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Ah dammit; it's cause I was in a runat="server" block
@Bracketworks I think it is probably because you were in a runat="server" block.
Actually, that wasn't the case; VS still isn't giving me intellisense.
Well that ruined whatever little humour was in my comment :P
@dav_i ;)
I have 15 applications in win forms ,for each of them I have a app.config file which contains connection string to same database. My problem is whenever the database password is changed or database is migrated I have to make changes in all 15 app.config files . Instead cant I maintain one master config file for all the applications which would contain only database connection string? Is it possible in C# Winforms?
@idrisjafer COuld you not store the connection string and p/w in a different file and load that from your apps?
you mean by using IO Streams or a single XML file ?
Hi all
@idrisjafer -> You can use from Windows OS Registry for do that.
@idrisjafer Whatever - as long as you have the data
@idrisjafer -> It's better to store your configuration information in Windows Registry like many of Application Programs such as All of Autodesk software, Adobe software, Microsoft Office software and, etc.
how to store configuration settings in windows registry? Any idea where to start from ?
You can do that as follows:
what is the best way to maintain database consistency in case we have a series of queries to be executed, and one of them fails,
like we have:
query1 - completed
query2 - completed
query3 - completed
query4 - failed
public void SaveData(string[,] strString)
                RegistryKey reg;
                reg = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true);
                reg = reg.CreateSubKey(@"SAINO\SCS\AutoCIW\1.0\Language\File\New");
                reg.SetValue("Tooltip", encodeDecode.EncodeString(strString[3, 4], 125), RegistryValueKind.Binary);
                reg.SetValue("DisabledTooltip", encodeDecode.EncodeString(strString[3, 5], 125), RegistryValueKind.Binary);
(see full text)
You must use from following Assembly:
You can store ur data as String, Binary and etc.
and retrieve them from Windows Registry.
Won't you get a UAC warning saying "blah blah is trying to change the registry"?
Afternoon folks
@dav_i -> If you're facing this warning in changing Windows Registry, You can do the following for run the program as Administrator.
Add manifest to your project
@MRS136 : thanx for d code
and add following line between "requestedPrivileges" tag
<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
@idrisjafer -> ur welcome. :)
does anyone know how to simulate mouse movements programmatically?
@idrisjafer What do you mean? Would you like to change the current cursor position? If so, you may try to change the value of Cursor.Position.
@idrisjafer -> If configuration information is different for every user account, you must create your keys and values in the "Registry.CurrentUser". and if configuration information is same for all user accounts, you must create your keys and values in the "Registry.LocalMachine".
@MRS1367 : will try it out
@PicrofoEGY : No.. I would like to open a webpage ... login and download reports for processing data... Basically i want to emulate mouse behaviour
@idrisjafer Sorry, I'm unable to understand this.
@PicrofoEGY Which part ?
@idrisjafer Basically i want to emulate mouse behaviour
@PicrofoEGY My code should be able to open a website and download reports ....
wops : sorry : @idrisjafer it's in ruby but sounds a lot like what you are trying to do
I am preparing for a job interview and I am stuck on a recursive function with fixed signature. I am supposed to calculate the sum of types properties (yeah, with recursion ...) of the values based on the enumerator. My problem is how to call a function recursively on an enumerator when all it is returning is an int. Is there any trick you guys know about enumerators ?
Hi guys, I have a simple cache question.

How many total bits are required:
Cache size 16KB
4-word blocks
32-bit address, 32-bit word

The answer is 147k bits but how have they calculated that????
I don't know how I can calculate this but I know that:

1 Byte = 8 Bits
Sorry, I meant 1 Byte :)
@PicrofoEGY Much better
Thank you! :)
@RigaKdot I cba with the maths but often with questions like that they want you to talk about check bits, start/stop bits, blah blah
I see Jon Skeet is aiming for a million.
The suspense...
Half way! I wonder what Stack Overflow will be like in 2016...
@jonskeet It'll probably have overflowed some more.
Looks like Jon Skeet is a rep whore as well :D
That'd be cool if SO was integrated into Visual Studio
Q: How to redirect from a web application to a page in another web application project of same solution and still be logged in?

