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changing to the static class topic can anyone tell me if I'm right about that?
about what?
I should find the SO topic
static class means the same as if you explicitly made every member static
er I spose and didn't use a constructor
if you set the class to static, you must go through and make your fields/props/methods static as well
oh really so string foo; errors?
static string foo; is the way to go
ok I will try again static class is just trying to enforce you to make all members static?
or is it something more
it also tells the compiler that you'll never make an instance of that class
to support @zneak, you will see this in the error window : dl.sblackler.net/static.png
if you dont declare the field as static...
@zneak if I made every member static would the compler still be able to instantiate?
yes, unless you put static in front of the class too
class Foo { static int foo; }
^ this is instantiable
static class Foo { static int bar; }
^ this is not instantiable
ah ok
ok so the there are only two differences that I can see
one static class enforces you to make sure everything is static
two it enforces no instantiation
anything else?
it rather enforces that it will not be instantiated
edited sorry
nothing else that I can think of
ok great I have only done some c++ so C# is a lot to learn
thanks guys
@ScottSelby did you figure it out?
well that's cool c++ doesn't really have a way to disable instantiation like that i guess
in c++ you can make constructors private, or (new since c++11) delete the default constructors
the biggest difference in C# with having a private constructor in a non-static class and having a static class is that you can still create an instance of the non-static class with reflection
if you really wan to prevent creating an instance make it abstract
Probably possible any way but harder
if you really want to prevent creating an instance mark it static
plain impossible, no questions asked
I've said it before, I'll say it again: FUCK SQL TRIGGERS
Sorry for the language, but it's appropriate in this case, I think
speaking fuk, how did the election go?
the only use case for triggers that I support is "before insert" in Oracle to assign a primary key (because Oracle doesn't have auto-incrementing columns)
it's on the way
47% obama vs 51% romney with less than 1% votes counted
@zneak Ah awsome
Obama was at 30% for awhile there, Indiana was in
I wanna know how they can call Vermont for Obama and Kentucky for Romney with 0% precincts reporting
yeah, and suddenly they put results for like 900000 persons at once
The networks usually call these early with exit polls. They are sometimes wrong though.
screw exit polls
they used to match now they don't
Like when they called Florida for Gore. Oh wait.
Not that I'm bitter or anything.
they probably should make that illegal
Over here, we actually have a party called "The Monster Raving Loony Party" :/ ha!
Must be nice to have a decision that matters more than Coke vs Pepsi.
@zneak also c++ doesn't tell you off for making non statics
@Billdr 95k Nader votes... think about how much different this country would have been if Gore won
Yea, voting third party in a swing state is probably irresponsible.
anyways, im off to bed. Good luck with who ever you get stuck with for the next few years. Cheers for all the help today, much appreciated :)
Later Stuart
@CC Inc U on????
I hate it when people say that voting for a third party is irresponsible in a swing state
that's not irresponsible
I suspect the majority of voters will hear Gary Johnson's name for the first time tonight.
the rigged results are an artifact of the electoral system flaws
well, I guess he was on the ballot in all 50.
@zneak it's not irresponsible. it's just pointless in the current system. we need to change from the FPTP system.
I want third parties to be part of the debate, but when push comes to shove... I'll put my vote where it counts
@user1739957 Just here.
and you'll do that because your electoral system is broken
I agree completely Zneak. That doesn't change the reality of the situation. The libertarian strategy should be to get 5% by campaigning heavily in states that are locked for one party or another, then come back in 4 years with federal funding.
I know nothing about US politics but I remember when the alien kang on the Simpsons said they where stuffed because it was a two party system lol
and aliens won the election
@CCInc I looked into two of your questions, the out of space problem and the slow startup in debug with persistant settings. I think I can help on at least on of them. In 15 minutes.
U want to talk in private chat?
It makes no sense to have a repeat of 2000 when we don't have a chance to hit 5% nationally, let alone 43%.
@user1739957 sure
@CCInc Okay. Let me finish something up. I'll be there in 15 minutes!
I honestly have very little idea of what you're talking about because that's the first time I'm in the US for an election
I read the news and I'm like "damn, that electoral system is broken"
and that's all. lol
You're right.
@user1739957 Ok.
@user1739957 why go private? If it is C# stuff we all benefit from seeing
To get federal money for your campaign, your party must obtain 5% of the popular vote. Ross Periot was the only 3rd party candidate to get it in recent memory, and he ran independent.
That federal money is a huge boost... enough to get tv and mail ads in everyone's face.
in Québec, corporations can't give to parties, and individual contributions will soon be capped to $100
@StuartBlackler - still haven't figured it out , i had to go vote
it's also illegal for a third party to advertise for or against a candidate if doing so incurs expenses
I'm strongly in favor of ending corporate personhood; which is how they're able to donate to politicians.
there are like 100 names for judges that no one knows , I just voted yes for men and no for women
I think politicians should be capped, heard that there are 70 000 people 'working' as politicians in Sweden
corporations are "persons" in Québec too, and yet they still don't have that right
Heh, similar thing here in MN Scott. I just skipped it.
@ScottSelby lol, starquality right there
lol , theres no other way to tell them apart
are female judges are scary
Doesn't look like Gary's going to get 5% unless he NAILED New Mexico.
@user1739957 Be back in a few
I don't think i've answered any c# question on SO , lol , i'm top 30% in jquery though
@JohanLarsson No offense. It is easier just to work one on one sometimes
@user1739957 ok np
@Billdr but Romney says "corporations are people, my friend!" but somehow a corporation can't go to jail... hmmm...
he meant the majority of small business pay taxes as a single person , so raising taxes on "people" earning more then 250k sounds good , but as a business thats not much income , and taxing the shit out of them is not what romney wants
Ha ha. Evidently SO is not the place to go to get a reprieve from politics today. ;)
you mean that taxes for corporations are the same as taxes for individuals?
Lol, I just had my answer ripped off. Twice today!
Not tonight Kirk. Allegedly today is the best day to be an American, so we've got to talk about it.
Oh, I know. I just wanted to distract myself with answering C# questions. But there's only been one in the last half hour! ;)
I'll comment on peoples answers and tell them to link the answer that they copied directly from
@Lews, looks like jozefg admitted to looking at your answer, but don't discount convergent thinking. :)
That was a lot of convergence :P
Heh, looking at it again, I see your point. Even the weird space before the semicolons! ;)
@LewsTherin link?
A: I need help creating an instance variable and constructors

