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LINQ with SQL. All the examples I find go to an MDF file.
`DataContext db = new DataContext(@"c:\Northwnd.mdf");`
My database is SQL
DataContext db = new DataContext(@"connection string"); ??
guys, Anyone can help me to solve my problem? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/15242/…
Not familiar with matlab. Can you psuedo your algorithm?
We can analyze time complexity that way too.
If anyone has used Google Checkout before...
Q: Using Google Checkout in ASP.Net

Scott SelbyOk, my site has 3 check out options - our credit cards processing , PayPal , and Google Checkout, I handle the first two by processing the request then redirecting the user to a Receipt page to display a printable ticket and show details of the transaction. This seems very hard to implement with...

ouh, which group has people know about matlab yah? @TravisJ
I has tried to find it but I cannot find it...
You got me, I am not sure. Perhaps if you try math.stackexchange.com
@TravisJ thanks you so much
anyone ... google checkout..... anyone...
i upvoted
thats all i got
thats cool , thanks
Do I have to put a label with my EditorFor or is there an override that will tell it what text to put next to it?
You can override it. It is called html. :P
<div>EDIT THIS!</div><div>@EditorFor(m => m.field)</div>
2 upvotes ! movin on up
I need to get my 250 rep points back I lost on a bounty for a question that never got answered
Kendall - an image for anything
A picture is worth a thousand words. A meme is priceless.
yea - that call back URL has to be programmed to always listen for responses sent from Google - google will keep sending them untill you you respond confirming you recieved it - but with PayPal it's alot easier - you give a them a success url and a failure url to redirect to
1) Go to your Google checkout account and Open the settings. In the settings>>Profile you can find a field with name "Public business website:" provide your return URL there.

2) The second method is , You can pass the value to Google Checkout with the HTML form as a hidden variable.

<input name="continue_shopping_url" type="hidden" value="http://www.yousite.com/payment_success.php">


Set a function as below
function SetContinueShoppingUrl($url) {
booooo php
I'll give that a try - thanks Tony or @Grixxly - what ever your real name is
So I'm not the only one who remembers names.
he's trying to go incognito as C# developer and not a dba , so I stop asking him sql questions - but it doesn;t work
Looks like I;m not the only one that can;t type properly. :)
Am I the only one with the day-after-the-day-after-Labour-Day blues?
yes- you are the one and only
damn - you ever search SO , find the answer you want right away , then can never seem to find that same answer again?
and I found it so easy , felt there was no need to bookmark
See above image.
and their all grey - visited links , because I opened them all looking for the original answer
I need to format the layout of a data entry form but tables are bad?
forms = bad
@ScottSelby That's what favorites are for
forms == ok, tables == bad
I ment tables
I don't even know why I wrote forms
if (needToBookmark == 0)
needToFavourite = 0;
you weren't even talking about forms
I made a habit to favoriting any question that helps me
tables === bad. even their type sucks :P
tables suck
@SWeko Change that to upvoting.
css3 == good
divs , divs , and more divs
Yeah, but I upvote lots of questions, could not find it that way
But honestly, don't you think that tables get a bad rep?
div div div, span, div div div
I need to arrange the fields to a similar look as the current paper form so the user doesn't get scared/confused :)
tables get a bad rap for being bad
@TravisJ lol
This is how HTML looks to the untrained eye: div div div div div div div div div
when you are using them to do other things than displaying tables
<rant> for effs sake, the name of the tag is "table", it should be used for displaying tables
of course it does stupid things when you are using it to center text or display an image
I actually do use tables, but only when I am displaying a database table for a db administrator to have a look at with a nice gui
@RyanJMcGowan Agreed.
and now for something you will really enjoy! youtube.com/watch?v=sQ3IhaaQkRA
Also, doing e-mail blasts are safer doing the layout in a table.
And yet I see so many "tables" made with lots o' divs and spans and css and whatnot
<vote to open rant>
I can't stand when tables position elements incorrectly in different environments
that is the main reason I switched to divs
HTML is a text-based language. Whoever wanted to do block layout with it was nuts.
What I really hate seeing is:
<div align="center"><table width="80%">
:) That's neither here nor there :)
[ctrl][A] - [delete]
How do I search for a person on SO?
this is getting annoying , but I know who answered the question I need
haha - showed how much effort I put into that question before asking
t-home.mk <-- example of <div><table> design
So I thought I was saving myself some work. I automated the display of my serialized view model. And everything came out looking perfect. Styles, spacing, coloring. Then I noticed that nothing was logically grouped.
What the hell is Macedonian ?
that page loads slow
thank you table calculator
A language we speak in Macedonia :)
(and yes, apparently we have internet and mobiles as well)
@TravisJ of course it loads slow, it needs to load in full before it displays, because of the tables
not to mention it has interlaced scripts that run while the page is loading and not after
what a mess
ha - I just found the code I've been looking for all over the internet - I already downloaded it
@KendallFrey - Got something for you.
Do they have programming languages that aren't english based?
I know air traffic control in the whole world is always english
@ScottSelby brainfuck, for starters
@SpencerRuport ?
@ScottSelby whitespace is also pretty language independent
@KendallFrey - that looks like you'd need a program just to parse and read that code
@ScottSelby Just like any code, duh!
brainfuck is a heck of a lot simpler than C#.
@SpencerRuport WTF is that room?
@KendallFrey - Didn't want to announce the URL to everyone.
You can leave it now if you want.
Not sure what's so special about this thing.
k then don't worry about it.
Sup Steve
steve, did you bind that repository to your controller in the composition root?
is that done in the global.asax page?
i dont know what composition root is
it is where the binding is done for ninject
oh yeah
binding is usually referred to the composition root for Dependency Injection because that is where all the dependencies are composed.
thats where i commented out the moq and replaced the ToConstant(mock.Object)
with .To<IProductRepository>(); or something like that, i'm not looking at it right now
personally, I can't stand DI
You want to see some epic MVC 3 code?
yes please
IoC vs DI, discuss
inversion of control is done with dependency injection
the stored procedures.
can you tell whose code that is Spencer?
or is that not what you were looking at
Yeah that's what I'm looking at.
Is that Tony's project?
DataContext db = new DataContext(connString);
Table<NCCUser> NCCUsers = db.GetTable<NCCUser>();

