The biggest difference in the controllers is I have a regular home controller that is... well a home controller. Three home controllers use a repository to store manipulate my inspection codes. The one controller that doesn't work is the one that uses a different model. The waterqualityinformation one :( I'm so frustrated
IController doesn't compile. Go to bed :P I'm burned out trying to get this to work today anyway. Going to go blow up some tanks in my game then read. Thanks for your help!!!!
Error 1 'PoolSpaInspections.WebUI.Controllers.WaterQualityInfoController' does not implement interface member 'System.Web.Mvc.IController.Execute(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext)' C:\Users\aharmon\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\HealthDepartment\PoolSpaInspections.WebUI\Controllers\WaterQualityInformationController.cs 13 18 PoolSpaInspections.WebUI
I have built a little C# application that allows visualization of perpective transformations with a matrix, in 2D XYW space. Now I would like to be able to calculate the matrix from the four corners of the transformed square. Here is a screenshot to help you understand what I am working with:
If they use that word to word then yes. We are allowed to use some aspects of the code where there are no alternative as in the conditions etc. But people who have not done any work for that part may use your code. I know 2 people who were using it.
you part was only worth 20 marks
the proxy stuff is the rest
i dont want to post it where people can see it because it took me days
but its okay. Thanks for helping me for the first part. Really did appreciate it.
theres really no way to do that for this case. 400 lines of code (most of it provided by our lecturer) so only need to check why POST, OPTIONS etc methods are printing extra lines
so why is it printing extra lines? I mean you want somebody to look over 400 lines of code to find a bug, it seems like you haven't done enough work to find the bug if you can't recreate it in a simple example, as in you didn't debug enough using the tool, and you waited until the last minute to try to get it to work
people here are extremely helpful, if you can narrow down what the problem is you'll get better help, but I don't think anybody on this site will spend a couple hours looking through 400 lines of code for a bug
why did you listen to paulik and not me :( i said "ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"] " System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader thats what we are told to use... sad now