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later travis!
I need help!!!!!!
Ok so I got the VMWare running
But I can't access files on my disk
How can I do so?
the disk on the VM
or the disk on the host machine?
Disk on host machine
try navigating to \\tsclient in explorer
you might need to shut the vm down and share the disks in the vm settings
@Spencer Have to bail, hopefully it's nothing and I'll be right back
@KyleTrauberman Where can I find that?
@LewsTherin im not sure
"The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable sophisticated object-oriented
programming. Objective-C is defined as a small but powerfulset of extensionsto the standard ANSI C language" Lol at "simple"
my first programming code was =SUM(A1,A2)
I felt like a hacker.
Looks like excel
@KyleTrauberman Bookmarked. I expect more than a template by tomorrow.
java sucks!
Welcome to the 21st century.
but im now moved onto javascript
Yeah, you can do way more with that...
js & php & java & c++ 4ever!
I am an idiot. I could have just used gmail!
Or even my usb stick
what happened
In 10 years, any of us that are still C# die-hard fans will be unemployed because there will be something entirely new and more effective to use, just as anyone that is a die-hard ASP or VB guy is now building a 401(k) as a McDonald's assistant manager.
Damn it won't work with gmail. File is too big
google drive
Man if this works I will kiss you <3
Forget about beautiful red heads
is google drive entirely new thing for u
I am ashamed to say it is
Inorite? Google Drive has been around for like, what? 9 months?
well, you guys have skydrive don't u?
it's from microsoft
I don't use it.
I know of skydrive
I can't even remember my password for MS.
do you remember the password for your MS access DB
Google Drive requires Mac OSX 10.6 or later
I am just hitting a brick wall
I only have the sky account to download VWD Express
asp.net will be around foreverrrrr, DONT FILL ME WITH YOUR LIES
and C#, Java c++ languages will be around 4ever as server side languages
C# is a server side language?
Everything is a server side language if it runs on a server.
ye, pretty much what ever can u use it for
face = desk
@RyanJMcGowan - I'm not a die hard c# fan. I'm a die hard "Whatever technology is best" fan.
Right now that's c#
That's the only way to be.
@RyanJMcGowan Why not facepalm?
When someone comes out with a technology that's easier, faster and more powerful you can bet I'll be a huge proponent of that as well.
@KendallFrey Fair enough.
I just don't think of it that way..
Not enough kinetic energy with a palm.
@SpencerRuport me 2 man, i just don't care what language i use for server-side as long as it costs less to maintain and runs on linux
pretty soon they'll make it so easy that any high school drop out can make efficient well scalable applications, and we'll all be out of a job
@LewsTherin C# and ASP.Net are the same. You can code ASP.Net in C# or VB. ASP.Net is not a language. Just a framework.
it's just like PHP
isn't it?
also u can host web services
Classic ASP is like PHP
C# is compiled.
@RyanJMcGowan They are not the same.
ASP uses C#
ASP is a language. And it's out of date
ASP is a scripting language
I love coffee and I love tea, I love java, java hava java hava =) i just made this song
This upload is taking forever
i think temporary nickname is either outlaw or nadel
that's just your upload speed. Nothing you can do about that. Unless you live in Kansas city.
@TemporaryNickName signal / noise < 0.01
@Steve Oh not the reaction I was expecting then
How disappointing
They should stop calling it ASP.Net. I think there's too much confusion by calling it that. They should have renamed it WebNet or something entirely different. ASP.Net makes it sound like it's just ASP 2.0.
who's confused by it?
ASP is to ASP.NET as a bicycle is to an airplane.
Non .Net programmers like Lews
Yeah everyone I know calls old ASP "Classic ASP" and now whenever people say ASP everyone assumes they mean ASP.Net
Two totally different ways to do the same thing.
Who care's about how its called, they are just same sort of server-side languages. Just pick random one
Absolutely not.
yeah, so people rather pick JSP/ servlet
ASP.Net is compiled and you can use it to make desktop applications. It's more like using C++ than using PHP.
It's like saying Java and PHP are pretty much the same.
They aren't anymore the same than ASP and ASP.Net
so asp.net is for c++
can u use asp.net in c++?
are u sure?
technically, yes if you have a compiler.
but you don't get intellisense and all that.
what serverside framework out there for c++
when you run an ASP.Net site, you aren't running scripts. You're actually running compiled binary instructions. So as long as you have a compiler, you can run it on .Net.
yeah, it's same in Servlet
OK, yeah... Servlet looks like it's the web part of the .Net framework.
But now imagine there's a "Servlet" framework for more than just web.
what's that
the framework is just a set of classes
yeah i know
same as servlet, right?
but can ASP.NET do more than servlet and JSP
But Servlet doesn't expand beyond the web, right?
yeah i guess
what are you trying to tell me next
.Net has namespaces like System.Drawing for creating 2D graphics in desktop applications. System.Threading, System.Speech, Windows Presentation Foundation namespaces, etc.
omg that's so awesome tell me more
Well, you say it doesn't matter what kind of server-side language, right? I'm just saying there's a difference between C# and others because C# is a much more powerful application-type programming adopted to web.
i see
i'm fan of using those non-c# languages :(
for server
Which is fine. But on any platform, I think developers need to stay on the front of the wave. So PHP guys should keep learning something new, because PHP won't be a big deal 5 or 10 years from now. It's a scripting language. It's not going to last as OOP languages take over the web.
I don't think ALL programmers SHOULD be C-type programmers.
Well in 10 years of time, there should be a better technology came out to replace C#
most likely.
I hope won't be one from MS again
There will probably be an open source variant of C# coming along in a few years.
then I'm certainly going to become a C# fan-boy
f the java!
I'm fairly new to programming, but it seems to me all languages are converging into C-style. Java looks like C# a lot more than VB does.
I think that makes it much easier to learn other languages
no matter what, I think C or C++ is fundamental for all programmers
lol why
Apple product feel like a prison
I feel like cursing those f*ckers
i don't like java
first language i learned was pascal
and I'm now learning c# for xna games
just broke my computer and fixed it with scotch tape and a wad of paper
im so crafty
Take that, Blue Screen of Death!
So I think I just about got my LINQ linked. Now how do I access the record?