Shalin JirawlaI have 2 projects in same solution . Before there were different login for each of them . Now we want to maintain single login , so I migrated all the code of login in Project A to login in Project B. All code is working fine . But after successful authentication it redirects to Home.aspx of p...

@LewsTherin Then I'd never get any work done. F5... 42 new questions
@LewsTherin Don't you think that it'll be slow?!
@KendallFrey When you put it that way.. not such a good idea ;)
Whew, that was the most stressful election I've ever participated in.
@PicrofoEGY Doubt it.. I could get a powerful machine :P
Oh on your PC, certainly.
@LewsTherin Hahahahaha
@Billdr So who won?
Obama, pot smokers, and teh gayz
@LewsTherin Barack Obama
Over all, I am happy.
Cool I guess.
Except I wanted to go snowboarding in Wisconsin for my birthday. Now my pot smoking wife will want to go to Colorado instead.
Morning Rlemon
my coffee tastes bad
class President : IDisposable


President obama  = new President();

   obama.dispose() ;
and you should feel bad for me
Where's the constructional amendment against burnt coffee?
not burnt, too strong / shitty brand
maxwell house - I ran out so I made some of the receptionists coffee
ok so need help choosing a lic / eula
free software, no changes can be made, can redistribute, no sale.
@LewsTherin President president = new MittRomney() ... "Cannot implicitly convert type 'MittRomney' to 'President'"
Lol. Nice!
Isn't there a CC license for that?
@dav_i Hahahahaha
@Billdr maybe, I've never had to deal with anything that wasn't personal FOSS and I used WTFPL
I think this is the one you want: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0
I'm not 100% on what "remix" means though.
might not look too professional to put a WTFPL on my work project.
Just rephrase.
Besides, WTFPL isn't compatible with any 'cannot' clauses.
And no, I wouldn't call it free software.
Someone might mistake it for libre.
@rlemon Just use it - it's a legit form of licence.
" **Can’t you change the wording? It’s inappropriate / childish / not corporate-compliant.**
What the fuck is not clear in “DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO”? If you do not like the license terms, just relicense the work under another license."