*A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'NCC.admin.UserDb.db'*

What do?
@TravisJ - I made a baseline example app that shows how I typically write ASP.Net MVC apps if you're interested.
Anyone? DataContext is straight from the framework. Why does it give me that error?
@RyanJMcGowan MSDN?
Travis once you run it
In the browser hit the tilde key
not sure I want to run it quite yet :P
afraid of teh hax, you wouldn't winfect my dev machine though right? ;)
@LewsTherin That's where I am pulling code from.
haha fair enough.
hey, anyone use bit.ly ?
posted on September 05, 2012 by Scott Hanselman

I was trying to write a blog post about something totally different and was using this small EntityFramework 5 Code First model: public class TouristAttraction { public int TouristAttractionId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public DbGeography Location { get; set; } } You'll notice I'm using the DbGeography spatial type with Latitude and Longitude. This suppor

@RyanJMcGowan So what's the error?
for testing ?
"A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'NCC.admin.UserDb.db"
@ScottSelby I use it
well used to.
@RyanJMcGowan is GetTable static or db rather?
I got one of those pages bloking me from going there because malware was found , you think that is just becasue of people that use bit.ly to do shady things ?
the whole site can't be bad...
No. Do I need to create an override to do that?
Shouldn't it work out of the box?
Is UserDB your class?
Oh I see
Do that in the constructor.
I have never bothered to research why that happens, anyone know why?
i jus slept sitting up in my chair for like 20 minutes, woooo
public class SomeClass
DataContext db = new DataContext(connString);
Table<NCCUser> NCCUsers
NCCUsers= db.GetTable<NCCUser>();
boss didn't notice, go me!
we have a mod lurking us
When I create a FileStream using a D:\ path my code works. When I switch the path to \\SERVER\folder I get Access denied. Is .NET using a different account for UNC paths?
@LewsTherin Thanks
@SpencerRuport - What kind of feedback were you looking for? Have you considered non js users? I like the extra work you put into global.asax for error logging.
@RyanJMcGowan Glad to help
@rg89 Permissions? Usually the root of all evil.
@lews, I'm sure it's permissions. Local Network Service account has write. When using the UNC path, is it a different account?
I don't know what account needs the write permission since I already gave it to Network Service.
@rg89 It uses windows authentication when you link to a network drive.
@ryanjm the drive is local, I'd love to use the UNC path in case some day it isn't.
@ryanjm and I'm not sure what you mean by windows authentication. Isn't the whole server using windows?
my app pool identity is Network Service
@TravisJ - Well I mostly write internal apps so there aren't any non-js users. But I wasn't looking for any particular feedback. Just any thoughts you felt like sharing.
When you log on to your computer with the user name and password at log on, that's windows authentication.
Right now I don't work with anyone who'd really understand what they're looking at if I showed them this so I figured I'd show some people in here.
@ryanjm ok, thanks. So when my .NET app creates a filestream using a UNC path I have to provide a different account somehow? Like .NET impersonation?
@Steve Did you ad the ninject line in the AddBindings()?
@SpencerRuport - Looks pretty well designed to me. No offense, but I don't really run foreign code on this computer. So I can't see it run at the moment.
I think there's a config value somewhere you can change to use your windows logon
Oh no worries. I can understand that :)
The tilde key brings down a console window not unlike doom, unreal, half life etc. I always get a kick out of using it.
Also it uses a challenge response scheme to authenticate instead of sending the password in plain text.
I normally instantiate my classes as ClassName clsName = new ClassName();
It makes me feel so bad when I'm obligated to write as ClassName ClsName = new ClassName();
I have played those, and so I traced around for the console keypress in your js code :)
var clsName = new ClassName()?
I don't like using var ._.
Force of habit..
this would be a bad habit:
dynamic clsName;
clsName = (ClassName)clsName;
picks nose
bad timing
I typed two lines of code before you could pick your nose ;)
it was deep
And chewy?
no. kinda salty though.
@Grixxly yes
i need to go check the access modifiers
maybe i forgot to put a public somewhere or something
Back to school tomorrow :(
i'm pretty sure i didn't though, i usually follow books word for word, i even write down the same comments they have
@KianMayne :(
21st for me :(
Which means unemployed :(
Did you check the errata at APress?
Haha suckers
I might go back to school in 2 years
@KendallFrey BIATCH
I heard I don't need to go into the office next week.
the what?
@LewsTherin botched
Good one.
@kush I no rite.
The errata (mistakes they found after they printed the book) :)