Lews TherinInstance members are simply variables that belong to a class object, as long as it is not a static variable! A static variable, strictly speaking belongs to the class not an object, Constructors is just a special method you call to create and initialize an object. It is also the name of your clas...

i got your back - downvote
i did not downvote
@ScottSelby You didn't have to! Lol
Dont know the history
Yeah, IMO upvoting Lews is sufficient. But whatev.
I upvoted him to remove the downvote lol
Not too many ways to solve that problem?
sleep or reflection?
Eh that is over complicating it?
upvoted tho it was java
one time thing, felt fairly confident :)
Ha ha. Thanks.. but same concept in C#?
looked familiar
Erm, what are you two talking about? :)
that question
Sleeping threads and using reflection did not seem particularly germaine to that question though....
oh damn, i added an "i" to that word
ah, it is 02:15 here, hence the question go to sleep or push forward with reflection
starting to feel like its gonna be sleep
@KirkWoll You can edit it :)
yep, sleep it is, gnight
@JohanLarsson Ah, gotcha.
Night mate.
I'm hungry.
I wish BK was somewhere near.
@LewsTherin if(hungry == true)eat(food);
@LewsTherin if(hungry != true)eat(food);
Eating is good
So you need || then ? :P
if(hungry || !hungry)
@LewsTherin Yeah, I thought of the secon part later
Much better ;)
I love food.
@LewsTherin U wanna uprate me?
I got a good answer to a question.
A: C# - UrlHistoryWrapper class - Not enough storage is available to process this command. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070008)

user1739957Here is the solution I found to work. U need to run the foreach (URL url in firefox.URLs) { MessageBox.Show(url.url); urlHistory.AddHistoryEntry(url.url, url.title, ADDURL_FLAG.ADDURL_ADDTOHISTORYANDCACHE); } and the chrome ones, etc, in another thread. Like this: Thr...

