@CCInc It is late here, I show you tomorrow. In short bindings are what is used to wire the view to the viewmodel. They use events like INotifyPropertyChanged
I have manually added in a machine key to my website, and now I can log in with my users password, when I disable the section it works fine. I have been storing the passwords as "hashed" is there any way to add in the machinekey and not mess up all my user's passwords?
client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(my_server.get_server_ip()), CLIENT_PORT);
// Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server on port " + CLIENT_PORT);
catch (Exception e)
using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const int CLIENT_PORT = 50000;
const int SERVER_PORT = 50000;
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread listenThread = new Thread(listen);
var client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, CLIENT_PORT);
Console.WriteLine("Client connected to server on port " + CLIENT_PORT);
but isn't what you say valid only for a local client and a server? If we have a remote server and our local client wants to connect, we don't know on what port the server is running. We know its IP only . Isn't it?
of course yes, but 80 is out local http port. We don't know on what port the server is running their service? Or any http server always run on their 80th port? what's my mistake? :)
@TharinduRusira I think I see what you mean I'm not an expert. When the client makes the connection it will be given a local EndPoint with a different port but the remote port is always the same.
class Test {
private string _iAmNull;
public string IAmEmpty {
get {
if (_iAmNull == null) return String.Empty;
return _iAmNull;
set {
_iAmNull = value;
The question I'm asking is, if the property is null, what do you expect instead?! An exception? or what
@rudi_visser k but why i require that property unneccessorly loading memory
i have n number of property in my class but particular instance i'll set some of properties other properties w'll be null so what can i do with those properties?
Hi guys... I have a question... Will the for loop be faster if I declare int i; first and then write for(i=0; i<5; i++) instead of for(int i=0; i<5; i++)?
Mostly irrelevant, the first statement only gets executed once regardless. You will hold memory outside of the loop if you declare it outside of the loop
if int i is a private class variable declared in the constructor then for(i=0; i<5; i++) should be a nanosecond faster because it doesn't have to push a local i on the stack
It will have to be redeclared yes, but it either needs to be redeclared or reset to 0 so the difference is negligible since it's done at compile time for the declaration
@rudi_visser It was food, food is never inappropriate
@dav_i I've taken a day off to see my nan before she gives up the ghost, conned my uncle into giving me a lift up. In return he conned me to owe him two beers