from http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
I'm just using the one I linked above
it's pretty basic
you can use it, you cannot sell it, you cannot make money from it, you cannot change it, but hey, stop whining, it's free.
Anyone here using Visual Studio 2010?
right here.
also 2012.
I do not know why but it seems slower for me than 2008 :(
@HelloWorld Yes. Maybe because it depends on WPF?
I also write a program called "vs2014" so that when the real one comes out I'll already have two years experience on "vs2014."
i remember that there is an update ,did you installed it?
Of course the newer version is slower. It always is.
@HelloWorld No, I've just downloaded the application from Microsoft
i don't think so...
If you upgraded to Windows 7 on a box that shipped with 95, would it be faster?
@KendallFrey I was about to give 2012 a try but when I noticed the lack of performance in 2010 I decided not to download 2012.
stupid security is lacking again :D i.imgur.com/kaa7H.png
@KendallFrey I'm already running Windows 7 :)
there is an option for hardware/software acceleration that might help improve your perf :)
that is the matter of pc
That's not what I was asking.
if your pc
@StuartBlackler Just disabled this. Nothing changed :(
if you pc is proper , it will be faster
it is generally slower but not massively if im honest
i far prefer 2012
Hello @HelloWorld, I know we just met... But I have this strange feeling or warmth around you. You are like the no-build-errors of people.
A "hello world" application can be quite hard :)
i am a newer,,,
Well, the compiling of it
i want change my name ,but it may takes 30 days
@Stuart what can i do for you?
@StuartBlackler I like the design and the new features but the editor is just slow :(
@PicrofoEGY do you have any extensions installed on it
@rlemon Is there anything i can help you
@StuartBlackler Nope. Nothing shows in my Extension Manager
What about Add-in manager?
@PicrofoEGY Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@HelloWorld I've had this itch to watch new episodes of Gummi Bears and if you could get them to reproduce them with new content that would be fabulous! amiright?!
Don't ask me what the difference is, but 2010 anyway has separate dialogs for extensions and add-ins
@dav_i Let me try this.
The performance is still the same
what's Gummi Bears
an movie?
@KendallFrey Where can I manage my add-ins?
In 2010, it's in the Tools menu I think.
Yup, just above Extension Manager and Macros.
Not sure if it's still there in 2012
@KendallFrey I can only see Extension Manager. There's nothing else except Settings, Customize and Options...
@HelloWorld how old are you?
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears is a Disney animated television series that aired in the United States in the mid-1980s through the early 1990s. The series was the first animated production by Walt Disney Animation Television, and loosely inspired by the gummi bear candies; Disney CEO Michael Eisner was struck with inspiration for the show when his son requested the candies one day. The series premiered on NBC on September 14, 1985, and aired there for four seasons. The series moved to ABC for one season from 1989 to 1990, and concluded on September 6, 1991 as part of the Disney ...
@PicrofoEGY In the whole Tools menu?
Okay, so I've got an EF table, and all is rad. I want EF to enforce all values entered in one property are unique. This is not the PK, but should be unique all the same. Is this possible?
What edition are you running?
@KendallFrey Yes. I think so
@KendallFrey Express Edition
Express doesn't support add-ins afaik.
Oh, I see. Thank you :)
@rlemon i am not american,so i think it's normal that i didn't watch it
rlemon, Ontario
6.1k 1 11 33
Do I look american?
Actually, I remember that show! Only vaguely, but I did see it.
someone's bruteforcing my RDP
The pink guy was really annoying, right?
Wonder if Zirak's gonna be banned...
You-know-what message was flagged quite a few times.
just thought I would flag it too..
That's getting flagged? And people thought I was acting prudeish.
in context it's not so bad.
Also he did use the proper term. It is not like he used the NSFW version of it.
it's safe for grade 7 students but not for work?
if I say OVARIES will I get banned as well?
Wow, someone really is flag-happy.
@rlemon I think all body parts are off limits.
Eye think that's ridiculous.
FOOT! ARM! EYEBALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BELLY BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
schl... wait, nvm
Damn I missed it.. what was flagged?
@rlemon im flagging that :/ :P
Flag all the Rlemon posts!
@LewsTherin A female reproductive organ.
Why? because it's supposed to be navel? :P
@KendallFrey no mines actually a button. I dispense pez to little children and homeless people.
You just want them to touch your button.
Back to programming-related stuff... crickets chirping
We want to flag, flag, flag..
Still want to now how to make EF enforce a property be unique when entering data to the db.
Is that just not a thing I can do?
Won't it throw an exception anyway?
I don't see the point.
Well, an exception at this point in the flow can be handled. An exception later on in the flow will cause issues for the user.
Well if your database specifies that a field is unique.. it would throw an exception when you try to add a duplicate..
We're putting something into the db to be sent to a vendor later. If it's not unique the vendor will reject it.
Eh, I suck at EF/databases so I'll just stfu :P
What is your acceptable way of writing the name of a class level variable that stores an enum value. For example, miBicycleID would store the class level bicycle id as integer what would you use for a enum member?
I think I'm asking for the impossible, but I thought MySQL has it.... I'll have to keep researching. Thanks anyway.
I have to admit it.. python is fun.
I have to get around to Python and Ruby :(
Ruby.... gneh
The lack of structure scared me in python, but it feels natural when you type in something and it just works.
Yeah, C# does that too.
I have a hatred for whitespace denoted blocks
Type in Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); and it just works!
give me braces and brackets any day
I have a hatred for whitespace in general.
@rlemon Yep, exactly.
@KendallFrey I meant without specifying a type.
hence why I cannot stand Python, Ruby, and think CoffeeScript is just stupid (anything that compiles to js I think is stupid syntax sugars but w/e)
Dynamic typing? Ugh.
@rlemon I would have thought you liked that stuff. Doing javascript and all.
@KendallFrey Yep.
Pure Javascript is pure.
@LewsTherin why do I need it?
so is pure meth.
@rlemon Need what?
Then you add all this jQuery/Coffee/Type/what-have-you mess, and get soup.
wouldn't you be all in a rage if I wrote a c# pre-compiler that looked like python?
Yes. Yes.
@LewsTherin the syntax sugars of CoffeeScript or TypeScript
Never! I drink my Javascript black!
@KendallFrey jQuery wouldn't fall into the same boat - abstraction libs are a mess for their own reason
it'd rock to have a c# precompiled that looked like this though
@rlemon Why do we like syntax sugar in C#?
I like syntax sugars.
We don't.
Anybody here has any good (read noob friendly) tutorial to get a grip on Y Combinators?
WTF is that?
but would you like it if I bastardized your language because it does not look right because I came from a Python world prior to c#?
I've read Eric Clepters article as well as a few others but I just can't get my head to think in those terms
@KendallFrey Its black magic :D
to see what it can help you do :)
a js pre compiler is cool - but Closure Compiler is pretty damn close to all we need
CC + jshint and i'm good
@KendallFrey Why not?
I am trying to set a