The dump, can be avoided by putting the work on its own thread
Just got done chatting with him
ha. Gary Johnson has 25% of IL right now on politico.
God, that'd be nice.
@Billdr Watching the election?
Yea, looking to see if Libertarians can hit 5%. It's not looking good.
@user1739957 Upvoted. I hope you are right though :D
@Billdr Who care about them The two players are Mitt and Obama
@LewsTherin Good man :)
People who want more people to be involved in the game.
I can't wait for it to be over.
@LewsTherin The election?
@Billdr Oh id love for that to, but it wouln't!
@user1739957 Yep, politic(ian)s suck
Did you see what I did there? :P
@LewsTherin Its not looking good for mitt, is it lmgtfy.com/?q=election+results
@LewsTherin Yeah, cool!
he's ahead right now, but it's mostly republican states that are reporting atm
@Pheonixblade9 Hes only ahead in pop
The real thing is the electoral college
Migrating to the couch. bbiab.
@Billdr got to go /o
keep in mind we're all following buzzfeed.com/rubycramer/a-viewers-guide-to-who-won-the-election, and thus we're waiting on official confirmation of VA.
I'm too drunk and immature right now to let this headline go: talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2012/11/…
or north carolina, or ohio, or florida. lol
yay CT senator!
I'm waiting to see if they legalize pot in WA
Yea, user1739957 found the awesome-est solution. The strange thing about it, though, is that I am already using a backgroundworker, so why would that act differently?
Has anyone seen a "Context 0x4ecbb0' is disconnected. Releasing the interfaces from the current context (context 0x4eca40). This may cause corruption or data loss." before?
wait, Roseanne Barr is running for president?
MSVC truly is the best IDE ever created.
@Pheonixblade9 I'm afraid it is true
1 hour later…
Is it all right if I ask a question?
I dunno, can you?
I made a Windows Phone App in C#, and I want to port it to Android, but can't afford the $399 price tag for Mono. Do you have any suggestions?
Skeet just reached 500k!
Anyone knows why Visual C# 2010 Express Edition is really slow?
because it free
Obama wins reelection.
@ScottSelby Visual C# 2008 Express Edition is free but a bit faster.
Never mind. Fixed it :)
hello every one
@raman Hey! :)
i am facing a prob
may i discus it with u
Q: Getting error while inserting table in database?

ramani am inserting table in database using table datatype with the following code: CREATE TYPE BackUpDoctorLocationAreaRoom AS TABLE ( [RoomId] bigint, [AreaId] bigint, [LocationId] bigint ); Alter proc proc_tblBackUpDoctorInsert ( @Id uniqueidentifier='', @BackUpDoctorId uniqueidentifier='1323e1f...

this is question please read this
Sorry, I do not think that I can help when it comes to MySQL commands. I just use PremiumSoft Navicat For MySQL to build my tables.
hmmm ok
do you have any idea why this error is coming
@raman Nope, sorry :(
ok thanks
any one other has any idea
hi @KyleTrauberman
i m working on a online test module where i have to made a descriptive type answer (essay and other long answer)
is anyone u have an idea about this?
hi all
can any one tell me whether using single context for single DB or multiple contexts for dingle DB is better?
in codefirst
better mans in performance and complexity wise.
Hi all
hi @Chets
can u help me?
for my above question?
I need to read a xml file and display it in multiline textbox, but it showing me all contents in a single line...can any one help me to display xml file as it is in text box
@tiru sorry
@Chets thank you.
Hi @Chets
hi @MRS1367
Hi @tiru
Hi @LewsTherin
can u see my question above?
Using multiple data contexts improves modularity
No cross-context joins
and Increased database load
plz see following link for more information about "single context vs multiple contexts for single DB":
Q: EF 4.1 Code First - single context or multiple contexts?

PaulCould anyone offer any advice on whether it is best practice to have a single context or multiple contexts? For example, should I have a single context as follows: public class MyContext : DbContext { public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; } public DbSet<Co...

let me check out.
hi ! everyone
Hi @HmXa
@MRS1367 how are you buddy
i want to ask a simple question ?
Ask it.
foreach (XmlNode node in DOC.SelectNodes("/AppBuilderProject/AppBuilderForms/AppBuilderForm/Title"))
project.forms = node.innertext;
it get error cannot implicity string to system.xmlnodelist
what is type of project.forms
This error occurs in which line?
foreach (XmlNode node in DOC.SelectNodes("/AppBuilderProject/AppBuilderForms/AppBuilderForm/Title"))
project.forms = node.innertext;
project.forms = node.innertext;
sry @HmXa
basically ! i have an xml file which have AppBuilderForm tag. so it include another tag which is Title. i use arraylist because may be multiple title can be use.
oh no prob buddy :)
Is there anyway to get a relative paht from an absolute?
wow lews...awesome badge earned...
Good morning!
how are we today :)
we is awesome todayzz ^_^
nd ya?? hope d same
lol yea I'm good thanks
sorry about the late reply, bloody office :D
Morning everyone, hope all is well :)
Just seen that Obama won the election last night. Glad it wasn't the other dude
Did you try RESCO?
I am not sure if it helps you completely.
But it is free I think which will support Android also.
who exactly are you replying to @JaiMalleshBabu :)
i was thinking the same thing...O.o
hey @dav_i
@Maverik Hey!
It is for user: user143223
So the Obamarama won. Shame we won't get to see Joss Whedon's zombie apocalypse...
then i think u should ping him here so he can see your reply
What's the best way in WinForms to get a TabPage "OnClosing" event?
@JaiMalleshBabu use "@ username" (without space) to alert them to your reply
@dav_i you mean like when some other tab is selected??
like in your case throw "@ user143223" (without space) in your sentence to alert them :)
@SamyS.Rathore When any tab is selected
yea, each tab in a tabPage has a deselecting event,
it think that's what you are looking for, tell me if i am wrong
Can anyone share text-formatting rules for SO chat here??
you mean like
Q: Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

rlemon About Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. How to use. All of the following commands are run if the user has focus in the chat input area. ...

