch (Exception e)
Is the server or client freezing?
client code
client = new TcpClient();
                client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(my_server.get_server_ip()), CLIENT_PORT);
               // Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server on port " + CLIENT_PORT);

            catch (Exception e)
I think it's client
thanks for the link. according to that, it's the server waiting
but it takes too long :(
i am no good at this, you may need to wait until everyone else wakes up
thanks @CC
thanks @CCInc
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        const int CLIENT_PORT = 50000;
        const int SERVER_PORT = 50000;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread listenThread = new Thread(listen);
            var client = new TcpClient();
                client.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, CLIENT_PORT);
                Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server on port " + CLIENT_PORT);
@TharinduRusira ^ genius
gnight all
(Y), that gave some hope @FreddyFlares
now it gives this error
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Is the server listening on the same port?
Should it be the same? that's a problem I have
Yeah, you can only connect to ports the server is listening on
I thought ports can be different because server and client runs two different processes
because they are communicating with the same IP
it works fine when it is the same port
It has to be the same port
That's the channel of communication
IP plus port
got it :) I had some misconceptions
thanks @FreddyFlares
but isn't what you say valid only for a local client and a server? If we have a remote server and our local client wants to connect, we don't know on what port the server is running. We know its IP only . Isn't it?
@TharinduRusira You need to know the port as well or else you will get that same error
@TharinduRusira You will know the port as well for example browsers always use port 80 for http
of course yes, but 80 is out local http port. We don't know on what port the server is running their service?
Or any http server always run on their 80th port?
what's my mistake? :)
The server will always listen on port 80 for http it's just a convention, port 80=http always
@TharinduRusira I think I see what you mean I'm not an expert. When the client makes the connection it will be given a local EndPoint with a different port but the remote port is always the same.
ah yes, that's exactly what I meant
3 hours later…
Morning All
i have created generic class with properties whenever i want access class i should not get properties which all null
please tell me how can i do that?
@AndréSilva plz help me
You don't want null properties, what if they are null?
@rudi_visser because it's loading memory right
@rudi_visser so how to do that?
I need codez !! Gimme codez !!
    class Test {
         public string IAmNull { get; set; }
     string whatAreYouExpecting = new Test().IAmNull;
^ What would whatAreYouExpecting be?
Morning @AndréSilva
Morning @rudi_visser
.. or whatever time of the day it is over there
How you doing?
@rudi_visser in this case iamnull value is null means i should not get property
@RajkumarReddy Then don't get it..
@RajkumarReddy Post the code you have form the properties
What do you want instead?!
cos you can just do
@rudi_visser for ex
public class clsEmp{ public int eid{get;set;} public string ename{get;set;}; public string phno {get;set;} }
class Test {
    private string _iAmNull;
    public string IAmEmpty {
        get {
            if (_iAmNull == null) return String.Empty;
            return _iAmNull;
        set {
             _iAmNull = value;
The question I'm asking is, if the property is null, what do you expect instead?! An exception? or what
@rudi_visser that property itself i don't want
That does not make any sense
Give us a use case for this and maybe we can help
@rudi_visser k but why i require that property unneccessorly loading memory
i have n number of property in my class but particular instance i'll set some of properties other properties w'll be null so what can i do with those properties?
Ignore them!
What does it matter
It's not using any memory if it's null, is it
plz confirm and check
A property (or anything for that matter) with a null value is not a memory overhead
because we r planning to use generic class so?
If you have BiggestClassInHistoryOfProgrammingEver myBigClass = null;, it doesn't use any memory
Why are you even concerned about this?
Just listen to Ke$ha and chill out, man
How can I drag and drop puzzle pieces across the view in the MVVM pattern?
@rudi_visser who s Ke$ha?
@FreddyFlares With your mouse?
@RajkumarReddy Somebody that can help you CHILL OUT, or stress you out, if you don't like that music
@rudi_visser thank u
For Ke$ha? You're welcome
Hi guys... I have a question... Will the for loop be faster if I declare int i; first and then write for(i=0; i<5; i++) instead of for(int i=0; i<5; i++)?
Same thing...
Mostly irrelevant, the first statement only gets executed once regardless. You will hold memory outside of the loop if you declare it outside of the loop
But that's the only difference
Actually declaring int = 0 on the for is probably less then 100 nanoseconds faster...
Actually I'm lying. But just to show that it is irrelevant..
if int i is a private class variable declared in the constructor then for(i=0; i<5; i++) should be a nanosecond faster because it doesn't have to push a local i on the stack
I'm going to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. Brb in some minutes.
So for(int i=0; i<5; i++) the int i=0; will be declared once? it will not declare each time right?
Obviously, otherwise it would loop forever :)
oh yeah :D
depends how the compiler optimizes
i mean its not making new int i every time
Because I writing sorting algorithms and want to check there speed and want to make as less time possible
@FreddyFlares No, it doesn't depend on the compiler. For loops are created like this
while (condition) {
     iterator break; // actually this is a label/goto, but not too relevant for purposes of demonstration
That's part of the C# specification
@Loclip Well in this case I wouldn't worry about it at all, it's only ever going to be executed once, wherever you define it
@rudi_visser Yeah I know, but I was thinking each time the loop is entered, int i has to be redeclared
the question is do you really want i hanging about after the loop is finished
It will have to be redeclared yes, but it either needs to be redeclared or reset to 0 so the difference is negligible since it's done at compile time for the declaration
nanoseconds difference
So when you look at it like that it's still executed once for a single loop
Oh sweet jesus that conversation got fucked up really quickly after I went last night
Oh, morning
what conversation
one more question... is it faster if I write the swap code manually instead of writing it in function and call it?
In here
Morning @Sean
@Loclip If you write what sorry?
@rudi_visser Morning =]
Morning @dav_i
You good?
All good. You good?
Yeah I explained it bad... wait will rewrite
You can perform this action again in 4 seconds
I'm good
They're still trying to torture me at work with Absolute 90s tho
:( argh screw this rate limit
@E.LDunn It went from theoretical physics to I don't even know what. The C# == Db thing came up again.... Pheonix made titty sprinkles.. Allsorts
@rudi_visser Tired, but otherwise good, you?
@Sean Ah man... I missed some good convos
@Sean Yep I'm wonderful
@dav_i Yeah me too =\ on the flips side my uncle bought celebrations for the drive
That's a little inappropriate isn't it
Of which I only had one... A maltesers one..
@Sean drive?
@rudi_visser It was food, food is never inappropriate
@dav_i I've taken a day off to see my nan before she gives up the ghost, conned my uncle into giving me a lift up. In return he conned me to owe him two beers
Well, taking bacon to a vegetarian community would be considered inappropriate
Yeah but they're all doing it wrong anyway
It's true
Pigs are too tasty not to eat.
It's true
                    if (input[j] > input[j+1])
                        temp = input[j];
                        input[j] = input[j+1];
                        input[j+1] = temp;

                    if (input[j] > input[j + 1])
                        swap(j, j + 1);
Sausages, bacon, ribs, loin... crap... I just salivated all over the keyboard.
Will the first if be faster than second?
HI ! everyone
@dav_i There is a pub directly opposite where I work which serves literally a bucket of meat it's amazing
@dav_i Better than the other bodily fluid that usually ends up on the keyboard eh?
@Loclip There is very little overhead involved in calling functions
@Loclip It depends, does swap just contain that same code? It may get inlined by the compiler
also this ^
and even if it didn't, what @Sean said...
@rudi_visser Teamwork
its contain same code

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