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nd OMG :o , would that work
Ah screw it :P
@Samy000rathore ctrl + k
@Samy000rathore It should.
i'll put it to test
@Samy000rathore don't you get very tired of this issue?
it's not like i could run away :(
i AM tired, But nevertheless i have to solve it
you could actually
how :/
leave the matrix?? :P
lol, yeah
:P i would be killed soon by the agents,
i am too lazy for all that running
haha, most of us are
hi everyone
Hey Martijn
Who has knowledge of the session object in MVC?
I've kind of a weird problem and I can't figure it out...
Q: How is it possible that Session is null in the AuthorizeAttribute.AuthorizeCore method?

MartijnI have a custom attribute class which inherits from AuthorizeAttribute. Sometimes the parameter httpContext.Session is null. How is this possible? The Session supposed to be alive as long as I am logged/active, right? I am not brwosing for 20 minutes or longer, in fact I am just browsing for 0-2 ...

That's my situation :)
Hi can anyone help with a LINQ problem i have?
"Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Delegate' because it is not a delegate type"
it's giving error
and i dunno how to fix this 1
@Martijn Did you google this question? I'm seeing a lot of suggestions as to possible causes here.
Yes I did, but I didn't find anything...
@Samy000rathore Exact same code?
Q: asp.net What to do if current session is null?

AnthonyIn my web app, I do something like this to read the session variables: if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["MyVariable"] != null) { string myVariable= (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["MyVariable"]; } I understand why it's important to check...

Q: HttpContext.Current.Session is null when routing requests

LokiWithout routing, HttpContext.Current.Session is there so I know that the StateServer is working. When I route my requests, HttpContext.Current.Session is null in the routed page. I am using .NET 3.5 sp1 on IIS 7.0, without the MVC previews. It appears that AcquireRequestState is never fired when ...

yeah, i just copy pasted it
Anyone have 2 minuttes to help me with a linq question i have here?? im trying to add data to my database, but only if they dont exist!
no wait
i removed that string[] Parts = prices.Split(':'); part
coz it says, can't declare parts there
@Martijn my point is there are a lot of possible causes here, and I have no idea what you've tried, or any of the details needed to determine what's causing it - other than it happens after a few minutes of browsing.
yeah, still same error
exact code
Weird the Parts should be fine
Hold on let me read it again
@Billdr Thanks and I know. It is difficult to say when it happens, because it looks like it happens random.
See if it seems to happen on a particular page more often than others, or what path you're taking before it happens. If nothing else, try resetting the session service like the first SO link suggests.
hi huys
i want to add an object to my database
like this tt.ValidateAddress.AddObject(va);
@SaiefAl-Faour using EF?
What if i told you
you could edit you immediate posts to correct typos
@Billdr what i want to do is only add this object if it does not exist in the database
@SaiefAl-Faour Are you writing against entity framework or the database? If it's the database, what type of database is it? (MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle)?
@Samy000rathore Ugh, what is the namespace again for BeginInvoke?
@Billdr it's MSSQL
@SaiefAl-Faour Okay. What's happening when you try to save changes?
@Billdr what happens it skips my (else clause) where i say like if name, postal country, street is in the database then do not add object, else add the object
@Samy000rathore Still not finding it :S.
I think it's easier if i show u the code here:
using (TrackIT_TestEntities tt = new TrackIT_TestEntities())
ValidateAddress va = new ValidateAddress();
va.CustID = Session["Name"].ToString();
va.Password = Session["Password"].ToString();
va.Country = DropDownListAddCount.SelectedItem.ToString();
va.Postal = TextBoxAddPostal.Text;
va.City = AddCity.Text;
va.Street = AddStreet.Text;
va.HouseNo = AddHouse.Text;
va.Name = AddName.Text;
va.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;

int adrid = (from query in tt.Address_View
Good morning, nerds.
@Samy000rathore Instead of () => try new Action() =>
Morning Spencer.
@Samy000rathore Oh wait
I know why.
How the hell was it compiling for you before?
@SaiefAl-Faour Well, first think I'd do is rewrite that statement

if(adrid!=0){va.AdrID = adrid;}
assuming nothing happens if a hit is detected.
whut O_O
what is it
Sorry, that wasn't for you
@Billdr Well the code above is working fine when adding an object Im just missing the part where it only adds the address if it does not exist insted of adding all the time
string parts ="dsd.ds.dsds";

Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action( () =>
var Parts = parts.Split('.');
@SaiefAl-Faour Okay. Well, instead of "SingleOrDefautl()" maybe do ".Count()"
what IS that code
U see the code where i add the va object?
I want something liek this:
@Samy000rathore Sample code.. Follow the example.
If(address exist){
message(already in database)
i don't get it, it does'nt calls any of my methods
i should put the calls within it, like the other code u gave me...??
hmm...hold a sec
Awesome! First bonus payout for me is at the end of next month!
I'm getting an extra.... $4.50...
Well crap.
well that's strange
If(address exist){
message(already in database)
isn't application.current a member of system.windows
why is it giving error on that :/
What error?
System.Windows.Forms.Application' does not contain a definition for 'Current'
@LewsTherin Was just about to say this :D
Lol ;)
Beat you to it.. YAY :D
anyone can help with a linq problem i have?? :)
@SaiefAl-Faour What is it?
@LewsTherin i have linq code that adds data to the database and it works fine
@Samy000rathore You shouldn't need one.
@LewsTherin but i want to validate that if these data already exist then dont add anything
it's not letting me add directly
@LewsTherin i can show u the code if u want
The type or namespace name 'Application' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

if(tt.Address_View.Any(query => query.Name == ...))
query exists
Ah-ha! jQuery-UI is adding "position: absolute" to my element, even though I never asked it to.
instead of looking for null or 0 -- use .Any insead of Where().SingleOrDefault() combo
@Maverik Ok thank u ill try that now
@Samy000rathore You'll find this reference in the Object Browser.
@Samy000rathore Select it from the list and click on "Add reference"
@Samy000rathore Just search for the class: System.Windows.Application :D
@SaiefAl-Faour that .Any() should translate to EXISTS in MSSQL which is what you want I think
Q: for csv convert List<class> into byte array

Gyan Chandra SrivastavaI have a Action public FileContentResult DownloadCSV() { var people = new List<Person> { new Person("Matt", "Abbott"), new Person("John","Smith") }; string csv = "Charlie, Chaplin, Chuckles"; Extensions.ToCSV(new DataTable()); return File(new System.Te...

Okay! This is great! I solved the biggest ugly maker on my site. I wonder if I can go home now.
ok, now am worried :/
I wanna go home too :( must.. play.. Prototype II :( (I played all night and right now i'm in zombie mode but still.. must... play!)
Because I accomplished something productive within two hours of arriving at the office? Yea, me too.
there is no system.windows.application in my add reference window
i searched in .net tab, and in com tab
what's wrong with me :(
@Samy000rathore that one is in PresentationCore assembly i think
Is there a System.Windows dll
Perfect it works now thanks mate!!!
I just edited this Address_View = AddressValidate
Zomg, tonight/tomorrow Dishonored comes out. I should probably take the day off.
@Samy000rathore No, search under Object Browser
1 minute I will show you a screenshot
@SaiefAl-Faour cool!
@Billdr yea I was actually looking for that and realised i didn't play prototype II... so off I went for that.. have to finish asap so i can move on!
@Maverik, it's not there, but thanxx
As per MSDN: Namespace: System.Windows
Assembly: PresentationFramework (in PresentationFramework.dll)
my bad, sorry
@Maverik My unfinished game's list is huge. I've probably got 90 hours left in Skyrim - I have not even become a vampire or warewolf yet.
@Samy000rathore Just a minute, it's uploading :D
@Billdr hehe, I go OCD.. must finish till end XD Though I'll admit i haven't finished skyrim either - it became wayyy too repetitive to keep going
@Maverik I think I'd like it better if the enemy scaling weren't so... crazy. The dark elf/dwarf (whatever) people who were always able to one shot me? Yea, those guys suck.
Also... bears that can kill dragons.
@Samy000rathore Sorry for the delay, here you go: i50.tinypic.com/1054miu.png
@Billdr Hehe, well I kinda have that in prototype too but I like that sort of challenge - dodge dodge - I just hate doing the exact same thing over and over and over!
if i wanted to do that, I would have stayed in WoW!
Once I get done steam-punk magic-ing fools to death I may try Skyrim again from the top and just focus on story stuff. That expansion looked pretty cool.
not at all, thanxx a lot
@Samy000rathore Welcome :)
Heeeeey guys, guess who's back.
Welcome back
ok, I finished my C# service, now I need to generate the installer. can you help me with the steps?
heh, my comp sci class wants me to write a program in c to convert user input of a number into hex and binary. Looks like I'll be ready for vidja games early tonight.
John skeet is back???
@KendallFrey Welcome back :D
Kendall? Who's Kendall? Must be a Skeet Puppet.
Welcome back neway :)
wb @KendallFrey. We missed you.
Lews had to pick up all your question-answering slack. It was scary.
I was terrible at it
Q: for csv convert List<class> into byte array

Gyan Chandra SrivastavaI have a Action public FileContentResult DownloadCSV() { var people = new List<Person> { new Person("Matt", "Abbott"), new Person("John","Smith") }; string csv = "Charlie, Chaplin, Chuckles"; Extensions.ToCSV(new DataTable()); return File(new System.Te...