oh no i didn't, i'll do that
thanks so much for helping out btw, i really appeciate it :)
Errata: "sorry for using DI, it was a huge mistake!"
@Steve np... I seem to remember there was something wrong with that section but I'm not sure. I've slept since then
i dont know where its actually populating my model from EF, and i think that might be the issue, i don't think i skipped over anything but i'll have to quadruple check
@Steve - Put in a breakpoint at the point where the repository is supposed to be live in your controller, and inspect it. See if everything is proper in there
You've got your EF repository and your EF db context in concrete right?
Made sure your efdbcontect has the correct table name?
You can also bypass the DI and see if the binding isnt working but the repo is by manually instantiating a copy of the repository
and then setting a breakpoint there to see if it is proper
@TravisJ okay i will, i wasn't sure where the hell to put a breakpoint at considering i have no idea whats going on in the app lol
@Steve - put it in the first line of the action method, and then just hover over the controller's global repo, it should be instantiated at that point
yeah i'll do that when i get off of work
@TravisJ - So who's code is this on google code?
stack overflows
oh gotcha.
A little birdy showed it to me once
it says right in it lol
namespace StackExchange.DataExplorer.Models.StackEntities {
is leaving work 15 minutes early wrong
you don't think i'll get fired over it do you?
not if you clock out early
Didn't you just say you were asleep for 20 minutes?
but if i say i worked 7 hours today and i really only worked 645 i'll get fired?
@Steve - There's no way we could know that. Every company is different.
lol well yeah, but they can't see my eyes
...and now you're leaving early...
If you worked 645 hours in a day, I reckon they'd be pretty surprised
im magical
this is an internship and even if they offer me a job after it ends i'm not staying
To boldly waste company resources like no employee has before.
i'm gonig to move to hollywood and be a star
A programming super star.
Like Clark Kent, if he never changed clothes.
i'm used to the military where i try to find the limitations and get away with as much as possible
I've seen what happens to people who try to make it in hollywood. There are millions of them. And only 2% get through. Only 1% of the 20,000 that make it actually make enough money to keep doing it.
which is hard to break, and its not a good habit to have in the civilian world
I only know a few actors, and only one made it big. Now he's broke.
the others were always broke.
Want to move to hollywood and be a star? Write an app that all the stars use. Then you can move there and have stable income and they will all know you.
i could always turn to... nvm, not SO appropriate
dang, i wish there was an 18 age limit haha
Think longer term.
I'm regsitering it stat
then why did u post it in chat lol
i beat you to it ;)
lol i'm going home
thanks for the chat, i'll get back on and let you know how that mvc thing works out
j/k :P

 Administrative Contact:
    ciocan, cristian  [email protected]
    108 -25 72nd av
    forrest hill, NY 11375
 Technical Contact:
    Administrator, Domain  [email protected]
    70 Blanchard Road
    Burlington, MA 01803
    +1.8885114678    Fax: +1.7812726550
actormayhem.com is taken,
but actormayhem.co is available!
@steve - sounds good
@Steve Well OutlawLemur is banned, so do we still have our PG level censorship here?
"internet.com is available." Well I'll be damned... I guess it was so obvious, no one ever thought it was even worth checking.
@RyanJMcGowan Really? I thought I had checked.
Finders keepers
It doesn't look available.
Does this mean I literally won the internet?
@TravisJ what do you mean I didn't need to print out the 20k page manual for everyone in the team?
Network solutions says it's not available.
gullible.com is available too!
I'd trust them over whoever you're looking at.
@SpencerRuport Maybe Ryan checked it with GoDaddy and now it parked it
I'm not gullible @RyanJMcGowan that's why I looked. :P
@RyanJMcGowan You are a very mean person. The boy who cried Internet.com is available
checking wolf.com
@kush - Technically, you should have printed them two so they had a backup.
@RyanJMcGowan also check die or fall of the edge of the earth . org
@TravisJ and then fax them both copies.
@kush Taken
@RyanJMcGowan haha If you faxed it to me, how do you still have it?
How do I create an attribute that has that magic 'named properties' in its constructor that I sometimes see in existing attributes?
I remember once we had a secretary named Natalie. At the time we were getting complaints that our clients were receiving blank faxes. We asked Natalie about it, and she showed us the forms she faxed. All of them marked up in highlighter.
Did anyone try googling it?
googling what?
all of the ones i listed are untaken
this one is a keeper:

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