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registers thrownewexception.com
I have like 40 domains already lol, don't need anymore
Really? How much does that cost?
I usually register them for 5 years, so $50 per.
I usually manage to sell one a year if I am lucky.
why would you need 40 domains?
you better be a millionare by now
Some of them are for projects, some for selling.
You can't make a profit on them can you?
Not much of one unless you get lucky. I pretty much break even which is nice because it pays for all the domains.
I have only been doing this for 18 months though
Once I finish this project I will get to make something fun.
ERP is not fun
@TravisJ enterprise resource planning?
What made you think it'd be fun?
Nothing lol
Anything that SAP makes is automatically no fun
But it is what I am doing at work right now. I just finished a version for us, and I am converting it into SaaS so it can be used in industry by subscription
@TravisJ You work for SAP?
No, I work for a small company.
Well, medium, we almost doubled last year.
We are hiring 1 to 2 people a month. And have 20 employees
@TravisJ What would I need to have to be hired by you guys?
leverage... leverage :)
We don't do software stuff, most of our employees are basic
What do you do?
We do agriculture
Ya serious?
So you are a farmer?
So what do you program? an internal management application?
No I don't farm.
@LewsTherin hahaha
@RyanJMcGowan - It is a resource management system. It will track how much the cost per plant is to the company. What resources need to be made available, how many work hours a plant will take, when work needs to be done on what. etc.
That's what I want to do here.
Right now I'm just working on the website
I made it generic so other companies can use it and we can charge for subscriptions. I have about 4 companies working with us right now to make sure the software works for everyone.
good thinking
@TravisJ You seem to be good at doing stuff like that.. I find that hard to do at times.
@LewsTherin - Making things generic?
Yeah, I like generics :D
so what do you guys want to see
I get annoyed when I have to copy paste.
@TravisJ @Grixxly
@Steve - Did you do the breakpoint?
no, thats right, i'll do that right now
@RyanJMcGowan Me too!
@TravisJ xD
:) A lot of errors stem from copy paste
it doesn't look like it
repo isn't being initialized?
its being initialized, but its not populated
or at least not that i can find, i tried going through the hierarchy but couldn't find anything, and it doesn't have the magnifying glass
What if you add the linq code?
I finally have Mac OSX VMWared..
grats :)
@TravisJ why would they trust a competitor with their data?
As long as SJ doesn't haunt me with a lawsuit up my ass
@kush - It will be hashed and salted in the db. But also, there is nothing proprietary that can be put into the system. The only part which is proprietary that companies use, including us, is left to only a name and description so that the proprietary part can be kept locally.
efdbcontext is trying to connect to //sqlexpress
why is it doing that
you efdbcontext that's in your web.config
because you told it to?
@kush - Thing is, this will save them money so I don't see why they wouldn't want it.
no, my connection string is def. set to connect to sql server, not express
or rather, that's the default
You added the connection string to the outside web.config right?
to the webui one yeah
is your connection string named "efdbcontext" in web.config?
i have two web.configs, one in my Views directory, and one under the root webui directory, i think i had it in my Views directory
that would do it
needs to be in root
and I've made that mistake before
its easy to make
its working now
WoooHOOOO I haven't made that mistake... yet :(
i had everything expanded, so i didn't even notice it wasn't in the root dir, woooot! thanks all!
These AJAX videos on the MVC site have got my eyes crossed :(
sweet :D gj @Steve
benefit of html.BeginForm v ajax.BeginForm that doesn't hurt me to read... GO!
I see... :-/
no idea
one uses ajax and the other doesn't
@Steve if you haven't you should watch those pluralsight MVC videos at www.asp.net/mvc They have been pretty good though some parts are way above my head
ajax.beginform doesn't cause a redirect and you cannot redirect to action from inside of the called action
@Grixxly Ajax.beginform posts using ajax (obviously)
i will, i have it book marked :) thanks!
if you place a reference to "jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js" on your page
I believe it handles everything for you
I haven't used it, so I'm not sure if that's right
You can post a form that was an html.beginform with ajax really easily though if you have jquery referenced
so it works now, now i have to study the code and figure out how the hell it works lol
I love the videos but this particular section of them the guy obviously knows what he's doing and is going way to fast
@Steve MVC-Magic muuuuhhhaaahhhaaaaa! Least that's all I could figure out :P
<p><input type="button" id="ajaxSubmit" value="Submit AJAX" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
 $("#ajaxSubmit").click(function () {
            var thisForm = $("#ajaxSubmit")[0].form;
            if ($(thisForm).valid() != true) {//check validation
                url: "@(Url.Action("ActionMethod"))",
                type: /*'GET' or 'POST'*/,
                data: $(thisForm).serialize(),
                success: function (result) {
I use this to populate a preview of actions before they are committed to the db
the results are a view