I had a wedding, plus I didn't have my normal internet, so I only used enough to get my consecutive days toward a badge.
have anybody having idea
@GyanChandraSrivastava I also need an idea haha :D
@GyanChandraSrivastava Last week, I've created an application called Autobot. a mouse automation tool
I think Gyan more like meant having an idea for the solution for his/her problem
@Rutix Oh! Sorry Gyan :D
i am having a total brain shutdown today System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke
@PicrofoEGY for a second there, I got excited thinking you were doing something related to Transformers :) Autobots, ROLLOUT!
@Maverik Hahahahaha :D
I once made a Bumblebee application related to Transformers
@Samy000rathore are you doing Sytem.Windows... of WinForms or WPF?
that looks like WPF but just to be sure
@PicrofoEGY no issue frn
@GyanChandraSrivastava What's 'frn :D ?
WinForms? That's WPF! You can't use it in WinForms
@PicrofoEGY friend ;)
@GyanChandraSrivastava :D
i was suggested,
i did'nt knew, and that's why i can't get it working
@KendallFrey Ah explains it.
I think in WinForms you would use ctrl.BeginInvoke. ctrl is the control you want to access.
@Samy000rathore What are you trying to do?
this method:'https://gist.github.com/3852088'
is being called on a background worker
as runworkerasync
So you want to do this under a background worker?
i was using
BeginInvoke(new Is_InPlay1(is_InPlay), new object[] { Parts[0] });;
BeginInvoke(new FillData1(fillData), new object[] { Parts.Length - 1, Parts });
Okay I'll see what I can do :D
geez, thanxx
here, Filldata1 is a delegate,
and m facing memory leaks
So you are trying to invoke "fillData" in order to use it under a backgroundworker right?
this might be one of the reasons
no, i want it on a different thread then this method
filldata is a very long running process
and this method i showed you, is being called on a repeat
main problem is to prevent memory leaks
Interesting :D
Perhaps you can post this question in StackoverFlow?
Yep :D
i would need to compose carefully, the actual code is very lengthy
Perhaps you can use EndInvoke(); to prevent memory leaks at the end of the procedure
ahh, but that would make it wait for it to return,
also is it possible that you're missing some dispose? like the compressed response?
yeah, m trying to track those for days now
(i can't tell from the gist you posted but just throwing an idea)
it's become frustatingly boring
Here's an article from MSDN describing BeginInvoke and EndInvoke msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2e08f6yc%28VS.80%29.aspx
I can imagine, i have a memory leak in a service of mine that runs 24/7 dealing with WMI - it hogs up to 1.5 gb memory before we restart it to drop it down 150mb
yeah, but in my case i think it's because of fragmentation in the large object heap
the data i recieve from the webservice is huge
the application crashes at a random stage
not even close to a GB
well i'm fortunate that my service doesn't crash until it consumes every last mb of memory - at that point we're not so worried about service as we're about the dealing with server :D
yeah, hey, can u pls heck some more of my code
this one definetly increases memory consummption
someday i'll have time to sit down and figure it out finally for now its just down to auto-restart every few days
besides me wanting to throw some linq in there, seems ok :) (assuming none of the classes you're calling need a dispose)
is it, does adding nodes to treeview usually increases memory??
i mean LOTS of nodes
Proton ftw.
@Samy000rathore sorry not enough experienced to answer that
thanxx anyway
@AndréSilva That image is obscene. How is that math so complicated?!
but you can kill your foreach if bFound with ->

if(treeView1.Nodes.Any(subitem => subitem.Name.ToString().Equals(root.Text)))
treeView1.Invoke(new AddRoot1(AddRoot), new object[] { root });
{ TreeNode[] a = treeView1.Nodes.Find(root.Name, false); root = a[0]; }
@Billdr That is not math. That is a regular expression.
@AndréSilva Oh, that explains it.
i'll check that
have to go now
@Billdr That starts to activate my curious side. I so want to start looking at this in any time soon.
see you
T-21 minutes till coke zero.
@Billdr What's coke zero?
It tastes kinda like a flat coke, but it has ~0 kCalories.
@PicrofoEGY No sugar coke I guess..
Thank you :D
coke>pepsi max>coke zero>diet coke.
@Billdr Yeah I love Pepsi Max :D
Pepsi Max is like Coke Zero, but it has a ton of caffeine.
There is a company here in brazil that wants a senior developer of iOS... I thought iOS was out since 2007. How is it possible to have senior in that area ? ._.
I saw a position the other day that wanted someone with 5 years of VS2010 experience.
Haha, send a resume with the title as: "Open on January 2015."
can someone give me list of numbers that we can get as