var result = (from c in query
where c.Email == userName
select c).ToList<NCCUser>();

I want to access result.*property*
I guess I should ask, how do I access a list item?
@RyanJMcGowan That gives you a list of NCCUsers
you can do something like result.First() to get the first item
then result.First().Property
or you can do result.Where(r => r.Property == "some value") to filter it
or result.Single(r => r.Property == "some value") to do the same filter if you only expect one result
or you can use the same type of linq query (from x in result select x) that you used to produce the list
I have where c.Email == userName
so it should give me one record
not if you use ToList
it will give you a list with one record
use .Single() instead
var result = (from c in query
where c.Email == userName
select c).Single();

var prop = result.Property;
ahh that didn't come up in the intellisense list for some reason. But now I see the properties
I'm gonna have to continue tomorrow. Isn't LINQ supposed to be simple??
@KendallFrey I'm not going to build the wiki! Its a team effort!
I'm going to B&N and bury my nose in a LINQ book
\tSystem.Data.Entity.Edm.EdmEntityType: : EntityType 'NCCUser' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.
add [Key] attribute to the primary key in NCCUser
if you're using code first, that is
now, "code first" means that the database is built from code? Because I have an existing db.
then you're doing database first
if the code came first, its code first
yeah so database first
did you write the class for 'NCCUser'?
or was it auto generated?
yeah, just a list of properties.
I made it
then try adding [Key] to the primary key field
intellisense isn't liking that
public class NCCUser
public string UserID { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string userSalutation { get; set; }
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
public bool likeAccessories { get; set; }
I'll try tomorrow. When I have a clear head.
public class NCCUser
public string UserID { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string userSalutation { get; set; }
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
public bool likeAccessories { get; set; }
2 hours later…
i have a list of object and i want to find minimum from it
i tried Contractor _contractorBID = tempList.Min(ex => ex.BIDAmount);
that will return the minimum value of BIDAmount
you want
Contractor _ContractorBID = tempList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.BIDAmount == tempList.Min(ex => ex.BIDAmount));
that will return the contractor object with the minimum bid amount
thanks a alot
i trying from last 2 hours
casting probulam
i got list<T>

list.add(new class{id=0, name ="item1"});
list.add(new class{id=1, name ="item2"});
list.add(new class{id=2, name ="item3"});
list.add(new class{id=3, name ="item4"});

and on page load i showed data in Repeater...