dropdownlist.SelectedIndex = CInt(Integer)

but I am not able to get the selected index changed to what I want. It is still zero. What am I doing wrong?
what does CInt(Integer) return?
are you sure that it returns something other than 0
sure as in you checked in watch or immediate window?
I am looking in the watch the CInt is 4 and the selected index is zero
we're talking a WPF control or winforms?
@LewsTherin I personally think that syntax sugar makes a language harder to learn, not easier.
web forms
oh! imma be quiet then :)
@Maverik :(
sigh upload button -->
@KendallFrey thanks Kendall
Have you ensured that CInt is returning 4?
Did you run the expression in the immediate window?
yea his watch shows
owait yeah
its like SelectedIndex isn't obeying: may be the index is invalid?
And you're sure you have at least 5 items?
(like there isn't a fourth or fifth item to go to ? (depending on if we're in 0 based realm or 1 based))
0 based
I am not consuming the entire enum. Only 0, 3, 4, 6 are on the dropdown. So 4, the fifth item does not exist
one of my major grievance with vb and vba.. remembering when I'm in 0 based and when i'm in 1 based realm >.< hated it. thank fsm for c#
I'd drink to that
I countered that in vb with Option Base 0
used it religiously - annoyed other vb users but made my life a lot simpler as I jumped languages
(at one point i was coding in three lingos, vb/vba, c#, java - things sometimes just stopped making sense until i realised the function does not exist in this language :D)
um. can I set value using .SelectedItem? It says it is read only
if only you were in wpf world, i'd say yes :D but gotta wait on the aspx wizards :)
@kush Then you can't.
multiple contects with single database in codefirst, how to achieve this?
just create new contexts ?
var context1 = new dbcontext(); var context2 = new dbcontext(); ?
Has anyone ever seen VS2012 freeze the code panel when scrolling? Basically it will only update if you highlight it.
I've discovered that if you hide the Properties panel it will function normally.
nope never happened to me :/
I've reinstalled and the issue still wont go away. It is very annoying!
so when we create new contexts
the old DB may be dropped
you can configure it to not drop existing dbs can't you?
so that will solve no?
but if model changed it throws error?
well you could try hybrid
you can have it generate at start but then change the strategy? (i haven't actually tried this)
or you could manually set it when you change model?
you're not changing model every build right?
just comment out the correct line and you have a quick solution - once your models are stable, you shouldn't have to do this anyway
I have some requirements for a project that state "Co-brand design / iFrame / Framing / Embedding subject to approval by Fuze Box prior to integration launch". The purpose being that there should be a small banner at the top with our logo and the rest of the page being vendor content. My question is that I have read that iFrame/Frame is not a good things to do these days. What class should I use to accomplish the task?
Q: Entity Framework: One Database, Multiple DbContexts. Is this a bad idea?

joshjsMy impression to date has been that a DbContext is meant to represent your database, and thus, if your application uses one database, you'd want only one DbContext. However, some colleagues want to break functional areas out into separate DbContext classes. I believe comes from a good place -- a ...

like this?
we are not changing models but, we are creating every time a new context , so it automatically new DB.
@tiru Yea that last answer on that question is what i had in mind
though i wasn't going for new db everytime approach, with that approach that answer is much more relevant
in that they used a BaseContext to create only a DB, but for manipulations the used subset of contexts. i implemented that. But need different contexts refer same DB, but if the context schema is diff from the created then i need to add new tables to that DB.
sorry then I'm not experienced enough to take you through that depth.. hopefully somebody else here can help
thanks to spend your valuable time,@Maverik
@rlemon Why are the three girls?
@PicrofoEGY Wife + daughters.
How can I find out the winforms equivalent of findstring?

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