jumpy hairy cows
Okay... the autocomplete section of the ajax videos makes me feel like I'm so stupid I can't even do simple math... I feel like I'm in so over my head and don't have even a half-assed baseline...
does it have to be named EFDbContext? no right? it just has to match the others
Anyone know where to download VMWare 6 and above?
man. I swear Carmex is the only lip balm that actually works
Class and connection string have to be the same as far as I understand... which isn't much
maybe home depot is hiring... I can run a fork lift :-/
i can only run fork lifts when im on shrooms
Give me a fork lift with either a T.O.W or a tag laser and I'm good... unfortunately I'd probably have to work in Detroit then...
@Steve That's a forum
of course there's going to be some bias in this room, but, what say you all about having a 24/7 API-to-database puller being written in C# vs something like Perl or PHP?
i have man boobies
I have boobies, man /ftfy I hope :P
Man, I have...
looking up ftfy one minute
Truth: There are only two types of boobs... those you've seen and those you've yet to see...
hillaryclintontopless.com (tell me you aren't tempted to click...)
Not anymore.
i clicked they are a lie#
because you've seen them? :)
Because it doesn't exist.
kendall knows
Hey guys
I have a short question regarding to java and C# comparason
Hi @TemporaryNickName
See? That's nonexistent too.
you tricked me again kendall
but ill click aything
why and where do people nowadays use c# and java for
And do they have huge differences between those two languages?
why? because its our tool of choice
where? I don't understand the question
there are differences between the two languages, yes.
@Temp yes... one is good C#, one is bad... Java
damn you grix after 10 shots and 4 pints i dont even know what way is up
But do they both run on virtual machine
nother Belhaven and everything will be fine... plus a laphroiag
and in general, which programming language runs faster
Java does, C# doesn't.
in a sense, yes
They are really a lot alike, though.
java runs on a VM, C# runs on the CLR
C# is faster, AFAIK.
had to make due with glenfiddich 18yr old
Java is slow as fu**
But can a C# program run on linux without any restrictions
no, C# is a windows language
but there are OSS projects that bring it to linux
like mono
but there are differences
Mono is an attempt to port the .NET Framework. It's not high quality, but it's a start.
damn it
Ok, how is C# mostly used at companies?
To work
websites, windows apps
For developing all sizes of applications.
Do what it's supposed to do
C# is very versatile
Can Java or C++ do that too?
But C# is easier.
but its easier with C#
Not eat up memory until the server crashes
dammit kendall
I'm a java person though.
I was just wondering why there are no people in java chatrooms
I have disavowed myself from Oracle so my opinion is skewed...
i guess they've all moved to c#
No, the java room is empty because their moms have called down to the basement to say dinner is ready
C# has more new projects being developed than Java
Java is more of a legacy language now
ye im about to get some dinner too
(my opinion, don't take that for gospel)
But I think Java has a bigger community and more libraries developed than C#
I'll admit... I've written Hello World!.... out-of-memory-exception in Java too...
I've written OutOfMemoryException in Java too
it was really easy
string s = "a"; while (true) s += s;
@KendallFrey even easier:
throw new OutOfMemoryException();
So you guys believe C# is way better than Java and C++
You can throw it like that? Good grief.
Well to be fair I think c++ is better in certain situations.
its all about context
Is a ThreadAbortException still uncathable even if thrown manually?
i agree with @SpencerRuport
Except when it comes to Java. Java is just bad.
@SpencerRuport And there are situations where assembler or machine code are the best.
C# for UI, C++ for low level need
Using C++ for creating a GUI is like running a marathon while sitting on a sandwich.
dammit kendall
stop making me give you more stars
Well i think java or c# or c++ are just one of server-side language so it doesn't matter whatever you decide to use and what really important is javascript
I like my boobies comment better... but I like boobies :P
who doesn't?
Using java or c++ for server side code is dumb.
And companies are going to continue develop in Java as long as Linux is still important for the security
Also Java is important because of cross platform development in mobile
lol both those sentences hurt my brain.
May 24 at 0:48, by Kendall Frey
Saying Java is better because it works on all platforms is like saying anal is better because it works on both genders.
Did you have to bring that up lol?
plus there's no such thing as "cross platform development in mobile"
You've got objective c for iphones, java for android and .net for windows phones.
How many of you were around for the :ahem: comparison of programming languages?
May 11 at 19:49, by Greg
god, i feel like JAVA is C#'s retarded brother.
The meager attempts at cross platform development on mobile platforms so far have been laughable at best.
@KendallFrey when was that?
This morning.
I wasn't
but I shall scroll up
Yeah, well, I compared using Java to wiping yourself with Teflon.
there are too many good java-related stars
Jun 18 at 20:25, by Travis J
I actually like Java when I want things to run slow and have logic errors.
May 22 at 20:52, by Kendall Frey
Knock knock. Who's there? Long pause... Java.
Trying to get LINQ working all the examples look like this:

public Product GetProduct(int productID)
SomeDBDataContext db = new SomeDBDataContext();
Product product = (from p in db.Products
where p.ProductID == productID
select p).Single();
return product;

but SomeDBDataContext and Product aren't referencing anything... What am I missing? Do I need to create classes for them?
ok done spamming old quotes
If you want a logic error, and one occurs, is there a bug?
damn @KyleTrauberman you have to get some new materials
those are old
Aug 22 at 0:03, by Grixxly
just a guess but I'm fairly certain java blows
@TemporaryNickName See above in relation to java.
"you have to get some new materials. those are old"
Yup I said it
You have to get a new language, Java is old.
Can't we all just get along all together
Not if you advertise Java in this room. Unwritten rule.
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
Java is like wiping yourself with Teflon.
I've got no where else to go because java ppl are all dead
I love that kendall
The rest is almost as good.
and all my friends & collegues are learning C#
Hey, we need to come up with a new theme for comparing languages. Shooting yourself in the foot has been done, wiping has been done, now what?
so i have no friends at uni too

Programming Language Comparisons

yesterday, 8 minutes total – 34 messages, 5 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by Kyle Trauberman

i'm going to continue program in Java
For those of you who haven't watched asdfmovie, my sincere condolences.
What would be a cool name for an OS?
Kinda overused, but got the geek factor.
all commands start with thou shalt
@SpencerRuport lol
Nothing with OS in it, I'm tired of seeing that.
I wish I could take credit for that but some student at my old college came up with it.
How about "Craters"
crashes all the time
That's not the intended behaviour.
I've been lied to!
says who?
This is actually supposed to be a serious (hobby) project.
I thought a performance structure would be cool, like a Pyramid. But then I realized POS
Java & C++ 4ever!
@TemporaryNickName please leave
4ever is a syntax error.
:( i've got no places to go other than here
Well, you don't have to go home!
There's a java room?
and a c++ room.
if you're going to come in here to just bash C# and advertise something else that's off topic, you're unwelcome here.
well, then i will remain as an enemy
good luck with that
u too
and i like ur java jokes
it's pretty funny
@KendallFrey writing your own os?
@KendallFrey "Freyos"
@KyleTrauberman - Yes, on to important discussions. @KendallFrey tell us about this project.
Well, I've done some OS stuff. Got as far as a moving cursor.
in asm?
Wanting to rewrite my existing stuff and maybe get a little farther.
asm and C
Java is the coolest language ever!
No, it's not.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
request access if you want to talk
Um, ok?
hes pissing me off
How do I give someone access to talk?
Is this another temporary lockdown?
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
no, just ignore me
how do we request to talk?
stinks of nadal...
I'm going to leave now - pissed off at other things, and I shouldn't take it out here
yay i can talk now
and yes, he does
Take it easy Kyle
@KyleTrauberman - It's cool man.
Feel better!
@TemporaryNickName If you're going to talk here, it should at least be about C#.
Just add him to the ignore list
Not even worth it.
He's troooollllinnn we haaaatttin.... screw him.... Doesn't want to contribute he can talk to crickets...
he can talk to crickets
he can talk to crickets
no i can't talk to crickets
but i can talk to u guys
i'm here to answer or talk about any java related issues if you guys happen to have any
We don't. Thanks.
That's a lonely world to live in... bye bye...
Here's a few:
How would y'all feel about a C# room FAQ?
@SpencerRuport its [ tag:tagname ]
@KendallFrey yes
COBOL > java :)
lisp > java
look at C++ room's code of conduct
we should have a C# room wiki
I'm down.
I thought that might be a good idea too.
Just so long as we add "Please try to avoid mentioning dependency injection."
I use Java as a door stop. But it has a security flaw and the door opens anyway.
I fart in his general direction... and since I just ate the OMG awful dinner my Dad tried to make I'm armed....
DI is the BOMB... no really it's a bomb that will blow shit up :P
why all the hate on DI?
I love it
I wasn't hating on it.
I'm dropping C# for FORTRANS.
I like the concept, just having a hard time doing it before I can actually learn it
Just whenever it gets mentioned it turns into an hour long discussion.
Tony I made a baseline example of the way I develop MVC apps if you'd like to see it.
dependency injection is the next level of OO programming
DI is just another way to make Java eat more virtual memory
I am going home
What is DI?
oh dependency injection... ok what is that?
is that like heroine?

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