NUmber % 2 > 0

umm all odd numbers?
Yayyy @Maverik won :D
woo - what did i win though :)
All positive odd numbers.
all positive odd numbers.
damnit Kendall.
I liked it better when you weren't here.
That was funny.
i didn't think it was a serious question >.<
@Billdr i would have thought that it's the soda that has too many calories...
I feel like I'm doing something bad. Every time I run into a problem in javascript the answer seems to be to add more variables/data tags.
@tranceporter that'd be mt. dew.
I'm tempted to draw a giant wang on my white board and leave. Javascript is the worst.
@Billdr Love Mountain Dew :D
Bill, ask us your problem before doing some banana hammering.
@PicrofoEGY I did too... until I lost all my tooth enamel.
@Billdr I remember when I was a kid, I used to drink dew every school day haha :D
Now I drink pepsi everyday :D :D
This is all in jQuery-UI. I have three tiers of nested draggables which are connected to a sortable. When the sortable receives the draggable, it fires a modal. If the user cancels the modal, I want to put my draggable back.
The best answer I've thought up so far is to attach a "data-parentID=x" tag to each draggable so we know where to send the draggable. That'll be my 4th data- tag. I'd like a more elegant solution.
@PicrofoEGY PEPSI? :(
@KendallFrey Yep :D
I'd think there'd be some way to latch on to "revert" but it's not immediately apparent.
Coke all the way!
@KendallFrey They are both the same
Just soda for no life :D
They are NOT the same! Coca-cola > Pepsi
@KendallFrey Same taste I think
Coke has a little bit more bite to it.
and Pepsi is sweeter.
@KendallFrey I had a look on the WhitePad
@Billdr I'm a PEPSI man through and through :D
@KendallFrey played around with it a bit
@PicrofoEGY You're dead to me!
@Billdr Hahaha :D
Do you guys every talk about C# stuff?
@SpencerCole I do sometimes
Apparently I'm a javascript developer. I have't touched C# in over a week.
Oh, and CSS!
@SpencerCole I talk about Windows :D
Oh, and I finally got to test my mvc3 app on an android system..
Totally works.
Looks like shit, but that's because it's a phone.
Ok, it works on an android phone, but not tablet.
I should take that back, it works on an ICS phone, but not a Honeycomb tablet.
What about a JB phone?
@SPFiredrake JB = Justin Bieber??
jelly bean
Justin Bieber phone? Nope.
Spencer, gimmie a url and I'll take a look on Jelly Bean.
Oh I know Jelly Bean :D
I haven't tested it on anything with JB yet, I've only got an ics phone.
@Billdr Unless you come to my office, that's not happening. I'm running it off of my server on my computer for my local network.
Is it cheaper to fly me out or to buy a galaxy nexus? :p
Also, my consulting fee is $1,000,000,000.
Okay, friend and family discount: $999,999,999.99
I heard that Samsung Galaxy Note is much better :D
Oh gee. That's a deal!
We all need a retirement plan. That's mine. It only needs to work once.
Mine needs to work 0 times.
When I retire, the whole world will be my lawn. And you can all get off it.
Is your plan Alzheimers?
That's code for "I'm gonna be homeless, yelling at people to get off my lawn."
I would love to get off your lawn, but I need the billion dollars to buy a ticket on Elon Musk's mars boat.
Get off my lawn.
You know my terms.
shakes fist
Dern kids and yer hoola hoops and jump ropes.
Hoola hoops are profane.
Hoola hoops are the reason the Amish shunned technology.
I shunned the Amish.
They're feeling the regret every day.
Hence the black clothes. Makes sense.
Every day they're mourning their loss of me.
I feel like this is the second conversation we've had in here about the Amish.
also, auto-plays music.
That's two too many.
I have some advice for y'all. Don't amend a commit after it's been pushed.
Protip, thanks.
But I neeed to. I need to or I die. I do that sometimes.
And if you do, don't muck around with it. Just pull, merge, and push.
...I'll be in my bunk.
So I was talking to my boss yesterday... And he's like "So say that interview goes well. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna take it?" and I was like "Uhh, depending on.." and he's like "Wrong answer. You take it. That job is a good job, and you take it."
I think he wants me to take it.
And yes, I was talking to my boss on a Sunday.
He's our DM for our D&D group.
waitasec. He wants you to quit your job and go somewhere else?
@SpencerCole Lucky!

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