now i want to remove one item from list and show agian on repeater, it also remain same when i am doing refrersh my page

how could i do that?
@KyleTrauberman A explicit conversion exists (are u missing a cast?)
@kapil I updated the code:
Contractor _ContractorBID = tempList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.BIDAmount == tempList.Min(ex => ex.BIDAmount));
upvote ur all answers
please don't do that
the system will just reverse the votes anyways
1 hour later…
Is anyBody In the House ?? knock knock ??? :O
I need Help ..my car tyre got burst out ..and i m surrounded by vampires ...plz help let me in
KNOCK KNOCK - Who's there? - long pause - Java
KNOCK KNOCK - Who's there? - C
KNOCK KNOCK - Assembler! - Who's there?
me me
in there
u deR?
panic ??? help me if u knw about Sql Server and c# code :p
@yas4891 u der ?
Yeah... I know about both of them
one is a database engine and the other one is a programming language
actually i am restoring database by my c# code in the app
here is my code
SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection("server=.\\SQLExpress;Persist Security Info= True;integrated security=True;Trusted_Connection=Yes");
SqlCommand cd = new SqlCommand("ALTER DATABASE Society_security_database SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE", c);
cd = new SqlCommand("RESTORE DATABASE Society_security_database FROM DISK = '" + path + "' WITH REPLACE", c);
cd = new SqlCommand("ALTER DATABASE Society_security_database SET MULTI_USER", c);
But when database restoration fails abnormally
it left the database in single user mode ..
after then connection problem occurs
how to handle .and change database to multiuser
evertime when it fails
to restore
What have you tried?
I tried first to change the databse to single user mode
then restored databse
and finally set it to multiuser'
You are describing what you are trying to do - right?
but when restoration fails last query do not execute
My question is: "What have you tried to solve the problem?"
i just want my last query to execute everytime when datase restore fails or not
this query from ssms wait
That's what you want
exec sp_dboption 'Society_security_database', 'single user', 'FALSE'
But: What have you tried to make it work?
this query makes it to multiuser again
@yas489 u got my problem ?
@Aradhaya.Kansal I understand your problem. You fail to answer my question: What have you tried to make it work?
see ..i dont know how to resolve it ,dat's the thing m asking
ijust want my database to change it to multiuser after evert database restoration
Just this thing
forget all
database restoration fails or completed successfully ..i want it finally in multiuser mode
That's OK. We all want just something to actually work. You should still be able to answer that one question. That's the bare minimum for an engineer
God Bless u my friend ..i ll google it tx neZ
1 hour later…
Hi all. Quick question: what indexed properties (Reflection)? Are they what I think they are: a properties that can be accessed by an index? E.g. int[]?
hey all
@johnnyturbo3 Yes, they are properties that can be accessed by an index, but the index does not have to be an integer, it can be a string as well
{ //empty }
if(another condition)
they behave somewhere methods and properties
can I do above code any efficiently ? anyone :)
@tereško, yeah, extract a method :)
extract a method, never heard of that :L
are all code same or all code different?
different Looooooooooooooooool, I am hacing problem with If else statement :L
There is nothing more efficient than simple if/else statements for simple conditions.
but I am using an empty "else" doesn't sounds great to me
That doesn't matter.
The conditions is evaluated once in the if, and when true, it uses that block, when not, it uses your else. There's no performance impact there.
hmm, thanks :)
@SWeko Cheers
anyone came accross this error before

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
Just updated SSL certificate but still getting error
Hi all guys!
Who did work with Silverlight?
I did a while back.
I want to do the next:

- don' use explicity xaml-files in my project

- generate xaml files dynamically from C# code with Initialize method and the code, which generates in hidden files *.i.cs , when you develop SL application

- add XAML code simply to the System.String type, read XAML from this string and serialize it as XAML-scene in runtime.