or the one thats in help link next to your chat box? :)
@SamyS.Rathore Surely that means if you have tabPage1 and tabPage2 and you're on 1 and 2 closes, the event will not be fired...
hmm....did'nt thought bout that....
i wish i could check it now,
lemme look into it
@SamyS.Rathore Ah don't worry! I'm using a 3rd party tab control anyway and they've nicely put in a "TabClosing" event!
...just have to go up one level to the CustomTabControl :)
codeproject.com/Articles/91387/… incase you were wondering
that looks like chrome.......close enough....:P
does it work as gud as it looks
hey all
quick question here:
linq to entities "like expression" in textbox how do i do that?
Linq to entities not Linq to sql
@SaiefAl-Faour What do you mean? Example?
yes moment
this is my example here and the last line is what im trying to do
var data = mg.RequestWithLocation.Where(m => m.UserName.StartsWith(TextBoxUserID.Text) &&
m.Barcode.Like, %TextBoxBarcode.text%);
i am aware of using Contains, but i need to use the % in my search query
@SaiefAl-Faour why do you need to use %?
It makes the search faster
umm.. how?
Contains searches for everything and the result is very slow, i am working with many data
when i use startswith
it's very fast, but when using contains the search takes longtime
I found this example here I just dont know how to use it in my example with textbox, maybe u guys can figur it out for me :):

var people = entities.People.Where("it.Name LIKE @searchTerm", new ObjectParameter("searchTerm", searchTerm));
@SaiefAl-Faour contains & starts with use the same LIKE operator
the difference is the underlying index utilization
what if i would like to use the % in my search query?
you probably need an inverted index to optimize the contains query
you can't - you're not writing SQL
I see that it's possible to using Linq to Sql
but the end result is still the same and heres the proof:
    TblApplicationPools.Where(x => x.Name.Contains("s")).Dump();

-- Region Parameters
DECLARE @p0 VarChar(1000) SET @p0 = '%s%'
-- EndRegion
SELECT [t0].[ApplicationPoolID] *snip*
FROM [tblApplicationPool] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Name] LIKE @p0
you get the same %% like query that you want
moment let me check something here
but your StartsWith is using an index that isn't available to Contains
why is this query slow then
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxUserID.Text) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxBarcode.Text) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxSite.Text))
var data = mg.RequestWithLocation.Where(m => m.UserName.StartsWith(TextBoxUserID.Text) &&

m.Action.StartsWith(DropDownListStatus.Text) &&
its db optimization issue, not a query issue
you'll have to search the interwebs but theres an index
hold on
i forgot the important part lol
erm ok
now it's updated with the contains part
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxUserID.Text) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxBarcode.Text) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TextBoxSite.Text))
var data = mg.RequestWithLocation.Where(m => m.UserName.StartsWith(TextBoxUserID.Text) &&
m.Content.Contains(TextBoxBarcode.Text) &&
m.Action.StartsWith(DropDownListStatus.Text) &&
mg is your DbContext?
ye sit is
i just tested again searching in a barcode number using startswith and contains, and the difference in retreiving data is huge
difference is
starts with can work with ascending index
contains can't
can i add something to query to improve that
a relevant index ;)
no not really
you probably already have one of those
otherwise your startswith won't be as fast
i remember reading a twisted index that basically stored contents by their ending
by reversing the word and then doing an ascended sort on that
and that index was the answer to what you're trying to do
(that index is your EndsWith index)
so if you combine StartsWith with EndsWith, you have a contains
ahh yeah i tried that 2
ok im going to have some lunch now ill be back after, thx anyways
do you have an endswith index?
google the idea, its somewhere in db optimizations
and enjoy your meal :)
@SaiefAl-Faour also relevant to your question:
Q: SQL Server Index - Any improvement for LIKE queries?

schoonerWe have a query that runs off a fairly large table that unfortunately needs to use LIKE '%ABC%' on a couple varchar fields so the user can search on partial names, etc. SQL Server 2005 Would adding an index on these varchar fields help any in terms of select query performance when using LIKE or ...

Morning folks;
Anyone have any idea as to why <%= %> blocks aren't recognized by intellisense in an ASP.NET page in VS 2010?

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