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@Pheonixblade9 Can't. It just jumps into the Index page
i mean messed up
instead of null :) :-D
var objType = ObjectContext.GetObjectType(typeof(Foo));
var objInit = objType.TypeInitializer;//error: objInit is null
var newFoo = objInit.Invoke(null);
What did I do wrong?
What do you think of a FrontEnd for PostGreSql in C#?
Totally possible?
@TravisJ What is TypeInitializer?
it is part of system.reflection
maybe same thing
should work, running
I'm tying to use Ninject for something semi-real for the first time
@JohanLarsson - Can I remove a data attribute during runtime?
I dislike dependency injection because of its use of singletons and disregard for object lifetime
you can get them for sure
I know how to get them
I have never done it
Can I strip them though? I need to have an object with no attributes
Just a POCO from a real one
I dont know, would be surprised actually. The GetAttributes hints on readonly
but I don't know
Sound like you are writing a maintenance nightmare over there, lots of high tec
I think it would be very hackish to strip those off. But I am going to do it anyway.
All of the low tech is done.
lots of wtf for the next guy who has to fix it :)
This will be sooo useful though.
Next guy would love me.
one way could be make a base class without attributes, all properties who needs attributes virtual
What program would like to have a front end?
override and add attributes
not much fun writing that code
Besides, it would be easy if they understood a different serializer to swap them. Everything is loosely coupled
still JSON?
There are other ways of making json from an object.
All they would need to do is use one of those. It would fit right in if you wanted.
looks like JSON.net has shouldserialize property, that can be the answer for you
@JohanLarsson - james.newtonking.com/archive/2008/10/27/… (like the same source? :P) javascriptserializer is teh fast.
I try to only use the fastest performing approach possible.
ok, did not find any shouldserialize
Maybe custom attributes?
maybe not I dont know what Im talking about
I think I am going to just pound the POCO into a dynamic, and then reflect it back into a half broken state with no attributes or type, jam it into an object, and send it on its way
darn, its cold in here
I just soaked myself in gasoline
Protip: VS2012 is a subpar c IDE.
What is the problem with IoCs use of singletons?
dont smoke
@KyleTrauberman - Perhaps you should get some baking soda.
@JohanLarsson - Singletons don't manage object lifetimes very well. Can lead to leaking memory. Singletons are bad.
i took my clothes off
Now we are getting somewhere
I got dressed again afterwards
@KyleTrauberman Tease.
@KyleTrauberman Send pics to Travis?
If you send them I will recursively delete, after posting them in a meta question.
@TravisJ here you go:
Woah, he'd use recursion. That's how you know it's serious business.
save them on c:\ first
That's begging for a faceswap.
the humanity!
although, I did delete the node from this document, and all its child nodes.
inspect element [delete] ftw
if you right click above the gravatar on someone's post then you can just click delete right when the console loads, pretty efficient
@KyleTrauberman What happened to the wiki's styling?
looks fine to me
I did. When I attempt to load the css directly I get this: h1>Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.</h1><p>Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.</p><p><small>(Can't contact the database server: <span dir="ltr">Unknown error (us-cdbr-azure-east-a.cloudapp.net)</span>)</small></p><hr /><div style="margin: 1.5em">You can try searching via Google in the meantime.<br />
<small>Note that their indexes of our content may be out of date.</small></div>
Sure is nice of Azure to point me to google.
and it's back. Must be that awesome reliable cloud storage the sales reps keep calling about.
@Billdr my stepdad is a dev at Microsoft. The other day he told me he used recursion. I asked what for. He said to recurse things. I said "fsck! kcsf!"
(actual true story)
"To recurse things." GOLD
@Pheonixblade9 could you edit the profanity out of that?
file system check
I feel better about my star now.
posted on October 08, 2012 by Haacked

With Reactive Extensions you sometimes need one observable sequence to run after another observable sequence completes. Perhaps the first one has side effects the second one depends on. Egads! I know, side effects are evil in this functional world, but it happens. Let’s make this more concrete with some contrived sample code. public static class BlogDemo { public static IObservabl

I'm glad I amused you, @Billdr :D
I still love my "look of disapproval" exception the best, hahaha
@KyleTrauberman would it be possible for me to rope you into a skype call in a little bit? I think we're going to have questions about azure, and you're the only person I know who's used it.
@KyleTrauberman I am now your agent. Your rate is $300/hr. My cut is 20%
I'll be glad to pay. In stocks.
I'm just trying to troll for more stars, hahaha
That is 95% of what this room is used for.
Sigh, my ugly hack somehow retained its type =/
Time to go talk to my CEO about how much of a raise I'm going to get
Ugly hack? That sounds like the foundation of an enterprise experience.
wish me luck
GL Pheonix.
must make hack uglier
@TravisJ use a mock, that would be ugly!
@Billdr I'm not sure how much help i'd be. I've only created a website or two
I mock in runtime.
I've done nothing with the api
@KyleTrauberman Understood. Thanks anyway.
np. good luck :)
I'm not sure how much we care about the API. Our questions would be more about publishing to it, configuring the (free?) tfs, that sort of thing.
To be honest, I'm not even sure what the API gives me.
dynamic AnyObject = Activator.CreateInstance("assem", "assem.Models.DbModels.Goal").Unwrap();
            AnyObject = RealObject;//instantiated from entityframework