- I want not to use explicity XAML files in SL-project

Is it possible or not?
I never tried, but it seems like a roundabout way to do things.
"roundabout" , sorry for my English, I didn't understand the meaning of this word.
It seems like an overly complicated/complex way to do something that is supposed to be simple.
@RoelvanUden it's simple for WPF, but not for Silverlight :( which is pity
i got a pretty piece of code to get all the sessions used from link stackoverflow.com/questions/8854176/…
is it possible to retrieve the sessionid of each session?
1 hour later…
Good morning.
can somebody help me with silvelrlight uploader issues
i am using silverlight uploader from codeplex
so who is all active in this chat
does anyone know about user controls?
WPF? WinForms?
And what's the question?
What to find out, if I am drawing my own graphics
Where must I put the code, to draw the graphics. To I can see it in design time
Then perhaps a user control per se isn't the best option. It's better to inherit directly from Control
Ok why would you say that?
A user control is designed to be one control that encapsulates several child controls, for example, a calendar.
I see
That extra panel style stuff isn't necessary if you're drawing it yourself.
ok, can you do hit testing with Control?
Is this custom control going to have several child controls, or will it be just one control?
No it will not have child controls, but it must only do hit testing on the graphics, not the full control
if you understand me
Here's an article about User-Drawn Controls.
I'm sure you can do hit testing, but I don't know how easy it is.
Ok well thanks
I haven't seen any way to do hit testing automatically. You can check mouse events manually for hit testing.
GraphicsPath class is a great way to do hit testing
that I know of
now that I am thinking of it
is it possible to animate your control?
In Winforms everything is possible
Ok, I like the sound of that
david you just like to troll ;)
but I can't even begin to imagen how to do it?
btw good winforms faq

check GDI+
It's possible, but very hard and annoying.
why annoying?
true ;)
If you want to do fancy graphics, consider using WPF, which has built-in support for animations.
mmmm.... sound like a good idea
WPF = slower performance
that not good
I need performance
Also, in WPF, you almost never need to write drawing code per se, since you can manipulate shpes in the content model.
It depends on your users hardware
not the best
WPF is faster on any modern system.
what specs we looking out?
define modern system :)
It uses hardware acceleration
...if possible
so they need to at least have a graphic card
A modern system would be one that supports WPF fully.
They need a graphics card to be able to run WPF smoothly. WPF can render without.
If you have a lot of graphics, don't expect real good performance with WPF.
I was considering WPF, but I never used it, so not sure
That's also true for WinForms, BTW.
There is gonna be a lot of graphics
It all depends on your users hardware
I can almost guarantee animations are gonna look like crap in WinForms.
If you don't know how to do it, yes
I guess that is true
What's all this graphics stuff for, anyway?
Is there a reason why standard controls don't do the job?
I am making an application that draws tree like structures
and I want the user to click and interact with the nodes in the structurer
So its graphically rich
I think WPF is definitely the way to go.
@DavidDV has nothing to do with knowing how to do it, wpf uses directx, where winforms uses a technology thats old as shit
How do you think WPF can help me?
@Steve simple 2D animation doesn't need hardware acceleration in winforms
It supports animation, hit testing, and will greatly reduce the amount of drawing code you need.
doesn't need
so it can render the tree structure faster?
@TravisJ why would they trust a competitor with their data?
you dont need to make websites using css either, tables work just fine
@ZioN It will if you have a graphics card. If not, I'm guessing it's a toss-up.
so they need to have the hardware
and then check performance
just because you dont need to doesn't mean you shouldn't
@Steve If I need to maintain a website that you create in 2012 using just tables, I will come hit you with a waffle bat
@Steve you don't need WPF to do simple animations
it all depends on user-hardware
not a wiffle bat, a waffle bat
@DavidDV what is this link you gave me for?
Its a diagram editor in WPF

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