        private void CallFunctionWithInference<T>(T ignored)

        private void CallFunction<T>(dynamic newObj)
            Obj = newObj;
still retained type and attributes...amazing
publishing is done using the publish feature in VS (web deploy)
or ftp
@KyleTrauberman - How can I strip data attributes?
the TFS is auto configured for you
@TravisJ not sure what you mean?
public string SomeField { get; set; }

and I want to strip the `[ScriptIgnore]` attribute
Nifty. I assume I can set myself as the project owner and prevent others from deploying
Ah, might have to go right now actually.
lame, stupid work
@KyleTrauberman I read a funny thing about meetings (it was in Norwegian)
It said something like,
Are you bored? Well if so book a meeting cuz then you can:
- Take lots of useless notes
- Chat with others who feel the same way
It concluded meetings, the socially acceptable alternative to work
probably mangled it in translation
@TravisJ you can't remove attributes at runtime
@TravisJ what are you trying to do? maybe I can suggest an alternative.
A: Reflection and attributes -- removal? modification? OR windows service in full trust?

thecoopNope - .NET reflection is read-only. If you want to edit an existing assembly, look at Mono Cecil, although removing an attribute & replacing the assembly would remove any strong name signing on it

what if @TravisJ uses linq to parse it into anonymous objects?
@LewsTherin Wake up, sleepy head.
how do i access a panel within a repeater list?
this is too complicated
I know
What I have a repeater which repeats a panel, which should become visible when a user clicks a link button, but only for that single repeater item.
So I have thirty entries, I want to add a note on one of them. I click add note, and the add note panel appears
You should buy that movie again.
@rlemon recursion?
getting all three to sync up would be a pita
i mean, sure, you can pause them all at the same time.. but to miraculously press play on all three at once?!
@rlemon put the camera on in the pad and phone?
too bad the ipads the best picture quality of the three.
should be tv, nexus 7, galaxy nexus.
@rlemon That's easy
stream the movie from a pc to all 3 devices
I'd like to request a ping storm on @LewsTherin so he shows up to the skype call he said he'd be on 30 minutes ago.
@Billdr Try java room?
@JohanLarsson he hasn't been active in there for hours. Though their star board is filled with him.
I think @LewsTherin has been cheating on us with Java.
How I feel looking into some of the more "legacy" parts of the codebase: i.imgur.com/PTw1w.gif
If your first question is "Can I ask a question in here?" please proceed to your second question.
Hey there.
preemptively refreshing the pin... (pins expire after 14 days)
that should make it to the room description!
if(qestions[0]=="Can I ask a question in here?")
Good on you Kyle.
if(questions.First() == "Can I ask a question in here?") return questions.Skip(1).First();
that's a little better
is it safe to assume there will always be a question?
@KyleTrauberman idk, maybe better to play it safe? Maybe it is not even a question just some chat-tilt?
room topic changed to C#: if(questions.First() == "Can I ask a question in here?") return questions.Skip(1).First(); [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
I think First() is fine for a topic
getting late here, gnight
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to show or hide a panel within a repeater control when a user clicks a button within that same repeater item
Two hours is too long to spend on this
@RaySülzer use the OnItemDataBound event of the repeater
in there you can do this
Button button = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("button");
i don't put that in the lnkClient_click method
button.Click += (sender, args) => e.Item.FindControl("Panel").Visible = false;
public void lnkClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Panel AddNotePanel = (Panel)rptList.FindControl("AddNotePanel");
AddNotePanel.Visible = true;

something like that
you have to bind the button click event on the itemdatabound event
that way you can find the correct panel
hold on let me play with it
<asp:LinkButton ID="AddNoteLink" runat="server" OnClick="lnkClient_Click">Add Note</asp:LinkButton> </span>
A: Can't find control within asp.net repeater?

Spencer RuportYou need to set the attribute OnItemDataBound="myFunction" And then in your code do the following void myFunction(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { Label lblA = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblA"); } Incidentally you can use this exact same approach for nested repeaters. IE: <asp...

"we're going to give you a raise instead of a bonus this year" 29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmm3edWoLK1qh55zko1_400.jpg
@ray get rid of that onclick attribute
and do what I did in the repeaters onitemdatabound event
im trying to find that even
i have to manually type the event?

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